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The Original Sin (Book #3 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series)

Page 5

by J. L. McCoy

  Tori brought us another round of drinks and I could see that she was in hog heaven. Dylan, Zephyr and Dean positively fawned over her and it was amusing to watch.

  As the minutes passed, Emrick started to relax more and stopped scowling at everyone so much. The conversations from then on were a lot more lighthearted and playful.

  Dylan spotted a cute girl on the dance floor and excused himself to go talk to her. Zephyr followed to play wing man with her friend and left us as well. Dean politely smiled at Emrick and asked his permission to dance with me. Emrick nodded his head and Dean slid out of the booth and extended his hand.

  “May I have this dance?” he grinned playfully and I took his hand and allowed him to lead to the dance floor.

  Emrick took up station a few feet from us and swayed distractedly to the beat as he scanned our surroundings.

  “I’ve been dying to do this for weeks,” Dean said as he twirled me around.

  “Me too,” I admitted honestly as I followed his lead. “I really missed seeing you at The Mausoleum. Don’t disappear like that again.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled. “I’m sorry. I just thought that maybe I should give you a little time to come to terms with my…condition.”

  “I didn’t need three weeks,” I frowned up at him as he dipped me. “And there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a werewolf, so what. I’m used to the idea now.”

  “You know, you’re awfully cute when you’re angry,” he chuckled, his eyes dancing.

  “Oh, bite me,” I rolled my eyes as I playfully hit him on the arm.

  The song ended and Jameson addressed the crowd, telling us that the band was taking a short break. He put his guitar on the stand, hopped off the stage and strolled over to us.

  “Dean,” he greeted him as he shook Dean’s hand. The move shocked me. Normally vampires and werewolves hate each other. I had never seen one of them touch the other before. My eyes got wide as I looked back and forth between them.

  “How are things at Tricky Dic’s?” Jameson asked politely.

  “Business is very good Jameson. Thank you for asking,” Dean smiled.

  I looked back and forth between them, confused, and decided to speak up. “Okay boys…what’s going on here?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. “I thought you guys hated each other. You know, the whole vampire/werewolf feud?”

  Jameson rubbed the back of his neck and Dean just smiled down at me.

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t be polite to one another,” Dean winked. “Besides, I kind of like Jameson. It’s Archer that I don’t care for.”

  I sighed and looked over at Jameson, but he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I opened my mouth to question them further, but Killian stepped in and asked us to sit back down at the table. Jameson was drawing a crowd and it was making Killian and Emrick nervous.

  Jameson smiled, kissed my forehead and said he’d talk to us more after the show. I watched as he turned and greeted his fans and signed autographs. I smiled over at him, a wave of pride flowing through me. I was so happy for him.

  Killian stood guard by Jameson as Emrick lead Dean and I back to the table.

  We ordered a few more rounds, settled into our booth and talked about life, love, and everything in-between. Dean was hilarious and I found myself brought to tears a few times from laughing so hard.

  After the show ended, Dylan and Zephyr came back to the table, a date on each arm, and bid Dean and me a goodnight. Dean said his goodbyes to me soon after and I was left with Emrick as Jameson and his band broke down the equipment and put their instruments in their respective cases.

  “I’m glad you’re still here,” Nikki said as she came over to the table and sat down. “This place is a mad house. I haven’t had a break all night.”

  “I know,” I smiled, “but wasn’t the show awesome?”

  “The best,” she agreed readily. “I heard about Jameson’s tour. How exciting is that?”

  “Yeah, I’m so happy for him. I’m going to miss him like crazy when he’s gone though.”

  “I bet you will,” she said sympathetically. “So, are you going home after this? I know Styvi Nix is dying to see you. She misses you so much, Skye. She’s been pretty sad lately.”

  I swallowed hard and looked down at my hands. I missed Styvi so much that it actually hurt. Being without her these last three weeks had been excruciating for me. I looked up at Nikki and didn’t know how to tell her that I wasn’t going to be able to come home until that monster Amun was caught. Of course, she knew nothing about my kidnapping and torture and I sure as hell couldn’t tell her. I was at a complete loss and was blissfully saved by Jameson’s arrival at the booth.

  “Hey, baby,” he greeted, a sexy smile playing upon his full lips.

  “Hey,” I grinned brightly as I scooted over to allow him to sit by me. I reached over and hugged his neck tightly. “Nikki and I were just talking about you. You were really great tonight, honey; amazing even.”

  “Thank you, love,” he chuckled, leaning in to kiss my temple.

  Killian picked that moment to strike up a conversation with Nikki and I was glad for the interruption. I desperately needed to talk to Jameson about Styvi Nix. I couldn’t stand to be away from her any longer, and I couldn’t in good conscience ask Nikki to watch her until Amun was caught. That could be weeks or months. I refused to think it could take years, even though that was a possibility. That thought was unacceptable and scared the crap out of me. I needed to either go home tonight for good or bring Styvi with me to Archer’s house.

  I leaned over and spoke quietly in Jameson’s ear. He thankfully agreed with me that I had been away from her long enough and suggested I call Archer to see what he wanted me to do.

  I quickly excused myself and Emrick got up to follow me. He escorted me outside where it was quiet and I made a phone call to Archer.

  “Skye,” he picked up on the second ring, his voice laced with worry, “are you okay?”

  “Yes, we’re fine,” I swiftly reassured him. “Everything is great. Jameson just finished his show and we were going to head home soon. How did your meeting go?”

  I heard a woman giggle in the background and my heart instantly skipped a beat. “Archer honey, are you coming?” I heard her say.

  What the hell? Who the frick is that tramp and what’s she doing with my Archer?

  “I…uh, I’m busy, Skye. I can’t talk right now,” he said distractedly before hanging up.

  I took the cell phone from my ear and stared at the blank screen. Archer was with a girl…and he hung up on me. My face instantly flushed hot with the anger and hurt I felt. You gave him permission to get into another relationship. You told him you would accept that. After all, you are currently in one with his brother. You can’t expect him not to date anyone. It’s only fair, Skye. I growled inwardly and told my inner self to stuff it. I didn’t want to hear that right now. It seemed my one available fun-filled night was quickly taking a turn for the worse.

  Chapter Four

  “Miss Morrison?” Emrick asked, concern filling his voice. “Is everything alright?”

  I looked up at him and smiled tightly. “Just peachy, Emrick.”

  He escorted me back inside and to the table. I sat down next to Jameson and his brow instantly furrowed with worry.

  “What’s wrong, love?” he asked, concerned.

  “Nothing, hon,” I said quickly and gave him my best fake smile. “I’m fine. Archer said to just bring Styvi Nix to his place.”

  Emrick frowned at my lie but said nothing.

  “What about Styvi?” Nikki asked, turning from her conversation with Killian.

  “Oh sorry, honey. Archer has asked me to stay at his and Jameson’s place for a little while. He’s…uh…,” I struggled with my explanation for needing to live at Archer’s house for the time being. I was a terrible, terrible liar and was drawing a complete blank.

  “Archer is working on expanding his investment horizons and n
eeds Skye’s assistance with fielding his phone calls and scheduling appointments,” Jameson easily picked up for me.

  Nikki frowned, clearly not buying his explanation. “He needs his Executive Assistant at 3am?”

  Jameson smiled warmly. “He has overseas interests.”

  “Are you okay with this?” Nikki asked, turning to me.

  “Of course,” I smiled tightly. “It’s not ideal, but it’s work. At least I’ll get to spend more time with Jameson.”

  Nikki smiled and wagged her eyebrows suggestively. “And how,” she joked.

  “You’re so silly, Nik,” I laughed as I reached over and grabbed her hand. “Man, I’ve really missed you these last few weeks.”

  “Oh cupcake, I’ve missed you too. It’s not the same when you’re not home. I miss having a beer and shooting the shit with you on the back patio. And, the worst part…I made a big batch of organic vegan oatmeal cookies the other day, but I had no one to sit down and pig out with, so I had to polish off most of them all by myself. I was positively gluttonous and it’s all your fault,” she whined with fake outrage.

  I laughed and we stood up to hug each other. “Don’t stay away for so long next time,” Nikki whispered in my ear as she hugged my neck. “Tell Mr. Rich-and-gorgeous I’ll kick his ass if he takes you away from me for that long again.”

  I laughed again at her nickname for Archer and squeezed her tightly. “It would be my pleasure.”

  We disengaged and she sighed. “I’ve got to get back to work. It’ll be last call soon and you know how the rush is. Oh, by the way, I installed a doggy door in my house so just whistle and Styvi will meet you in the backyard.”

  “Thanks so much for everything, girl. There’s no one else I’d trust with Styvi’s care for so long.”

  “It’s nothing, cupcake. I enjoyed having her with me. I’ll really miss sleeping with her. She has the cutest little snore.” Nikki said then turned to go back to the bar but stopped short. “By the way, everyone at Krav Maga has been asking about you. Are you coming to class Sunday?”

  I nodded my head and smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it. See you then, hon.”

  I watched Nikki leave and sat back down in the booth next to Jameson.

  “Archer may not let you go to your class,” Jameson warned.

  “I’d like to see him try and stop me,” I scoffed as I stood up and swung my messenger bag over my shoulder. I was irrationally pissed at Archer at the moment and itching for a fight. I swallowed hard and reminded myself that it wasn’t Jameson I was mad at. I took a deep breath and smiled down at him. “Let’s go get Styvi Nix and go home. I could use some cuddle time with you.”

  Jameson grinned and slid out of the booth. Killian went to pull the car around to the front as Emrick escorted us outside.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Jameson asked worriedly as we waited on the Escalade to pull up. “Ever since you talked to Archer a few minutes ago, you’ve had this weird look on your face.”

  I flushed hot with embarrassment and apologized. I never was very good at hiding my emotions. I silently thanked God that he wasn’t an Empath like Trey. There’d be no hiding my emotions EVER from him if he was. “I’m sorry Jameson. It’s nothing, really. I’m fine. I’m just a little tired. Training kicked my ass this morning.”

  Jameson wrapped me in his arms and softly kissed my forehead. “You haven’t been sleeping well, either,” he mumbled against my skin.

  I opened my mouth to argue with him but decided against it. It was true; I hadn’t been sleeping well. Nightmares had plagued me ever since my rescue. I was just embarrassed that Jameson had taken notice; I didn’t want him worrying about me. I decided right then and there that I had to sleep alone for the duration of my stay at Archer’s. I didn’t want to drag Jameson into my inner turmoil.

  I looked up into Jameson’s eyes and smiled the best smile I could muster. I had just stood on my tiptoes to kiss him when suddenly someone yelled at me from a few yards to my left.

  “Where the hell is my brother, Skye?!”

  I turned to find Lola Finch, my ex-boyfriend Jesse Prescott’s half-sister and true raging bitch, stalking toward me. Her sky-high pumps clinked rapidly on the sidewalk as she made her way over to us.

  Emrick growled lowly and moved to block her access. He put his hand out in front of him to stop her from stepping any closer.

  “Get out of my way, you big fool!” she screeched unhappily as she tried elbowing her way past him.

  Emrick held her back easily which only pissed her off more.

  I snapped out of my shock and asked Emrick to let her pass. He looked back at me doubtfully, but relented and removed his hand from her arm.

  Lola slung her purse back over her shoulder and adjusted her shirt with a huff. “Who the fuck are you?” she asked him. Emrick just stared at her distastefully and said nothing. “Whatever,” she huffed as she shouldered past him. He growled lowly and turned to watch our interaction. His body language was screaming ‘high alert’ and I tried to calm him with my eyes.

  “Emrick, this is Lola. She is an old acquaintance of mine,” I said unevenly. I was shocked and scared to see her. I didn’t know how I was going to answer her questions. “Lola, this is Emrick.”

  Emrick narrowed his eyes further at her but said nothing.

  “Whatever,” Lola scoffed as she threw her long bottle-blond hair over one shoulder. “I could give a fuck less who he is. Where the hell is Jesse, Skye? No one has seen him for over three weeks and I know he was at your house the night he disappeared.”

  I swallowed hard as a vision of Jesse’s severed head flashed through my mind. Tears immediately sprung to my eyes and my heart started beating uncontrollably.

  Jameson rubbed his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me, as he took over the situation. “What night did your brother disappear?” he asked calmly.

  Lola looked him up and down and I watched as her body slowly started to shift and take on a seductive, more relaxed stance. It was disgusting to watch, but I figured “slutty Lola” was easier to deal with than “mega-bitch-from-hell Lola”. I hated them both, incidentally.

  “Friday, June 8th,” she purred through her duck lips. “He told me he was going to Skye’s place to try and win her back.”

  Jameson released me and took a step toward Lola. Our bodyguard stiffened, but Jameson held up his hand to reassure him. “Well, Lola, I happened to be at Skye’s house that night and we never saw Jesse. Maybe he decided not to come by after all.”

  Lola studied him for a few seconds and then lost her smile. I guess she decided that she wanted answers more than she wanted to sleep with him. “No. Jesse went over there; I’m sure of it. He’d been talking nonstop about Skye’s worthless ass for weeks. He was determined to make her forgive him. I tried talking him out of it. Everyone knows what a stuck up bitch Skye can be, but it was no use; he said he loved her. Can you believe that crock of shit?”

  My jaw dropped at her audacity. How dare she call me a worthless, stuck up bitch! That was so far from the truth that it was actually laughable. I took a step forward, my fear of her finding out that her brother was dead being overridden by my anger and loathing towards her, but Jameson stopped me.

  Lola glanced back and forth between Jameson and me before she scoffed again. “Boy, you don’t waste any time, do you Skye? Does Jesse know you’re fucking him?”

  “Lola, Jesse and I haven’t been together in over three months. He cheated on me and I broke up with him; not that it’s any of your damn business. Get off your fucking high-horse. We all know who the real slut in this group is and it sure as hell isn’t Jameson or me.”

  “You fucking cunt,” Lola screeched as she raised her fist and came at me but Emrick was there in a flash; his hand covering her own, stopping her from hitting me. “I’m not a fucking slut! I’ll beat your ass if you EVER call me that again! You know, you’re not the fucking saint everyone thinks you are, Skye Morrison. I see the real you.”

That’s right, Lola. I’m the girl with the broken halo.” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as the Escalade pulled up to Drop Kick’s and Killian got out. I looked around for the first time and noticed that a crowd had gathered to watch the show.

  I took a deep breath and motioned for Emrick to let go of Lola’s hand.

  “Behave,” he growled at her and she blanched at the harsh sound of his voice. He was incredibly intimidating and someone you definitely didn’t want to cross twice.

  Lola adjusted her shirt and stared cold daggers at me; her nostrils flared as she seethed.

  “Lola, I don’t want to fight with you,” I said quietly, painfully aware of the crowd. “I’m tired of always fighting with you. We’ve done nothing but fight since we met each other a year ago. I’m so over it.”

  Lola took a deep breath and looked down at her hands. When she looked back up at me ten seconds later, there were tears in her eyes. “Where’s my brother Skye? I just want him to come home.” She swallowed thickly as the tears began to fall. “Something bad happened to him; I can just feel it. The police haven’t been any help. When they checked his apartment a few weeks ago, they found a note from him that said he was sick of this city and was moving to New York City. But, that can’t be true. Jesse would never just leave without telling me, mom or dad.”

  I looked over at Jameson with wide eyes. The news that someone had left a false note in Jesse’s apartment shocked me. No one told me anything about it. I quickly got control over my features and looked back at Lola.

  “Please, Skye,” she stumbled, obviously not used to using the word. “If you know anything, please…please tell me.”

  Of course I know something, my conscience screamed. Your brother was brutally murdered by a vampire, decapitated, and his severed head left in the front seat of my car. Oh, and we never found his body but we did bury his head! I felt tears spring to my eyes again and I tried hard to swallow them down.

  Lola’s eyes got wide and she pounced at my tears. “You know something, don’t you?” she asked desperately. “Please, Skye. Whatever it is, just tell me.”


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