The Path to Power m-2
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Howe, Martin, 505n
Howell, David, 403, 404, 421, 424
Howell, Denis, 398
Hua Guo Feng, 389–90
Huang Hua, 388
Hulbert, Jack, 375
human rights, 527–30
Hungary: (1956), 90–1; national identity, 525, 526; NATO membership, 532; economy, 591, 593
Huntington, Samuel, 517, 524
Huntingtower Road Primary School, 17, 180
Hurd, Douglas, 310, 388, 475
Hussein, King of Jordan, 198
Hussein, Saddam, 508, 511, 512, 534
Hutchinson, George, 336
Hyde, Douglas, 56
illegitimacy, 11, 544, 549–50
immigration: Notting Hill riots, 95; Conservative policy (1960s), 115, 145–7; legislation, 145–6, 211–13; Powell’s Birmingham speech (1968), 146–7; Conservative manifesto (1970), 160; Ugandan Asians, 212; MT’s attitude, 212, 405–9; from Pakistan, 384
Immigration Act (1971), 211–12, 407
In Place of Strife, 161, 204
Income Support, 120
incomes policies: prototypes, 115; pay pause (1961), 116; Wilson’s approach, 128; voluntary restraint, 138, 160; wage freeze (1966), 139; Conservative approach (1960s), 140–1; Powell’s opposition, 141; MT’s CPC lecture, 149; Conservative manifesto (1970), 160, 195; statutory prices and incomes policy, 195, 197, 224–8; Heath Government’s, 195–7, 219, 224–8, 255; voluntary (‘n-i’), 205, 218, 223; Stages 1–3, 225–8, 236; Joseph’s attitude, 255, 256; Conservative policies under MT, 298–304, 397, 403–5, 415–16, 438–9, 575; CBI attitude, 311; The Right Approach, 317; Heath’s views in opposition, 415–16
India: independence, 54–5; MT’s visit (1976), 384–6; nuclear power, 520, 521; economy, 521, 585
Indian Civil Service, 24
Industrial Charter, The, 49–50
Industrial Re-organization Corporation (IRC), 203
Industrial Relations Act (1971), 201, 203–6, 215–16, 219, 221–2, 224, 237, 288, 301
Industry Act (1972), 220
Industry and Regional Development, 220
inflation: Conservative manifesto (1950), 70; zero (1959–60), 115; Labour attempts to control, 138–9; Powell’s economic theory, 141; role of trade unions, 141; role of money supply, 149; role of taxation, 160; Conservative approach (1970s), 160, 196, 223, 227, 229; removal of credit controls, 213; unemployment, 213, 567; theories of, 219; rise, 226–7, 243; effects, 243; Joseph’s approach, 244, 254–6; Healey’s calculations, 258; Conservative policies under MT, 298–304, 397, 538, 567–9, 575, 596–7; falling, 315, 409; MT’s New York speech (1990, 479
Inns of Court Conservative Society, 85, 109, 116
Institute of Directors, 372
Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), 142, 254
Inter-Governmental Conference (1996), 488
interest rates, 115, 226, 230, 300, 315–16, 397, 479, 567
International Monetary Fund (IMF): global influence, 56; involvement in British economy, 140, 310, 315, 319, 320, 394, 400, 409, 569, 571; Conference (1992), 492; currency board proposal, 590
internationalism, 470–2, 511
investment grants, 203
Iran: Iraq war, 90; overthrow of Shah, 365; MT’s visit (1978), 380–3; Islamic fundamentalism, 536
Iraq: coup, 88; Iran war, 90; invasion of Kuwait, 508, 534
Ireland, Maastricht referendum, 494
Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 434
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 434
iron and steel, 69, 86
Islamic fundamentalism, 535–6
Israel: Suez crisis, 88, 89; Six Day War, 88; Yom Kippur War (1973), 229, 230, 372–3; MT’s visit (1976), 373, 378–80
Italy, MT’s visit (1977), 345–6
ITN, 418
ITV, 444–5
James, Sally, 441–2
James Committee, 190, 245
James of Rusholme, Lord, 177
Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 53–4; surrender (1945), 54; ‘threat’, 520; defence, 520, 521; economy, 584
Jarrett, Clifford, 123
Jauch, Dr, 26
Jay, Peter, 368
Jellicoe, George, Lord, 202
Jenkin, Patrick, 192, 289, 310
Jenkins, Roy, 213, 331, 395, 407
Jews: Hitler’s treatment of, 26–7, 29; Finchley, 98–9, 230, 374; Arab-Israeli war (1973), 230; role in development of capitalism, 580; Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 602, 605
Joad, C.E.M., 22
Jobseeker’s Allowance, 545
John Paul II, Pope, 345–6, 371–2, 556
Johnson, Frank, 273
Johnson, Nevil, 324
Johnson, Paul, 451
Jordan: ‘Black September’, 198; Palestinian problem, 374
Joseph, Helen, Lady, 266
Joseph, Sir Keith: influence on MT, 50, 135–6; economic policy, 50, 141, 229, 241, 244, 320; MT’s adoption, 98; MT’s Private Member’s Bill, 111; Cabinet reshuffle (1962), 125; leadership election (1965), 135–6; Shadow Cabinet, 144; race relations, 146; Trade and Industry Shadow, 156; Buckingham University, 159–60; quoted, 162; on ‘cycle of deprivation’, 167, 200, 547, 552; Social Services, 180, 200, 547; Heath government, 196; industry policies, 220; Arab-Israeli war (1973), 230; Shadow Cabinet (1974), 242; Centre for Policy Studies, 250–7, 286; Upminster speech, 253–4; Edgbaston speech, 253, 262–3, 266; Leith speech, 254; Preston speech, 255–7; Shadow Home Secretary, 255; relationship with Heath, 255, 260; leadership question, 262, 266–7; MT’s leadership campaign, 274, 278, 279, 282; policy role in MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 285, 286, 288, 290, 292–3, 297–300; British Leyland rescue, 300; trade union policies, 301; incomes policies, 302–3, 311, 404, 416; The Right Approach, 316; speeches, 317–18; Grunwick dispute, 368, 402; ‘Stepping Stones’, 420–2; trade union policy, 423, 430; manifesto (1979), 436; on ‘centre ground’, 439, 449; general election campaign (1979), 447, 451
Jouvenal, Bertrand de, 48
Kaberry, Donald, 93, 94–5
Kay, Miss (KGGS), 18
Keays, Bill, 446
Keegan, George, 366–7
Kendall, Denis, 29, 33, 43
Kennedy, John F., 117, 118
Kenya: Asians, 145, 212; economy, 588–9
Kerr, Sir John, 386
Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS), 9, 17–19
Keynes, John Maynard, 75, 565, 566
Keynesianism, 160, 193, 313, 320, 565
Khalid, Leila, 166, 198
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 365, 382
Khrushchev, Nikita, 90, 117, 118
Kilbrandon Royal Commission, 321
Kinchin-Smith, Michael, 46
Kipling, Rudyard, 17, 37, 196, 455, 601n
Kirk, Peter, 337
Kissinger, Henry, 348, 360, 373
Kitson, Timothy, 240, 274, 277, 283
Klaus, Vaclav, 592
Koestler, Arthur, 57–8
Kohl, Helmut, 344, 347, 481, 482
Korda, Alexander, 14
Krebs, Richard, 29
Kroger, Helen and Peter, 154
Kurds: safe havens, 512; statehood, 523–4
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion, 508, 534
Labour Club, Oxford, 49
Labour Party: Grantham, 21; defence policies, 25, 26, 44; general election (1945), 44, 46; economic failures, 50; Colm Brogan’s view, 52; Indian independence, 55; general election manifesto (1950), 69–70; general election (1950), 73, 74; general election (1951), 75; Suez crisis, 88; attacks on Macmillan, 92; general election (1959), 93; policies (1960s), 114; pensions reform, 124; general election (1964), 132; general election (1966), 137; SET, 138–9; statutory incomes policy, 141; general election (1970), 160–2; trade union reform, 161, 204, 206; education policy, 166; EC contributions, 208; ‘social contract’, 236, 413, 419; general election (February 1974), 238; policies (1974), 241; housing policy, 243, 250; right wing, 259; general election (October 1974), 261; Wilson government, 312–13; Callaghan government, 315; devolution, 322–
6, 430–2; Lib-Lab pact, 326–8, 394, 397, 410; Europe referendum, 330–1, 3345 Grunwick dispute, 397–401; extreme left, 400–1, 439; incomes policy, 403, 413, 422; general election (1979), 439–41, 445–6, 454, 455–6; single currency, 479; general election manifesto (1983), 605
Lambert, Constant, 38
Lamont, Norman, 357, 421, 492
Land Commission, 136
Latham, Michael, 242
Latin America, 581–3
law, rule of, 580
law and order: Conservative policy (1960s), 115; penal policy 116–17; debate (1990s), 538; social service, 558
Law Commission, 563
Lawson, Nigel: MT’s housing policy group, 242; EMS policy, 339; Policy Search group, 421; Chancellor of Exchequer, 568; Budgets (1984, 1988), 571; shadows Deutschmark, 596
Lawton, Frederick, 83
Le Marchant, Spencer, 432
League of Nations, 24, 26, 510–11
League of Pity, 16
Lebanon, Islamic fundamentalism, 536
Lee Kuan Yew, 386
Left Book Club, 28
Lenzerheide, 105–6
Lever, Harold, 243, 265
Lewis, C.S., 40–1
Lewis, Russell, 280
Li Hsien-nien, 389
Liberal Party: collectivism, 21; by-election victories, 93, 131, 226, 445; in Finchley, 98–9, 131, 137, 237; general election (February 1974), 238; rejects Heath coalition proposal, 239, 259; Lib-Lab pact, 326–8, 394, 397, 410; fall of Labour government, 431–2; general election campaign (1979), 445
libraries, 179
Lilley, Peter, 539
Liverpool Edgehill by-election (1979), 445
Lloyd, Selwyn, 116
local education authorities (LEAs), 157, 167, 168, 169–70, 189
local government: press facilities, 110–111; cap to spending, 247; subsidy, 248; direct-labour organizations, 328; Community Charge, 571; extra money for, 573; promotion of competition, 575
Local Government Act (1963), 181
Lockhart, Robert Bruce, 29
Lockheed Corporation, 206–7
London, City of, 499
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 8
Longford, Lord and Lady, 309
Longmore, Sir Arthur, 33
Lowe, John, 68
Lubbers, Ruud, 345
Luxembourg, MT’s visit (1975), 337
Lyons, J. 67, 74
Maastricht Treaty, 333, 468, 473, 477, 480, 481–8, 494–5
McAlpine, Alistair: Party Treasurer, 292, 334, 443; MT’s office, 293; EC referendum, 334, 335; MT’s departure, 465
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 510
McDowell, Gary, 551n
Maclean, Fitzroy, 370–1
Macleod, Iain: One Nation, 86; MT’s adoption, 98; ‘Scramble from Africa’, 114–15; Party Chairmanship, 119; Cabinet reshuffle (1962), 125; refuses to serve in Home Government (1963), 129; leadership election (1965), 133–4; Shadow Chancellor, 137, 139, 141, 142, 144, 264; Shadow Cabinet tensions, 144; immigration, 145; education, 179; death, 180, 198–9, 200, 201; Memorial Lecture, 396
Macmillan, Harold: The Middle Way, 50; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 87, 91, 118; leadership, 91–2, 99, 114, 115, 117–18, 280; cabinet reshuffle (1961), 117; cabinet reshuffle (‘Night of the Long Knives’) (1962), 125; European negotiations, 126, 127; resignation, 128; successor, 128–9; anti-right speech, 297; National Unity call, 319
Macmillan, Maurice: disagreement with MT, 183; Employment, 224; miners’ dispute, 228; replaced by Whitelaw, 231; father, 319; devolution issue, 324
Macpherson, Niall, 119, 123, 125
McWhirtcr, Norris, 398
McWhirter, Ross, 398
Mafia, 522
Maguire, Frank, 431
Maidstone constituency, 94
Major, John, 474–5, 480, 483, 488, 568
Malaysia, economy, 584
Malcolm, Noel, 497
Malita, Mircea, 354
Mao Tse Tung, 389, 390
Margadale, Lord, 273
Marples, Ernest, 124
Marten, Neil, 136, 338
Marx, Karl, 58
Marxists, 58, 579
Matraszek, Marek, 592n
Maude, Angus: One Nation, 86; Change is our Ally, 86; sacked by Heath, 273; MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 290; CRD, 290, 292; policy-making role, 297–8; speech writing, 306, 328; The Right Approach, 316; The Right Approach to the Economy, 404; ‘Stepping Stones’, 421; manifesto (1978–79), 435, 447
Maudling, Reginald: Cabinet reshuffle (1962), 125; leadership election (1965), 133–6, 144; Deputy Leader, 144; race relations policy, 146; refuses to shadow Trade and Industry, 156; economic policy, 160, 199, 301–2; Poulson affair, 199, 286; resignation, 199, 224; miners’ strike (1972), 217; Shadow Foreign Secretary, 286, 290, 351, 362; incomes policy, 301–2; MT’s 1976 Conference speech, 316; dismissed as Shadow Foreign Secretary, 319–20; European Union report, 338; Helsinki, 352, 353; Middle East policy, 373–4; Rhodesia issue, 418
Maxse, Maijorie, 65
Maxwell-Fyfe, David, 48
Maxwell-Fyfe, Pamela, 48
Maxwell-Hyslop, Robin, 313
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), 569–70
Meir, Golda, 378–9
Melvin, Neil, 526n
Mendelssohn, Felix, 9
Menem, Carlos Saul, 583
Mengistu, Mariam Haile, 371
Menzies, Sir Robert, 387–8
mercantilism, 581
Merchant Shipping Act (1988), 210, 497; see also Factortame case
Messerlin, Patrick, 502
Methodism, 5–11, 24, 31, 37, 39, 565, 603
Mexico, economy, 582–3
Middlesbrough West by-election (1962), 115
Militant Tendency, 286, 400
milk, school, 179–82, 189
Mill, John Stuart, 21, 50
Millar, Ronnie: speech writing, 307, 427, 442, 458; ‘Labour Isn’t Working’, 411; general election campaign (1979), 442, 456, 458
Miller, John, 63, 67–8
Miller, Phee, 63, 67
Millington, Ernest Rogers, 19
Milosevic, Slobodan, 371
Milton, John, 8
miners: strike (1972), 188, 201, 205, 213, 216–18; strike (1974), 192, 200, 201, 437; strike (1984–85), 216, 217, 575; strike ballot (1973), 225; demands (1973), 226–7; overtime ban (1973–74), 228, 229, 231; strike ballot (1974), 234, 235
Minford, Patrick, 575n, 597n
Minimum Lending Rate (MLR), 226, 230; see also interest rates
minorities, ethnic, 525, 539–40
Mitchell, Austin, 396
Mock, Alois, 342
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939), 56
monetarism: Powell’s approach, 147; Conservative policies (1970s), 160, 219; Joseph’s approach, 244, 255–6, 318; MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 290, 301, 318; MT’s instincts, 568; present policy, 570
Monetarism is Not Enough, 318
money supply: expansion as response to unemployment, 141; MT’s CPC lecture, 149; growth (1972–73), 225–6; Joseph’s approach, 256; inflation, 299–300; IMF deal, 320
Montgomery, Fergus, 258, 267, 271
Morning Cloud, 261
Moro, Aldo, 346
Morrison, Peter, 273
mortgage: subsidy, 226, 227, 243, 245; rate, 226, 236, 243, 247, 249, 258; tax relief, 244, 245
Moscow, MT’s visit (1969), 154
Moss, Robert, 361
Moss, Stanley, 46
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 55
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 309
Muldoon, Robert, 386–7
Mulley, Fred, 398
Munich Agreement (1938), 25, 26, 27
Munro, Hector, 325
Murray, Charles, 544, 549
museums, 179
Mussolini, Benito, 11, 24
Mutual Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR), 349–50
Nagasaki (1945), 53–4
Napoleon, 15
NASA, 154
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 88
ion states, 522–7
National Assistance, 120, 121
National Association for Freedom (NAFF), 398–401
National Association of Head Teachers, 161
National Chamber of Trade, 287
National Coal Board (NCB), 143, 215–18, 228, 234–5
National Economic Development Council (NEDC), 126, 232, 311, 404
National Freight Authority, 143
National Freight Corporation, 574
National Front, 406
National Health Service (NHS): creation, 44; Conservative policy (1950), 70; hospitals, 115; press scare, 441; issue, 538; reforms (1990), 571; funding, 573; competition, 575
National Incomes Commission (NIC), 126
National Industrial Relations Court (NIRC), 204, 222
National Insurance, 44, 120, 121–2
National Plan (1965), 138
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), 215–18, 228, 232, 234–5, 437; see also miners
National Union of Railwaymen (NUR), 446
National Union of Teachers (NUT), 166, 169, 177, 189
nationalism, 135, 509, 511, 522–7
nationalization, 69–70, 86, 150, 605; see also privatization
NATO: Hungary (1956),90; British role, 91, 349; MT’s attitude, 155, 362, 501, 519; European role, 340, 471, 475; post-Cold War role, 469, 503, 519, 532–3; US role, 475; Bosnia, 516–17
Nazism, 24, 29, 51, 600, 602
Neave, Airey: MT’s leadership campaign, 269–80, 282; MT’s office, 283, 293; Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, 289, 327, 431; Central Office changes, 291–2; death, 434
Neave, Diana, 270
Neighbourhood Watch, 551
Netherlands, MT’s visit (1976), 345
neutron bomb, 371
New Members’ Dining Club, 114, 117
New Zealand: butter and lamb, 208; MT’s visit (1976), 386–7; economy, 585–6
Newspaper Editors’ Guild, 112
Newton, Sir Isaac, 20
Niarchos, Stavros, 78
Nicaragua, US aid, 528
1922 Committee: MT’s first meeting, 107; Macmillan, 117; du Cann’s Chairmanship, 225, 264, 285, 289, 335; Heath’s battle with, 263–4; MT’s leadership, 285
Nixon, Richard M., 196, 348, 349, 360
Noble, Michael, 202