Book Read Free

Owned by the Alpha

Page 30

by Sam Crescent

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Now let’s get ready to deal with this ex of yours.”


  Erica and Caleb made it to the meeting area before the others. They curled up together in their wolf forms as they waited. Soon, other pack members began to join them, forming a circle around them. It wasn’t long before a huge number of wolves had assembled, all sitting quietly and waiting. Finally, a distant howl signalled the impending arrival of the elders with Tank. Erica’s stomach hurt and she hoped this was resolved quickly. Now that they’d joined their souls, she couldn’t bear it if something happened to her mate.

  The wolves parted to let a group through and Erica recognized the hulking form of Tank among them. When he and the elders shifted to human, the rest of the pack shifted, too, with Caleb and Erica the last to do so.

  The mating mark throbbed on the side of her neck, more obvious in this form, and she heard a murmur spread through the crowd as the others noticed it.

  “I’ve come to challenge you for the right to take Erica back to her pack where she belongs.” Tank’s voice echoed through the clearing.

  Caleb stepped forward. “She is my mate. My soul mate. We are a bonded pair and you cannot break that.”

  Tank laughed. “I can if I kill you.”

  “Then she’ll die, too. Either way, you lose.”

  Unseen hands pulled Erica back to the edge of the clearing as Caleb and Tank began to circle each other. She chewed her lip as she waited. When Tank lunged at Caleb, she gasped, but her mate easily side-stepped and landed a blow to Tank’s face. He grunted and fell back, the circling continuing.

  They continued in this manner, exchanging blows, and while Caleb proved to be a skilled fighter, he couldn’t avoid every hit. After one particularly powerful blow, Caleb went down, his blood staining the snow beneath them, but just as Tank went in for another, Caleb grabbed his leg and yanked the other man to the ground. He jumped on his back and wrapped his hands around Tank’s throat. Tank bucked and tried to throw Caleb off, but he couldn’t. Tank’s movements slowed as his oxygen supply dwindled. His face became red and puffed as he struggled to get air.

  Tank met Erica’s gaze, and in spite of the situation, he smirked at her. She frowned, and then her eyes widened when she realized Tank was shifting. It was against the rules of fair engagement, but Tank had proved many times he didn’t really care much for rules.

  Fearing for her mate, Erica shifted and leaped into the circle between Tank and Caleb, but Tank surprised her when he turned and ran. Erica tore after him, but he had a head start and he’d always been faster. Within moments though, several wolves from Caleb’s pack, including Caleb, sped past her. They pursued Tank as far as Caleb’s parents’ house, but they were too late. He’d made it into his car before they got there and managed to peel out of the driveway and down the road.

  Caleb and his enforcers shifted back to human and stood watching. Erica caught up a moment later and went to stand beside her mate.

  “Should we try to chase him?” Caleb asked.

  Erica would have loved to say yes, but at this rate they’d never catch up. “Let him go. He’ll have to live with himself and his cowardice.” She slipped her arms around him and squeezed. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I had something worth fighting for. There was no way I was going to lose.”

  “He’s already taken so much from me, I couldn’t help but worry.” She buried her face against his neck, inhaling his scent to reassure herself.

  “I was thinking,” Caleb said. “Maybe we should go down and get your sons. Bring them back here.”

  Her breath caught. “Are you serious? Even though they’re not yours?”

  He stroked her cheek and she leaned into his touch. “If they’re part of you, they’re part of me. I know how hard it must have been for you to leave them.”

  Hope filled Erica. “I love you, Caleb.”

  “I love you, too.”

  As they made their way back to their house, Erica felt like maybe she’d get to have her happy little family after all.


  Moon Point, 1

  Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Sisu wiped the counter with the worn rag. He made a mental note to check the inventory for some new ones, for although Moon Point was not the best bar in the city, it still belonged to him.

  He took in the rowdy environment. A group of men played darts in the corner. Others debated enthusiastically with a mug of mediocre beer in their hands and a tray of greasy, half-eaten food on the table. Scattered in dark, secluded corners, couples made out. Red Hot Chili Pepper’s California started to play and drunken voices joined in singing the chorus.

  Sisu took a deep breath. Alcohol. Fritters. Heavy perfume. Sweat. Smoke. Wet dog. The place stunk. Yet, even though he only came once a month, it still smelled like home. He owned three other businesses now, all of them of better quality, but Moon Point would always be his favorite joint. His roots were here, in this place, within this gritty neighborhood.

  “Get me another, will you?”

  Lee, his friend and Moon Point’s manager, waved an empty mug in front of his face. Sisu took the glass and refilled it.

  “I should charge you, you know?” Sisu said.

  Lee cocked his head and gave him his standard Hollywood smile. Batting lashes included. Sisu rolled his eyes. The list of men who had fallen for that face was endless.

  “Consider it part of payment,” Lee said.

  Sisu raised his eyebrows.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  Lee laughed. “Never mind, it’d cost you too much.”

  “Indeed it would.” Sisu tended to another customer and then returned to Lee’s side. “What I don’t understand is what you’re doing here on your day off.”

  “I could ask you the same question. When was the last time you relaxed?” Lee said.

  Sisu shrugged.

  “See? Besides, this is a great place to be. Free drinks, free food, and entertainment. What more does a man need?”

  “I wouldn’t mind me some pussy,” Sisu said.

  “Make it some cock, and I’ll agree.” Lee smirked. He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Wanna have some fun?”

  Sisu opened his mouth to retort when a cool draft brushed the hairs on the back of his neck. He glanced toward the entrance and froze.

  A couple walked into the room. The man was tall, scrawny, and reeked of human, but the woman was something different. His mouth watered. Even within the hundreds of smells permeating Moon Point, he could pick out her scent. Sweet, like ripe strawberries. Tempting, like fresh mango fruit. He sniffed the air. There was something else. Musky. Piquant. Delicious.

  The wolf within him surged, slamming against his chest. Sisu gasped. What the hell? He shook his head and took in a measured breath. The woman’s fragrance wrapped around him. His insides burned as his beast fought for release. Shifting was prohibited in the bar. He clenched his teeth and grabbed the countertop. A single word popped into his mind.


  Sisu snarled. The rhythm of his heart changed into a frantic beat. His nails dug into the wood.

  My mate.

  Desire pumped through him. His cock hardened. Every cell in his body screamed for her. She was his. Regardless of her name, her precedence, her past, or her present.


  “Sisu,” Lee whispered. “What’s wrong?”

  “Her.” He ground out the words, unable to tear his gaze from the pair. The man tugged the woman by the hand. She walked a step behind him, twisting the strap of her purse and keeping her head bowed.


  It rolled off in waves from her. His woman.

  Sisu growled. He would kill the man who harmed her. His teeth pricked his bottom lip as
they transformed. The wolf within him howled in victory.

  “Sisu.” Lee grasped his forearm in a punishing grip. “I don’t know what the fuck is happening, but I can imagine. Look at me.” The puma shifter gripped his chin, forcing him to obey. “You need to calm down, now. People are looking at you. Besides, you’ll just scare her if you go over like a caveman.” Urgency danced within his green irises. “Close your eyes. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.”

  Sisu swallowed. At the back of his mind, he knew Lee was right.

  “Embrace the knowledge of finding your mate, but don’t let the animal control you. You’re not a pup anymore. You are stronger than that.” Lee spoke in soft undertones. “Corner him. Bury him deep within your soul. You don’t know anything about the girl. She doesn’t smell like a shifter. You need to let the human part of you do the work.”

  Sisu followed Lee’s orders. Gradually, the wolf receded. He took one last shaky breath and opened his eyes. Lee smiled at him.

  “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks,” Sisu said. The corner of his lips lifted.

  Lee chuckled. “You look like an idiot in love.”

  Sisu scowled. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Damn it, Lee. What do I do?”

  Lee raised his hands in a sign of defeat. “Hell am I supposed to know?”

  Chapter Two

  From behind the bar, Sisu observed as Kara, the waitress, approached the table where his mate and her companion sat. The man gestured widely and spoke in a loud voice while ordering. His woman didn’t move. When Kara spoke to her, she barely replied with a shake of her head.

  Sisu frowned. Why was she so afraid? Did her friend, or whatever he was, scare her? The atmosphere in the building? Something else? He had to find out.

  “Lee, take over the bar, will you?”

  His friend’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “What are you going to do?”

  “Relax. Nothing crazy. I’m just going to take a closer look,” Sisu said, grinning mischievously.

  Lee scratched his neck and pursed his lips. Finally, he nodded. “But you’re going to have to pay me extra for this.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Sisu waved him off and followed Kara into the kitchen. He tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to face him. Sisu blinked. No matter how many times he spoke to the owl shifter, the intensity in her large azure eyes always threw him off.

  “Mr. Virtanen, how are you?” she said.

  “I’m okay, Kara. However, if you don’t mind, I’ll deliver the order to that table you were just seeing to.”

  “Um, sure.” Kara shrugged.

  “Don’t worry, if they leave any tips, I’ll pass them on to you.”

  She flashed her pearly whites. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Table Four,” someone called from within the kitchen.

  “That’s yours,” Kara said. “I’ll bring them their drinks.”

  Sisu picked up the order of spicy wings, nachos, and onion rings. He straightened his spine and carefully balanced the tray on his hand. He hadn’t done this in years, however, it appeared waitressing was like bike riding: one never forgot how to do it.

  He approached the table, sweat trickling down his back. His mouth dried and his pulse quickened. If she hadn’t noticed him earlier, she’d definitely see him now. What thoughts would run through her mind? Would she find him as appealing as he found her?

  He sniffed the air. He still couldn’t figure out what she was. She didn’t smell completely human. Something was off, different. Goosebumps broke over his flesh. His wolf whimpered. Whatever it was, it drove him insane. He had to have her.

  “Yes, we’re here. Yes. I’ve ordered some food for all of us. Hope you guys like chicken.” The man spoke loudly into the phone. Sisu cocked his head. The conversation continued. “Do you have what I need? Yes, yes, I know. Yes, of course May is here, too.”


  That was her name. Spring, life, blossoms, fresh rain showers. Everything he loved. He looked toward her. Their gazes locked. His heart somersaulted.

  “About time. I’m starving.”

  The man’s voice broke the spell. May turned away. Sisu fought to breathe. She was delectable. He could picture himself drowning in her gaze, watching the sparks in her eyes flicker while he contemplated her with a love which would know no boundaries.

  The man took a sip of his beer and banged the mug against the tabletop. Sisu’s growl stuck in the back of his throat.

  Easy now.

  Hands shaking, he managed to place everything on the wooden surface without spilling. Now what? He didn’t want to go back to the bar. He wanted to speak to his mate. To hold her. Take her home with him.

  He glanced at May. Her cheeks flushed a delightful rose. She appeared flustered and he realized perhaps she had been staring at him too. Elation pumped through his veins. He took a step in her direction. She gasped and jumped in her seat, accidentally knocking over her drink in the process.

  Her date started to shout expletives, but Sisu ignored him, focusing on May. She had stood up and was frantically digging into her purse, while repeatedly apologizing.

  Her long hair covered her face, but the sound of her voice traveled straight to his cock. It reminded him of a summer breeze caressing his fur, of the sunshine warming his flesh.

  “It’s all right.” He touched her elbow, hoping to ease her worry. Instead, she scampered backward as if he’d burned her.

  “Sorry. Here,” she whispered. Visibly trembling, she offered him a pack of tissues.

  Sisu reached for it. Their fingers brushed, but this time she didn’t run from it. He rubbed his thumb across her satiny skin. His pulse skipped. Adrenaline whizzed through his system. He never wanted to stop touching her.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Cory, no,” May said, pulling away from him.

  Sisu whirled around. The petty human lifted his hands in a peaceful gesture, but hatred showed openly on his face.

  “I wasn’t going to do anything, May, just ask this waiter to finish cleaning up this mess.”

  “Of course,” Sisu snapped. The tissues crumpled in his fist. “Her drinks are on the house. I’ll get someone to take care of this.”

  Sisu strode back to the bar. He asked Kara to take care of the mess, grabbed a bottle of tequila and a shot glass, and poured himself some. He downed it in one go. He was about to go for another round when Lee stopped him.

  “She’s looking at you, you know?”

  “What?” Sisu glanced over his head. “No, she’s not.”

  Lee burst out laughing.

  “What the fuck are you laughing about?”

  “You. You should have seen your face. I swear, for an instant you glowed.” Lee chuckled.

  “Lee, one day, you’ll be in my position and I will be the one laughing.”

  “I don’t think so, because unlike you, I can flirt. Damn, what you did back there was a disgrace to humanity.”

  “Lee,” Sisu warned.

  The shifter grinned and released the bottle of alcohol.

  “Maybe drinking will help you loosen up, or ruin everything.”

  Damn cat was always right. Sisu capped the bottle and returned it to the shelf. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement. People were coming inside. His eyes widened.

  “Lee, we’ve got company.”

  Chapter Three

  Sisu stared at the three shifters entering the bar. Two of them he knew: Alkaline and Kade, the brothers.

  The former was the leader of the Claw Gang, a pack of feline shifters involved in shady business practices. He and Alkaline had tried establishing a partnership a few years ago, but it hadn’t worked out. The six-foot-five brute with a golden-red mane had believed he could submit Sisu to his will. He’d quickly learned he’d barked up the wrong tree.

  “Claws,” Lee whispered. “What do you think they’re doing here?”

  “I have no idea.”

  The Cl
aws rarely came into this particular neighborhood. Moon’s Point welcomed all shifters, but cats were not at the top of the list of their frequent customers. Most of the sleek beasts preferred to keep other company.

  “I think—”

  Sisu cut him off by raising his hand. He watched the scene before him unfold in slow motion, his blood turning cold at the sight. May’s date welcomed the lions warmly, a sickeningly fake smile on his face. Then, May greeted them. Kade and the other guy shook her hand, but Alkaline bowed and brushed his lips over the back of her palm.

  Sisu’s vision blurred, and red spots danced before him.


  He would destroy the shifter. Alkaline would never see the light of day. How dare he kiss what belonged to him?

  “Damn lion,” Lee murmured. “She doesn’t look too happy to see them, though, right, Sisu? Sisu?”

  Sisu ignored his friend. He jumped over the counter and strode toward the group. He could feel his jaw snap as his canines sprung forth. His nostrils flared. May’s scent intensified. The wolf clawed at him. He rolled his neck. His bones cracked. His paws hit the floor and he set off at a run.

  The sounds around him transformed, becoming more acute. Someone screamed. Chairs scraped against the floor. Glass crashed into a million pieces.

  Sisu planted himself in front of the group, growling. The cats hissed but didn’t retract.

  “Get out,” he said. His voice came out guttural, unnatural.

  “Or what?” Alkaline asked.

  Sisu’s hackles rose. He took a menacing step toward them.

  “I’ll kill you,” he snarled.

  “Bring it on, dog.”

  Sisu barked. He licked his jowls. He could already taste his enemy’s blood. He would destroy the lion and claim his woman. He glanced in her direction. May stood behind the group, eyes closed, clutching her bag to her chest like a shield. The scent of terror hung in the air like a thick cloud full of rain. No. He didn’t want that.


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