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Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2)

Page 4

by Teagan Kearney

  “Exactly. You provided the ambience here.” Nikki stacked the empty boxes.

  “Yes, well, now we’ve got the elves. What do you think of their new outfits?”

  The elven princes wore identical gray chinos and crisp white shirts.

  Nikki picked up the pile of boxes. “They’re better than JB’s remnants. Though with those ears…”

  Casanova drummed his long elegant fingers on the table.

  “That’s right, Prince, don’t rise to the bait. Remember she’s trying to see how angry you get. She has a point though. What would suit them best? A beanie or a something more formal like a fedora or, as it’s summer, a straw boater?”

  Nikki snickered as she dumped the boxes in the garbage.

  “A bandana would be best for hiding those ears, ’cause it'll stay on your head if it’s windy.”

  Zhanna was on Casanova’s shoulder, stroking his ears in a flash of sparkles. “That’s it. Deep breath in, then blow your anger out.”

  “Okay” JB finished his coffee. “Let’s start. I’ll get updates on our other cases from you after this meeting, Nikki. Gemma, if I can have your attention.”

  Gemma looked up, her expression guarded, and put her phone away. The dark circles under her eyes gave her a haunted look. She missed the glance Zhanna gave Nikki, and the responding slight shrug of one shoulder.

  JB looked at the elves. “We have one lead which we’ll follow up. A sorcerer named Jaigis from a place called the Wraithlands is offering a big reward for something special. I take it from your look of horror, Zhanna, that you know something about Jaigis or the Wraithlands or both. Fill us in.”

  “Jaigis I have never heard of, but the Wraithlands is where those who practice the darker aspects of magic are sentenced to after being convicted of horrendous crimes. It’s a vast awful miserable dark horrible—”


  “Yes, thank you, Nikki, that’s the word. They have their freedom, but they can’t leave. Ever. If you’re sentenced to the Wraithlands, over time your physical body fades and you become like a ghost, a phantom, a shade—”

  “A wraith?”

  “Yes, Nikki. Unless you’re very powerful, but you stay there till you die. If this Jaigis is here, that means he has somehow found a way past the ancient shields put in place by a coalition of elves, the fae, and human wizards. His intentions are unlikely to be benevolent. Great Great Grandmamma’s contacts inform me there are unusual disturbances in the barriers between worlds. It could be it’s connected to this Jaigis’s escape from the Wraithlands.”

  Casanova and Romeo exchanged worried glances.

  “Thanks, Zhanna. We might have a lead on Selendriel’s—”

  “Princess Selendriel,” interrupted Casanova.

  JB pursed his lips. “On Princess Selendriel’s boyfriend. Has anyone gotten anything useful from their contacts? Nope? Okay, keep asking. Stir the pot and see what floats to the surface.”

  The elves exchanged confused looks

  JB’s phone rang, cutting off any questions. “Yes, right away. Thanks. Okay people, that’s it. Zhanna, you’re in charge of the boys.” He ignored the impatience writ large on their faces.

  Zhanna fluttered toward the Faerie Embassy. “Come, my lovely elvish princes, we can do some more shopping on the internet before our franchise consultation.”

  The princes’ expressions brightened as they followed the faerie.

  “Nikki, we got all Madam Mari’s bank details and those of her clients, so finish refunding their money. Gemma, write up the report. I’ll be out for a while. Nikki, can I have a moment, in private.”

  “What’s this about? And who was the call from?” Nikki asked the second she shut the door behind her.

  “That was Chen, there might be a lead on the boyfriend. I want you to do something for me.”


  “This is to be between you and me. Promise you won’t mention it to Gemma.”

  “Aww, JB. You make out you don’t care, but—”

  “Shut up and promise.”

  Nikki placed a hand on her heart. “I promise. There, now spit it out, what’s the favor?”

  “Madame Mari gave us information about a couple of succubi in town. Jason isn’t sick, he’s missing, and Gem’s covering for him so he won’t lose his job. We’re all aware of Jason’s fondness for women, and he may have gotten himself into serious trouble. Don’t let Gemma find out what you’re up to, but ask Zhanna to put the word out, too. Keep the princes out of it—they’re not known for their restraint when it comes to demons, lesser or greater.”

  “Okay, boss. I’m on it the instant you’re gone.”

  “Don’t forget, this stays between us.”

  “This is so Teen Valley High,” she muttered under breath as she opened the door, ignoring JB’s snort of derision.

  He was glad her back was to him so she couldn’t see the heat rise in his cheeks.

  Chapter Eight: Keon’s House, 11.30 am.

  JB remembered the area. It wasn't one he frequented, but not far away was the building where he’d discovered the body of the witch, Bathsheba, after the demon Gelos had murdered her last November. He drove slowly past the address Chen had given, reminded of his demon grandfather’s Art Deco residence in Hell when he saw the grand two-storied white house. His first trip there last year was something he preferred to forget. The electronic gate was open, and JB could see the drive full of expensive cars. Whatever was taking place here involved a lot of wealthy people. He parked two streets away, and met up with Chen outside the house.

  “I know you’ve heard of Keon, the Alpha of Tropolis’s biggest werewolf pack. This is Keon’s home and his headquarters,” Chen explained after he and JB greeted each other, “and all the pack leaders from the surrounding districts have come to pay their respects.”

  JB listened. Chen wouldn’t have called him unless this was connected with his case.

  “That,” Chen indicated the flower-filled hearse parked outside the front door, “is for Keon’s nineteen-year-old son, Didi, who was discovered last night murdered in his apartment. I spoke with Keon after your visit yesterday, and it seems Didi had a girlfriend by the name of Selendriel, and I can tell you she wasn’t a werewolf. That name mean anything to you?"

  JB gave a non-committal shrug.

  "Didi was supposed to have brought her here yesterday evening for a family meal and to introduce her to the family. When they didn’t turn up, Keon sent his older brother to drag him over. His brother was the one who found him dead with the place torn apart. No one’s saying the girlfriend killed him, but she’s missing, and there’s no trace of her anywhere in Tropolis.”

  Ignoring the suspicious looks thrown his way by the burly guards on the steps, JB followed Chen into a high-ceilinged hallway where the pictures on the walls were covered with black velvet. The marble floor and impressive chandelier glittering above their heads spoke of wealth and taste.

  Chen paused at the entrance to a spacious room where the family and guests were filing past an open coffin. “The super squad came immediately, did their thing, and cleared Didi for burial.” Werewolves took care of their own. Notifying the authorities was a formality.

  The super squad dealt with crimes against humans committed by supernaturals or when conflicts between supernaturals affected humans, but not transgressions between supernaturals.

  “Keon wants a word with you.” Chen nodded at a tall formidably powerful looking man with a strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, and a full head of gray-streaked hair standing at the head of the coffin.

  The Alpha’s gaze flicked up at JB, then returned to the figure lying in front of him.

  JB had seen that expression—facial muscles rigid with suppressed anger and grief—on his father’s face after his wife died.

  “We’ll wait over here, only family and pack view the body.” Chen led JB past the kitchen where he caught the tempting aroma of food, the soft clang of utensils, and subdued voices. Hold
ing a feast in honor of the dead was a custom that transcended race and species.

  Chen took him into what must be Keon’s study, and for the second time that day, JB was reminded of his grandfather. Only this time, thank the gods, there was no swimming pool filled with exuberant adolescent demons outside.

  They didn’t have to wait long.

  Keon entered, moving with fast quiet grace that did nothing to mitigate the aura of menace that surrounded him. Fresh lines of loss were engraved around his eyes and mouth.

  “My deepest sympathy for your loss.” JB held out his hand. As a mixture of fire-demon, elf, and human, JB’s lean body was deceptive. Despite his bones being denser, he could move faster, and was far stronger than he appeared, but when Keon shook his hand, JB knew he was no match for the Alpha. The dominant wolf could crush every bone with no effort at all.

  “Thank you. I asked Chen to call you after he told me earlier you wanted to speak to my son. I’m sure Chen has filled you in on what happened to him. We’re still searching for Selendriel, though we did find this.” Chen pulled out a silver chain with a heart-shaped locket from a small pocket in his black silk vest, and handed it to JB.

  “If Didi’s girlfriend wasn’t a werewolf, was she human?” JB examined the locket. He recognized the exquisite decorative scrolls and swirls on both sides—elven metalwork—confirming his suspicions, although the name Selendriel left no room for uncertainty.

  “Didi had confided to his brother that she was an elf. He hadn’t said anything to me because he thought I’d be angry, but he’d decided he wanted his mother and I to meet her. They were serious about each other.”

  “Do you mind if I borrow this? As I told Chen, I’m not at liberty to disclose anything about the case I’m working, but I believe we have a common goal here.” Keon's scrutiny made JB feel the werewolf could read his thoughts, though he was positive that any telepathic ability werewolves possessed was limited to their own species.

  “On the condition that if our interests coincide, you take me along with you.”

  “Agreed. As long as you understand this is my hunt. If we find whoever killed your son, he’s yours, but only when I say so.”

  Keon was quick to agree. “As Chen is my witness.”

  “Have you heard of a sorcerer named Jaigis?” JB asked.

  Keon exchanged looks with Chen. “There's been rumblings.”

  “He may be involved in this. I’d like to take a look at Didi’s apartment if that’s okay with you? One of my team can read scenes and she might pick up something useful.”

  “Chen will give you the address, and we’ll meet you there, say three this afternoon.”

  Chapter Nine: Office, 1 pm.

  Casanova snatched the locket from JB the second he pulled it out of his jeans pocket. The prince stared at it for a minute before reverentially touching it to his forehead. “This is the famous Scion’s Locket. The princess received it when she turned ten. This confirmed her as the future heir to the throne.”

  After that, unless JB knocked the elf out, which wouldn’t improve his relationships with his relatives and might not even be possible, there was no way he could leave Casanova behind. He refused point blank to take Romeo, certain that two elves would be unacceptable to Keon. Gemma agreed to do a reading though JB warned her the scene could be disturbing.

  “It isn’t the first murder I’ve read.” She didn’t look at him but concentrated on hoisting her bag over her head and settling it against her hip.

  The address Chen gave him was in the university district where a mixture of boutique shops, delicatessens, and cheap supermarkets nestled cheek by jowl with upmarket renovated tenement buildings.

  Keon’s eyebrows rose, and he frowned when he saw who climbed out of the car with JB and Gemma, but reluctantly agreed the elven prince might be useful. He acknowledged Gemma, and Chen gave her a nod of recognition.

  Didi’s apartment was on the top floor at the rear of a well-kept pale gray building. Keon put the key in the lock, then looked at JB. “You’d better keep your promise.” His expression said JB’s days were numbered if he didn’t.

  JB nodded. “As long as you keep yours.”

  The two men sized up each other’s power and strength for a long thirty seconds, then as an imperceptible agreement was reached, they both nodded.

  Keon paused before opening the door, as if bracing himself, then entered.

  Inside the apartment bright sunshine streamed in through the large open bay windows that overlooked a local park filled with trees in full leaf and flower bordered paths. A lake glittered in the sunshine as a couple of swans, water rippling behind them, headed for the group of mothers and toddlers throwing bread crusts.

  No one looked at the view.

  Before whoever killed Didi arrived, it would have been a comfortable room with a table for studying, a large sofa and two easy chairs—the kind of place a wealthy man’s son might have as a student pad. Now it looked as if a tornado had blown through and tossed in a few fireballs to ensure nothing remained intact. The table, chairs, and bookshelves were smashed, burn marks seared the walls, and the carpet was showered with shards of glass. It was a miracle the sofa appeared to still be in one piece although it, too, bore burn marks. The faint slightly putrid odor of rotting fungi, wet earth, and decaying leaves lingered, despite the open windows.

  “Are you prepared, Gemma?”

  “This is one of the talents you hired me for. Casanova, I need the locket. It always helps to have an item from the missing person.”

  The prince grudgingly passed the silver heirloom over. “Be careful with it.”

  Gemma closed the windows before kicking aside the broken furniture and debris lying in the center of the carpet and grabbing a cushion from the sofa. “I’ll sit here. Can you all move back and give me some space. Don’t talk or make any noise, it really disturbs my concentration. If I stand up and walk around, don’t touch me.”

  Everyone shuffled backward, watching in silence as Gemma sank gracefully down and sat cross-legged, except for JB who stayed close and settled himself behind her. She turned, annoyed, but when he ignored her glare, she looked away.

  They’d used her skill in reading a scene on several occasions, and once she’d collapsed, so he was taking precautions.

  Sitting up ramrod straight with the locket firmly clasped in her hand, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  Chen and Keon leaned against the wall, tensed like coiled snakes about to strike. Casanova lounged against the window sill, his arms crossed, and a look of utter boredom on his face, but nothing escaped his languid attention. JB studied the unruly copper curls that had escaped from Gemma’s untidy braid, assiduously keeping his mind blank and his emotions locked down.

  After a few minutes, Gemma’s head turned this way and that as she watched something only she could see. She stood up quickly, moving forward a few steps. Her eyes flew open, her breath came in short gasps, and she was clearly disturbed by whatever scene was playing before her inner sight.

  JB rose to his feet and moved closer to her.

  Then she screamed and would have collapsed if JB hadn’t grabbed her. She sagged against him, her head flopping on his shoulder. Her breathing was still rapid, and there were two spots of high color on her cheek. Almost immediately she recovered. “I’m fine. You can let go of me, I said I’m fine.”

  JB released her.

  “What did you see?” Keon demanded, stepping forward.

  Casanova strode toward the sofa, and brushed the bits of glass and wood onto the floor. “Come, sit here.”

  JB gave Keon a back off look, kept his hand under Gemma’s elbow, and guided her around the Alpha, and over to the sofa. “Catch your breath first,” he said.

  Gemma put her head down for a minute, then looked up at JB. “Okay, I’m ready.

  “One step at a time and tell us what you witnessed.”

  “Your son—”

  “Didi.” Despite the softness of Keon�
�s voice, the air shook with his repressed rage.

  Gemma flinched. “Yes, I saw Didi. He came out of the bathroom and said something to Selendriel—she was sitting there.” Gemma pointed to the other end of the sofa. “She looked up from the book she was reading, and then some kind of archway appeared and a dark swirling shadow stepped into the room. Then the cloud stopped moving and a twisted figure of a man with a scarred face stood there holding a long black staff. Before Selendriel could do anything, he aimed it at her and she fell unconscious.” Gemma glanced at Casanova whose expression had turned thunderous. “The instant Didi saw what happened, he sprang at the shadow sorcerer and they struggled.” She looked up at Keon, stumbling to a halt at the grief on his face. Telling people the terrible things that happened to their loved ones was the hardest part. “But Jaigis, it must have been him, possessed considerable powers and he tossed Didi aside, but when Didi came back and kept attacking, he used his staff to fling what looked like lightning bolts at him. But your son moved so fast, the sorcerer kept missing, which made him furious. His strikes kept hitting the furniture and that’s how everything was destroyed. Finally, one of the lightning bolts caught Didi in the side, and he collapsed.” Gemma blew out a breath.

  Keon remained rigid, his eyes closed as he pictured the scene.

  “Didi’s right side was badly burned, and he was seriously hurt. He wasn’t a threat anymore, and Jaigis could have left him alive, taken Selendriel, and left, but he didn’t. He stood over Didi, his foot on his chest, making sure Didi saw him and knew what was coming, then he flung a bolt of power straight into his heart. After that he opened the gateway again, grabbed Selendriel and disappeared. I’m so sorry.” She shook her head as if trying to get rid of the images she’d just seen.

  “Thanks, Gem. You okay?” JB asked.

  “Yeah, just give me a minute.”

  Casanova crossed the room, halting in front of Keon. They were of a similar height, and though the Alpha was twice the width and weight of the elven prince there was no doubt they were equally deadly. “Your son died protecting our princess. We shall not forget, and I swear an oath that I will fight by your side till we capture this evil creature and you can exact your revenge.” His words cracked the silence, small bullets hitting a target.


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