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Owned by the Alpha

Page 31

by Sam Crescent

  He stepped in her direction just as a body hurled into him. He skidded across the floor knocking over a table. Large, yellow paws pressed down on him, pinning him to the ground.

  “You’re scaring her off.”

  Sisu recognized Lee’s voice behind the emerald puma eyes.

  “Is that what you want?” he insisted. “She’s human, Sisu. You’re destroying your chances at happiness. Control the animal.”

  Sisu’s gaze darted toward his mate. He whimpered. Lee was right. What the hell was he doing? He was an alpha. Always in control. Leader of a pack. Quiet. Thoughtful. Deadly. Having his enemy touch May had caused the animal to break loose. It was taking over him.

  “Shift back to your human form and I’ll fix this fucking mess.”

  Lee stepped off him. Sisu rolled to his feet and watched the puma shifter saunter to the group and bow, offering his neck. Sisu swallowed the bile. Lee was an alpha like him, and he was debasing himself. By exposing his most vulnerable point, he was communicating to the Claws that they were above him and they could do with him whatever they pleased.

  Sisu turned away. Somehow, he’d repay Lee, but he couldn’t continue watching. He rushed to the back of the bar into Lee’s office. Shifting back to his human form, he rummaged through the room, desperately searching for some clothes. He had to go back out there, help Lee and see to May.

  “Fuck,” he swore and dug his fingers into his scalp, tugging hard.

  Lee didn’t have a single item he could use and he sure as hell couldn’t go out there naked. He’d already created enough of a commotion.


  Her beautiful face flashed before his mind. The wolf within him stirred, causing his chest to constrict painfully. Shame made his ears burn. His primal recklessness could have ruined everything.

  Sisu sunk into one of the chairs in front of Lee’s Ikea-model desk and buried his head in his hands. What was he going to do?

  The door creaked loudly and he spun around. Lee peeked from the opening. Apparently satisfied at what he saw within, the puma shifter entered.

  “Here, put this on. You busted the button on your jeans, but I think you can still use them. The t-shirt is from an old uniform we had in storage, but I think it’ll fit you.” He threw the folded garments at him.

  “Thanks,” Sisu said. “Where is she? Is she okay?” he asked, while tugging on the black t-shirt with the bar’s logo.

  “Kara is speaking to her and giving her some cool water. Alkaline and the rest have left.”

  “Her companion, too?”

  “Yes. I think he ran as soon as you took shape.” Lee chuckled.

  “Coward,” Sisu muttered.

  “Agreed.” Lee sighed. “In any case, you’re going to have to talk to her. I suggest doing it in here. She’ll feel safer than if you whisk her away to your Neanderthal cave.”

  Sisu frowned. There was little humor in his friend’s tone.

  “Wait, Lee. Come on, if you had been in my position wouldn’t you have done the same? Alkaline had his hands on her.”

  Lee spun around.

  “No,” he shouted. Lee gesticulated widely. “I wouldn’t have. I’d have acted human. I would have waited to see what was happening and I wouldn’t have jumped on them like a rabid animal.”

  Sisu’s jaw dropped. He’d known Lee for most of his life and the puma had never shouted at him.

  “Lee, what’s wrong? What happened out there? Why did the Claws leave without a fight? I saw you bowing to them, I know the sacrifice you must have made, but—”

  Lee’s shoulders sagged.

  “You have no idea, Sisu, but it’s not important.”

  “It is to me,” Sisu said.

  “No, you have other priorities now. You have a girl out there, basically held hostage, waiting for an explanation. Deal with it.”


  “It’s not important, Sisu. It’s done. I’ll go get May,” Lee said.


  But the other man didn’t turn back.

  Chapter Four

  May sipped at the glass of water they’d given her. The cool liquid traveled down her throat, but it did little to ease the tightening in her gut. Her fingers trembled as she set down the cup.

  Kara, the waitress, had attempted to explain what had happened earlier, but May didn’t need an explanation. She knew about shifting. She understood how it worked. What she needed was someone to tell her why every time she glanced at the man with ice-blue eyes and dark, silver-streaked hair, her knees went weak and her chest hurt with a keening ache that urged her to get closer.

  She tugged the strap of her purse to confirm it was still in place. She couldn’t afford to lose its contents.


  She turned to face the man who’d introduced himself as Lee. Though equally as handsome as the wolf shifter, the puma didn’t spark any reaction in her.

  “Have you found my brother?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid not. He fled when the fray started. I’m sorry,” Lee said.

  May blinked back tears. Dammit. She should have known that would happen. She never could count on Cory.

  Lee sat across from her at the table. He gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “Listen, Sisu wants to speak to you, he’d like to apologize. I think Kara told you he’s the owner of the business, right?”

  Sisu. Kara had told him that was his name, but she’d never heard anything like it. May chewed on her bottom lip, the urge to whisper his name making her mouth tingle.

  “Why does he only want to apologize to me? Why not the rest of the customers?” she said, instead.

  Lee’s eyes filled with undisguised amusement. May stiffened.

  “I can’t explain. You must speak to him.” Lee offered her his hand. “Come on. As big as he is, he’s harmless. I promise.”

  May pressed her lips together. The throbbing within her grew, mingling with her erratic heartbeat.

  “Okay,” she said.

  She followed him to a closed office. Every step made her quiver until her teeth practically chattered. Lee knocked and a gruff voice invited them to enter. Her mouth dried and her stomach rolled even as her feet propelled her forward and into the tiny room.

  Lee said something, but she couldn’t make out the words from the rushing in her ears. Warmth radiated through her body. She couldn’t rip her gaze from the man before her. The intensity in his blue eyes caused a shiver to race down her spine. She forced herself to look away. It wasn’t a good idea.

  Her mouth dried as she took in his body. He wore a black t-shirt with the bar’s logo, but it was too tight on him and stretched over his thick muscles, leaving little to the imagination. She dipped lower. Heat infused her cheeks. He wore the same jeans he’d been sporting earlier, except, they were open at the top, giving her a glimpse of dark curls which arrowed downwards. Her pussy tingled with awareness and her nipples tightened into peaks.

  “Why don’t you sit down, May?”

  He spoke her name as if he’d said it a thousand times, as if they were lovers.

  May forced herself to move. She took the chair he offered, only flinching slightly when he sat across from her and their knees bumped.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She studied his face, taking in the details, from the long dark lashes to the scar on his nose and the freckle on his chin. She stared at his lips. What would they feel like? Soft? Demanding? Would he mind if she nibbled on his bottom bow?

  “Are you scared?”

  His voice startled her. Husky, deep, it reverberated within her and spread, zeroing in on her pussy. She pressed her legs together and shook her head.

  “I’m not scared, I’m terrified,” she admitted.

  His lips curved into a smile. It oozed sexiness, but also reassurance. He touched her knee. Heat filled her. Her stomach fluttered.

  “Most shifters are harmless and respect humans. However, Alkaline and his pack are not exactly friendly. Why were you with th

  His harsh tone had May drawing her gaze back to his eyes. They flashed with unmasked anger. She blinked. What was wrong with her? A stranger grinned and she swooned? Was this some kind of shifter magic?

  “May, I need to know.”

  May rolled her lips inward. Even though he sexually attracted her, she didn’t know anything about this man except his name and the fact he was a shifter. Through life, she’d learned two things: don’t trust anyone, but especially don’t trust shifters. Even if his demeanor compelled her to spill her secrets and confide with him, she couldn’t.

  “I want to help you,” he persisted.

  His sincerity overwhelmed her.

  “My brother owed them money. They had a game of cards scheduled and I merely accompanied him,” she said.

  There, that was partially true. He didn’t need to know the finer details.

  “Your brother,” Sisu repeated.

  “Yes. My brother.”

  “Not your boyfriend?” he insisted.

  “No, Cory is my step-brother. Why are you smiling?”

  May stared at Sisu. His eyes glittered and a predatory grin spread over his face. He leaned toward her, and set his arms on either side of her chair. He scooted closer. His legs opened, trapping hers in between his powerful thighs. Heat emanated from him, making her blood boil in response. Her panties dampened. She lifted her hands, desperate to stave him off, but Sisu closed the distance. Her open palms collided against his muscled pecs. A gasp tore through her.

  “Do you believe in soulmates, May?”

  Her jaw dropped. “No,” she cried out.

  “Why?” he rumbled.

  “What does this have to do with anything?”

  “We are soulmates, May. You are my mate,” Sisu stated.

  “That’s ridiculous. You don’t know me. I don’t know you. I’m human.” She practically screamed the words.

  “It doesn’t matter, sunshine.” Sisu took one of her hands in his. Her mouth became moist. Her nerve endings stirred, a pleasurable shiver coursing down her spine. The pounding in her chest expanded.

  “We are drawn to each other like moths to flames. From the moment I saw you walk in tonight, my wolf recognized you. All night long, I’ve been searching for ways to get close to you. All I’ve been thinking about is how to make you mine, May.” Sisu brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. He lowered his voice. “I want to consume you, mark you, claim you as mine, forever.”

  “No,” she whimpered.

  “Yes. I know you feel it, too. I can sense your heartbeat here.” He touched her wrist. “It’s wild, May, just like mine. And your gaze, it keeps drifting to my lips. You’re dying to kiss me.” Sisu took in a deep breath. His nostrils flared and his pupils dilated. “I can smell your arousal, sunshine.” A growl-like sound came from him. “You want my body pressed to yours, naked, sweaty. My cock within your pussy, pumping hard and bringing you to the highest heights of ecstasy possible.”

  “You’re insane.”

  The words sounded hollow and meaningless. She was lying and she had no doubt he knew it.

  “Only for you, sunshine.”

  Sisu’s fingertips grazed her chin, his touch more gentle than the caress of a feather. She closed her eyes, not daring to look at him. Sounds faded until all she could hear was her own heavy breathing and the rustle of his clothes as he came closer.

  The first touch of his lips was like a rain drop on an early spring day. A phantom drop. The kind which made one wonder if it would soon start raining. The type which caused thirsty plants to stretch their stalks toward the sky.

  Her body swayed forward.

  Sisu groaned deeply, his mouth pressing to hers, hot and unyielding.

  Thoughts scattered. The world tilted. May reached for him. His hand clasped hers. The pressure of his lips intensified. She whimpered. Her heart hammered, and the knot within her transformed, rolling and spreading like hot lava, chanting for more.

  She twisted away from him.

  “No, I can’t,” she said. “Soulmates don’t exist.”

  May stared at their entwined fingers. They fit together like matching puzzle pieces. She glimpsed at Sisu, who regarded her quietly. The blue in his eyes nothing short of reassuring, comforting. Loving.

  No. This wasn’t right. It was madness. She swallowed drily, trying to push back down the fear which climbed up her throat. She needed to leave. Now. She pulled at her arm, but Sisu held on tight.

  The ache within her turned violent, like claws digging into her tender skin. Cool sweat rolled down her back.

  “Hey, it’s all right, sunshine.” Sisu rubbed his thumb over her wrist in soothing circles. The pain decreased. “You don’t need to be scared. We’ll take it one step at a time, okay? Do you have a way to get home?”

  May shook her head. Sisu smiled.

  “It’s all right. I’ll take you home. After all this craziness, you must be exhausted.”

  Chapter Five

  Sisu helped May to her feet and led her through the bar, her hand firmly in his grasp. He wasn’t about to let her out of his sight again. Never. He didn’t know what it would take, but he’d convince her soulmates did exist and she belonged to him.

  The beast within him squirmed with anguish. The animal wanted everything now. He didn’t know how to wait. Sisu breathed slowly through his nose.

  Easy now.

  She would succumb to him. Already, she felt something, even if she didn’t realize it. And there was definitely sexual attraction. He hadn’t been lying when he told her he smelled her arousal. His cock throbbed at the memory of the thick musky scent. He glanced at May. He inhaled slowly. She intoxicated him, but he had to give her time to adjust. For the moment, he’d have to content himself with holding her near.

  They walked past the bar and he caught Lee’s eye. His friend gave him the thumbs up.

  “Should you be staying and helping? Lee said the business belonged to you,” May said.

  “It’s not necessary. Lee’s got it under control.”

  At least he hoped so. He hadn’t really found out what had transpired in his absence. May was his priority tonight, but he vowed to call Lee as soon as he sorted everything out with her.

  He opened the door for her and took her to the alleyway at the back. The streetlight gave off a yellow glow that threw long shadows across every corner. He shuddered. He could feel eyes on him. The fact he still didn’t know why May and her brother had been hanging out with the Claws nagged at him.

  “Did your brother owe the Claws a lot of money?” he asked.

  “I’m-I’m not sure.”

  Sisu grimaced. Her tone didn’t back up her words. He suspected she lied. Why? He took her in. Though she hadn’t released his hand, her nerves were apparent from her stiff posture and the constant plucking at her purse strap. He considered asking her about what she carried in there, but thought better of it. Maybe later, when they were somewhere safe. The alley was not the best place to hold a conversation.

  “All right, sunshine. Here is my horse-drawn carriage.” He pointed at his Harley.

  “That’s not a car.”

  Sisu chuckled. “Very observant.” He pulled her closer and grasped his helmet. “You’re going to wear this. If I can’t protect you, this will help.”

  He helped her into the protection gear, running his fingertips across her jaw. She shivered and closed her eyes. Sisu bit his lip. If it weren’t because he’d promised her he’d take it slow, he would ravage her mouth.

  “I’m a good driver, and I promise I’ll go slowly, okay? All you need to do is hang on tight and mimic my motions, as in, lean with me when necessary.”

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea, Sisu. Maybe I should take a cab.”

  Sisu stared at her. Sisu. His name on her lips sounded decadent. What would it sound like when they made love? When he brought her to orgasm again and again and she pleaded for him to stop?

  “Say it again,” he said.
br />   “What?”

  “Say my name again, May. I need to hear it.”

  “Sisu?” she whispered.

  He took in a shaky breath and leaned in to kiss her, but she turned away. Sisu ran his fingers through his hair. Patience. That was what he needed.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I said I’d give you time. But, I’m taking you home yes or yes. I won’t let anything happen to you. Trust me.”

  She shrank from him. Her uncertainty easy to read.

  “I promise, May,” he said.

  She chewed on her bottom lip for a few seconds, her gaze darting from the motorcycle to him and back. Finally, she nodded. Sisu smiled.

  “Give me your address.”

  She dictated the street and number and he typed it into the GPS attached to the handles.

  “We’ll be there in no time.”

  He climbed onto the bike and twisted to help her get on. The rear suspension dipped and she squealed.

  “That’s normal, just hold on to me.”

  Her arms immediately wrapped around him, squeezing. She pressed herself hard against him, her body heat traveling straight to his groin. Sisu bit back a groan. He vowed that one day, he’d fuck her over his bike.

  He started the engine and rolled out into the main street. He sped up gradually, enjoying the freedom of riding his Harley with his woman at his back. She might have never ridden a bike before, but every time he dipped, she moved with him, every time he braked, her legs squeezed around him. They were dancing intimately at almost ninety miles per hour.

  Finally, after almost forty minutes, the navigator announced they’d arrived to their destination. He slowed down.

  “Is this it?” he shouted.


  Sisu parked in front of a modest one-story house with a lovely wooden porch, illuminated by moonlight and a lamp fixed on the wall. He jumped off the bike and hurried to help May.

  “You okay?”

  She struggled to undo the strap of the helmet. He placed his palms over hers. They shook.

  “Allow me.”

  She dropped her hands to her side. Gently, Sisu undid the strap and helped her out of it. A warm summer breeze blew her hair into her face. Unable to stop himself, Sisu brushed it back, tucking it behind her ears. The confusion in her eyes drew him in. Brown like autumn leaves flecked with sunshine, they pierced into his soul.


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