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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  Brie also recognized a Vampire glove being used on the older woman across the room. It was not a sensation Brie personally cared for but it was clear, based on the woman’s expression and vocal responses, that she was savoring its painful caress.

  Dante noticed Brie’s distraction and responded by lifting her arm above her head. With frightfully slow movements, he ran his fingers over her sensitive armpit. Brie pressed her lips together firmly, keeping still with momentous effort, and was rewarded with a light kiss on her shoulder when he was done. He’d effectively returned her focus back on him with that simple act.

  “Bene…” the young Dom growled in her ear. He reached back and grabbed something from the end table. Brie was extremely curious what his instrument of sensual pleasure would be. She gazed at Sir and bit her lip before closing her eyes, waiting expectantly for the first touch.

  Brie let out a gasp of surprise when heat caressed the nape of her neck. The temperature of it reminded her of candles, but this tool was solid and very smooth. Dante used the thin instrument like an extension of his hand, caressing her skin tenderly with its warmth.

  Curiosity got the best of her and she opened her eyes when Dante brought the tool to her front. She shivered in delight as she watched a thin silver wand glide against her breast, lingering and teasing her nipple.

  Brie looked back at Dante and sighed in pleasure. He took the opportunity to kiss her fully on the mouth before returning his attention back onto her nipples. The heat was very conducive to increasing desire and Brie moaned with passion as he traced the roundness of her breasts before heading down to her stomach.

  She liked the sexy look of the silver instrument, much like a thin dildo but sleek and elegant. Brie fully expected that Dante would sneak under the material of her dress and help relieve the ache of her pussy, but the wand moved upwards instead. He tilted her head sideways and caressed her neck and the outline of her jaw with the instrument. Another moan escaped her lips as a cascade of shivers took over, causing a small tear of pleasure to run down her cheek. His ability to completely enrapture her with his simple caresses had her spellbound.

  Dante kissed away the tear, and then glided the wand over her sensitive lips with the barest of touches. She shivered from the light contact and ran her tongue over her tingling lips. He chuckled softly, following up the wand with his own firm lips.

  Brie leaned against him when his tongue entered her mouth and she tasted him for the first time. He flicked his tongue lightly, causing waves of pleasure that traveled downward, making her clit pulse with need.

  Dante pulled away and turned Brie back to face him. He stared at her for several moments, drawing her in with his gaze before placing her hand on his chest and leaning in for another kiss. Just before their lips met he stopped, and she instinctively leaned farther to kiss him. He groaned passionately when her lips pressed against his.

  Brie joined his vocalizations with moans of her own when he wrapped her in his arms. Her body was burning with sexual energy. It didn’t help when she glanced around, noticing that most of the couples were now completely naked and either engaging in oral sex or experimenting with the tools in more intimate ways. However, not one couple was having intercourse.

  Brie finally understood that the sole focus of this private gathering was centered around connecting through touch, and she found the idea of that extremely alluring. To have a random partner each time and have the opportunity to explore new sensations together would be incredibly sexy.

  However, she felt as if she would combust if something wasn’t done soon.

  She felt the electric jolt of Sir’s touch and looked up to see him standing over her. He spoke to Dante briefly in Italian. The young Dom nodded, giving Brie one last kiss on the cheek before exchanging places with Sir and taking his seat at the large chair across from them.

  “Téa, stand for me,” Sir commanded in a gruff voice.

  Brie stood and faced him, her whole body trembling with pent-up desire.

  Sir grazed his hand over her bare shoulder, trailing his fingers down her arm. “I was entertained watching the interaction between you two.” He leaned down and growled in her ear. “When I say entertained, I mean incredibly turned on.”

  She looked down and saw the outline of his cock under the dark material of his pants. It was extremely gratifying.

  “Watching you reminded me of our nights when you would pose for me. Hours of erotic enjoyment…” He took her in his arms and kissed her hard, releasing the torrent of built-up tension observing her had caused.

  Whereas Dante had been gentle and hesitant, Sir was demanding and rough with his kiss, bruising her lips as he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

  She moaned in excitement, responding to his need, longing to release her own pent-up desire. When he pulled at her dress, she wondered if he would take her on the couch right then and there, forsaking the rules of the gathering.

  Brie desperately hoped so!

  She was greedy for his cock and would do anything to feel it inside her. After those many months of forced abstinence, she was insatiable for the man and doubted she would ever get enough of him.

  Sir let her dress fall to the floor. Brie stepped out of it and was rewarded with another passionate kiss as he pushed her with his body onto the couch, crushed in his embrace.

  It was a natural response for Brie to spread her legs to him, but Sir refused to take advantage of her open invitation. Instead, he stood back up and removed his jacket, shirt and tie. Brie openly admired his handsome form, licking her lips in anticipation and lust.

  Sir unbuckled his belt next, slowly pulling it through the loops and laying it beside Brie to tantalize her further before sitting back down next to her. Sir grasped the back of her neck, kissing her hungrily, drinking in the scent of her as he devoured her with his touch.

  “Please…” she begged.

  Sir put his hand on her throat, pressing firmly. His lips pressed against hers as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. The hold was so dominant and the kiss so possessive after a night of teasing that she orgasmed.

  He broke the kiss, releasing his hold on her. “Did you just come, téa?”

  “Yes, Master,” she panted.

  Rather than becoming upset, her answer actually seemed to please Sir. He went back to kissing her again, his hand returning to her throat. His voice was hoarse with desire when he murmured, “Do not give in again until you have my expressed permission.”

  Brie moaned her agreement as he carried her away with his passion. She fought off the overwhelming need to connect physically as one, although it seemed every cell in her body screamed for it.

  Her pussy lifted of its own accord, seeking his attention. Sir’s breath became raspy as he got drawn up in the sexual heat between them, almost beast-like in his blind lust for her. He placed his hand on her mound and then froze.

  Without explanation, Sir pulled away.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered.

  Sir took a deep breath, shaking his head several times to regain focus. He stood up and picked up her dress, motioning to Dante. The young Dom came over and took the dress. Sir ordered gruffly, “Vestire la ragazza.”

  Without hesitation, Dante lifted the dress over Brie’s head and let it fall around her, then he turned Brie around to face Sir.

  Brie looked at her Master questioningly, wondering if she had done something wrong.

  Sir read the concern on her face and confided in a low voice, “The control I wish to have versus the control I actually have right now demands you cover up before I break house rules.”

  He gave orders to Dante in Italian, then asked Brie to lay on the lounger face down, her chin resting on the unused armrest with her ass presented to him. She followed his instructions, anxiously waiting for his next command.

  She heard the clank of the belt when he picked it up from behind her and readied herself. Instead of smacking her ass with it, Sir looped it around her neck, making her groan in both s
urprise and pleasure.

  Dante surprised Brie further by getting down on his knees beside her. Sir pulled on the belt, providing enough pressure to state his dominance. In that deliciously raw submissive pose, Dante gave her the barest of kisses as Sir’s hands glided over the back of her thighs.

  Her pussy contracted with desire. The kiss of the stranger along with the electric touch of her Master sent her near the precipice.

  “The smell of your excitement is driving me insane, babygirl,” Sir growled lustfully. “I’ve never been so close to the edge in public, not even that night at the opera when all I wanted to do was pull you to me and fuck you hard.”

  “Oh, Master…” she panted in desperation, recalling that night when he had played out her fantasy as her Khan. It only made her need him more.

  “We have to make an early exit. I know my limits.” Sir leaned down and whispered in her ear, “However, I want you to come just once more. I take great pleasure in feeling you orgasm against my tongue.”

  Brie moaned as he positioned himself behind her and opened her legs wider. At Sir’s signal, Dante moved in for another kiss while Sir’s tongue made contact with her swollen clit.

  Just a couple of flicks from his skilled tongue and Sir had her riding the wave of an intense orgasm. She kissed Dante deeply as her pussy pulsed against Sir’s mouth, the pressure of the belt around her neck helping to increase the power of her climax.

  Dante groaned, becoming an integral part of the connection between Sir and Brie. When Sir pulled away, he said to her in admiration, “You’re primed like I have never seen before, téa. Two orgasms with the minimum of external stimulation.”

  She turned her head back toward him. “I think if your cock were to touch my pussy right now I would gush with another come.”

  Sir backed away from her as if she were fire, his hard cock straining against his pants. “I believe we are done here.”

  Sir grabbed his shirt, buttoning it up quickly while speaking to Dante. The young Dom nodded his understanding and turned to Brie, taking her hand to kiss it—the feel of his lips lingering on her skin.

  “Ciao, bella.”

  “Ciao,” she replied, but Brie stood on tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, adding, “Grazie mille,”—thank you a thousand times.

  The smile that spread across his face was enchanting. Dante shook Sir’s hand next, giving him a respectful handshake.

  Sir pulled him in closer, patting him on the back. It was the handshake Sir only used with close friends, and it made Brie wonder exactly who Dante was and if there was history between him and Sir.

  Before she could ask, she found herself whisked out of the room by her Master. He made a beeline through the multitude of couples still enjoying themselves. On their way out, Sir paused for a moment to take off the mask and lay it on the table next to the golden boxes. Brie did the same, sad that she had to give up her beautiful mask. She lay it next to Sir’s, struck by the perfect contrast of the black mask beside the white.

  She grazed her fingers over both lovingly, smiling to herself as they left.

  Romance in Venezia

  Sir took in the night air once they stepped outside. There were a number of ominous clouds advancing on the city, their massiveness highlighted by occasional flashes of lightning as the sound of far-off thunder echoed in the distance. The air was tinged with the scent of the oncoming storm.

  After several deep breaths of fresh air, he stated, “Fuck, that was close.”

  Brie smiled up at him, thrilled that the scene he’d created had almost gotten the best of him. Although it didn’t relieve the raging ache in her own loins, at least she knew he was as desperate for her as she was for him.

  However, she couldn’t fathom why he was torturing them both. “So we’re headed back to the hotel then?”

  He shook his head, his expression serious. “No, babygirl, the night’s just begun for us.”

  “What about the storm?”

  “It will only add to the experience,” he assured her. The glint in his eye spurred her to take hold of the arm he offered. She was convinced that their mutual relief was close at hand.

  Sir led her through the dark streets of Venice. It looked completely different in the evening. The numerous shops, constant chatter and bright colors were gone—replaced with empty streets and quiet alleyways.

  She snuggled up against to him as they walked, appreciating this shared experience. Although she had a million questions about Dante and the club they’d just visited, she kept them to herself. There was something special about this moment, and she didn’t want to disturb it with questions that could wait.

  The two walked in silence together, both keenly aware of the other. The night ahead might be a challenging lesson in patience for Brie—for Sir as well—but that made it all the more alluring.

  Sir seemed to know exactly where he was going, guiding Brie through the maze of streets until they reached a large piazza next to an impressive cathedral. Her jaw dropped when she saw that the entire courtyard was covered in seawater. “What’s happened here?”

  “Several times a year the sea covers the Piazza San Marco at night.”

  She shook her head, amazed and a little frightened by it, wondering if all of Venice might someday be swallowed up by the sea surrounding it.

  Holding out his hand, Sir asked, “Care to have a little fun, téa?”

  Brie glanced around, noting a few tourists taking pictures as they walked around the outskirts of the flooded area, trying their best not to get wet. She wondered what Sir could possibly have in mind, but answered him with a confident smile as she grasped his hand. “Let’s.”

  He twirled her around once and dipped her low, smiling as he said, “We’ll need to take our shoes off first.”

  Her curiosity was piqued as he slipped out of his shoes and stripped off his socks, placing them on the cathedral steps. Not wanting to be left behind, Brie kicked off her heels and placed them next to his shoes.

  “You only live once,” he said with a charming smile, taking her hand and leading her straight into the water—to the very center of the flooded piazza. Brie giggled in surprise as she followed, watching the water splash around them as they trudged through it.

  Once in the middle, Sir took her left hand in his and rested the other on the small of her back. “Shall we dance, wife?”

  Brie looked up at him in wonder. “Please, husband.”

  Sir smiled down at her as he guided her through the water in a slow waltz. The sea water slowed their movements, but added an element of whimsy and elegance as he used the splashing to accent his moves.

  He took her breath away when he dipped her again, so low that her hair touched the water. He brought her back up, kissing her deeply before stepping back to twirl her again.

  People on the outskirts of the water began taking pictures as Sir carried Brie along in their dance. In her mind, she heard the melody of his father’s haunting violin that was played at their wedding, and felt certain by the timing of Sir’s moves that he was hearing the same.

  Brie looked up at the few remaining stars peeking through the clouds as they danced in the waters of Venice.

  The fairy tale is complete…

  By the time their impromptu waltz ended the bottom of Brie’s dress was soaking wet. Sir guided Brie back to the steps to the applause of the remaining tourists.

  “Take a bow, Brie,” Sir commanded as he sat down on the steps of St. Mark to put on his socks and shoes.

  Brie did as she was told, waving to the people as she took another bow when the applause continued. “I don’t think they see that every day,” she remarked as she slipped on her heels. “In fact…”

  When she didn’t finish her thought, Sir asked, “What?”

  “I never imagined you would do something like this, Sir.”

  He shrugged. “It seemed appropriate. An opportunity I would regret not taking advantage of in the years to come.”

  She hugged him tigh
t. “A night of sensual exploration, and now a romantic dance in the piazza? You continue to enchant me, but I must admit I long to go back to hotel room and experience you again.”

  Sir chuckled softly. “Patience, wife.”

  Because a young couple was passing nearby, Brie replied demurely, “Let me put it this way. I would be incredibly receptive to any attention a certain part of your anatomy might provide.”

  He raised an eyebrow and answered with a smirk, “I have every intention of fulfilling that request.”

  “Thank goodness!”

  “But not yet.”

  Brie groaned.

  “I can’t have you visit Venezia without experiencing what I have planned next.”

  The storm was moving in quickly, causing the remaining tourists to hurry along before the dark clouds broke open and baptized the city with fresh rain.

  However, Sir seemed in no hurry as the clouds continued to mount. He kept his leisurely pace as they walked beside the canal.

  Being unconcerned about the rain since they were already partially wet, Brie strolled beside with him, basking in the fact she was alone with Sir…in Venice.

  Much to Brie’s delight, Sir led her to where a row of gondolas were docked, but there was only one gondolier still remaining by his vessel—all the others having abandoned their posts because of the advancing storm.

  Brie grinned. “A gondola ride, Sir?” It seemed so vanilla and touristy, but still so wonderfully romantic to her.

  “It’s a must whenever you visit the city for the first time,” he stated.

  The gondolier wore a silver mask over his eyes and a single spiked leather cuff on his left wrist. Was it possible he was a kinkster like them? Was there such a thing as BDSM gondoliers?

  Brie giggled at the thought until the man said, “Welcome, Sir Davis. I am at your command.”

  “Thank you for waiting, Alberto. I know you must be concerned about the storm.”


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