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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 19

by Red Phoenix

  I stare at him like a frightened animal when he kisses me again, tasting me with his tongue as he robs me of all my defenses. My body is mesmerized by his commanding presence, and I do not move when he pulls out his knife. He reaches behind me, freeing me from the rope. Then he pulls me to the bed, pushing me onto it with his own body weight.

  The heft of it crushes my chest and I can barely breathe as he grabs my head with both hands and kisses me again, thrusting his tongue into my mouth more aggressively.

  I do not offer resistance, allowing his exploration. I am aroused by it. This stranger—this ghost of a man—will take me to his dark depths, and I find myself desperate to follow.

  I feel him lift up the material of my clothing with one hand while he continues to kiss me deeply. I should fight, but I want what he is demanding of me.

  His hands explore my body while his tongue plunders my mouth. I am lost in his sensual caresses and close my eyes so that I can only feel and not think about what is happening.

  But he pulls away and stands up. I open my eyes, holding my breath as I watch him remove the rest of his clothing. His hairiness extends from his chest to his legs, reminding me that he is otherworldly.

  His pale manhood is hard and ready. The fear sets in again…

  He speaks to me in soothing tones as he begins to undress me. I feel like an insect caught in a spider web, powerless to stop its impending doom.

  The contrast of his pale skin against the dark brown of mine is captivating. We should not mate, it is wrong, and yet everything in me wants to know his ghostly touch. To feel his possession as he mounts me.

  I lay naked before him as he gazes over my body shamelessly. Spreading my legs, he positions himself between my thighs. I turn away, not wanting to witness my descent into depravity, but he turns my head back making it clear I’m to watch.

  His thick white member pushes into my darkness. For a moment I cannot breathe, as his fullness takes over my reality.

  I cry out as he takes hold of my hips and pushes in farther. He grabs my wrists and begins to thrust. Chills take over my body, making my nipples hard and tight.

  The ghost is inside me.

  I stare up into his blue eyes, surrendering my soul to him—my descent complete.

  Brie closed the journal and glanced at the monitor. No change.

  She stood up and leaned over to kiss Sir on the lips whispering lovingly, “Wake up, my ghost.”

  Brie had just turned on Alonzo’s touching solo, the one Sir often made love to her by. She was lost in her memories when she heard one of the nurses come into the room. Being used to the constant interruptions, Brie did not even bother to open her eyes.

  “Hello, Brianna.”

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat, recognizing the unwelcomed voice. She opened her eyes to see Lilly standing before her.

  “Why are you here?” Brie demanded.

  “I’m family.”

  Brie stood up and made her way over to Sir, staring at Lilly was if she were a snake that might strike at any second. “Sir ordered you never to come around us again.”

  Lilly smiled as she nonchalantly took off the wrap she wore, exposing a distinctly pregnant belly. Brie couldn’t breathe as she watched Lilly caress it. “I hear congratulations are in order, Mrs. Davis. It appears both you and I will be having a child of Thane’s.”

  Brie began trembling all over. “I don’t believe you.”

  Lilly pointed to her stomach and looked at her incredulously. “The proof’s right in front of your face. You and I both know what happened that night in China.”

  Brie gripped the bed frame, steadying herself. Lilly looked to be the right number of months along, enough for her story to be true. Brie licked her lips, suddenly feeling light-headed.

  “I didn’t come here for myself, Brianna. I’m here to protect the rights of my child—Thane’s child. The honorable thing for you to do is to accept the financial responsibility you owe this baby.”

  Brie looked down at Sir, lying there so peaceful and innocent. He’d claimed Lilly’s accusations were lies and she had believed him, but seeing Lilly now with a rounded belly…

  “I still don’t believe you.”

  Lilly laughed condescendingly. “Well, I’ve had a paternity test done. There is no doubt who the father is.”

  Brie felt the ground begin to shift beneath her feet.

  “I only expect half.”

  “Half of what?”

  “Half of whatever he leaves you in the will.”

  Brie growled, “Thane’s not dead!”

  Lilly glanced at her half-brother dismissively. “He will be as soon as you turn off the ventilator. Serves him right for what he did to my mother—and me.”

  “If you’ve come for money, you’re in for a shock. Sir hasn’t awakened, and until he does and can defend himself personally, you won’t see anything from his estate.”

  Lilly’s angry laughter filled the room. “I’m sure the courts will have a different opinion, Mrs. Davis. And then there’s the court of public opinion. How will people feel about your husband after I share what he’s done? Do you think your next film will even see the light of day when they discover the monster your Master truly is?”

  Lilly’s tone and actions echoed of Ruth’s cruelty. The fact she looked so similar to the dead woman was absolutely terrifying. It was as if the Beast had never died, risen from the ashes through her daughter to further torment them.

  Even with the evidence before her, something felt off about Lilly’s accusation. Why hadn’t she pressed formal charges? Why was she willing to break a restraining order to get Brie alone?

  “It feels to me that you are using the child as a pawn,” Brie accused.

  Lilly became livid, hissing in rage. “This is the baby he created. How can you even defend such a man?”

  “Thane wouldn’t—”

  “But he did,” she howled in disgust. “And I have living proof.”

  The floor seemed to sway more violently. Brie gripped the bed tighter to steady herself.

  Lilly moved up to the other side of Sir and leaned down. “I’m back, Thane. What you did is unforgivable, and something you will pay dearly for.”

  Brie saw his heartbeat increase briefly, an outward sign he was aware of Lilly’s presence.

  “You need to leave now. I’m certain Sir has a restraining order against you.”

  Lilly looked at her in disbelief. “Are you threatening me after what he’s done?”

  “You’re not allowed to be anywhere near either of us,” Brie stated, not backing down.

  Lilly looked Brie dead in the eye. “I’m willing to leave your life for good if you give me half of the estate.” Her expression became deadly when she added, “However, should you choose not to support this child, I will go to the press first, and the courts next. Make no mistake about that, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie was sickened by the fact Lilly planned to destroy Sir’s reputation just as her mother had destroyed Alonzo’s all those years ago, but Brie would not allow that to happen again!

  “When you say you plan to go the press first it proves to me your motives are not to benefit the child.”

  Lilly spat. “My only concern is for this baby. If you two get damaged by the cross-fire, what the fuck do I care? Your silence all these months only proves you’re covering up for a man who should be rotting in jail for his crimes—and you know it.”

  Brie noticed another spike in his heart rate. “You need to leave. Now!”

  “I give you two weeks to buy my silence—after that it’s a free-for-all. It’s the exact same offer I made Thane.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He knows about the baby, but apparently he didn’t tell you. Interesting… Why do you think that is, Mrs. Davis?”

  Brie was rattled by the question but shot back, “Why would you offer your silence to the man who allegedly assaulted you?”

  Lilly shrugged. “If I had a choice, I would prefe
r my child not live with the knowledge of what happened.” She rubbed her stomach for dramatic effect. “So, let me raise the child as an innocent, giving the boy the best care Thane can afford.”

  When Lilly saw the shocked look on Brie face, she smiled. “Oh yes, it’s a boy.” She stared pointedly at Brie’s flat stomach. “Let’s hope you don’t have a miscarriage. It’d be a shame considering Thane’s condition now.”

  She looked down at him lying still in the bed. “Who knows? I may end up being the only one to carry on his bloodline. How grossly ironic would that be?”

  “Get out!”

  Lilly was in no hurry as she made her way to the door. “Two weeks, Mrs. Davis. Enough time to get your finances in order to pay me. Otherwise, the world will know the truth and I will still get the money…” Lilly pointed her finger at Brie. “Don’t be an idiot.”

  After Lilly’s exit, Brie found she could not even look at Sir. She distinctly remembered the mysterious letter, the one he had proceeded to ripped up into tiny pieces after reading it. Was that why Sir had acted so strangely? Had he been trying cover up the truth from her?

  When Abby came through the door, Brie looked up at her helplessly before her knees buckled and everything went black.

  Brie woke with a start and found herself staring into the dreamy green eyes of Master Anderson.

  “Are you okay, young Brie?”

  She nodded automatically until the memories of what happened flooded in. Brie began shaking her head, as tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I heard Thane’s half-sister paid a visit,” he stated calmly.

  Brie nodded but said no more, not wanting Master Anderson to know the circumstances behind the visit.

  “I called Thane’s attorney and he’s on it.”

  She looked at him dubiously. “Do you know why she came to the hospital?”

  “I do. Thane told me about the incident in China. She’s obviously come back to stir up trouble while he is lying unconscious. A despicable act from a cowardly woman.”

  Brie still wasn’t sure if he knew about the pregnancy. “What did Mr. Thompson tell you when you spoke with him?”

  “He suggested you call the police if she should attempt to contact you again. I have already informed the hospital staff that there is a restraining order against her.”

  Skirting the issue, she asked, “Did you see her, Master Anderson?”

  “No, she had left by the time I arrived. Which is lucky for her. I don’t react kindly to anyone who would dare to harass you at a time like this.”

  “Thank you, Master Anderson,” she whispered.

  He gazed at Brie for several moments before commenting. “You still seemed troubled. What exactly did she say to you?”

  Brie swallowed hard. “I think I should talk to Sir’s lawyer.”

  Master Anderson tilted his head, trying to figure her out. “You can tell me anything, young Brie. I would never break that confidence.”

  “No,” she said, feeling nauseous. “I can’t.”

  “What has she done?” he demanded.

  Brie looked him in the eyes. “Please, Master Anderson. Take me to see Mr. Thompson.”



  “You just fainted. The only place you’re headed is home.”

  She started to get up against his wishes, stating, “If you won’t take me I will call a cab. I need to see him in person as soon as possible.”

  “Damn it! What is it you aren’t telling me?” he asked sternly.

  Brie said nothing as she started for the door.

  “Are you going to say good-bye to Thane before we go?”

  “No,” Brie answered, relieved to hear that he was planning to take her.

  Master Anderson grabbed her shoulders and turned her around forcibly to face him. “Holy hell, what has that witch done to you?”

  Brie dropped her gaze, fighting back the tears unsuccessfully.

  “I will strangle that woman to within an inch of her life when I see her!”

  She looked up at him and begged earnestly, “Don’t go anywhere near Lilly, please.”

  “You do realize it’s my duty to protect you.”

  “If you care about Sir, you will heed my warning.”

  Master Anderson growled in frustration.

  “Promise me.”

  He snarled, “This is not like you—this is beneath you.”

  Brie’s voice was grave when she warned, “Master Anderson, Lilly has the power to change the course of our lives. Any direct contact might set off a chain of events that we won’t recover from.”

  Still not convinced, he snarled under his breath. “I sincerely hope his lawyer can talk some sense into you. I can’t fathom what has you running so scared.”

  It was a great relief once Brie was alone in the conference room with Mr. Thompson. She felt certain Sir would have confided in him after receiving news of the pregnancy, so there was no reason to hold anything back. “As you already know, Lilly came to the hospital today. You are also probably aware that Lilly is claiming that she carries Thane’s child.”

  “He did contact me about the issue. What exactly did she relay to you at the hospital?”

  “She told me she has had a genetic test done which proves the baby is his.”

  Mr. Thompson began scribbling on a notepad as she spoke. “Go on…”

  “She wants half of his money to raise the child.” He did not bat an eye at the amount, which led Brie to ask, “She told me she gave Sir the same offer. To take half of his estate in exchange for her silence. Is that true?”

  Mr. Thompson put down his pen and stated frankly, “Yes, Mr. Davis was given a threat of blackmail stating those exact terms.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Brie demanded.

  “He and I both believe the allegations are false. There was no need to concern you, unless it’s proven otherwise.”

  “I hate to be the one to inform you, Mr. Thompson, but she is pregnant. Far enough along to make her story plausible.”

  “Are you saying you believe Mr. Davis is the father of the child?”

  “I…” Brie stammered. “I don’t know what I believe anymore.”

  “Did Mr. Davis give you any cause to believe he assaulted her that night?”

  “No, other than the fact he became so inebriated that he was suffering from an extreme headache the next morning and wasn’t himself. He even admitted that he couldn’t remember anything about that night.”

  “Do you remember any scratch marks or bruises on his body that might indicate a struggle?”

  “Not that I recall.”

  “So as far as the law is concerned there is no hard evidence to validate her claims.”

  “Except for the genetic test,” she reminded him harshly.

  “That is also hearsay at this point. Until I have documented proof from a trusted source, I will not consider it.”

  Brie let out a sigh of relief, grasping desperately onto the hope that it might not be Thane’s child. The fact was Brie had never forgotten the haunted look in Lilly’s eyes when she’d made her accusations while in China. Something terrible had happened to the woman, Brie was convinced of that.

  “Lilly told me that if I do not give her the money within two weeks, she will go to the press and the legal system to expose the truth.”

  “It sounds like extortion.”

  “But here’s the real issue, the one I can’t ignore, Mr. Thompson. Even if she is lying, and this is not Sir’s child, when Lilly tells the press, his reputation will be forever suspect—just like his father’s. Just the simple allegation itself will be enough to destroy him, especially if he cannot defend himself.”

  Mr. Thompson nodded. “I understand your concern and it is a valid one. I have to assume she will attempt to contact you again. I advise you to call the authorities if she tries to corner you in public. I’d prefer she contact you by phone so we can record any conversations you have to use as evidence against he

  Brie paused before asking her deepest fear. “But what if it is Sir’s child?”

  “Rest assured, I am prepared to cross that bridge if we must.”

  She was brutally honest with him. “My support for my husband may change depending on the test results.”

  He sighed deeply, interlacing his fingers together. “I can understand, Mrs. Davis, but you and I must proceed under the assumption her accusations are false and Mr. Davis is innocent.”

  Brie looked out the conference room window, her emotions a tangled mess of loyalty and mistrust. “That may be hard for me to do.”

  “I’m sure I don’t need to warn you to keep the details of this to yourself.”

  She huffed. “I’m very aware of that, Mr. Thompson. This secret has the potential to tear down everything Sir has built.”

  Including my heart… she added silently.

  Brie left Mr. Thompson feeling more in control. Although she still had to face Lilly and her claims against Sir, at least she had someone on her side who was as determined as she was to protect Sir’s reputation until the truth could be sifted out.

  “Did the meeting go well?” Master Anderson asked when he saw her emerge from the conference room.

  “As well as possible,” she answered sadly.

  “Will you tell me what’s going on?”

  “No, under the advisement of my lawyer.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “She’s legitimately got you running scared.”

  “As Sir’s friend, I need you not to engage Lilly in any way.”

  “I give you my word, but I’d prefer to know why.”

  She wrapped her arms around Master Anderson and pressed her head against his hard chest. “I wish I could tell you, if only for the words of wisdom and comfort you could provide.”

  He grasped her shoulders and pull away to look into her eyes. “Never question Thane’s integrity. He is one of the most honorable men I know.”

  “I agree…”

  “And yet you still doubt.” He looked utterly perplexed. “Do you not carry the brand of your Master?”

  Brie nodded.

  “Did you not vow to love him through better and worse?”


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