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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 8

by Tia Siren

  I kicked my boots off into the hay and my socks along with them. My pants were uncomfortably wet so I forced them off my legs. My breath shortened and I felt cold again.

  My heart was beating faster knowing that he was looking at me. His hair was frizzing on the top of his head and I giggled and shyly turned away. He came up behind me and held me close. I could feel his scruffy beard on my cheek as he bent in to give me a kiss.

  I felt flush in my chest and exhaled loudly. It wasn’t a moan but it might as well have been.

  His hands began moving up and down my sides, over my hips and playing with my nipples from behind.

  I reached behind myself and unzipped his pants. He turned me towards him and I reached my hand inside his boxers and felt his member for the first time.

  He let out a light moan as I unshackled it from his pants. I began to work my hand up and down his shaft as I stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the mouth.

  He responded by grabbing the back of my head with one hand and lifting me up by my butt with the other. He was so much taller than I was and I liked it.

  I pushed his boxers and jeans down to the floor and kissed his legs as I worked my way back up.

  I stopped for a moment at his erect manhood. I licked along his long shaft before inviting it into my mouth. With one hand I worked up and down taking as much as I could into my mouth.

  He let out moans of pleasure and leaned against the wall. I could feel him throb and tasted his juices while at the same time I could feel my own.

  He picked me up from my task and threw me into the hay and it tickled my backside.

  Like a ravenous beast he landed on top of me and pressed his sex against mine. He rubbed up and down against my slit and I became more aroused, I couldn’t take his teasing anymore.

  I lowered myself into him and felt him cross my threshold, thrusting into me sternly. He was bigger than any other man I’d been with and I felt a twinge of pain that passed after only a moment.

  Waves of pleasure danced inside my head as he bore into me like an animal. I screamed in pleasure and this only fueled his lust further.

  He rolled onto the hay and I bounced off for a moment. I ran to the rack on the wall and took his hat, playfully throwing it onto my head with a wink.

  When I returned he gave me another grin as I lowered myself onto him. I kept one hand on his rock hard abs and threw my other hand into the air as though I were riding a bull. And, in many ways, it felt like I was.

  I felt him so deep inside that I wanted to scream, but it felt so amazing that I began losing myself in the moment.

  I felt all my muscles tense and wave after wave of pleasure surged through me. He gave one last thrust into me and I could feel him pouring his seed into me.

  I tossed his hat to the floor behind me and rolled over beside him. We spent the rest of the night locked together for warmth and comfort.

  I hadn’t been this happy in a long time.


  The next morning the sun crested over the horizon. John was already dressed and waited for me to join him. It was barely dawn when we returned to the house where I crept up to my room to attempt another couple hours of sleep.

  John let me be and joined a few other men for some morning chores. I felt so incredibly useless to consider going to bed while he worked so instead I went to the kitchen. Searching around, I found some fresh ingredients to make all the guys a hearty breakfast which I left spread out over the countertops.

  With this done I figured it best to sleep for at least a little while. My brain was still mush from the satisfaction of last night. Thankfully Maggie was still asleep and I soon followed.

  What seemed like hours later, I snapped to life. It was nearing ten in the morning on my second day here. I went downstairs hoping that some of the food I had made was still available only to find Maggie and John already figuring out the day’s events.

  “Well good morning, Mrs. Sleepy. John here says that today would be a great day to go for a ride into town. I think I might join him, and of course we would love to have you along.” She said.

  I looked at John who was beaming this morning.

  “That’s alright,” I said, “go off and have some fun. I think I’m going to stay in and sleep a bit instead. I was hoping to relax by the pool for a while and soak.”

  “Your loss, Cass.” Maggie added.

  It wasn’t too long before the two of them rode off to the west. They’d be gone the rest of the day. I spent the day in between sleep and relaxation.

  Lunch was served by a wonderfully nice woman who even showed me how to cook what she prepared. I enjoyed the lesson as she knew much more than I could understand.

  By dinnertime my body was so relaxed that standing up was becoming a chore. I even had the chance to have my knots worked on by a masseur. It was an odd experience trying to explain where I had received the bruises that littered my body without saying that I’d had wild sex in a barn the previous night.

  They finally returned from their ride at nearly midnight. I couldn’t believe they’d stayed out for so long. I didn’t want to force anything so I waited in my room for a while with the television on. I needed to talk to John and I didn’t want Maggie to hear.

  By nearly one in the morning I gathered up my courage, went to the master bedroom and knocked. John answered wearing nothing but a pair of dirt covered jeans.

  “John, we need to talk.” I said, hoping not to sound so stern.

  “This is a really bad time, Cassidy, can we talk tomorrow before your flight back?” he said.

  “Cassidy?” I heard Maggie’s voice from inside the bedroom. She forced her way past John and came in for a hug. I could see that she had changed what she was wearing. She was now covered in one of John’s white shirts. I could feel anger seething below the surface of my calm expression.

  “That’s alright; you two have a great night. I’m going to sleep, goodnight.” I muttered.

  “Cassidy, wait!” John said.

  I didn’t turn around, I just stormed to my room and shut the door. It wasn’t long before I heard a knock at my door.

  “Cassidy, it’s not what you think.” He said through the closed passage.

  I stood from the bed and walked to the door, cracking it open.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s exactly what I think. Goodnight John.” I said, slamming the door in his face.

  His shadow lingered under the door for a moment and then returned to his bedroom where I heard his door shut.

  I didn’t sleep at all that night and just wished I were home.


  I didn’t speak to John at all and he made no attempts to explain anything. I didn’t mind, I wanted to forget this entire weekend. I even regretted what I had done and the rift I probably would make with Maggie were she to ever find out what happened. I’m sure she’d be heartbroken.

  Maggie joined me in the car with bags under her eyes. She had been up all night from the look of it and worked hard to hide my envious expression.

  As our plane flew us home, Maggie slept on the couch I had enjoyed on our previous flight while I sat in the chair and sipped on soda the flight attendant provided.

  I thought back to the night we spent together and how much it meant to me and how little it probably meant to him. It pained me to think about how many other women he had probably slept with in that same barn under similar circumstances. Then I forced myself to not think about it at all.

  I settled back into normal life with ease. But, I didn’t want this life anymore. I wanted something that I wouldn’t get from working at a grocery store. I wanted to use my experience and ability as an architect to make something of myself and the events with John were inspiring me to be a better person.

  So I quit.

  I hadn’t told Maggie about John and I, and I wanted to keep it that way but fate had other plans.

  A couple months after our getaway to Texas and I was starting to get more than a little scared. I hadn�
�t had to deal with my monthly cycle for a while and a positive pregnancy test told my why. I even took a day off to visit a doctor and confirmed my suspicions.

  I couldn’t help but be a little happy thinking about the small life already growing inside me. The result of one of the most amazing nights of passion I had ever felt in my entire life would soon be mine to hold.

  Then I thought about John. He deserved to know if he was a father and I didn’t want to keep him from his child.

  I started dialing his number but then I stopped, it felt a little too personal to convey with a phone. Then I started writing an email which also felt a little too distant and impersonal.

  The only thing that made sense to me was a letter. I pulled out paper and ink and began to draft my letter.

  I wrote all the things I wanted to say over the last two months, every thought that came into my head I wrote down. Everything came out as a jumbled mess as I wrote and wrote and wrote.

  Twenty-nine pages later I stopped. I couldn’t send him a book.

  I tried over and this time kept it simple.

  ‘Dear John,

  I never felt anything for anyone like I did for you. Regardless of whether you feel the same, I wanted you to know. When I returned to my favorite spot by the ocean, I looked out into the magnificent blue water and cried. I felt like I had finally found some measure of solace in the world after spending that weekend with you.

  I’m pregnant, and I’m going to keep it. I won’t ask for any money as I’m not interested in that at all. I’m sure one day your future child will wonder who their father is and I’ll tell them it was a wonderful man but I’ll leave your name out of it if that’s what you want.

  I have become the person in control of my own future, not worrying about the day to day, just living my own passion because that’s the person I want to be. Your way of seeing the world helped me realize who I can be.

  Thank you for the moments.



  “What’s that?” I heard Maggie say from behind.

  I folded the note and tucked it into an envelope trying to keep it from Maggie’s prying eyes.

  “Nothing really,” I replied, “just a thank you note to a friend.”

  Maggie plopped down in the chair nearby.

  “He loves you, you know.” She said out of the blue.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “You know, I don’t need to say. I wanted to tell you for a while but you seemed so adamant about changing things that it never felt like the right time to say anything.” She said.

  “But, how can you be so sure. Didn’t you sleep with him the last night we were there?” I asked.

  Maggie let out a laugh and slapped my shoulder.

  “No,” she said, “I didn’t get the chance because he was so hung up on you.”

  I gasped and tried to stop the tear running down my cheek.

  “He told me about it when we went on the ride the second day we were there. He told me about how much he loved your smile and the way your ‘lit up the room when you entered’” she said while air quoting the last bit.

  I wiped the tear off my cheek.

  “He’s a good guy, Cass. I’m just sad I didn’t get to him first.” She said.

  “There’s more to it.” I added.

  I couldn’t mouth the words so I just handed her the letter. As she continued reading her eyes lit up. Instead of looking depressed she started looking happy.

  “You’re having his baby! That’s amazing! You gotta call him right now, he needs to know right away, don’t write some archaic note and hope he happens to read it.”

  She plucked my phone off the table and searched through my contacts before settling on his number. The phone started ringing and she shoved it in my face.

  I took it and held it to my ear. I could hear a ringing elsewhere in the apartment. Both of us started looking around only to realize it was coming from the front door. Maggie stomped to the front door and practically ripped the door off its hinges opening it.

  John stood outside, his phone in hand nearly ready to answer. I dropped mine to the ground and walked toward him.

  I gave him a giant hug and a kiss, as well as a well-placed punch to the stomach that made him reel back a bit.

  “That’s for being creepy and standing outside my front door.” I said.

  He laughed.

  “If that’s all I’m gettin’ then I’m getting’ off light.” He replied.

  I pulled back for a moment realizing that he didn’t know yet. I sheepishly looked toward the ground.

  “John, I only just found out for myself, but I’m pregnant.” I said.

  John lifted my chin so our eyes met and I could see tears starting to form in the corners. He stared into my eyes with an exuberant look and gave me a deep kiss.

  “Cassidy, I’ll make that baby proud to call me daddy.” He said.

  And he absolutely did.



  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Blue SkyBooks, “Mr. Lance.”

  Mr. Lance – A BWWM Student Teacher Romance

  Chapter 1

  She Walks in Beauty. Yes, tell me of her. Tis you my darling, you light up the night with your radiance and give the muses their inspiration. Lord Byron knew no one else to write about, no other maiden that could capture the heart of any man. There is a love, so powerful that it can never be contained. So awesome that it can never happen but once in a lifetime. It knows no bounds, no limits. It obeys no laws or restrictions. Lord Byron knew such love all too well. Come my darling. Take my hand. Let us walk in beauty together...BZZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZZ

  Liana hit her alarm clock. She had been dreaming. It was 6:15 and she still had a few more minutes to lay in bed before she had to get ready for school. Why couldn’t life be more like my dreams. She thought about her upcoming week. It would be the last week before Christmas break, the last one to endure before freedom. Her phone began to buzz. It was her boyfriend, Jamal, with his typical good morning text. She liked him, he treated her really well and there was nothing wrong with him. But, she never felt a fire inside for him. I can’t be too greedy, she thought. Why should she, her life was pretty good. She was tall, athletic, good-looking, and popular at school. And now that she had turned eighteen, she was legal, which opened a world of possibilities to her. At times she found herself fantasizing about older men, but quickly pushed those thoughts aside because it was taboo, and she didn’t want her mother to know. Her father would have gone crazy at the idea, but he had passed away a few years back. That made life harder for her, and especially for her mother, who now had to shoulder twice of the responsibility. Liana’s life changed too, as she found that she was more responsible for meeting her mother’s emotional needs.

  Liana grabbed her journal. It was her habit to write down a few thoughts in the morning. She Walks in Beauty. She wrote it down. It was her favorite poem by Lord Byron. He was a romantic poet and during his time many of his works were banned. They were considered immoral. They were graphic, spoke of forbidden love and went against the mores of Regency England.

  Liana got up and jumped into the shower. She ran her hands down her body and enjoyed the feeling of her soft, smooth, ebony skin. Liana had always felt that she was beautiful, and there were few that tried to dissuade her from that opinion. As beautiful as she was, however, she had never done too much with a guy before. Sure she had her boyfriend Jamal, and had always been popular with guys and dated in the past, but she never felt like any of those guys were worthy of being her first sexual experience. Maybe she had too high of expectations.

  Despite her innocence, Liana maintained her body, making sure every inch of it was shaven at all times. Her chest was small, and perky, and as she continued to run her hands down her body, she imagined a guy doing the same. It excited her. I’m running behind.

  Liana jumped out of the shower quickly and started to get dressed. She planned to wear jeans
and a shirt that day, nothing out of the ordinary for her. I’ve got a boyfriend already; she thought, justifying her plain garb. She made one final check in the mirror, and thought she looked great. Her bubble butt and long legs were hard to ignore no matter what she put on. She ran downstairs and made cereal. She only had a few minutes to spare before she had to burst out the door.

  “Is that you honey?” It was Liana’s mom.

  “Yes, it’s me, I’m just getting some cereal before I have to run out the door,” said Liana.

  “Oh, okay, I just wanted to ask if you had tickets for the Christmas Dance this weekend.”

  “Yes, I have had them for a while now. I am going with Jamal.”

  “Oh, that is wonderful to hear. Have a fun day at school.”

  “I’m off to learn, mom,” she yelled. He mother was getting ready for work herself. Liana jumped into her car and started the drive. She turned on the radio, and Christmas music began to play. I love this time of year.

  The drive to school was peaceful; that is if she left early enough. Liana thought about her favorite stories. Romeo and Juliet. She loved the idea of true love. But why couldn’t it be real? Why did it only happen in the pages of a book?

  She pulled up, parked in the senior lot, one of the best perks of being the elder statesmen of the school. Liana had one more semester of high school after this one. It was going by fast. She thought back and wondered if she had enough good memories to satisfy the old lady version of herself. What a weird way to look at it, she thought. But maybe it wasn’t. Maybe we should be trying to live for memories. She hopped out of her car and started walking to school. As she looked around at her fellow classmates, she noticed how everyone was divided into cliques and groups. There was social stratification. This was the way of high school, she knew. And really, is is the way of the world. You are never free to do what you want, for the judgment of others makes sure of that. Liana entered her school and walked down the hall that led to her class. Her first period was English Literature, by far her favorite subject. As she made her way down the hall, she noticed someone different standing outside the door greeting the students. It must be a sub, she thought.


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