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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 7

by Tia Siren

  “Miss Cassidy?” he questioned.

  “Yes?” I replied.

  “Mr. Harris sent me for you. This is for you.”

  He handed me a phone which started ringing almost as soon as I took it. A photo of John illuminated the screen and I answered with more than a few questions racing in my head.


  “Cassidy, I didn’t think you’d believe me unless I actually showed you. C’mon down my way for the weekend, see my ranch and have some fun.” John said, “Once in a lifetime opportunity, don’t miss it!”

  I pulled the phone inside with me and closed the door, staring at Maggie for a second.

  She stared at me trying to figure out what was going on and it gave me an idea.

  “Okay, I’ll go, but you have to bring my friend Maggie as well.” I said while smiling at Maggie.

  Without skipping a beat he responded.

  “Of course! I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said.

  “Alright, we’re in,” I said not bothering to wait for Maggie’s reply.

  “Great! If you want to leave now, the car is for you. I wanted to come escort you myself but business is business. Take the car wherever you want for the day. I’ll meet you at the airport later.”

  The line went silent and I tried to reconcile everything that just happened.

  “Maggie, I need you with me on this. I need you there. It’s our weekend off and I want to know that there’s someone nearby I can trust.”

  Maggie stared with a blank face and her tongue hanging out. I had a feeling she didn’t know what was going on, so I figured it would be a good time to explain.

  “Maggie, according to John he’s a bit well off. He owns a ranch in Texas and he wants me to come for a visit. I don’t want to go unless I have someone there that I know I can trust and you’re the only person I trust right now. It’s only for the weekend and then we’ll be right back here. I promise you.”

  She shrugged, “I think I can handle that, I didn’t have much else going on. I’ll start packing.”

  I followed suit and started packing as well. I had no idea what I should be prepared for; I also had no idea if we weren’t being conned into anything so I threw a can of mace into my purse for safeties sake and hoped I wouldn’t have to use it.

  An hour later and the two of us opened the door to the gentleman still standing there waiting. Upon seeing him like this I started feeling a little bad that we hadn’t invited him in for to wait.

  “I am feeling like a jerk. Sorry we didn’t invite you in.” I said.

  “Quite alright, Miss. It wouldn’t be proper anyhow. Shall I carry your things?” he began picking up my bag, which made me feel even worse.

  “It’s okay, I got this; it isn’t too heavy or anything. Please lead the way.”

  The ride was smooth and quite luxurious. We even made a stop for some snacks on the way to the airport. We learned that the drivers name was Marvin as well. I pried and found out that he was John’s personal driver which gave a little more credibility to the man who was spiriting us away for the weekend.

  The car pulled up in a hangar at the airport where a small personal jet was waiting with a pilot standing at the end of the stairs leading inside. I had to slap myself again to see if this was real only to once again feel the familiar sting on my cheeks.

  “Miss Cassidy, we’ve prepared a bottle of champagne aboard to enjoy while you wait. Mr. Harris should be joining us shortly.”

  He helped us into the craft where a flight attendant waited with a bottle in hand.

  “Please take a seat wherever you’d like.” She said.

  I sat on the couch propped against a series of windows and took in my surroundings. The seats were rich leather with an embossed letter ‘H’ at the head. There were 4 rows of seats that swiveled back and forth which Maggie was enjoying at the moment and in the front was a large television that was currently turned off.

  The flight attendant came over and took my things; carrying them off to storage.

  “Maggie, I think I was selling John short. This seems a bit too real to be a prank.” I said.

  Maggie giggled like a schoolgirl and continued to play in the chair.

  “You know, Cass. A girl could get used to this. How did last night go? You never told me.” She replied.

  “Last night? Well, it was a fun date, as far as date’s go. But, we never really talked about anything aside from small talk. He seemed a bit standoffish. I stopped even trying to flirt.”

  “You wouldn’t mind if I were to ask him out then, would you? I thought he was super cute. Maybe he just wasn’t into you that much.”

  Maybe she was right. He did seem a bit distant in our conversations so maybe he just humored me the rest of the night. Still, this would be an interesting weekend.

  “Maggie, he’s all yours if you think he’ll be into you. I’ll just try my best to enjoy the weekend.”

  Maggie nodded and bit her lip. She would always bite her lip like that when she was really interested in a guy she liked. I could see the two of them getting along well. She grew up on a farm in Iowa so she knew a thing or two that I didn’t. If John really did own a nice ranch I could see nobody better to be by his side.

  And yet, I felt a sting of envy when I thought about anyone but me with him. I casually put aside my envy and decided that maybe drinking would help me relax a bit more this weekend.

  I pulled the bottle from its chilled, silver holster and poured myself and Maggie a glass.

  “To the weekend, and to new memories.” I toasted.

  We chimed our glasses and sipped just in time for John to arrive.

  “Why hello there, y’all ready to get going?” he said.

  I nodded an emphatic yes as he took a seat across from me in the seat adjacent to Maggie.

  “So, John, how long is the flight going to be?” she asked.

  “About three hours or so, it’s not as far as Europe at least. I may have holdings there, but that doesn’t mean I like to travel all the time.” He replied.

  “Do you have a pool at your house? I’ve been dying to go for a dip all summer.” Maggie asked.

  “Of course-“ he replied, only to be cut off by Maggie.

  “You gotta come for a swim with me. Maybe you can call a friend for Cassidy and we can all have fun!”

  “I’d say that sounds mighty fine to me.” He said while Maggie grabbed his arm laughing. It looked like they were getting along well which caused the sting of envy to jump into my head again. I finished off my champagne and poured myself another glass. If this keeps up it’ll be a long weekend.


  I continued to drink and chat through the entire flight. Maggie worked her charms the entire way, barely leaving John’s side for more than a moment. I didn’t want to get in her way of happiness so I kept my mouth shut and my drink full.

  John looked out into the expanse, “We’re almost there, should be landing anytime now.”

  And, without fail, we began to descend. I looked out the window and didn’t see any civilization nor did I see an airport.

  “Where are we landing?” I asked.

  “On my ranch.” He replied as though it were obvious.

  I watched out the window as we inched further and further toward land until I felt the jostle of wheels hitting the tarmac.

  “Welcome home!” shouted John.

  Upon exiting the plane I was greeted with a few smiling faces and another man holding to the reins of a small group of horses.

  “Do y’all like riding? My favorite thing after a flight is going for a ride.” He said.

  “I’ve never tried. I don’t think I’d be much good.” I said.

  John waved his hand.

  “Nonsense, I’m sure you’re a natural.” He took me by the hand and led me to a beautiful spotted brown horse. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to own a horse and ride regularly. Now was as good a time as any to learn.

  I put my foot into t
he stirrup and tried to climb up but wasn’t having any luck. John came to help, grabbing me by the waist and hoisting me into the saddle.

  I balanced myself fearing that I may fall off while Maggie slung herself into the horse next to me like an old professional.

  “I used to ride all the time as a kid, so this is just like when I was growing up. Hey John,” she waved at him, “fancy a race?”

  He hopped into the saddle of the black horse and smiled.

  “I reckon it wouldn’t be much of a race, Maggie. Horace here is the fastest horse in the stable and has been my best friend for quite some time. I don’t think you’d be able to keep up.”

  “It’s no fun if it’s a sure thing, John. Let’s see if you can catch me.” Maggie spurred her horse onward.

  John followed, throwing his horse to a gallop and giving chase. The look of happiness on his face was palpable.

  I tried to follow suit, but I couldn’t even tell how to get the beast I rode to move more than an inch. And, after a moment passed, I climbed out of the saddle.

  “Don’t worry about it,” said the stable hand, “there’s plenty more time for riding. I could lead you back to the house if you’d like to ride now.”

  “It’s alright, I would just like to keep my feet on the ground for a while and get adjusted.” I said.

  A car was parked nearby with a driver waiting. I couldn’t even see John and Maggie anymore. I sighed deeply and nestled into the back seat. After a few minutes of driving I managed to spy a house. Even from a mile away it looked massive and somewhat intimidating but at the same time it felt inviting.

  The four story mansion hovered above the flat plain. The wood exterior looked weathered and rustic as though the house were a bit older. Off to the west I could see the stables where a few horses grazed nearby. In front of the large double doors that marked the entrance stood another man, dressed in jeans and flannel button-up he stood patiently waiting for the car to stop.

  “Welcome to the Harris family mansion.” He said, opening the door.

  He took my bags from the trunk of the vehicle and carried them as he led me inside.

  “This house was built in the late 50’s for Mr. Edward Harris and Mrs. Betty Harris upon the arrival of their first son, John. They’ve since moved to a different house but John maintains the grounds and the family business.”

  We continued on past the dining hall.

  “As you can see the house has regularly been updated, we have our own generators and are completely energy independent.”

  We began to climb the staircase the hooked around the back of the entry hall.

  “John runs the family business, Harris Enterprises. A fortune 500 company specializing in many things, including: alternative energy, farming, housing, banking, private investment and imports and exports. You name a business, and the Harris family probably owns a stake in it.”

  I could feel myself shake a bit at the knees as he continued talking. It seemed so surreal that I would meet someone like John and in a grocery store no less.

  I snapped out of my thoughts as I was led into the room I’d be staying in. The room itself was easily larger than my entire apartment. Oak beams streaked across the ceiling and the balcony looked out upon the yard in the back.

  “If you don’t mind I’ll take my leave.” he said before promptly exiting, leaving me alone in the palatial room.

  I gazed off the balcony and took it all in. The ocean of grass and dirt felt lonely but in that loneliness I could feel that same sense of serenity I felt when looking out at the ocean. I was starting to understand how he felt about his home.

  I heard a ruckus downstairs, Maggie and John had arrived from their ride. I tossed my luggage on my bed and left to join them.


  “Your house is amazing, John.” Maggie said, “I wouldn’t mind coming back for another visit sometime in the future?”

  “Well, it’s my best kept secret.” He replied.

  “I can see that.” She said.

  “You should see the rooms,” I chimed in from the staircase.

  Maggie ran up the stairs and gave me a giant hug while whispering in my ear, “I want to marry this man.”

  I felt sick hearing it. My feelings were welling up inside and I needed to let them out.

  “I could go for a swim,” I said, “maybe you can take us to the pool for a bit?”

  John nodded, “Get changed and meet me down here.”

  Maggie and I ran upstairs, her room was right across the hall from mine and her luggage was already waiting for her in the room. Both of us had our suits on in no time and met downstairs.

  I was jealous of Maggie, she had the most gorgeous figure and her swimsuit only accentuated it further. Her red hair bounced around her neck as she ran and her legs seemed to go all the way up to her neck.

  Meanwhile, I was a bit shorter and much skinnier. Nothing ever felt flattering when I wore it, as I didn’t have much to show off. I covered myself with my towel in order to avoid the embarrassment of comparison.

  John didn’t seem to mind and he was already in his swimsuit. It wasn’t fancy but he really didn’t need anything fancy to show off his figure. His abs seemed to go all the way down his hips and his slim swimsuit was just barely covering his manhood.

  I could feel my mouth water, among other things, and threw my towel to a nearby chair. The water was warmer than I was used to and I liked it.

  Maggie jumped in without a care. She was always impulsive and maybe that was part of the reason I liked having her around. The most impulsive thing I can remember doing is getting on a stranger’s jet and flying to Texas.

  We chatted as we swam in his massive indoor pool. He talked with Maggie a lot while we swam and I just enjoyed my time. I lied on my back and just floated.

  I liked to just float about relax my muscles. Before long Maggie and John were splashing each other in the pool. I couldn’t help myself anymore and I needed to get away. It was time for me to let them be.

  I pulled myself from the pool and snagged my towel to dry off.

  “Where are you going?” John asked.

  “I think I’m going to change and go for a walk. Will I be able to get in later, or will the door be locked?” I asked.

  “You’ll be fine. Don’t go too far though, I’d hate for you to get lost.” He said with consternation.

  I nodded and left them to their fun. I took the opportunity to give myself a tour around the house while drying off.

  On the ground floor was a library that was stuffed to the ceiling with books while another room had a fireplace with several high backed leather chairs sitting nearby.

  A door in the kitchen led down a flight of stairs to a wine cellar that made my heart skip a beat. And back near the entrance I found myself face to face with a family portrait that looked ancient. A father and a mother, with a young John seated between them.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what growing up in a house like this would have been like. Having everything you want within arm’s reach would be the closest you could get to a heaven on Earth.

  I left the sullen painting and returned to my room to change. It didn’t take long to throw on my jeans and a comfy shirt. It was still quite warm out so I left my jacket on the bed and trotted out the front door.


  The breeze was calming and whipped small patches of dust up from the ground. Off in the distance were a few clouds that began their roll over the empty plain.

  For nearly an hour I walked around the grounds before finding a spot that just felt so peaceful I couldn’t help but stop and take a minute to center myself.

  A large tree jutted from the ground with its gnarled and empty limbs offering more than enough space to sit on. I tested the branch to see if it would support my weight and no amount of budging would move it so I deemed it suitable. I climbed into the seat and rested.

  The clouds began to storm up ahead, with lightning and thunder echoing about. There was a certain beau
ty to it; this display of raw power that left me feeling a little helpless and small. My feelings of envy were becoming futile as though the storm was washing them away. I felt calmer and began to accept my place in the world when I felt a hand reach up and rest on my lower back.

  “Don’t fall now, Darlin’. It won’t kill ya, but I know how much it hurts.” John said.

  “No need to worry about me. I’ve been climbing since I could walk.”

  “You seem the type.” He replied.

  The wind whipped up and I felt rain start to his my head.

  “We should probably head back inside.” He said.

  He helped me down from the tree and we started walking toward the house. I had walked further than I thought and the rain began coming down a bit harder.

  “I don’t think we’ll make it to the house at this rate.” I said.

  The rain picked up more and my shirt was becoming soaked through. I regretted my choice to leave my underwear at home.

  “Let’s get outta the rain in there,” he said pointing to the nearby barn, “I’m sure it’ll pass soon.”

  I nodded and we ran into the empty barn. The rain pounded on the rooftop and dripped through the holes in the roof, but they were easy enough to avoid.

  “You know, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I thought you were cute.” He said.

  I blushed and turned toward him.

  “I’m sure you don’t offer a flight to your home to every girl living in the city.” I replied.

  He stripped out of his drenched flannel shirt and tossed his hat to a nearby hook hanging from the wall. I wished that I could do the same. My clothes stuck to me and I was starting to freeze from all the water.

  He took a step near me and hugged me over my sopping wet shirt. I could feel his muscles through my back and his warmth was welcome.

  “Would you mind if I took my shirt off to dry?” I asked boldly.

  “I won’t look if you don’t want me to.” He replied, “I still fancy myself a gentleman.”

  I shook my head.

  “No, you can look if you want to. I might have you hold me a little longer to warm me up.” I said.

  He nodded and I peeled the shirt from my skin. I could feel my tiny nipple perking up from the chill of the water. I hugged myself as the water dripped down into my jeans.


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