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Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2)

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by Teagan Kearney

  Keon regarded the elvish prince who eyed him with as fierce a resolve as his own. “Thank you.”

  “Where was the portal?” Chen asked prowling around the edges of the room, picking his way through the debris.

  Gemma pointed, “Smack bang in the middle of the carpet. Where do you think he took her?” she asked JB.

  “To the Wraithlands, I assume. I think we’re finished here. I need to make a few enquiries. Again, my condolences to you and your family, Keon. I’ll be in touch.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” came the Alpha’s soft reply.

  Chapter Ten: Freeway Motel, Room 301, 3 pm

  The black velvet curtains dulled the snarl of passing traffic and prevented any breeze entering the room. The circle of purple candles around the bed had burned down till only a few inches remained.

  Jason lay still; the heat of the room and his struggles had left him drained. His skin had a deathly waxy sheen and the delicate architecture of his ribcage was so prominent, his ribs could be counted. The fast, shallow rise and fall of his lungs as he gasped for air was the only sign he was alive.

  The succubus stood by the bed wiping her lips. Dressed in a black leather mini-skirt, a black lace tube top, and wearing high-heeled strappy sandals, her figure was fuller, her curves more luscious, and her hair sleek and shining. “You have lasted much longer than I expected, my sweet Jason.”

  After a minute he opened his eyes. “Are you going to take my life?” he whispered, his voice a cracked remnant of his former rich tenor.

  “I’m a succubus, Jason. That is what I do. Finding you has been an unexpected treat. Sadly, your essence is almost depleted, but there is just enough for dessert tonight.” She turned as light quick steps approached.

  “Later, sweet cheeks.”

  The footsteps stopped. “Leila. Are you ready?”

  The succubus picked up her purse, tucked it under her arm, and walked with sinuous grace across the room. She unlocked the door, opened it a fraction, and slipped outside. “Lilli,” she exclaimed, “you look divine!” Linking arms with her identically clothed, but thinner identical twin, the two succubi stepped out into the afternoon sunshine and sashayed toward the nearby truck stop.

  Chapter Eleven: Office, 8 pm.

  JB popped the last bite of his quesadilla into his mouth, dusted the crumbs off his hands, and gazed around the table.

  Although Zhanna survived on donuts, since she’d introduced the princes to pizza they ate the stuff morning, noon and night. Nikki had joined the pizza binge, but Gemma’s order of palak paneer lay untouched in its polystyrene box as she concentrated on her laptop.

  “If everyone’s finished refueling,” JB looked up as his father walked in. “Hey, Dad. Perfect timing, we’re about to start the meeting.”

  “Coffee anyone?” JB Sr. asked heading for the coffee machine, smiling at the chorus of requests.

  “I’ll help.” Nikki cleared the empty boxes. “You okay, Gem? I’ll stash your curry in the fridge for later.”

  “Sure. Thanks.” Gemma studied her phone screen.

  JB lit a stick of incense, and the sandalwood fragrance mixed with the aroma of freshly ground coffee. The group quietened, the mood becoming serious as his father served the drinks and seated himself at the far end of the table. “We’re all up to speed on this afternoon’s events. The next step is a plan of action. What did you find out about the Wraithlands, Dad?”

  “On the positive side I have it from an excellent source that the portal Gemma saw won’t have disintegrated yet. The bad news is we probably don’t have much time before it does. If we can open it, the chances are it will lead directly to the Wraithlands, but your presence will be detected the second you enter. You can't remain there for long as the wards and protection in place will work to cut your ties to this world. That’s a preventative measure put in place to stop others gaining entrance and releasing those sentenced to die there.”

  “When do we leave?” Romeo leaned forward. With their hair slicked back into man buns, and wearing black T-shirts, black Teflon coated combat pants, and their swords hung in black scabbards on the backs of their chairs, the elven princes were primed for action.

  “This gateway was created, and hidden, by a shadow sorcerer.” JB briefly held the elves’ gaze. “None of us at the apartment could see the actual gate, though Gem saw it when she read the scene. We need someone with the kind of power to unveil this thing.”

  “Ascepius.” JB Sr. answered promptly.

  “No.” JB responded even more quickly.

  “Demons invented portals,” his father continued. “When it comes to opening portals created by others, that’s a challenge they relish. They view it the same way an expert thief sees cracking a safe.”

  “If that’s what it takes,” Nikki said. “I agree.”

  Gemma paled at the idea. Having been kidnapped and taken to a hellish planet by a demon last year, she shuddered at the memory.

  “As a race they are powerful, unpredictable, manipulative and liars. Not a favorable combination. Do we have any other options?” Casanova queried.

  “None I know of,” Zhanna chipped in, “but I’ll be in my Embassy. Tell me when he’s gone.” With a flurry of wings and a trail of agitated stardust in her wake, Zhanna fled. A sudden flash of light as she reinforced her protective wards startled everyone before she slammed the door.

  “Okay.” JB surrendered. “But you call him,” he said to his father.

  “This isn’t about us, this is about saving Princess Selendriel,” JB Sr. said, getting out his phone and tapping.

  Seconds later, the pff and popping sound they hadn’t heard for the last six months echoed through the room as Ascepius appeared. The maroon Stetson and the smart burgundy business suit did nothing to hide the fact that a phenomenally potent arch demon had just stepped into the room. Despite the open windows and a cooling evening breeze, the demon’s body heat increased the room temperature by at least ten degrees, and the sandalwood scent now possessed an undercurrent of sulfur.

  Ascepius swept his hat off and bowed to Nikki and Gemma. “Can’t stay long, but I have a few minutes. How is your woman doing, JB?” He glanced at Gemma. “You seem a little pale and scruffy, my dear.” Gemma decided not to take umbrage with the six feet seven bronzed muscled horned demon in front of her, and nodded vigorously. “Fine. I’m fine. We’re fine.”

  “Glad to hear.” The glass in the windows shivered. “You need to care for her better than this,” Ascepius told JB.

  I wish she’d let me, ran through JB’s mind. His grandfather had assumed he and Gemma were together the first time he met her, and now wasn’t the occasion to share information about his non-existent love life. “I believe congratulations are in order,” he bowed to Nikki. “When is the happy event taking place?”

  “Midsummer Solstice.” Nikki blushed. With her half-imp heritage she couldn't resist the charismatic pull of a demon like Ascepius.

  Ascepius’s frowned and his lips lifted in a sneer as his gaze rested on the elves. “Mmm… What kind of company are you keeping these days, Grandson?”

  The princes snarled and leapt to their feet, whipping their swords out of their scabbards, their chairs clattering to the floor.

  “Really?” Ascepius laughed, a derisive hurtful sound that reverberated through the air. "You want to take me on? I don’t think so.” He turned his back on them. “Make it quick, son, I’m on the campaign trail running for election, and I have an important alliance to cement.”

  Eyebrows rose and mouths opened in stunned astonishment.

  “What? You think Hell runs on some kind of automatic system? Without proper organization the place would be full of chaos. Hurry up, I have to get home before my hostages are rescued. What? You don’t think the means justifies the end? But I’m not here for a discussion on political ideologies. Spill, Grandson.”

  “We need a portal opened.”

  “To where?”

  “The Wraithlands.”
br />   Ascepius’s jaw dropped. “You’re visiting the Wraithlands? Not on my top ten of desirable holiday destinations.”

  “A shadow sorcerer by the name Jaigis has created a gateway from the Wraithlands to Tropolis and used it to come here and kidnap an elven princess.”

  “I would like to say, tough luck, but the blood of elves is highly efficacious in certain sacrifices.” His glance raked the elves. “Nothing personal, but if you intended to destroy the wards keeping the Wraithlands’ residents inside, the blood of a pure royal innocent is exactly what a sorcerer would require. Not that I have ever heard of anyone doing such a thing, you understand. I’ll send you a helper shortly. He’ll inform you about the favors I require in return when he gets here. Oh, and if you hope to return, those who go must have a link anchoring them to a partner here. Your pet faerie has the magic to create the links. I know she’s around. I can smell her delicious fragrance. Tell the sweetheart I only wish to say hello.” Ascepius checked his watch. “I must leave. Arms to twist, bribes to pay. There’s definitely a downside to democracy—add an n, and change the c to z—and what do you have, folks? Demoncrazy!” The windows rattled as the demon’s maniacal laugh bounced off the walls. “Arrivederci.” With a snap of his fingers, a pop and a pff, Ascepius was gone.

  Nobody moved for a long twenty seconds before shoulders slumped, spines sagged, and the breath everyone held for the whole of Ascepius’s visit whooshed out.

  JB shook himself as he snapped out of his daze. “Nikki, call Keon. Tell him to get over here ASAP and bring Chen with him.”

  “What a stink. Sulfur. Yuk!” Zhanna emerged from her office, hovering in the doorway, her eyes darting here and there as if Ascepius had somehow concealed himself in the lengthening shadows. Demons adored faeries: faeries held a deep abhorrence of demons from eons ago when the borders between worlds were weakened. “What’s the plan?”

  “Ascepius is sending someone who will open Jaigis’s portal—”

  “If you say so, but I am not helping any demon.”

  “I have a job for you in a minute, Zhanna, but first, Casanova, Romeo, you heard Ascepius. Decide who is going and who is staying. No arguing either.”

  “You can decide by playing the new game!” Zhanna enthused. “I’ll count you in.”

  The princes’ faces lit up. “Zhanna, I love you,” said Romeo. To everyone’s surprise, a deep rose blush spread across the faerie’s cheeks. “Romeo, I hope you lose.”

  Casanova and Romeo twisted sideways and faced each other, balling up one hand and holding the other loose and ready. “Once. Agreed?” Casanova asked.

  “Unless we tie,” said Romeo. “Whenever you’re ready, Zhanna.” The elves raised and lowered their fists in time to Zhanna’s chant of ‘Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”

  Nikki and Gemma stood up, leaning forward so they could see the result. JB watched with a grin on his face, and even his father seemed amused.

  “Two fists make a tie,” announced Zhanna. “Again. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”

  Once more the princes’ arms rose and fell as the rest of the team watched.

  “Scissors cuts paper! I’m going!” Casanova leapt up in excitement.

  “Now, high five,” squealed Zhanna. The princes obliged with a loud slapping of palms.

  “Romeo! I’m so happy!” Zhanna dropped a kiss on Romeo’s cheek, leaving a tiny red imprint.

  “Good, that’s decided.” JB’s phone rang, followed immediately by the door buzzer. “That’ll be Keon and Chen," said JB, crossing the room. “Come on up,” he spoke as he pressed the buzzer. “All we’re waiting for now is our portal opener.”

  The words were no sooner out of his mouth, when there was a pop, a pff, and a figure came flying through the gateway.

  Chapter Twelve: Office, 9pm

  Once the sizzling air cleared, the figure—a slim youth wearing black jeans, T-shirt, and trainers, his thick wheat-colored curls barely hiding the nubs of his horns—rose with light quick grace.

  “Valak, son of Valak, grandson of the Great Chosen Leader, Ascepius, at your service,” he announced, bowing low.

  A trail of fading sparkles and a door banged as Zhanna fled to her Embassy.

  The elves tensed, their hands on their sword hilts, waiting to see what the new arrival would do, though he appeared nowhere near as threatening as Ascepius.

  “Which one of you is JB?” Valak searched around, his face lighting up at the sight of Gemma and Nikki.

  “I am,” answered JB. “Ascepius sent you to help us?”

  “Indeed. I am honored to be chosen. My grandfather has given you command of me while I’m here.”

  “He’s cute, isn’t he?” Nikki muttered to Gemma. “If I wasn’t getting married, I wouldn’t mind doing a bit of commanding with him myself.”

  “I don’t think that would be legal," Gemma whispered back. “And that total red eye look just doesn’t do it for me.”

  “If a demon can do it, it’s legal,” said Nikki, “and he appears old enough to my eyes.”

  “Command? What exactly does that mean?” JB Sr. got up from his seat and strolled toward the youth assessing him with a shrewd eye.

  “It means while I am here, JB is my master. Let me show you. Order me to do something.” Valak gazed earnestly at JB, his red-hued puppy dog eyes eager to impress his new boss.

  “Tell him to fly,” said Casanova.

  “Out the window,” added Romeo with sly amusement.

  “I don’t know how to fly but I’m a quick learner. If you teach me, master, I will oblige. Are those the elves?” Valak cast anxious looks between the princes and JB.

  JB laughed, “Relax, I’m not requiring a circus act. Yes, these are the elven princes, Casanova and Romeo. We are working with them. They are my friends. You will not hurt them. Understood?”

  “Yes, master.” Valak bowed again.

  “Oh, and no ‘master’ and no bowing.”

  Valak nodded.

  “You’d be wise to ask him what favors Ascepius wants of you in return for your help before we start the mission,” JB Sr. suggested.

  “This is my father. You are to obey him exactly as you obey me.”

  Valak nodded again.

  “Do you think he’ll include us as masters? Think of it, a pet demon slave.” Nikki sighed.

  “I feel sorry for him,” said Gemma.

  “You’re a real softie underneath that tough exterior, aren’t you?”

  “You heard him,” said JB. “What favor does Ascepius want?”

  Valak stood a little taller and sucked in a deep breath. “Favors. First, he requests you teach me about The Cycles.”

  JB and his father exchanged looks. History was his father’s favorite topic after Houdan, and JB remembered long hours listening to stories from The Cycles as he grew up.

  “Second, that you grant me the opportunity to fight, and I must thank you as I see you are already prepared for the final favor. I had expected one, but you have provided two females for the loss of my virginity.”

  Gemma and Nikki burst into loud laughter. “Oh, we have a comedian.” Nikki said, dabbing at her eyes.

  “That will have to wait, but these ‘females’ are not here for you.” JB suppressed the urge to grin. “They are part of my team and are my equals. They also are not to be touched.” He regarded his father. “I’m wondering how long this ‘not to be touched’ list will be.”

  The conversation was interrupted as the door opened and Keon strode in, followed by Chen.

  “Aiyyee!” Valak screamed, raising the hair on everyone’s backs, and suddenly a blazing fireball flew toward the werewolves.

  The fireball whizzed by Keon’s head, singeing his hair, and thudded into the wall behind him.

  “Stop! Now!” JB yelled at Valak as Chen hauled on Keon’s arm, holding him back while everybody else dropped to the floor. “My apologies, Keon, Chen. This is the help my grandfather sent.”

  “These are friends? They’re not h
ere to attack you?” Valak sounded very childlike. He nodded at Keon. “That one is furious.”

  “Not with me. Next instruction: you will only do what I tell you to do—nothing more and nothing less.”

  Keon eyes flashed with amber light, and his body tensed. “Another trick like that and he won’t be helping anyone.” He shook off Chen’s arm.

  Valak stood still.

  JB blew out a short breath of exasperation. “Keon, Chen, thanks for coming so quick. Take a seat. Gemma, coffee for everyone.”

  Gemma’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Is this his idea of equal?” she murmured in Nikki’s ear, but didn’t refuse. “Sure.” She was tempted to add ‘master’, but figured it wasn’t worth the blowback to wind JB up right now.

  “Cola for me,” Romeo chirped.

  Gemma glared at him.

  “Valak, sit with my father at the far end of the table. Zhanna! Out here now!” JBshouted. “Valak, don’t even look at the faerie.”

  The door to Zhanna’s office opened, and she hovered there, surveying the room. She’d taken off her jacket, undone her top shirt buttons, and silver curls had escaped from her bun—all signs of her unease. She settled herself on JB’s shoulder.

  “Interesting,” Zhanna said, stroking JB’s earlobe, a habit she’d almost gotten out of, but reverted to when she needed comfort. “A mixed blood demonling and a couple of werewolves. What do you want me to do?”

  Valak stared at the table, taking no notice of her, though the weres perked up, intrigued by her presence.

  “I hate to mention him to you, but Ascepius said those going through the portal had to be linked to someone here. He said it would make the journey safer for us. Can you do it?”

  “No problemo.” Zhanna flicked her wand, softly chanted a few words in the fae language, and instantly an enormous lapis lazuli crystal appeared on the table in front of JB. The intense blue of the semi-precious stone, veined with thin white lines, glowed and sparkled in the evening light.


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