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Paranormal Mates Society: Chunkybuttfunky

Page 4

by Dakota Cassidy


  Cadence waited for Pam to digest.

  “I don’t see the problem, Cady. Your clan isn’t against inter-species relationships. I would think that’s obvious, seeing as they adopted your black ass and they’re white.”

  “No, I don’t mean my family will object either.” Crap, how was she just going to say this and not cringe when the words left her mouth?

  “Was the sex bad?”

  Oh, no, no, no. “No. It was pretty hot. Actually, it was more than hot. It was amazing. I know I’m not the most experienced girl of the millennium. I know I have trouble leaving my morals back in the eighteenth century, but this was a whole different kind of sex than I’ve ever had.”

  “Does he feel the same way?”

  “I think so.”

  “I’m not seeing the problem. So why don’t you just tell me what it is so we can stop beating the shit out of this dead horse?”

  Say it, Cadence. Get it over with. “He thinks I’m a werewolf too.” There. Done. No looking back.

  “Say again?”

  Cadence grimaced. “He thinks I’m a werewolf too, damn it, and now I’m in a bind I can’t get out of!”

  Pam’s screech of horror hurt Cadence’s ear. “Are you fucking nuts, Cady?”

  Macadamia for sure. “Yes, yes, I’m nuts! I don’t know why I did it. I just did. He was so damned hot on that stooopid site you sent me to. I couldn’t help myself. Look, go to your computer and I’ll send you his picture. I’m telling you, you’ll see just what I mean. He’s irresistible.” Cadence clicked on the picture she’d saved of Collin and forwarded it to Pam.

  “You get it?”

  “Yep, I got it and yep, he’s real cute, but he’s a werewolf, Cady. A dog. Canine. You are a vamp-ire,” she emphasized. “Why can’t you just tell him that?”

  “Because he specified in his profile that he only wanted to date other dogs! I can’t believe I’ve done this, Pam. What the hell was I thinking?”

  “Shoot, Cady, I don’t know but I’m no priest. You’re confessing to the wrong person here. Why not just tell him the truth?”

  Oh, sure. After she’d lied like a pro. “Then he’ll dump me.”

  “Not if he really likes you.”

  “Don’t werewolves have some sort of pack rules or something? I mean, can’t they only mate for life with another werewolf?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t say as I watch much of the Discovery Channel these days to find out. He’s half human if he’s a shifter. Maybe the same rules don’t apply. I do know that you ain’t no werewolf, and when the time comes to shift, your pearly whites and gossamer bat wings are going to give you away, Mistress of the Dark.”

  “Gee, thanks, Pam, for being so damn supportive.” Cadence knew Pam was right, but it hurt just the same.

  “Hey! I got yer back, but your back has no fur this time. I’m just stating the obvious, Cady. You have to tell him the truth. There’s no getting around it.”

  * * *

  “I said I’d have it done by the end of the month, God damn it! Have I ever fucking screwed you when I give you a date?” Collin barked into the phone. He ran an impatient hand over his stubbled chin and listened to the drone of the voice at the other end.

  “Don’t bark at me, Collin,” came the unfalteringly calm reply. “You know the deal. Now get it the fuck done and get busy giving me the updates I was promised when you went off on this half-assed, bullshit wild goose chase! We need her and we need her soon.”

  The click on the other end left a resonant buzz in his ear and fury in his veins.

  Collin threw the phone at the wall with a violent flick of his wrist and watched as the shiny, black pieces cracked and splintered, scattering on his bedroom floor.


  Collin reached for the bottle of antacids he’d bought yesterday and poured some into his hand, popping the palm full in his mouth and crunching them into oblivion. The chalky aftertaste made him wander to the kitchen and pull out a beer from the fridge. Opening it and clamping his lips around the neck, he drank until it was bone dry.

  The sound of his inbox tinkling drew him to the living room where his laptop sat on the beat up old coffee table he’d found at a thrift store.

  Cadence calling…

  Collin opened the e-mail and his lips cracked a reluctant smile. She knew how to fuck with a guy’s innards, and the last bit of pissed off he had left from his phone call vanished when he read she’d agreed to meet him for dinner.

  Visions of her gorgeous body, naked, willing, erotic, flooded his vision. The sweet taste of her nipples lingered on his tongue. Her thighs parted, her pussy glistening, the juices of her desire drove his senses to overload. His cock hardened if he let her linger in his mind. Her chocolate brown eyes, alive with laughter, darker in passion, gnawed at his gut, eating away at his defenses.

  When she shuddered after they made love, Collin wanted to hold her until she slept, soothe and consume her all at once. When she lay beneath him in the dark of his bedroom, rounded, full, lush, he wanted to lock her up and keep her there until he could exorcise her from his every thought. When he kissed her ripe cherry red lips, he wanted to devour them. Each taste of Cadence that Collin took made him hungrier, greedier for more.

  And he didn’t know why.

  Was there really an explanation for this kind of chemistry? The kind that simmered and burned just beneath the surface, spattering and spilling over into a rolling boil he seemed to have absolutely no control over?

  He’d had girlfriends in the past. Shit, he’d even had a wife way back when, but he’d never had this kind of voracious, insatiable need to spend every spare moment with anyone like he did with Cadence.

  What had begun innocently enough was turning into something decadent, forbidden, headed for disaster. Collin didn’t do fucking one-night stands.

  Well, he reasoned, it hadn’t been a one-night stand. It had been explosive as he’d watched Cadence’s lips wrap around the rim of a coffee cup. Something had taken hold of him in that coffee shop and gripped his balls with an iron vice. One minute they were talking and the next they were heading to his apartment.

  Now, they were decidedly involved. Collin didn’t get involved unless it suited his purposes. Yet, here he was, going against all of his ingrained rituals. Bucking every friggin’ rule he’d given himself about getting involved.

  Half of his sexually, intellectually overworked brain almost didn’t give a flying fuck. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Cadence adults did this all the time, and he wasn’t lying when he’d told her he wanted more.

  But that was a week ago. He sure as shit didn’t plan on still wanting more much. Maybe this would burn itself out in a couple of weeks and he could skip the fuck back off to where he’d come from with little or no guilt.

  He clicked on her picture. The picture from the site he’d saved to a file on his laptop. She was so damned fine his groin twitched in response to just a grainy picture.

  Smart too. Cadence was sharp.

  Having a conversation with her was as easy as breathing. It was mental gymnastics keeping up with her, and that was a new experience for him. He didn’t spend much time talking to women who knew so much. It could be his job kept him from doing that often, or the women he’d dated didn’t find much interest in what he did.

  Cadence did. She was like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and it intrigued him.

  Once again he thought, fuuuuuuuuck.

  Collin couldn’t get enough of Cadence and that wasn’t supposed to be a part of the plan right now. But he couldn’t go through with it, and that meant Collin was seriously fucked.

  * * *

  Pam’s words came back to haunt her later that evening while she and Collin strolled through the mall after dinner and saw a stand with some calendars. They’d seen each other every day for the last week, in one fashion or another, and the more time they spent together, the more Cadence shoved her guilt aside in favor of Collin�
�s ongoing company. He’d kept true to his word about their liaison being more than just a one-night stand. It had turned into a week-long stand and then some.

  He was standing at one of the many racks that held all kinds of calendars, flipping through it. “Hey, look. The full moon is in two weeks.”

  Oh, good. Maybe they could howl together under it. Woof-woof.

  Cadence gave him an absent smile and chose to focus instead on his cute ass in tight, faded blue jeans. A full moon was when packs ran together. Maybe she could lie some more and say that her pack had plans that night?

  “Did you hear me, Cadence?”

  “I did.”

  Pulling her nearer, Collin whispered in her ear, “The moon will be full in two weeks. Will you show me?”

  “Show you what?” Dumb. She would just play dumb.

  His chuckle rumbled in her ear. “When you shift.”

  Cadence turned into the solid warmth of his body and winked. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  His expression changed for a fleeting moment, then returned to its usual playful grin. “I think I’ve shown you mine plenty.”

  A giggle bubbled in her throat. “Oh, and I was fully clothed?”

  Collin pressed a kiss to her lips. “Speaking of clothes. We have too many on.”

  “You want me to disrobe right here in the mall? People will talk.”

  “Then let’s go back to my apartment where we can’t hear them.”

  Cadence gave him a sly grin, thankful his talk of all things lunar had passed, even if it was only momentary and sure to come back to haunt her later. “I’ll race you to that truck of yours.”

  “You’re on,” he called over his shoulder as he took long strides toward the double doors of the exit.

  Cadence blew a breath out of the side of her mouth and raced after him. Keep distracting him with sex, Cady. That’ll do ya.

  Damn, Cadence thought briefly when, ten minutes later, Collin elicited a groan from her with hands that were still new and exciting. Werewolves were insatiable. They hadn’t even made it into the elevator of Collin’s apartment building, and they already had their tongues firmly planted in one another’s tonsils.

  His lips seared hers, burning them with the kiss of his lust. His tongue found her own, warring with it, sliding its silken surface along hers until she arched against him, shifting her legs between the muscled steel of his. Collin’s hands splayed over the soft swell of her belly, tracing small circles around her navel through her thin skirt, dipping into the waistband of it, then pulling back.

  Cadence tore her lips from his with a whimper of discontent. “Collin,” she rasped as he pressed her against the wall of the elevator.

  “Cadence?” he replied, his voice throbbing and smoky in the small space.

  “Maybe waiting until we get into your apartment would be prudent, considering our rather revealing location?”

  His warm hand wrapped around hers, placing it on the bulge of cock, now prominently displayed in a large outline beneath his jeans. Collin groaned as he rubbed it over his flesh, pushing into her hand, guiding her. “This is all that’s prudent.”

  She chuckled into his mouth when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. “I think you’ll have to wait, Mr. AKC. It would seem we’ve arrived, and we have company.” Collin ignored her, keeping her hand in his and tugging her behind him as they wormed their way past the small crowd of giggling teenagers and down his hallway.

  Slipping the key in the lock, Collin popped the door open and pulled her into his apartment right behind him. He swung her around and pressing her up against the door, shutting it behind them with a bang. His body covered hers, hard, chiseled and hot to her cooler skin. A rushing heat slithered up her spine, resting in her nipples and setting them ablaze with the need for Collin’s mouth.

  His eyes were unreadable, dark and piercing, as he let his hands roam over her abundant curves, watching her intently.

  Collin wasted no time in relieving her of her clothes as his confident hands tugged her sweater up and over her head and nimble fingers unclasped the front of her bra with a simple tug. Her breasts hit the cool air and Collin cupped them, bending his head to snake his tongue out over the rigid flesh.

  Cadence hissed as he laved each nipple, pushing her breasts together and kneading them with impatient hands. Heat, sweet and sharp, hit her cunt and she let her fingers slide into his mouth, running them over the silk of his tongue, circling his lips. Collin rolled a nipple in his mouth, tugging it between his lips.

  Her hips bucked as she strained to press him closer, burying her hands in his thick hair and arching into him. She gasped when Collin slid his hand along her thigh and under her skirt, pushing her panties out of the way and sliding a finger between the plump lips of her pussy. Deft fingers spread her swollen flesh with ease and fondled her clit.

  Cadence cried out when Collin inserted a finger into her slick passage and drew back with a long pull, pushing into her in agonizingly slow strokes. She came instantly, writhing against him, forcing his finger to move with rapid fire strokes. Hands that had been immobile now clasped the bulk of Collin’s thick shoulders, shrugging his jacket off, tearing at the shirt he wore, yanking his jeans open and reaching in to stroke the cock that made Cadence wet with the mere thought of it.

  Stroking him, she let the hard shaft, thick and pulsing, glide in the tunnel of her hand. Grasping it, she ran her fingers over the smooth head of his cock.

  Collin ground against her, kicking off his pants and pulling his underwear off, leaning into her, capturing her lips with a kiss that seared her mouth.

  Cadence tore free of him and planted her hands on his lean hips, sweeping kisses along his chest, brushing his nipples as her tongue roamed over the rigid lines in his stomach until the throbbing shaft rested against her lips. She let her mouth engulf his cock, fighting a small cry of victory when his hands knotted in her hair and he hissed her name.

  A slow descent of tongue and moisture was the path Cadence chose, taking his cock deeply between her lips and driving down on the hard flesh with a painstaking glide. Her fingers dug into his tight ass, forcing him deeper into her mouth, licking at him, sliding over the head of his rigid flesh, cupping his balls now tightly drawn up against his body.

  Collin’s hand moved to the top of her head, gripping her hair, pushing her mouth toward him, driving into it until she heard him say through clenched teeth, “Stop! Stop, Cadence. I need to fuck you now.” Collin hauled her up against him, his voice gritty and hard. “Bend over the back of the couch, Cadence.”

  Ripples of electricity wove a new kind of lust in Cadence, and she responded by following his command and crossing the room to splay herself across the back of his couch. Her heart slammed against her ribs in anticipation of his hot cock driving into her. Cadence braced her hands in front of her, quivering with a desire that ruled her senses.

  Collin was immediately behind her, trailing kisses that were wet and hot along her spine, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and dragging it over her hips. The rasp of his tongue slid over her ass, between her legs, darting out to caress her clit before he rose behind her and let his cock slide between her trembling thighs.

  His presence was heated, electric and blistering as his muscled frame wedged against hers sprawled on the back of the couch. His strokes were slow, letting the juice of her cunt wet the thick rod. Cadence lifted her ass high, feeling his hard abdomen against it, finding herself on the brink of begging Collin to fuck her.

  She didn’t have to beg.

  Collin entered her with a growl, his strong arms trembling as he gripped her hips and drove upward into the fire slick passage. Her pussy clamped around his cock instantly, taking her breath away. Her fingers clutched wildly at the cushions of his old couch. The fit was snug and deliciously wicked as he plunged into Cadence. She was at his mercy and her senses reeled from it.

  He demanded her response to his strokes, lifting her hips ha
rd against him, draining her of her last will to hold back for more.

  Cadence came with a silent scream on her lips. It clung to her throat and picked up speed when she felt Collin tense behind her. His thighs grew harder against the backs of her own, his grip tighter on her hips, his roar of release harsh as he spilled his seed in her with one last forceful stroke.

  Collin drew her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, still inside her, cupping her breasts and pressing his jaw to her neck.

  Cadence’s arm immediately wrapped around his head as they both took gulps of air into their lungs.

  “Cadence?” he rasped in her ear.


  “That wasn’t half bad.”

  Her grin spread across her face. “Yeah, I guess it was okay.”

  “Just okay?”

  “Well, not half bad.”

  The rumble in his chest vibrated against her back. “All right, it was pretty good.”

  “Yeah,” she responded absently. “It was pretty good. I was wondering if you were ever going to have your way with me like that.”

  Collin’s body stiffened behind hers. “Whaddaya mean, like that?”

  “You know, from behind. Don’t all werewolves like to do it from behind? Ya know, doggie style?”

  “Haven’t you been with your own kind before? Did they all do it doggie style?”

  Oh. Her own kind. Like the kind that wasn’t really hers. Woof, woof. Shit. When would she learn to drink a cup of shut-the-fuck-up? “Contrary to popular belief, I haven’t been with many before you.”

  Collin withdrew from her and turned her to face him. “Good. I don’t know why I’m glad to hear that, but I am.”

  It pleased her to no end that he was happy she was such a novice. If he only knew how many centuries she’d been hanging around all novice like.

  “Tell me about your family. You said you were adopted. Your pack is white?”

  Um, oy. More lies… “Yes, they’re white.” She couldn’t bring herself to call her clan a pack. It was like denying who they were.

  Brushing her hair from her face, he asked, “Where did they adopt you from?”


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