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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 10

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Drake thought it was weird how uncomfortable he felt around these women. Perhaps it was because they were all intelligent and sexy women. He was so use to spending time with airheads that the caliber of women Sam and Robert had picked for him was probably not something he was used to.

  “Yeah, let’s do it!” shouted Scarlett.

  Scarlett was probably the last one of the women who Sam would have thought would be so eager to play a drinking game. She seemed so proper, so put together, he liked that she wanted to loosen up and have fun.

  “Ok, here are the rules. We will go around the table and tell two truths and one lie about ourselves. After you have said your three things, the other people will have to guess which one was the lie. If they guess correctly you have to drink; if they guess incorrectly they have to take the drink.”

  “This sounds like a fun game”, Drake said as he grabbed some shot glasses from the cabinet.

  “I’ll go first” Sam announced as she gave everyone a moment to pour themselves a drink. “I’m twenty-five years old. I once got arrested for public sex in France. And I grew up in New York.”

  The women took turns saying which thing they thought was the false statement. Most of them chose the public sex in France. When it came to be Drakes turn he just stared at Sam. He knew how old she was and he knew she grew up in Seattle and not New York, so that meant that the public sex statement was true.

  “You didn’t grow up in New York” Drake said. “But I think you should tell us more about this public sex in France thing.”

  All the other women clapped and egged on Sam to tell more of the story. They were willing to do anything that would make Drake happy and he really seemed interested in finding out more about the story behind Sam’s French arrest.

  “Well first, everyone who guessed wrong needs to take a drink. I will take a drink since Drake guessed right.”

  “Oh I can’t wait to hear this story,” Drake said as he leaned in to listen. “You girls don’t understand, Samantha here is the most straight laced woman I know. She has refused me for five years, and I can be pretty darn convincing.”

  The women laughed and then looked at Sam to hear her story. They were happy to have the attention off of them for just a brief moment.

  “I was there with a boyfriend at the time and we thought it would be exciting to have sex under the Eiffel Tower. We waited until the middle of the night and then went there, but about two minutes into it a security guard caught us and we were arrested. See that wasn’t so exciting.”

  Drake’s eyes were wide as could be as he listened to Samantha’s story. He didn’t think she would ever do something like have sex outside. He certainly didn’t think she would do such a thing at a public landmark. It made him think totally different about Sam.

  “Alright, alright, that’s enough about me. I’m going to leave. You guys can continue this game or make up a different one if you would like.”

  Sam grabbed her things and headed for the door. Just as she was about to leave Drake showed up behind her.

  “Was that a true story?”

  “Yes Drake, that was the idea of the game.”

  “Wow, you surprise me.”

  “Alright, well I’m going home. You enjoy the rest of your night. Remember that tomorrow is your first one to one date and it is with Victoria. I already talked with everyone about the rules and they will each plan their own date and talk to you about them. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Wow, really…you had sex under the Eiffel Tower… I’m impressed.”

  Drake just couldn’t get the picture of Sam fucking some guy under the Eiffel Tower out of his head. He would never have thought she would do something like that. Not in a million years. He couldn’t stop staring at her as she stood there and waited for him to acknowledge he was alright with the women for the rest of the night.

  “Ok, I’m leaving. Good night Drake.”

  Even after Sam left Drake couldn’t get the idea out of his head that she had fucked a guy in public. Maybe he really didn’t know her as much as he thought he did.

  Drake returned to the dinner table and felt much more confident in handling the women for the rest of the night.

  “Who is next?” Drake asked as he looked around the table.

  “Fuck it, I’ll go,” Scarlett said.

  “I once worked with Donald Trump, I was Miss Alaska 2010, and I have size E breasts.”

  The women took turns guessing first and their choices were a little of each of the items. No one seemed to have a consensus of which one was really the lie.

  “I think the Miss Alaska 2010 is a lie,” Drake picked.

  “Only Lauren and Cynthia got it right. My breasts are actually double F size.”

  The table erupted in chatter as the women discussed the size of Scarlett’s breasts. Drake seemed impressed. He was eager to get his chance to play with them.

  “Everyone who guessed wrong take a shot,” Drake announced.

  The games continued on and Drake and the women got pretty drunk. Scarlett was the first one to give up and head to her room; Lauren, Cynthia, Emily and Allison were quickly done as well.

  Drake sat with Sophia and Victoria as they decided they were all too drunk to continue the game.

  Sophia grabbed Victoria and whispered something in her ear.

  “It was nice meeting you Drake, I saw the schedule and I’m your first date tomorrow. I’m going to get some sleep for now.” Victoria kissed Drake on the cheek and left him alone with Sophia.

  “Pretty sneaky how you got all those women to leave you alone with me,” Drake said as he moved over to sit by Sophia.

  “Why whatever do you mean?” Sophia pretended to be a southern bell with a thick accent.

  “Miss Sophia, I think you are going to be trouble.”

  “If you mean trouble to stop thinking about, yes. Or trouble to get up in the morning after making love to me all night, yes to that as well.”

  “Fuck yes girl I like how you think.”

  “Is there any rules about who you can fuck tonight?” Sophia asked.

  She got up from her seat and sat on the table. Drake grabbed her and slid her over so she was right in front of him. Sophia’s red hair was swept up in a fancy ponytail and her dress was tight in all the right places.

  Drake tried to spread her legs and put one on either side of him, but her dress was too tight. He had to settle for swinging them both to one side and he moved in closer to her.

  “I don’t think there were any rules about tonight,” Drake said as he grabbed her ass and pulled her even closer.

  “I hate rules anyway.”

  Sophia wrapped her arms around Drake’s neck and kissed him. He couldn’t help but respond as her soft lips met his. He grabbed her dress and pressed it up so he could spread her legs. As he stood up, Drake pulled Sophia’s body tight against his.

  She could feel how hard his cock was as she sat on the table with her legs spread. Sophia wanted him; she wanted him to take her right there.

  “I think we should head upstairs,” Sophia said between kisses.

  Drake wanted to go upstairs, but he also became acutely aware of all the other women in the house and he didn’t want to mess that up. He stepped back from Sophia.

  “How about I walk you to your room young lady?”

  Drake extended his hand and led her upstairs toward her room. Sophia thought that Drake was going to come in. She wanted to play with him. But when they got to her room he kissed her one last time and then left her for the night.

  Sophia was frustrated and wanted more of Drake.

  Chapter 20

  After dinner Drake was exhausted as he thought about how he was going to manage to get to know all of the women in such a short period of time. Drake thought he might have taken on a little too much in such a short period of time.

  As he went around and turned off all the lights downstairs there was a buzz at the front gate.

  At first Drake thought it
must have been Sam and she had forgotten something. But when he looked at the camera he saw that it was Rose. He buzzed her in and met her on the front porch. He didn’t want her to come in the house and see all the left over glasses in the living room.

  “Hi Rose”, Drake said cautiously as she came up the main walkway.

  “I needed to see you.”

  Rose came straight up to Drake and pushed him up against the front door. He didn’t resist as she let her tongue thrust into his mouth and her hand started to rub against his cock.

  Instantly he was hard for her and wanted to bring her into the house. But the voice of Sam was in his ear about the rules of the game and he remembered that he wasn’t supposed to fuck anyone else except the women who were in the house.

  But the dates didn’t really start until tomorrow; maybe it would be alright for him to have one last night of fun with Rose.

  “Just a second Rose, I’m sorry. I have to make a quick phone call.”

  Drake moved inside the front door and dialed Sam quickly.

  “Can I fuck Rose?”

  “What? No. You have a house full of women. Why would you want to fuck Rose?”

  “She showed up at the house.”

  “Drake, No. Send her away. You have plenty of other women to choose from.”

  “Are you sure? She is a sexy and intelligent woman too.”

  “No Drake, send her away right now.”

  “Sam come on, you’re such a hard-ass” Drake opened the front door and continued to talk to Sam. “Alright, I’ll send her away. But I’m blaming you.”

  Sam hung up the phone and Drake turned to Rose to try and explain why he needed to tell her to leave. But he couldn’t think of any good reason.

  “I just can’t tonight. I’ll definitely call you though.”

  Drake went back inside quickly and left Rose on the front porch. She eventually turned and left the grounds, but she really had no idea what was going on at all.

  Drake hated that he had just sent Rose away. He really had enjoyed his night with her and wanted to get to know her more. He thought about asking her to join their little game for the week but then he decided she wouldn’t want to do that.

  Rose had already had her night with Drake and she had not had to fight with six other women to get her time with him. Drake decided that she would not have liked the idea of now having to share Drake with other women.

  As Drake headed up to his bedroom he thought about the week ahead and how much fun it was going to be. It was going to be a very memorable week, he knew that for sure. He went into his room and finally got to lay down. Sleep couldn’t come fast enough for him, Drake was physically and emotionally exhausted from trying to get to know all of the women.

  He closed his eyes and tried to think about each of the women and what their names were. He went through them one at a time and then tried to remember what they had said they did for work. It was too much to remember for one night thought and he hoped he would be able to do better after spending another day with them.

  Then from the back yard Drake heard a loud noise. He jumped up and looked out the window to see what looked like a person sneaking into the pool house.

  Drake didn’t know if it was Rose trying to sneak in or if it was someone trying to rob him. He grabbed his handgun and made his way downstairs.

  No way was he going to let some lowlife rob his house again. That had happened before and he wouldn't allow it this time.

  Drake kicked down the door to his pool house and turned the light on. He wasn't prepared for what he saw.

  “Oh, it’s you,” said Drake with playful smile. “Let the games begin!”

  The Billionaire’s Hunt


  The Billionaire Bachelor Series 2

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2016 by Sarah J. Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah J. Brooks

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 1

  Drake walked into the pool house expecting to see a burglar but instead found Victoria naked lying on the couch. It was a pleasant surprise that Drake instantly got excited for. Not very often did he have the pleasure of having a naked woman waiting for him, he could get use to something like that.

  Typically Drake was the one who brought the women back to his place, so they never really had the opportunity to surprise him.

  “Oh, it’s you,” he said as he stood in the doorway.

  “Well, it’s midnight and I was scheduled as your first date. So I didn’t want to waste any time. I think we should get to know each other,” Victoria said.

  “Smart thinking,” Drake said as he walked over to her.

  Drake couldn’t stop staring at Victoria’s thin body as it lay on his couch. Her skin was like porcelain and she looked like he could break her in half she was so tiny. The confidence in her eyes made up for how frail her body looked. Victoria was certainly a woman who knew how to go after what she wanted.

  There was a book next to Victoria, it appeared she had been reading while she waited for the clock to strike midnight and Drake to come to her. He couldn’t help but glance down and saw she was reading Bill Bryson’s book A Short History of Nearly Everything. Drake couldn’t help but smile. He remembered reading that book on a business trip once and thinking how much he wished he could find a woman that enjoyed history as much as he did.

  Victoria being naked and having that book next to her was just enough to send Drake right to her side. They could get to know each other later, for the time being he wanted to feel that delicate skin of hers under his fingertips.

  Drake kneeled down next to Victoria on the couch and let his hands explore her body. Most women would have closed their eyes at the intimate nature of the moment, but not Victoria; she continued to look at Drake and take in the passion in his eyes. She wasn’t about to take any moment she had with him for granted.

  “You are a very beautiful woman,” Drake said as his hand moved from her toes up her thigh.

  “Thank you.”

  Victoria felt the power in his touch and wanted more of Drake. She wanted all of him. Her hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him toward her so they could kiss. Victoria wasn’t normally as forward as she was in that moment. But she knew there was only 24 hours of time for her to spend with Drake and she wasn’t going to waste a single moment of it.

  She rallied all of her old high school acting classes and did the best she could to pretend like she was full of confidence. Drake wasn’t going to fall for a woman who wasn’t confident, Victoria knew that. But she also knew she was very far away from being fully confident in herself. Most evenings she wondered if she would ever find a man that would love her. But on that night, Victoria threw aside all of her self-doubt and made an effort to be the confident woman she always wanted to be.

  Many of the other women in the house were more beautiful than Victoria, or so she thought. There were women of all shapes and sizes. But Victoria felt like she was the outcast in the group. As a Harvard history professor, Victoria was a quiet woman by nature. But in the bedroom she was open for anything and she wanted Drake to know that up front. She wasn’t about to throw away the opportunity to form a long lasting connection with the most eligible bachelor in Los Angeles.

  As Victoria took control and pulled Drake toward her, he couldn’t help but remember the words of advice from his assistant. Samantha had reminded Drake that the week was supposed to be different than his usual one night stands. Drake needed to concentrate o
n getting to know the women. For Drake, it was out of his comfort zone to actually try and get to know a woman instead of just fucking her.

  So as Victoria wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, Drake hesitated. His assistant Samantha’s words replayed in his head over and over. ‘You won’t find your wife if you’re just fucking the girls. A long lasting relationship is built on your mental connection.’

  Drake wanted to listen to Samantha’s advice, he really did. But as Victoria reached her hand into his pants and he felt her delicate fingers wrap around his throbbing cock. There was just no way he could stop what his body needed to do with Victoria. He would have to get to know her after he made her scream with pleasure.

  Drake had devised the week long experiment with all the women so he could make a concentrated effort to find a woman that fit what he was looking for. He wanted to have someone by his side when he went to movie premieres and got followed by the paparazzi. Drake needed a partner that could travel with him and attend charity functions with him. He was determined to put everything he had into the week with the seven women that had been chosen.

  His fingers moved to her center and he slid one inside as their mouths continued to play with each other. Victoria’s lips were soft and delicate, just like the rest of her body. Drake could tell she took very good care of herself and he liked that. Whichever woman he chose at the end of the week would have to spend a lot of time in the public eye. He needed a woman who could withstand the scrutiny of the tabloids and other constant media attention.

  A smart woman like Victoria might be just what Drake needed. She had the looks, the brains, and the personality that he was looking for. Plus there was a definite connection between the two of them both physically and mentally. The fact that she was reading a history book instead of some fluffy fiction novel really had Drake interested.

  His fingers continued to play with her as she used her hands to undress him. Slowly she released him from his pants and pulled them down. Then she took his shirt off and threw it across the room. For such a petite woman, Victoria certainly had power when she wanted to. Her hand thrust up and down his cock in a distinctive effort to show Drake just how much she could take control.


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