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The Original Sin (Book #3 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series)

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by J. L. McCoy

  He held me for a long time, neither of us saying anything. I think we were both just content to be in each other’s arms. We had been denying ourselves for the longest time. Holding him felt like coming home; like a cool drink of water after a long week in the desert.

  “I’m so sorry, Archer,” I sniffed. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry, too,” he mumbled into my hair as he placed light kisses about the top of my head. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. The girl I love is sleeping with my brother.”

  I squeezed him tighter and fought another wave of tears. Never in my life had I been as emotional as I had been these last few weeks. I had never been a crier. I had always been really good at suppressing the urge to cry even when I needed to. To be honest, all this crying was pretty draining; not to mention kind of embarrassing.

  “I can’t just leave your brother, Archer. I care about him. I care immensely for each of you. Do you have any idea what this is like for me? To have such strong feelings for two people at the exact same time? I’ve never been in this position before…ever. No matter what I do, I’m hurting someone; namely myself.”

  I sighed and gazed up into his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, but I don’t want to lose him either. I don’t know how to deal with this, Archer.”

  “I don’t either,” he answered honestly, his face melancholy.

  “I owe it to your brother to give our relationship my full attention. After all, I kind of cheated on him with you that night and he doesn’t deserve to have it done to him again, no matter how I feel about you. I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt him again.” I swallowed thickly and slowly let go of Archer. “If something happens between your brother and I and our relationship doesn’t last…well, you and I can address that if and when the time comes, but I don’t expect you to wait for me. I know your life has to go on and I’ll accept any relationship you choose to get into.”

  “I’ll never want anyone but you, Skye,” Archer whispered as he pulled me up against his hard body again. Very slowly, he started lowering his face to mine and my heartbeat picked up instantly. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I wasn’t a cheater. I turned my head just in time for his soft lips to find my cheek. Jameson deserved my respect and I was going to give it to him, no matter how angry my heart and mind were at me at the moment.

  I reached up and grasped his hair in my hands before I slid them down his face to cup his cheeks. Our breathing at this point was ragged with the desire we both felt. I touched my forehead to his and sighed as I closed my eyes.

  “I’m sorry…I can’t,” I whispered. I turned his face and planted a lingering kiss on his right cheek. He hugged me tighter to him and almost didn’t let me go as I started to pull away.

  “I think I need to run down to the first floor bar and get a drink. Can I bring you back anything?” I asked as I moved around him and toward the door.

  Archer just shook his head and I left as quickly as I could. I didn’t think my resolve would last much longer.

  Chapter Three

  “Skye, did you hear me?” Archer asked and I shook my head to clear the daze. “I asked you if you were okay.”

  I smiled and took a step back. “Yes, sorry. I’m fine. I was just thinking.”

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, his brow furrowed in worry.

  “Mm…access to these thoughts is going to cost you way more than a penny, my love,” I teased as I picked up my messenger bag again and walked to the refrigerator to grab a beer.

  “Oh really?” he grinned, intrigued. “Well, I have more than enough money, let me assure you.”

  It’s not your money I want, I dared silently as I closed the door to the fridge and turned to wink at him.

  His eyes got wide as he read my thoughts and I saw a licentious grin immediately spread across his handsome face.

  Jameson took that moment to walk into the room and he was followed closely by our guardians for the night, Killian and Emrick.

  “Oh good,” Jameson smiled as he walked up to me. “You’re ready.”

  “That I am,” I smiled as I tilted my beer up and took a long drink. I kissed him on the cheek and offered him the rest of my bottle which he promptly took. I briefly greeted the guards and turned back to Archer. “Are you sure we need both of them tonight? Wouldn’t one suffice? We’re just going to Dan’s. And besides, won’t you need one to accompany you to your business meeting?”

  “My business meeting is at The Mausoleum and I will not take a chance with your safety - with either of your safety,” he quickly amended and pulled on his cuffs. Archer then turned to Killian and addressed him. “I’ll have you drop me off at the club then I want you to take them straight to their destination. No deviations.”

  “Aye, sir,” Killian responded in his heavy Irish accent. Killian was a remarkably handsome man. He stood a little over 6 feet tall, had the most gorgeous red hair accompanied by dazzlingly green eyes, and his flawless alabaster skin was admirable. He looked to be about 27 years old when he was turned.

  “We should go, sir,” Emrick spoke up as he looked at his watch. Emrick was generally a man of few words; we had said maybe fifty words to each other the entire three weeks he had been here, but that was fine by me. He was a man of action instead of a conversationalist. I learned some amazing offensive moves from him one day when Hagan was unavailable to train me. Emrick had beautiful deep olive colored skin, honey brown eyes, and short black hair. He looked distinctively middle-eastern with his strong nose and features. He was also a fierce fighter and I respected him immensely.

  “Yes we should,” Archer nodded. “Thank you Emrick.”

  Jameson quickly drained the bottle of beer, threw it away and grabbed my hand, leading me out to the garage.

  Killian opened the door to Archer’s new black Cadillac Escalade and held it open for us. I sat in the middle as Jameson and Emrick sat on either side of me. Archer took the front as Killian walked around to the driver’s side door.

  Archer and Jameson talked the whole way there about his upcoming 22-city concert tour around the country. He was slated to leave in a four days’ time and would be gone for a month. Archer had hired a score of human security to follow Jameson while he was gone and The Faithful were working on appointing a guard to him as well. With the threat from Amun still very real, no one wanted to take a chance with his safety.

  Jameson was excited about performing and we were all so thrilled for him. This was a huge dream for the band and one they had worked on long and hard to make a reality. Archer and I were planning a surprise by flying out to Boston for his last show at the end of the tour. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to being away from him for so long, but I knew we would stay in touch through phone calls and Skype.

  The drive to The Mausoleum was a short one and soon we were saying our goodbyes to Archer.

  “You two be careful,” Archer warned before he shut the door and swiftly walked into the back door of the club.

  Killian deftly maneuvered the Escalade around the tight parking lot and headed over the few blocks to Drop Kick Dan’s. I couldn’t wait to get there and see Nikki and Dan. This would be the first time I had seen Dan since I quit my job over a month ago and the first time I had seen Nikki since the day Jesse Prescott, my ex-boyfriend turned psycho stalker, was murdered and his severed head left in my car. Thank God Nikki had not seen that. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to explain that to her.

  My heart lurched at the memory of Jesse. I was still broken up about his murder and was trying to deal with it as best I could. It wasn’t easy though. No matter how bad our relationship ended, he had still been a part of my life for ten months. That’s not something you can easily forget.

  We parked in the employee parking lot of Drop Kick’s and Emrick got out and held the door open for us.

  I couldn’t wait to get inside and rushed over to the back door, but Killian stopped me.

  “We have to check it out first, Mis
s Morrison,” he said apologetically as he motioned for Emrick to go inside.

  We waited a couple of minutes and the back door opened again. Emrick popped his head out and nodded.

  “After you,” Killian smiled and Jameson took my hand and led us down the hall to the floor door.

  As soon as it opened, a huge smile spread across my face. I took in the bar with a sigh. It was just as I had remembered it. The place was jam packed with college kids, locals, and tourists waiting for Jameson’s show to begin. I smiled as I looked around. I felt like I had come home. I rushed over to the busy bar and waited for my best friend Nikki to notice me.

  When she did, she immediately did a double take and squealed loudly. “Cupcake! You’re back!” I laughed as she bolted around the bar and swept me up in a giant hug. “How’ve you been? Oh my God, Styvi Nix is going to die when she sees you. She’s missed you so much!”

  I ginned as I hugged her back. “I’m good, I’m good. I’m just glad to finally be standing here. I’ve really missed you and Dan.”

  Nikki saw Jameson behind me and went to hug him as well. “It’s so good to see you guys,” she smiled as she came to stand in front of me again.

  “I know,” I grinned. “I’ve missed you. How’s Lyric? Are y’all still going strong?”

  “We are amazing,” she swooned. “He’s such an awesome guy, Skye. I haven’t had this much fun with a guy in years.”

  “I’m so happy for you, honey!”

  “So, how are things with you two?” she asked, including Jameson in the conversation as well.

  “Equally as amazing,” Jameson said as he pulled my back to his chest and hugged me from behind. “I’m a lucky guy.”

  I blushed and smiled as Nikki chuckled. “You guys look seriously cute together. I love it!” She looked over Jameson’s shoulder and noticed Emrick standing awkwardly to his right. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she turned back to us. “Uh…what’s up with that guy? Is he with you?”

  “Um…,” I stumbled, unsure of how to answer that.

  Jameson jumped in and saved me. “This is our friend Emrick. He’s kind of shy, so don’t take it the wrong way if he doesn’t say much.”

  Nikki waved hello to him and Emrick politely nodded back. Killian walked up to Jameson’s left side and joined us then. Nikki’s eyes got wide as she took him in.

  “Another friend of yours?” she purred as she drank him in with her wide teal green eyes.

  “Nikki, this is Killian,” Jameson introduced. “Killian, this is Skye’s next door neighbor and our good friend Nikki St. James.”

  “Well hello, handsome,” Nikki flirted.

  “How do you do, young wan?” Killian greeted politely in his thick Irish accent, his eyes shining with amusement.

  “Oh my,” Nikki stumbled with a smile as she playfully fanned herself. “Where do you find all of these gorgeous Irishmen, Skye?”

  I laughed and smiled as I turned to wink at Killian. “Just lucky, I guess.”

  Jameson kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear. “I’m the lucky one.”

  I beamed and bit my bottom lip as Dan walked over to us. I hadn’t seen him before now; he must have just come from his office.

  “Hey, doll face! I was wondering when you’d come around again,” he grinned as I launched myself at him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he picked me up and swung my body around in a circle a few times.

  “I’ve missed you, D,” I said as he put me back down. “How’ve you been?”

  “Spectacular,” he winked. “The bar has been crazy busy these last few weeks. We have summer tourists pouring in at all hours. I love it!”

  “Oh, I’m so glad Drop Kick’s is doing well. How are the new waitresses working out?”

  Dan scrunched up his face and shook his head. “I had to fire one, but the other one is finally finding her feet. It was a rough start for her, but she’s hanging in there.” He sighed and ran one hand through his artfully messy brown hair. “We’ve missed you kid. This place just isn’t the same without you.”

  “I concur!” shouted Nikki from her place beside Jameson.

  “I miss it here, too,” I said with a sad smile. “More than you know.”

  Dan pulled me into a side hug and kissed the top of my head. “Come on. Let’s get you guys a table and a few drinks. What do you say?”

  “I say hell yeah!” I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Nikki, prep us a few rounds and I’ll seat them in Tori’s section,” Dan said and then led our group across the bar and to a large booth close to the stage.

  “Come sit with me on your break, Nik,” I called over my shoulder to her and she gave me a bright smile and a thumbs up.

  Dan seated us, introduced us to his newest waitress Tori and then went back to work. Tori looked barely 18, had long blond hair to match her long legs, blue eyes, and an impressively large augmented chest.

  “What can I get for you fellas?” she purred as she put her hands on the table and leaned in. Her shirt was very low cut and her breasts were only inches away from Jameson’s cheek.

  “Nikki is already making our drinks at the bar,” Jameson said uncomfortably as he looked up at her and tried his best to avoid looking directly at her massive chest.

  Killian coughed, drawing her attention, and her eyes widened as she took him in. “Well, what about you? Can I get you anything?”

  Killian shook his head but smiled sexily at her. I could tell that he was instantly attracted to her.

  “Wh…well…uh…I’ll go see if your order is ready,” she faltered at his gorgeous smile. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You guys just aren’t fair,” I said, addressing the three of them. “Between your vampire pheromones and your gorgeous good looks, we humans just don’t stand a chance.” Killian and Jameson laughed and even Emrick managed a grin.

  Tori brought us our drinks and made small talk before a nearby table called her away. I personally was glad for the interruption. Watching her fawn over Killian and Jameson was a little stomach churning. I hoped I didn’t act like that when I was around them.

  After a few rounds, Jameson’s band arrived and he excused himself to go warm up. Killian joined him and took his place at the side of the stage to stand guard. It was just Emrick and I left at the table, but I didn’t mind. It was nice to just sit in silence and watch Jameson warm up his guitar and cut up with his band.

  A few songs into Jameson’s show and I was itching to dance. The beat of the bodhran drums and the trill of the accordion and bagpipes were seeping into my veins. I was swaying in my seat and couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I have to dance!” I shouted across the table at Emrick.

  He glanced worriedly at the dance floor and then back to me.

  “Are you coming or not?” I asked as I slid out of the booth. “You can stay here, you know. I’ll just be a few feet away.”

  Emrick scowled and glanced at the dance floor once more before he slid out and grabbed my hand. I gasped at his touch, never expecting it, and allowed him to lead me to the edge of the floor.

  “We will dance,” he growled unhappily as he started to move awkwardly beside me.

  I smiled up at him, delighted that he was willing to accommodate my request, and started dancing. After a few minutes, the scowl on Emrick's face eased and it looked like he was beginning to enjoy himself a little. He still scanned the room every few seconds, but he was generally more relaxed.

  “You’re not a bad dancer,” I smiled, leaning into him a little.

  Emrick actually winked at me and grabbed my hands as he expertly spun me around.

  “Emrick!” I squealed in surprised delight as he moved us across the floor. I had no idea a dancer was hiding under that rough, quiet exterior. He was unexpectedly agile and smooth and maneuvered my body with the utmost care and skill.

  After twenty fun minutes of laughing and dancing, I was ready for a break. We walked back over to the tabl
e and Emrick stopped a few feet away. He growled angrily as he spotted Dean, Zephyr, and another man at our table.

  “That’s my friend Dean,” I explained as I grabbed onto his arm to stop his imminent assault. “He won’t hurt me.”

  “But, he is wolf,” he snarled.

  “Yes,” I nodded my head. “He’s also a friend of mine and an acquaintance of Archer’s. He’s welcome at our table. I invited him earlier today.”

  He looked down at me, an unhappy low growl still emanating from the back of his throat. “He stays across the table from you,” he said as he put his hand on my back and lead me to the booth.

  When we got to the table, Dean stood up to greet me. “Hey beautiful girl,” he smiled. “You look gorgeous.” Zephyr rose to stand next to him and Emrick growled loudly as Dean leaned in to hug me.

  “Emrick!” I admonished as I turned back to him. “Please! Nothing is going to happen to me. Will you try to chill? These men aided in my rescue a few weeks ago. They are friends of ours.”

  Emrick’s back straightened at being scolded by me. You could tell he was displeased with having a human correct him, but he wisely let it go. He regarded Dean and Zephyr coldly, but allowed Dean to hug me.

  “I’m sorry about him,” I whispered as I hugged Dean’s neck. “Archer has us guarded around the clock now.”

  Dean smiled as he pulled away. “As he should. You forget I tangoed with that asshole. He’s no joke Skye.”

  I frowned as I remembered Amun and my time spent in that east Austin basement. “I know,” I shuddered and unconsciously hugged my stomach tightly.

  Dean smoothed my hair with one hand and kissed my temple. “I know you know, babe. That was insensitive of me. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “No,” I shook my head, snapping out of my inner distress. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s alright.”

  I introduced everyone to Emrick and Dean introduced his friends as well. I already knew Zephyr and surprisingly, he greeted me warmly. His other friend was his cousin Dylan. Dylan and Dean had similar features and could easily pass for brothers.


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