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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 9

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Sam shook Drake and tried to get him to acknowledge that he had heard her.


  “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Yes, please continue on.”

  “Ok, here is the list of safe words that the women wrote down. If you are doing any crazy sex events please remember these words. You don’t want anyone to feel unsafe. If they say their word you have to stop.”

  “Safe words Sam, really? That’s not my kind of thing and you know it.”

  “It's just in case. Keep these around.”

  “Ok, what else? What other rules do you have?” Drake seemed amused by Sam and all her rules for him during the game.

  He knew she knew him better than to think he would stick to some rules that were set out for him. Drake liked to do things his own way, it was better for everyone that way. Although, he did think that Sam was adorable as she talked so seriously about this week of fun he had planned.

  Of course, Drake hoped he would find a woman that he could have a relationship with. Drake wasn’t holding his breath though. It would take a pretty amazing woman to keep his attention for more than a day or two.

  “No date can last longer than twenty-four hours. Please make sure you stick to that schedule. They can last less than that, but not more.”

  “Understood, Captain. Anything else?”

  “You need to make an effort to spend time with each of the women at some point on each day. You can do that over meals, a party, some sort of sex game. Pretty much whatever you decide, but please make sure you are interacting with everyone. We want all the women to feel like they had an equal chance with you.”

  “Oh, I choose sex games. Alright, is there anything else?”

  Sam could tell that Drake was getting tired of talking about the rules and they would need to move on soon. She didn’t feel totally confident that Drake had actually listened to her at all while she discussed the rules, but hopefully he did. His rules were pretty straight forward and Sam thought Drake wouldn’t have a problem following them.

  “You should start thinking about the games and other activities you want to do with the women. I suspect you will get bored in the house very quickly if you don’t think of a lot of really fun games to play.”

  “Sex games?” Drake asked with a sly smile.

  “Of course, all of the women are prepared to play and have fun throughout there week with you. You could do other things to get to know them also. Like ask them questions. Go for walks. Maybe even jump in the pool for a bit.”

  “I can’t wait to fuck them all. This is going to be a great week.”

  There was something about the arrogance in Drakes voice that made Sam angry. She tried to hold it in but that only lasted about thirty seconds before she exploded.

  “Drake! This week is about you finding a woman you can marry. Let’s worry less about the sex and more about their personalities.”

  “Can I look at both their personality and the sex I have with them?”

  Sam couldn’t take another minute with Drake. She stormed off downstairs to talk with the cook that was making the lunch meal. Sam couldn’t waste another moment on trying to get Drake to have actual feelings about any of the women. All she could hope for was that he had actually listened to her during their conversation.

  Chapter 18

  At noon the group of seven women arrived at the house escorted by Robert. He brought them into the main living room and had them all sit down while he went to talk with Sam and Drake.

  “This is so fucking exciting!” Drake said as he jumped up and down to get rid of some of his excess energy.

  “We worked really hard to find you an outstanding group of women. We've gathered the best of the best here, Drake. Don’t fuck it up.” Robert shoved Drake jokingly.

  Robert knew that Drake was notorious for messing up his dates with good women by sleeping with them. But this week long game was totally unique and seemed perfect for Drakes personality. He really was supposed to spend the week fucking these women and having fun. There wasn’t much that Drake could mess up about this weekend.

  “So how should we do this? Do you want to meet them all at once or would you prefer that I bring them in one at a time?” Sam didn’t have a preference; she just wanted to get things moving.

  “I’d like to just go out there and visit with all the women for now. Perhaps have some small group conversations. What do you think about that?”

  “Sounds good. Let’s get everyone a glass of wine and we can get started. How long do you want Robert and me to stick around for?”

  At Sam’s words Drake stopped dead in his tracks. Suddenly he realized that Sam and Robert had not planned on coming to his house to help Drake get to know these women. Sam and Robert were going to leave Drake with the seven women and then leave. He didn’t like that plan at all.

  “I really think one of you should come each day to help ease some of the tension and coordinate an event or something.” Drake smiled as he poured a very large glass of wine for himself.

  “Drake, the purpose of this was so you could have an uninhibited weekend alone with the women. I don’t think it would help anything to have Robert or me here every day.”

  Drake looked a little lost as he waited for Robert to offer to come over each day. He looked at Robert and then looked at Sam; one of them had to come.

  “I need to have one of you here for at least a little bit each day.”

  There was a definite tone in his voice that Robert and Sam knew meant that he wasn’t going to waiver on his decision. Neither of them liked the idea of having to come to the house during his little competition though.

  “We will take turns, but we are not staying for long. How about each day we will come over in the morning to help get things going for the day? Will that work for you?” Robert suggested.

  “Yes, I think that will work great. Sam I’ll call you throughout the day if I need anything else.”

  Drake always seemed to ruin any possibility that Sam or Robert would get to take a real vacation. They had both thought the week of his game would make the perfect opportunity for them to relax. Unfortunately, Drake seemed allergic to allowing Sam or Robert actual time off of work.

  “Let’s get this party started. I know the women are very excited to meet you and discuss the week ahead of them.” Robert grabbed two bottles of wine and walked toward the main room.

  As Robert went around and poured some wine for the women, Sam stood in front of the room and introduced Drake to the group of women.

  “You all know who this is…” Sam paused as the women all cheered. “Drake Leblanc has been my boss for over five years and I know him better than anyone. I know that he is ready for love and that’s why he is doing this game. Although it is going to be a fun and exciting week, it will also serve a purpose. At the end of this week Drake hopes to have found the woman he will marry.”

  Sam motioned for Drake to step forward and again the room erupted in cheers and applause. The women sure were excited to see Drake. It was fun to watch them try to be calm but then explode with excitement when Drake stepped forward.

  “Hello, ladies. I am excited to meet you. I can’t wait to have fun this week and do all the wild and crazy stuff that we have all fantasized about. You are all extremely beautiful and I have to thank you for taking the time out of your schedules to be here with me. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  The women all smiled at Drake and looked at him with longing. It was thrilling for them to be there and they all wanted a chance to talk with him individually before the night ended. A conversation with Drake would be their best opportunity to let him get to know who they were.

  “Let’s mingle a little bit and then Drake will pull each of you aside to talk with you just a little bit. He will walk you to your room and your luggage should all be ready for you. After you get to your rooms you will have until six o’clock to relax and get ready for dinner.” Sam said as she read the schedule
she had made for the women.

  Robert handed out the tentative schedule to everyone and then he packed up his things to head home. He had spent most of the last week trying to get ready for the weeklong event. Robert really needed to get home to his family.

  As the women and Drake got started socializing, Robert said his goodbyes to Drake and Sam.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow morning if that works for everyone. About nine o’clock work for you Drake?”

  “Yes Robert, just come wake me up if I’m not awake.”

  Sam and Drake turned back to the crowd of women as the women talked amongst themselves. Many of them were in obvious thought as they tried to get together what they wanted to say to Drake when it was their turn with him.

  “Do you think I’ll find my wife out of these women Sam?” Drake asked.

  “Yes, I do. All seven of these women are unique, beautiful and intelligent. I think you will have a really hard time making any sort of decision at all about them.”

  “Well here goes nothing. Wish me luck”, Drake winked at Sam and then went over to talk with a group of women who were together.

  Drake took his time and pulled each woman aside to talk to her for a little bit and then walk her to her room. He was a gentleman and tried to remember the details that each woman told him about her life. It was very difficult to remember each of the women and the task of remembering details about their life was even harder.

  “I’m Victoria,” she said as Drake walked her to her room.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Tell me a little about yourself.”

  Drake liked Victoria already. She was quiet and seemed very well educated. He of course, also really liked her tight little body. She had on a skin tight black dress that showed off her ass and made Drake crazy thinking about fucking her later in the week.

  “I’m twenty-six years old. I teach history at Harvard. I’m much wilder than that sounds though,” Victoria laughed and her face turned bright red.

  “I think we will have to test out your wild side while you are here.”

  Drake kissed Victoria on the cheek and went downstairs to get another of the women and walk her to her room.

  “Who else is ready to go to see their room,” Drake joked as he walked into the living room.

  “Yes, sir. I’m ready,” Emily said as she stood up.

  “Hello there young lady, you look magnificent,” Drake said as they started to walk up the stairs.

  “Hi, I’m Emily.”

  Emily instantly became shy and couldn’t look up at Drake at all. She kept her eyes on the ground as they walked down the hall toward her room.

  “It’s nice to meet you Emily,” Drake said as he stopped in the hallway.

  Emily tried to look up at him but could only glance for a second. She just couldn’t believe she was standing there with Drake Leblanc.

  “You too,” she whispered.

  “Young lady,” Drake said as he tilted her chin up into the air. “You are going to have to look at me if we are going to spend the week together.”

  He held her chin up so she was forced to look at him, but her eyes kept looking away.

  “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “You are sweet as hell. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  Emily looked down and Drake pulled her face back up. He grabbed her face on either side and let his lips crush down on hers. He couldn’t resist, he needed to kiss her sweet lips right then and there.

  She kissed him back and he felt the chemistry between them. Drake couldn’t help but hope Emily was one of his first dates. He really wanted to get to know her more.

  He let her go and she walked into her room, with one last shy look at him, Emily closed her door. Drake made his way back down to the living room and grabbed another woman.

  “I’m Sophia, nice to meet you Drake,” Sophia had no problems looking Drake in the eyes.

  In fact, Sophia had a confidence about her that outshined all the other women. She sat confidently, she walked confidently and she talked to Drake with confidence.

  “Hello Sophia, you look exquisite tonight.”

  “Come in to my room and we can talk about just how exquisite I look,” Sophia said as she winked at Drake.

  “For tonight, I’ll say no. But I promise I won’t say no to you any other time while you are here,” Drake kissed Sophia on the cheek and went back downstairs.

  “Young lady, I think you look tired. Shall I walk you to your room?” Drake asked Allison.

  “Oh, yes,” she giggled. “I’d love that.”

  Allison smiled from ear to ear as they walked upstairs. Then at the top of the stairs she got a huge case of the giggles that just wouldn’t go away. Drake even had to laugh as he watch her.

  “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” Drake said as they reached her room.

  “I just can’t help but think how these women are going to turn so nasty by tomorrow. It’s going to be a scene out of a horror movie.”

  “I hope not, but you’re right, it could get pretty crazy.”

  “I’m not that kind of girl. I’ll try to keep things light hearted.”

  “I appreciate that. It’s nice to meet a woman who can have fun.”

  Drake kissed Allison’s hand before he turned to go back to the main room.

  When he reached the bottom of the stairs Cynthia was there waiting for him. She grabbed his arm and turned him around and they started back up the stairs.

  “Oh, a take charge kind of gal. I like that.”

  “I go after what I want,” Cynthia said slowly as they walked up the stairs.

  In her four inch heels, Cynthia was just as tall as Drake. He liked that. She seemed much more his equal in both height and personality.

  “I look forward to you coming after me,” Drake winked as he dropped Cynthia off at her room.

  When he reached the living room again there were only two women left. He stopped and watched as they seemed to get along very well.

  “Who’s next?” He asked as he opened his arms up.

  “We can go upstairs together, you are probably getting tired by now,” Scarlett said.

  Lauren laughed and stood next to Scarlett, she held onto Scarlett like a child.

  “I think that’s and excellent plan,” Drake opened up both of his arms to let each of the women link their arms around his.

  “This is so exciting. I feel like I’m on one of those television shows,” Lauren said.

  “I think our show would be x-rated,” Scarlett said quietly.

  “Yes, I don’t think we could be a network show,” Drake added.

  The three made their way to Lauren’s room first.

  “What was your name young lady?” Drake asked.

  “Oh, gosh I’m so sorry. I am Lauren. It’s so nice to meet you Drake.”

  “Thank you for coming Lauren, I can’t wait to get to know you more. I’m going to walk Scarlett to her room now, but I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yes, alright. Goodnight.”

  Lauren laughed as she went into her room.

  “You know my name already?” Scarlett asked as they walked down the hall.

  “Yes, I paid close attention when you talked earlier.”

  Drake had his eyes on Scarlett from the moment she arrived. Her body was insane and made him want to throw all the other women out and just keep her. But as she talked and he got to know her more he was even more impressed. She was beautiful and smart as hell, definitely a contender in this wild week they had ahead.

  “I’m impressed,” Scarlett said as they reached her room. “I look forward to our time together.”

  Drake made his way down the hall and back downstairs. Drake slid down onto his couch in exhaustion. It was going to be a really long week if he couldn’t pick up his energy level a little bit. He needed to get some sleep.

  Drake went down to talk with Sam and convinced her to stick around until the dinner at eight o’clock. After the dinner had started then Drake would be
alright with Sam leaving, but not until then.

  “Drake, what am I supposed to do between now and the dinner?” Sam asked.

  “Well, you could come take a nap with me in my room,” Drake said with a wink.

  “No. I don’t think so. How about I just leave and come back at dinner time?”

  “No. What if one of the women has a question or something like that? I’m not going to know what I’m supposed to say. You’ll need to stay here.”

  It was a losing battle and Sam knew it. She decided to just curly up on the couch while the women got ready for dinner and Drake went upstairs to take a quick nap. She was just as exhausted as everyone else and wanted to go home, but she knew Drake needed just a little more help.

  At dinner he would just sit there and not talk at all if there wasn’t someone to help him. Sam suddenly got very nervous about Drake’s ability to socialize with all the women in the house.

  He would do fine to fuck them all, but actually having conversations and getting to know them might be a much harder deal for him.

  Chapter 19

  After a few hours of resting the women were called down to come to dinner. They all looked refreshed and ready for a good time.

  Drake had dinner served slowly over the courses so they all had time to talk and get to know each other. He found each of the women attractive and saw specific traits in each of them that he liked. He definitely could tell why Sam and Robert had picked the women they did.

  Dinner went well and wasn’t as awkward as Drake thought it was going to be. He enjoyed talking with the women and they all seemed to enjoy talking with each other just fine. None of the women were overly dramatic or trying to hog all the conversation time. Drake was optimistic that the week ahead was going to go very good.

  “How about we play a little drinking game”, Sam suggested as the dinner started to calm down.

  She just wanted everyone to loosen up and have some fun. Sam also wanted to be able to go home and she knew Drake wouldn’t let her leave until he felt comfortable with all the women. Although the night had been filled with great conversations, there was a formality to everyone that Sam thought needed to be fixed.


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