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Charged for His Sins

Page 20

by Natavia

  “What the fuck was that?” York asked when he heard the sounds of glass shattering. I ran out of the kitchen to see where it came from.

  “Adisa are you and my son a’ight?” the panic in his voice was prominent.

  Someone had thrown a brick through the front window, the brick barely missed Yavin’s bassinet. I hurriedly pushed the bassinet by the stairs, and Yavin’s cries almost exploded my eardrums.

  “Someone is tryna climb through the front window,” I replied.

  “Knock that motherfucker back out of it before they climb all the way through. Take Yavin upstairs and lock the door,” he said. I grabbed the only thing I could, the hot pot of noodles. The man was halfway through the window when I threw the boiling water on him. I wished it was hot grease instead.

  “It’s your fucking father,” I screamed when I got a glimpse of York’s father’s face. He tried to break in because he knew Miss Mariah wasn’t home. I wished Miss Mariah would’ve moved when York offered to help. Pete was always stopping by unannounced whenever he wanted to.

  I picked up Yavin and took him upstairs. I made sure Yavin wasn’t cut from the glass by the window; I thanked God he wasn’t. I laid him inside of his crib and placed a pacifier in his mouth. He fell back asleep unaware of all of the chaos that was transpiring. York quietly stayed on the phone. York’s silence wasn’t good. I knew he was pissed off and mad that he couldn't do anything about it. I grabbed the metal bat Samiah kept in her room before I went downstairs.

  “We called the police on you. Stupid bitch! Oh, we are getting’ paid off that rich bitch.” Tracy’s mother Joy called out as she leaned through Miss Mariah’s living room window.

  “Does she not realize that my egg and sperm donors are rich and I’m just a poor college student?” I asked York. The operator voice came through the phone and told York he only had one minute left.

  “I’mma call you back since the phone ‘bouta hang up, but before I do, I’m going to call Hoppa to come check on you two,” York said right before the phone hung up on me.

  I sat on the couch with the bat in my hand as I watched Joy and Pete. Joy was fanning and blowing on Pete’s face because his skin was still burning. The nerve of those crackheads! They practically called police on themselves, but they were more worried about York’s stash. Pete was groaning as Joy continued to blow on him I couldn’t help but laugh at the two crackheads, but I instantly stopped when I heard her.

  “We are going to tell the police that we came for my grandson who Mariah doesn't have legal custody of, so she kidnapped him. I told your dumbass to pick the lock on the back door!” Joy said in between each breath she blew on him. It was a sad case that they were doing all of that for York’s money. Everyone knew how hard York grinded in the streets, so I wasn’t surprised that happened. They thought York left his money with his mother who still lived in the hood. Miss Mariah’s place was an easy target which explains how comfortable Pete and Joy were about robbing her house.

  I was ready to give them a piece of my mind but the police came. They had their guns drawn as they rushed the house. I was pissed off when their story worked in their favor, and I was arrested. Joy told the cops she heard Yavin screaming when she knocked on Mariah’s door. She also told them that York’s father tried to break in because he saw me about to pour hot water on Yavin through the window. The police believed I was the jealous girlfriend babysitting the baby just to abuse him. I knew Tracy had something to do with it; because how else did Pete and Joy know what to say? I cursed at Pete and Joy as I sat in the back of an officer’s car. I wanted to shoot the both of them between their eyes.


  I sat in the interrogation room for thirty minutes. The room was freezing cold like a deep freezer.

  “We have a few more questions about a York Simms,” a white detective said. They wanted to know about Emani’s brother. The one who shot at York and his friends. It was the day that Zu and Faraji were shot. Emani’s brother, Dominic was found a few days later. They didn’t have evidence that York did it, so they busted him for drugs instead. I was certain York killed Dominic but I for damn sure wasn’t going to tell them that.

  “My client was brought in for an incident that happened at 800 block. Why is she being questioned for a homicide?” York’s lawyer said when she walked into the room.

  “Who the hell are you and who let you in?” the detective asked.

  “I’m the person who’s going to help my client sue you if she is not released and have your badge. You arrested a woman who was defending herself from intruders. Not to mention you left officers at the house to search it without a search warrant. They better be gone by the time I get there and everything placed back where it belongs. So are you charging my client or letting her go? Or you can just have her father Mr. Smith of Smith & Associates come down here. I think he would take it personally if he knew his daughter was arrested for being the victim.” York’s lawyer spat, she was a beautiful woman. Her skin was like peanut butter, and her hair was styled in a sassy cut. Her make-up was flawless as if it was done by professional. Her expensive suit hugged her voluptuous curves and her shoe game was vicious. She wore a pair of leather, alligator skin Gucci pumps. I was somewhat jealous that York had a cute and sassy lawyer.

  I’ll have to stay in here for a real charge after whipping her ass! I’m going to beat this sexy bitch ass if she fucked York, my jealous mind thought.

  The captain of the police department walked into the room, “No, you can take her now. I apologize for the misunderstanding.” He looked pissed off because York’s lawyer called the department out on their failed system.

  “You two in my office now!” he yelled at the detectives who were questioning me.

  Seconds later, I was un-cuffed and escorted out by York’s lawyer. I couldn’t remember her name although it was at the tip of my tongue.

  “Hoppa is in his car waiting for you, and Yavin is back at Mariah’s house safe and sound. Joy couldn’t keep the baby because she doesn't have a legit address and because his mother is still in the hospital. I will go to Miss Mariah’s house to make sure they are not still searching her home. My name is Francine Carmichael by the way, and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to call me,” she said.

  I thanked her as she handed me a card. We went our separate ways when we got outside. I got into Hoppa’s car and wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

  “Was York fucking that bitch, and don’t lie to me?” I asked. Hoppa roared in laughter and I wanted to knock his golds out of his mouth.

  “Your crazy-ass always trying to go in on my boy,” Hoppa said.

  “Whatever. I know York’s type, so don’t fuck with me,” I said.

  “Naw he ain’t smashing her. He wouldn’t have told me to call her for you. He wanted you out before your pops found out what happened. That man was going crazy over the phone,” Hoppa said.

  “I bet he was. This is all fucked up,” I vented and Hoppa chuckled.

  “At least lil’ man is back at home, but what’s up with your home girl?” Hoppa asked.

  “Which one?” I spat and rolled my eyes. Hoppa wasn’t shit either. He was inside of a new woman almost every week. I was surprised he didn’t have any baby mamas.

  “The prostitute,” he said.

  “WHAT!” I screamed.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Adisa. You know your friend Freta or whatever her name is be hoeing around. I heard she had some good pussy and I’m trying to sample that. Tell her my money is good,” Hoppa replied.

  “Faraji isn't a prostitute. Don’t say shit else to me on our way back to Mariah’s house. You are lucky I don’t have my razor on me or else I’ll cut your tongue out of your mouth,” I replied.

  “Damn my bad. I heard some niggas talking about shorty and how she’s always at the hotel with different niggas, but maybe it wasn’t like that,” Hoppa laughed. I somewhat believed him because Hoppa always spoke facts. He wouldn’t have asked me if he wasn’t sure
about Faraji.

  “Tell me the truth. You saw her didn’t you?” I asked.

  “Naw, I had someone else in mind,” Hoppa lied. I had a feeling she was up to something because she was so secretive. I also noticed her expensive attire and how she dressed sometimes. Faraji was the only girl on campus wearing fish net knee-highs with knee-length Prada heels. She reminded me of a high-priced call girl. I began to worry about her because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. After Hoppa pulled up to Miss Mariah’s house I thanked him for the ride.

  “Thanks for the ride,” I said.

  “Anytime shorty,” he replied.

  I got out of his car and walked into Miss Mariah’s house. It was a mess from the police going through her things. She sat on her couch with a glass of wine in her hand. She had a board over her window and I wanted to cry for her. She has been through so much in her life. The bags under her eyes were very evident.

  “I wanted to move and had money saved up so I could. I was thinking about going to Virginia with my sister. York is grown and Samiah is in college. I need to get away from this hell hole, but now I can’t. Yavin’s pediatrician is the best in town and I don’t trust anyone else right now until he gets older. York is locked up and my husband is a crackhead,” she said. She took a sip of her wine and a tear fell from her eye. Sadly, her and Pete were separated but not divorced.

  “I just want to sit back and relax one day with no worries. When you have kids you’ll understand, but you are still young. Stay stress-free as much as you can,” she said.

  “I will,” I replied.

  “I told York the same thing when he came to me about your abortion. I knew about y’all for a long time. I told him to stay away from you because his life doesn't mix with yours, but he told me it was hard. He was upset about what you did, but I told him the timing wasn’t right. I thank God for Yavin, but I wished York made better decisions. I think York wanted to be a father to prove to himself that he wouldn’t be like his father. York still yearns for his father, more than Samiah does,” Miss Mariah said. I was at loss for words. I didn’t know what to say all I could do was listen.

  “I’m just so damn pissed off that Yavin’s family is full of crack heads, drunks and a lot of other things. York screwed that damn girl unprotected. I wish I can beat his ass,” she fussed.

  Me too! I want to slap the hell out of him still, I thought.

  “I’m always available if you need me to watch Yavin,” I said.

  “I know and thank you very much. Go on home before it gets too late. I hope I still have my job because I had to leave work early,” she replied. I kissed her cheek before I headed out of the door. I thought about a lot of things on my way home. I thought about how much my life had changed since I left home. I was in my early adulthood stages—it was so stressful. Matter of fact, it was stressful for all of my friends. An hour later, I was parking in front of my apartment building. As I was getting out of my car, Faraji pulled into the parking lot next to me. She was driving a brand new black Lexus with temporary tags. I stood on the sidewalk and waited for her to step out of her car. She strutted across the parking lot with her stiletto heels beating the pavement. She wore a leather mini-skirt with a mid-length stylish leather jacket.

  “Oh hey, what’s going on? I was planning on coming to your apartment for some drinks,” she said.

  “I had a long day. I will have to share with you tomorrow. It’s so much to tell,” I replied.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked with concern.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Can I ask you something? I promise it will stay between us. I just need to know for your safety,” I said.

  “Okayyyy. What is it?” she asked.

  “Are you a prostitute?” I asked. She nervously laughed it off but I knew she was stalling.

  “No, why would you think that? Is it hard for you to believe a poor, black bitch from the hood can have the same shit that's in your mama’s closet? Or is it because you want to be the only one who gets to flaunt shit in our faces?” Faraji asked.

  “Girrrllllllllll, please don't pull that rich shit on me. I’m not rich, my parents are. To answer your question, I never gave a damn about materialistic shit and I never will. You sell your ass to have the finer things in life. I’m not judging you because we all have a little dirt underneath our nails. I just need to know in case one of your John’s decides to take advantage of you or possibly kill you. At least one of your friends who is not blinded by your bullshit would know what you are into. I care about you, so don’t come at me like that ever in your life again. I will beat your ass and not give two fucks about it. I’m a good friend and hopefully, you can be one too because good friends take each other’s feelings into consideration, even if they don’t like it,” I replied.

  “I’m not a prostitute. Like I stated before, all women are not born into the life you ran away from like a spoiled brat. Do you know how many of us would love to have your life?” Faraji asked. Faraji was battling with herself about something and I wanted to know what it was. Someone would've thought she was jealous, but I knew it wasn’t the case. She wanted to piss me off because I struck a nerve that I didn’t mean to.

  “No I don’t know how many because having money only pay bills, but it doesn't make real-life situations go away. Money can’t cure depression, feeling unloved, suicide thoughts and low self-esteem. Shit that you don’t know anything about because you think money can make it go away! Have a goodnight and don’t worry about this conversation. It’s as good as dead,” I said before I walked away from her. I took a long shower when I got in the house. I was sexually frustrated from months of not having York. Jaz and I fooled around but it didn’t go far. As soon as I stepped out the shower, someone knocked on the door. I dried off and grabbed a robe before I headed for the door. I looked through the peephole and smacked my teeth after I realized who it was. I opened the door and Faraji had tears in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me and cried.

  “I’m soooo sorry! It’s all I know and I had to do what I had to do for my family. I can’t stop because I enjoy it,” she admitted. I locked the door after she stepped inside my apartment.

  “Let’s sit down,” I said.

  After we sat down I handed her a tissue.

  “Cayman is such a good guy. He’s everything any girl could ask for. I feel bad afterward, but I don’t think about him while I’m screwing other men. I only think about the money and what I can do with it. I have sisters that depend on me. It’s hard for men when they are single parents. The system doesn't feel sorry for him, so he has to do what he can. He was denied food stamps and cash assistance. We barely had food. I noticed how men looked at my body, so I used it to feed my family. I became addicted to it and now I can’t stop. I even enjoy women more than I do a man. All a man can do for me is pay me. Men have used my body so much I lost interest in them. I didn’t tell anyone how much I like women. Emeka’s mother is a prostitute also, and we crossed paths one day. Someone we knew set something up for us to have a threesome. I didn’t know she was coming, but she gave me the best sexual experience any woman could ask for. I don’t know how to tell Emeka that I fucked her mother. I can’t tell anybody else about this, so please just keep this between us. I swear Adisa you have to. I just felt like telling someone because I have so much bottled in,” Faraji said.

  “I won’t say a word but I’m here for you. I just want you to be careful and protect yourself. Carry a weapon and don’t drink shit they give you. You have to know these things because a lot of women get killed behind this,” I said.

  “I’m going to quit,” she said.

  I knew it was a lie because she had an addiction to sex and she didn’t want help. She never said anything about seeking help. Faraji told me her secret because I saw right through her. She wasn’t planning on sharing her secret with anybody. She would’ve taken it to her grave if I hadn’t found out. Her cell phone rang and she answered it with a smile on her face.

we catch up tomorrow night? I have to take this,” she said.

  “Sure,” I replied.

  “You still not gonna’ tell me what happened earlier?” she asked.

  “Maybe tomorrow. I just want to get some sleep,” I replied.

  “Okay, goodnight and I’m sorry for saying those things. You are the most hardcore female I’ve met and I came from the hood,” she said. She kissed my cheek before she left out of my apartment. I climbed into bed to watch TV. As soon as I got comfortable, my cell phone rang. I wasn’t familiar with the number, but I answered because it could've been an emergency. My stomach fluttered when I heard York’s sexy and deep voice say “hello.”

  “Hey,” I said shyly.

  “I got someone to sneak me a phone, so I can know what’s going on at all times. I appreciate everything you did for me today. My son is good and you are too. Y’all ain’t gotta worry about them crackhead muthafucka’s anymore,” he said.


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