Page 220 Use of the Rattler in the attack on Coral from Burke, Colin, Automating American Cryptanalysis 1930–45: Marvellous Machines, a Bit too Late, in David Alvarez (ed.), Allied and Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II (Frank Cass, London, 1999)
Pages 220–2 Work on JNA10 by Edith Bennett and other Wrens from interviews and correspondence with Edith Becker (née Bennett) between May 1999 and April 2000.
Pages 222–3 Interception of Japanese diplomatic messages from PRO HW4/25; HW4/29; HW14/33; HW14/38; HW14/47; HW14/58
Page 223 Codebreaker's recollection of breaking the Oshima Atlantic Wall message from Boyd, Hitler's Japanese Confidant
Page 223 Japanese Military Attaché message from Hinsley, British Intelligence in the Second World War (abridged edition); Boyd, Hitler's Japanese Confidant
Pages 223–4 Sibley on JMA section from correspondence with Bill Sibley, July 1999 and January 2000
Page 224 Naval Attaché's own report from PRO HW1/2768
Page 224 Oshima regarded as too gullible from PRO WO208/4703; ADM223/792. After the fall of Germany, Oshima was interned in the United States before being sent back to Japan where he was jailed for life by a war crimes tribunal. He was paroled in December 1955 and died at the age of eighty-nine in June 1975, still unaware that many of the messages he sent back to Japan from wartime Germany had been read by the Allies (Boyd, Hitler's Japanese Confidant).
Page 225 Double-cross operations from Smith, Foley
Pages 225–6 Value of Naval Attaché scientific material from ADM223/792; Lewin, The Other Ultra; Jones, R.V., Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939–1945 (Coronet, London, 1979)
Page 226 GC&CS commercial section from HW14/38; NARA RG24 Vol. 3806; RG457 OD883
Pages 226–7 Birch on co-operation difficulties and possibility of break with Americans from PRO HW3/93 and HW14/142
Page 227 Early difficulties with BRUSA Circuit from PRO HW3/157
Page 227 Japanese improvement of JN25 security and concerns over possible Allied break from Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded
Page 227 Fabian complaint that material withheld from him from Somerville Diary, 17 July 1944, Somerville Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge
Page 227 Hugh Alexander brought in to head Bletchley Park JN25 operation from PRO HW14/120; HW25/1
Pages 227–8 Concern over loss of JN25 for long period from PRO HW14/142
Page 228 Alexander goes to Washington from information supplied by Ralph Erskine
Page 228 Redman agrees direct link between Colombo and OP-20-G and Travis signs updated agreement from PRO HW4/24; HW4/25; Benson, A History of US Communications Intelligence
Pages 229–30 Background to opening of Burma campaign and arguments over its prosecution from Slim, Field Marshal Viscount, Defeat into Victory (Pan, London, 1999); Dupuy and Dupuy, The Encyclopedia of Military History; Wheal, Elizabeth-Anne and Pope, Stephen, The Macmillan Dictionary of the Second World War (Macmillan, London, 1989)
Page 230 Sigint support for Burma campaign from PRO HW3/102; HW14/71; HW14/73
Page 230 WEC working on both 7890 and 3366 from NARA RG457 OD815; interview with Sir Michael Kerry, 15 February 2000
Pages 230–1 Kerry memories from interview with Sir Michael Kerry, 15 February 2000. Sir Michael was subsequently HM Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor.
Page 231 WEC links with Americans and Station 8 from PRO HW3/102; NARA RG457 OD3645
Pages 231–2 WWSC and EWSC operations from PRO HW3/102; HW3/156
Pages 231–2 Poor reception in Delhi leads to transfer of coverage to Bangalore from NARA RG457 OD883
Page 232 Comilla operations PRO HW3/102; HW3/156; NARA RG457 OD3401
Pages 232–3 Stripp from Stripp, Codebreaker; Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers
Page 233 Japanese Navy Air Force transmissions covered in Ceylon from PRO HW3/102; HW4/25
Pages 233–4 Usefulness of Japanese naval air convoy and meteorological reports from Nave, An Australian's Unique Naval Career; Central Bureau Technical Records, Part B: Naval Air–Ground Communications
Pages 234–6 Bob Biggs on military codebreaking at Bletchley Park from correspondence with Bob Biggs, January and February 2000
Pages 236–8 Bernard Keefe on army air section, military training and general life at Bletchley Park from correspondence with Bernard Keefe, August 1999
Page 238 Separate air section set up under Hooper from PRO HW3/102; HW3/157; HW14/64
Page 238 Daly on Hooper interview with Margaret Gethen (née Daly), 23 February 2000
Pages 238–9 Newton-John from PRO HW3/157
Page 239 ‘Melding’ from PRO HW3/157
Page 239 Robertson on ‘melding’ from letter from Margaret Robertson (née Melvin)
Pages 239–40 Lavell on air section from correspondence with Ann Cunningham (née Lavell), July 1999
Page 241 Security problems at WEC from PRO HW3/165; interview with Sir Michael Kerry, 15 February 2000
Pages 241–4 Setting up of SLUs from PRO HW3/165; Winterbotham, The Ultra Secret (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1974); interview with Ken Kelsey, 24 February 2000
Page 243 Background to start of Burma campaign from Keegan, The Second World War
Pages 243–4 Progress of campaign from Slim, Defeat into Victory
Pages 244–5 Predicting of Japanese air raids and transfer of BULBUL coverage to India from PRO HW14/142; HW3/102; Central Bureau Technical Records, Part C: Army Air–Ground Communications, and Part A: Organisation
Pages 245–6 Kerry on Comilla operations from interview with Sir Michael Kerry, 15 February 2000
Page 246 Arlington Hall conference and military codes worked on and broken at Bletchley Park from PRO HW3/157; HW14/142; Drea, Were the Japanese Army Codes Secure?
Page 246 Transfer of military air section staff to Japanese air section under Hooper from PRO HW3/102; HW14/142
Pages 246–7 Flew memories from interview with Professor Anthony Flew, 22 October 1999
Page 247 Japanese air section resources and effect of loss of JN25 coverage from PRO HW14/92; HW14/115; HW14/142
Page 247 W. C. Smith on 14th Army crossing of Chindwin River from Smith, Wireless Experimental Centre
Pages 247–8 Capture of Mandalay from Slim, Defeat into Victory
Pages 248–9 Underwood memories from correspondence with Dennis Underwood, December 1999
Page 249 Mobile intercept operations from PRO HW14/64; NARA RG457 OD3645
Page 250 Capture of Rangoon from Slim, Defeat into Victory
Pages 250–1 Underwood memories from correspondence with Dennis Underwood, December 1999
Page 252 Arlington Hall difficulties with 7890 from NARA RG457 Boxes 827 and 828
Page 252 Sio pinch of codebooks Central Bureau Technical Records, Part A: Organisation; Correspondence with Joseph E. Richard, 19 February 2000; PRO HW3/156. Since Bletchley Park was now in charge of providing Allied designations for all enemy code and cipher systems, British descriptions of these systems have been used.
Pages 252–3 Richard memories from correspondence with Joseph E. Richard, 19 February 2000
Page 253 Allied ability to read mainline army codes to end of war from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part G: Mainline Army Systems
Pages 253–4 Biard and Mackie sent to help translate army backlog from Biard, Forrest R., The Pacific War through the Eyes of Forrest R. ‘Tex’ Biard (Cryptolog, Vol. 10, No. 2, Winter 1989)
Page 254 MacArthur use of the Central Bureau intelligence from mainline army codes from Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Page 255 Naval intelligence and Operation Galvanic from Jacobsen, The Codebreakers; Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded; Dupuy and Dupuy, The Encyclopedia of Military History
Page 255 No. 1 Wireless Unit monitoring of Japanese aircraft being ferried into Hollandia and US raids from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections; Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Pages 255–6 Landings at Hollandia and attacks on TAKE convoy from Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Pages 256–7 Yoshimo maru pinch from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part G: Mainline Army Systems; Central Bureau Technical Records, Part A: Organisation; correspondence with Joseph E. Richard, 19 February 2000
Page 257 Interception of Japanese plans to retake Aitape from Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Page 257 British reinforcement of Central Bureau from PRO HW3/102; Melinsky, Hugh, A Code-breaker's Tale (Lark's Press, Dereham, 1998)
Pages 257–8 Melinsky memories from Melinsky, A Code-breaker's Tale
Pages 258–9 Lanacaster memories from correspondence with Claude Lanacaster Jr, 29 January 2000
Pages 259–60 Melinsky memories from Melinsky, A Code-breaker's Tale
Page 260 Battle for the Marianas from Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded; Jacobsen, The Codebreakers
Pages 260–1 Advanced echelon of Central Bureau to New Guinea from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part A: Organisation; Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 261 Ballard memories from Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 261 Structure and manning of Central Bureau from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part A: Organisation; PRO HW3/102
Pages 261–2 Deployment of interception units from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections; Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 262 Battle of Leyte Gulf from Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded
Pages 262–3 Australian intercept operations and intelligence gathered from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections
Page 263 Japanese Special Attack Unit from Melinsky, A Code-breaker's Tale
Page 263 ‘Foreign Legion’ from Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 263 Nave on army air code from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part B: Naval Air–Ground Communications; CB News, September 1999
Pages 263–4 Ballard on move to Tacloban, expanded production of Ultra by Central Bureau, US technology from Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 264 RAGFOR and improved US Army/Navy and BRUSA co-operation from Benson, History of US Communications; PRO ADM223/297
Page 265 Build-up of Japanese troops on Philippines from Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Page 265 Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections; Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Page 265 Australian intercept operators joined by US units from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections; Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Page 266 Central Bureau's army air ‘Solution’ section move to Leyte and increase in RAAF intercept operators at 6 Wireless Unit from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections; Central Bureau Technical Records, Part A: Organization
Page 266 Intercept units go ashore at Dagupan and move to San Miguel from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections
Page 266 Changes in army codebooks hamper codebreakers from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part G: Mainline Army Systems
Pages 266–7 Ship-borne Y units from PRO ADM223/494; ADM223/495; HW4/25; Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 267 Okinawa and last-ditch Japanese naval battle from Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded
Page 267 Creation of HMS Anderson, streamlining of codebreaking operation and Alexander contribution from PRO HW4/24; HW4/25
Pages 267–8 Scott memories from Scott, Solving Japanese Naval Ciphers 1943–45
Page 267 JN11 solved quicker by British from PRO HW4/25
Pages 268–9 Mountbatten visit from interview with Ken Kelsey; PRO HW14/142; Denham, Bedford–Bletchley–Kilindini–Colombo, Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers
Page 269 Laslett on Washington operation from interview with Peter Laslett, 17 February 2000
Page 269 Keeffe on BBC outside broadcast from Bletchley Park from letter from Bernard Keeffe, 22 July 2000
Pages 269–70 Central Bureau Philippines operations from Central Bureau Technical Records, Part J: Field Sections
Page 270 Melinsky memories from Melinsky, A Code-breaker's Tale
Pages 271–2 San Miguel operations from correspondence with Geoff Day; Melinsky, A Code-breaker's Tale; Ballard, On Ultra Active Service
Page 272 Strength of Japanese forces known from ‘Tokyo Circular’ from PRO HW3/156; HW3/157
Page 272 US air raids on Japan from Wheal and Pope, The Macmillan Dictionary of the Second World War
Pages 272–3 Emperor's peace plea to Moscow intercepted from PRO HW14/107
Page 273 Decision to drop the atomic bomb from Alperovitz, Gar, The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth (Knopf, New York, 1995)
Page 274 Laslett memory of message referring to the bomb from interview with Peter Laslett, 17 February 2000
Page 274 Calder memory of message referring to the bomb from correspondence and conversations with Rosemary Merry (née Calder), July 1999 and February 2000
Page 274 Army air message detailing effects of the bomb from Drea, MacArthur's Ultra
Pages 274–5 Grafing on surrender message from correspondence with Jack Grafing
Page 275 Lydekker memories of VJ Day from letter from Julie Lydekker
Pages 275–6 Olive Humble on last days of Bletchley Park from letter from Olive Hirst (née Humble), 11 July 1999
Page 276 Wrens at HMS Anderson help PoWs before being sent home from correspondence with Dorothy Smith (née Robertson), February and April 1999
Page 277 Rochefort information kindly supplied by Phil Jacobsen
Page 277 Rowlett information from Rowlett, The Story of Magic
Page 278 Tiltman from Erskine, Brigadier John H. Tiltman
Page 278 Milner-Barry, Sir Stuart, C.H.O'D. Alexander – a Personal Memoir, in Harry Golombek and William R. Hartson, The Best Games of C.H.O'D. Alexander (OUP, Oxford, 1976)
Page 278 Nave information from Nave, An Australian's Unique Naval Career; Rusbridger and Nave, Betrayal at Pearl Harbor
Page 278 Hugh Foss information from Hawken, Recollections of Bletchley Park
Page 278 Agnes Driscoll information from Robert Hanyok, Still Desperately Seeking ‘Miss Agnes’ (NCVA Cryptolog Vol. 18, No. 5, 1997)
Page 278 Raven information kindly supplied by Phil Jacobsen
Page 279 Joseph E. Richard information from correspondence with Joseph E. Richard, December 1999 to April 2000
Page 279 Wilfrid Noyce information from The Concise Dictionary of National Biography (OUP, Oxford, 1995)
Aldrich, Richard J., Intelligence and the War against Japan: Britain, America and the Politics of Secret Service (CUP, Cambridge, 2000)
Alperovitz, Gar, The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth (Knopf, New York, 1995)
Alvarez, David, Secret Messages: Codebreaking and American Diplomacy, 1930–1945 (University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 2000)
Alvarez, David (ed.), Allied and Axis Signals Intelligence in World War II (Frank Cass, London, 1999)
Andrew, Christopher, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community (William Heinemann, London, 1985)
Attiwell, Kenneth, The Singapore Story (Frederick Muller, London, 1959)
Ballard, Geoffrey, On Ultra Active Service: The Story of Australia's Signals Intelligence Operations during World War II (Spectrum, Richmond, Victoria, 1991)
Bamford, James, The Puzzle Palace (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1983)
Beckhough, Harry, Secret Communications: The Hidden Sources of Information through the Ages, from the Sumerians to the Cold War (Minerva Press, London, 1995)
Benson, Robert Louis, A History of US Communications Intelligence during World War II: Policy and Administration (United States Cryptologic History, Series IV, World War II, Vol. 8) (National Security Agency, Fort George G. Meade, MD, 1997)
Best, Antony, Britain, Japan and Pearl Harbor: Avoiding War in East Asia (Routledge, London, 1995)
Biard, Fo
rrest R., Wartime Melbourne – Heaven or Hell (NCVA Cryptolog, Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 1998)
Biard Forrest R., The Pacific War through the Eyes of Forrest R. ‘Tex’ Biard (NCVA Cryptolog, Vol. 10, No. 2, Winter 1989)
Bleakley, Jack, The Eavesdroppers (AGPS Press, Canberra, 1991)
Boyd, Carl, Hitler's Japanese Confidant: General Oshima Hiroshi and MAGIC Intelligence, 1941–1945 (University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 1993)
Budiansky, Stephen, Too Late for Pearl Harbor (US Naval Institute Proceedings, December 1999)
Calvocoressi, Peter, Wint, Guy and Pritchard, John, The Penguin History of the Second World War (Penguin, London, 1999)
Cartwright, Richard L., They Did Not Fail (New Millennium, London, 1997)
Chamberlin, Vince, The FRUMEL – Australia May 1942 (NCVA Cryptolog, Vol. 9, No. 1, Fall 1987)
Chitty, Jean, Kent House Colombo: Letters from a Wren, May 1944 to November 1945 (Belhaven, Lymington, 1994)
Clarke, Ronald, The Man Who Broke Purple (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1977)
Clayton, Anthony, Forearmed: A History of the Intelligence Corps (Brassey's, London, 1993)
Currier, Prescott, My Purple Trip to England in 1941 (Cryptologia, Vol. 20, No. 3, 1996)
Currier, Prescott, NSA Oral History OH-38-80 (November 1980)
Davidson, Edward and Manning, Dale, Chronology of World War Two (Cassell, London, 1999)
Deavours, Cipher and Kruh, Louis, Machine Cryptography and Modern Cryptanalysis (Artech, London, 1985)
Denniston, A. G., The Government Code and Cypher School between the Wars (Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1986)
Denniston, Robin, The Professional Career of A. G. Denniston, in Kenneth Robertson (ed.), British and American Approaches to Intelligence (Macmillan, London, 1987)
Denniston, Robin, Diplomatic Eavesdropping, 1922–1944: A New Source Discovered (Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1995)
Denniston, Robin, Churchill's Secret War (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1997)
Drabble, Margaret, Angus Wilson: A Biography (Minerva, London, 1996)
The Emperor's Codes Page 37