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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  He looked up and shrugged. “It won’t rain for another hour. I know these things. The clouds speak to me.” The gondolier smiled at Brie as he held out his hand and helped guide her onto the boat. Once settled, Alberto offered Sir a blanket which he placed over both his lap and hers.

  Brie appreciated the warmth and snuggled even closer to Sir.

  “Where to, Sir Davis?”

  “I leave that up to you, Alberto. You know your city.”

  The man grinned. “True. I have been here all my life and couldn’t imagine ever leaving it.” They started out, drifting away from the dock. The boat gently rocked as small waves splashed against it. “It is good that you chose to ride at night, Sir Davis. The daytime is for tourists.”

  “Agreed. Venezia can only be appreciated for its old-city charm when it is quiet.”


  Brie was entranced as Alberto guided them through the narrow alleyways of water. Above them Venetians were busy having dinner, their windows thrown open and the aroma of their cooking drifting down to the water. She could hear the clink of plates and the hearty conversations and laughter at the tables. Life was happening above them in the little apartments as they floated past in their gondola. It brought Brie immense joy to hear it.

  “Lay back,” Sir commanded gently.

  Brie lay her back against his broad chest and looked up at the dark sky above. The stars were blotted out by the clouds, but in their stead a beautiful light show was taking place, and the sounds of it rumbled through the city.

  “It’s like Nature is celebrating with fireworks…” she muttered. “This is incredible, Sir.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed, nibbling on her ear. “It inspires me to create my own fireworks.”

  Brie felt his cold hand slip under her dress to caress her warm sex. She squeaked when he made contact. “So cold!”

  She was turned on by the temperature difference and lifted her head toward him, hoping for a kiss.

  Sir did not disappoint, his warm lips descending on hers as his chilled fingers moved to more fully explore her bare mound. Brie’s nipples hardened at the delicious contrast, and she struggled not to move as one of his fingers slipped inside.

  She inadvertently glanced at Alberto and he nodded. The man was fully aware of what was going on underneath the blanket, but she didn’t need to be concerned because he was one of them.

  Brie closed her eyes for a moment to take in the feel of her Master’s finger as his hot breath warmed her cold neck.

  “Would you like me to bite you?”

  “Please…” she moaned.

  Sir bit down, sinking his teeth into the delicate skin of her neck with just enough force to cause that instinctual reaction of surrender she craved.

  Her pussy contracted around his finger, letting him know just how much she enjoyed the attention. His low groan was meant only for her, telling Brie how much her desire pleased him.

  With slow, unhurried movements he stoked the fire that was already raging inside. Her pussy was primed and ready for him, burning in need for the feel of his hard cock. A night of sensual teasing and romantic interludes had her flying on an emotional and physical high.

  “God, I want you…” she panted, pressing against his hand, imploring him to take her.

  “In time, babygirl,” he answered, pulling his finger from her. Sir tsked when she whimpered in protest. “Patience is a skill you need to master, wife, especially if you plan on being a mother.”

  Hearing him speak of her motherhood had her imagining their tiny child—a physical representation of their love—cradled in her arms. It about did her heart in. “Sir, you play me like a violin.”

  Sir snorted, kissing the top of her head. “It stands to reason, I suppose. My father was a concert violinist and you, my dear, are very easy to play.”

  She smiled, charmed again by his sense of humor.

  “Now lie back and let your husband caress your breasts while Alberto shares his city with us.”

  Brie lay back against him and relaxed in his embrace. Sir nonchalantly slipped off the straps from her shoulders, easing the material of her dress down to uncover her breasts. He began slowly trailing his fingers over the round fullness of them, his touch light but not ticklish.

  She sighed in contentment as she watched the heavenly light show above her. Had any woman in history experienced what she was experiencing now—lying in the arms of her lover in a gondola as she floated through the city of Venice in the dark under the impressive carpet of electric skies, caressed by his hand while they silently explored the ancient city together?

  Brie suspected that even the queens of the past had never known such luxury. “I am truly the luckiest woman on earth,” she told Sir, tilting her head back to look at him. “You are my dream come true.”

  “Since I can also be your worst nightmare, it’s good there is a balance.”

  Brie shook her head, giggling as she settled back against him. “I like your many sides, Thane. It makes you interesting.”

  “Interesting is a generous word for it.”

  She opened her mouth to protest.

  “Not another word, wife. Relax and savor the experience.”

  Brie rested against him, squirming occasionally when he tweaked her nipple or bit lightly on her skin.

  Pure romantic bliss…

  As the dock came into sight, Brie pulled up the straps of her dress while Sir folded the blanket and set it aside. He exited the boat first so he could assist Alberto as they both helped Brie onto the dock.

  Sir tried to pay the man but Alberto refused, saying, “Sir Davis, I know who your father is and could never accept monetary compensation from his son. His music changed my life. This was my honor.”

  “I appreciate your generosity, b—” Sir began, trying again to hand over the bills, but Alberto interrupted him, sounding offended.

  “Absolutely not, Sir Davis.”

  “Very well, then.” Sir tucked the money back in his jacket before placing his hand over his heart. “A sincere thank you is in order for such a generous gift.”

  The man nodded his acknowledgement.

  “May I have your business card?”

  “Of course, Sir Davis.” The gondolier retrieved a card from his breast pocket and handed it to him. “If you are planning on staying, I would like to invite you to my home for lunch. Any day that’s convenient for you.”

  “I’m afraid we will be leaving Venezia tomorrow.”

  This was news to Brie and she listened more attentively, wondering if he would reveal their next destination.

  “I understand, but should you visit my city again the offer still stands.” Alberto insisted.

  Sir pulled out his business card, handing it over. “Thank you, and I extend the same invitation should you ever find yourself in LA. It would an evening well spent, talking about my father and the influence he had in your life.”

  “Ciao, Sir Davis.” He tipped his hat to Brie. “And Signora Davis.”

  “Ciao, Alberto,” Brie said, honored to have spent the evening with the man.

  Sir put his hand on the small of her back as they walked away. “And now just one more stop, babygirl…”

  Passion in the Streets

  Sir led her along in the same leisurely fashion as they passed the flooded piazza once more. There were no tourists to be seen when the first drops of rain began to fall, dotting the surface of the water in playful patterns as the thunder rolled above them.

  “Come, Brie,” Sir said, taking her hand. Instead of heading to the hotel, Sir dragged her into a darkened alley, just past the piazza. He pushed her against the marble wall, kissing her roughly. Afterward he growled in her ear, “I’ve been patient enough. I want you to suck my cock—now.”

  Brie’s heart quickened, realizing he was going to give her what she’d been craving for hours. She immediately sank to her knees, ignoring the hardness of the cobblestone as she unzipped his pants and freed his shaft from his brief
s. The heat radiating from his manhood attested to how much Sir needed release.

  When she opened her lips wide he cautioned, “Don’t take me too deeply in that pink mouth.”

  Brie’s eyes widened at the unusual command. Sir wasn’t normally one to ask her not to deep-throat him. Honoring his request, however, she took hold of his shaft and began licking the end of it before putting her lips around the smooth head of his cock.

  It was covered in pre-come, alerting her to just how close Sir was to orgasming—and it totally inspired her. Brie was slow and gentle as she teased his shaft, giving it tender kisses while only lightly sucking.

  Sir put his hand on her head to prevent her from going deeper, but it was totally unnecessary. She obeyed his command not only because she was devoted to him, but because she wanted that cock deep inside her when he finally came.

  Brie grazed his shaft with her teeth, something she knew he enjoyed, but he pulled away from her and ordered huskily, “Stand now.”

  In the falling rain, Brie stood and faced Sir. He leaned his body weight on her, pressing Brie against the cold marble. Sir’s hand disappeared under her dress as his fingers sought out her sex. “I need to taste your come,” he growled into her ear as he began to pump her with his fingers.

  Brie tilted her head up into the cold rain, willing her body to relax. Having ridden the tide between denial and orgasmic release all day, she knew the incredibly intense climax he was seeking from her.

  She started to groan loudly as he hit her g-spot with the hard, rapid pace that always invoked a watery come. “Oh God…oh God!” she screamed as a crash of thunder sounded above them, reverberating through the city and her soul.

  Brie’s body tensed just before it rushed with an earthshattering explosion, momentarily stealing her senses. Sir grunted in satisfaction as he buried his mouth on her mound, licking her freshly-come pussy as he held her in place.

  “Fuck, babygirl, you taste so damn good…”

  Her legs trembled in the aftermath of the orgasm while Sir continued his attention on her clit. “Please Sir,” she panted, “—you.”

  Sir stood, swiping his mouth as he stared at her with the lust of a hungry wolf. Without warning, Sir grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her upward, pressing her against the cold wall. Brie squealed in surprise at his strength.

  He gripped his rock hard shaft and forced it inside her. Brie let out a cry of passion and relief as he started pumping. She reveled in the fiery ache his cock caused as he stroked her hard.

  But Sir needed more and tilted her hips, ramming his cock even deeper. The depth and angle took her breath away and she struggled to take it. Sir dug his fingers into her thighs as he ramped up the tempo.

  Brie was both thrilled and frightened by the ferocity of his pounding. He bruised her body as he fucked her without mercy, but all she could cry was, “More…more…”

  The rain fell in huge droplets as the lightning lit up the whole sky. Sir lifted his head up and let out a primal roar. Brie gripped onto him in desperation as he gave her the fucking of her life.

  The two of them stared at each other in silence after he came deep inside her, shocked by the intensity of the animalistic coupling. Sir kissed Brie several times before he carefully set her on the ground and helped steady her when she swayed, still weak from the experience.

  Brie could only lay against the wall for support as she recovered. “What was that?”

  “That is how babies are made.”

  Brie smiled, but it soon disappeared as she felt a powerful urge to fuck him again. She stared at him lustfully, leaning forward for a kiss.

  Sir held her back. “Hold onto that thought until we get back to the room.” He took off his jacket, covering her shoulders with it. “Although you look alluring in that wet dress, it’s quite scandalous, my dear,” he said with a lustful smirk.

  Brie followed Sir, trusting he knew his way through the dark labyrinth of streets. When they finally arrived at the hotel, they were greeted by a sympathetic staff who quickly got towels for them and offered to bring up hot tea.

  Sir thanked them, but assured the staff that the two of them would prefer to remain undisturbed. There were knowing glances amongst the hotel workers as Brie and Sir left for their room.

  Brie began laughing when she saw herself in the mirror after taking off Sir’s jacket. “I look like a stray cat, all soaking wet from the rain.”

  “I happen to prefer wet pussy,” Sir said, coming up beside her. When he looked down at Brie, his expression suddenly changed. Sir brushed back the wet hair from her face and stared into her eyes as if seeing her for the first time. He leaned down to kiss her. “I love you, Brianna Renee Davis.”

  She smiled as she looked up at him, alarmed by the overpowering realization that her love for Sir knew no bounds.

  I would do anything for him.

  He caressed her cheek. “You’re shivering, babygirl.”

  The truth was that she was trembling, overwhelmed by her love for her husband and Master.

  “First things first, I need to get you out of that wet dress and into a hot bath,” he ordered, picking her up and pressing her wet body against him. He twirled her around while droplets of water fell to the floor. “Then I will have my way with your body—again.”

  A Little Table Action

  Before they left Venice, Sir took Brie to the charming Ponte di Rialto, a bridge that spanned the canal and was lined with little shops on either side, but these were different shops from the ones she was expecting.

  Instead of kinky toys, there was an abundance of gold chains, sparkly jewels, and stylish fashion.

  “You can choose anything you want, my gift to you.”

  She took his hand and grinned. “Then I choose you!”

  Sir shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Since you already have me, why don’t you choose something else you would enjoy.”

  Looking up and down the crowded bridge, Brie couldn’t decide where to begin.

  “Let’s start on the left and make our way all the way around so you will have seen everything by the time you’re done,” Sir suggested, deftly moving Brie out of the path of a frowning individual who was bulling his way through the throng of people.

  “You’ll get there regardless if you push people out of the way or not,” Sir snarled at the man.

  “Tourists,” the man spat back angrily.

  “People,” Sir replied with conviction.

  The man waved his hand in irritation as he pushed his way along, but managed to step out of the way of a little boy who had wandered into his path.

  Brie looked up at Sir, grateful he was the kind of man who spoke his mind and that people listened to him—whether they wanted to or not.

  “This first shop appears to have authentic Venetian glass,” Sir told her. “Shall we pick a piece for our apartment?” Brie loved the idea and walked inside, instantly spying a piece that called to her. Picking up the unique blue and gold vase to admire, she blanched as soon as she saw the price and quickly set it back down.

  Sir came up from behind and picked up the vase to look at the price. “That is a reasonable amount for glass blown by a true Venetian artisan. Should you find it cheaper, you would be looking at a fake.” Brie took the vase from Sir to look at it again. He added, “I like this piece as well, if that helps with your decision.”

  She was pleased that he liked it. “If we both like this piece then it will have meaning to both of us in the years to come.” Brie walked over to the shopkeeper and carefully handed her the vase. As the woman wrapped it, Sir took out his wallet and handed over several large bills.

  “Now on to your next conquest.”

  Brie did a lot of window shopping, seeing many beautiful things, but not finding anything that stood out as something she would love to own. She knew Sir was getting a little frustrated when he said, “Nothing more? We’ve passed more than twenty shops. What kind of woman are you?”

  She laughed
out loud. “I’m practical, Sir. I can’t help it. I want something that I can’t live without. Otherwise, it will just sit in a box or on a shelf gathering dust.”

  Sir kissed the top of her head. “While I do appreciate your way of thinking, it makes spoiling you rather difficult.”

  Knowing it was important to him that she pick something, Brie entered a shop of gold chains. The bright shiny color and sheer quantity of them was awe-inspiring. “Ooh…”

  Brie touched the length of chains and smiled at the twinkling jewels on some of the necklaces, but what really set her heart aflutter was an intricate chain made for the ankle. She pointed it out to Sir.

  He scoffed at the short chain. “You can have anything here—in fact, you can pick multiple things. Don’t be shy, Brie.”

  “But Sir, all I want is this.” She held up the delicate ankle bracelet. “Think how pretty it will look when I’m in compromising positions.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh hell, that’s the last thing I need to think about right now…” He turned away from the shopkeeper to hide his growing erection. Brie smiled as he pretended to look at the prices of the longer chains while he regained his composure. Once focused, Sir turned to face her again. “So the ankle bracelet it is.”

  He took it from her and quickly paid the man.

  Instead of wrapping it up, Sir insisted on putting it around her ankle in the shop. He knelt on the floor and grasped her ankle firmly. She felt pleasant tingles as he attached the chain, but her heart skipped a beat when he looked up at her lustfully.

  Sir stood back up grinning, confident in the knowledge he’d returned the favor by stirring her arousal.

  “I think I’m done shopping now,” Brie blurted.

  “I am too,” he agreed. “Shall we find a nice private table for lunch before we go?”

  “That would be absolutely lovely, Sir.”

  They walked out of the shop like any other vanilla couple enjoying the famous bridge, but the only thing on Brie’s mind was the gold chain around her ankle and how it would look with her legs in the air.


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