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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 20

by Red Phoenix

  Her bottom lip quivered, but she nodded again.

  “Whatever has you questioning that must be profound.”

  “It is.”

  “Then I suggest you hold on to what you know to be true.”

  “I will try.”

  “Succeeding is what Thane would expect.”

  Her voice faltered when she confessed, “The only time Sir has ever responded was when he smelled your cooking and Lilly spoke to him. It cuts me like a knife after everything I’ve tried.”

  He put his arms around her. “Thane is comforted by your presence. I am certain of it.” He squeezed her even tighter, adding, “And who can blame the fellow for responding to my food?”

  She chuckled softly, appreciating the comfort he provided.

  “Let me take you home now. You can soak in a warm bath while I make you more soup.”

  Brie willing walked beside him down the hallway, but as they were waiting for the elevator she thought to herself, If Sir is aware and if he is innocent, I can only imagine the hell he is going through stuck in a body that cannot respond to Lilly’s betrayal—and my own doubts.

  “Master Anderson, I know this is a lot to ask, but can we stop by the hospital before we head home?”

  He smiled down at her. “Now that’s a request I would be honored to fulfill.”

  Brie was hopeful that on her return, she would feel differently toward Sir. However, once she was at his bedside, she found herself unsettled.

  She knew the only thing Sir ever asked of her was to remain true to herself at all times. Keeping that in mind, she took his hand in hers. “Seeing Lilly pregnant with a baby she claims is yours has me questioning everything, Sir. Both Master Anderson and Mr. Thompson have advised me to keep my sights on what I know to be true. I am trying, Sir, I’m trying with all of my heart.

  “But…” she said pleadingly, “I need a sign from you. Something—anything—to let me know you’re here with me now.”

  She watched the monitor continue on as steady as ever. She then looked down at his hand in hers, thinking over and over again, Squeeze it, Sir. Please just squeeze my hand.

  However, there was no movement, not even a twitch.

  With a heavy heart, she lay his hand back on the bed cover and started to leave. She was about to walk through the door when she felt the overpowering urge to turn around.

  When she did, her heart stopped.

  Sir’s eyes were open.

  A Cowboy’s Heart:

  Brie’s Submission #11


  Red Phoenix

  A Cowboy’s Heart: Brie’s Submission

  Copyright © 2016 by Red Phoenix

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Edited by Jennifer Blackwell, Proofed by Becki Wyer, Marilyn Cooper, Jennifer Roberts Hall

  Cover by Shanoff Formats

  Formatted by BB eBooks

  Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  Adult Reading Material (18+)

  * A portion of the story Includes the short “Stud Poker” part of the retired anthology, One Night in Vegas. It is an important addition to Master Anderson’s journey.


  MrRed continues to inspire, and keeps me focused.

  Life should be lived and enjoyed!

  To my Master Brad Anderson fans…

  You wanted to see more of him after reading about Amy & Troy,

  so I added him to the staff of the Submissive Training Center.

  You longed to know more about his story,

  so I wrote this novel for you.

  Much love!


  All the peeps at Club Red (a Red Phoenix club for fans by fans),

  Thank you for your years of friendship, humor, and support.


  A cowboy can’t resist a damsel in distress

  Brad Anderson, the bullwhip master, has guarded his heart ever since a certain redhead broke it. After attending the wedding of his best friend, Master Anderson decides to find his own happy ending. However, it seems Fate has different plans when he finds himself protecting a damsel in distress.

  Will this cowboy-at-heart ever let down his guard long enough to allow true love to flow in? Find out what happens when love and loyalty meet Fate head on.


  Brad Anderson was reluctant to leave Italy. It turned out that catching the garter had actually been a positive for him. He’d failed to understand until then just how alluring the idea of getting hitched was for a woman.

  He’d been totally upfront with the ladies, making sure they understood he was headed back to the States as a single man. Brad planned to sample as many as he could in the short time he was there. However, one woman in particular, captured his attention—Julietta.

  Julietta was an older woman with a magnetic smile and a free spirit. She’d pretty much claimed him during the reception, allowing the other girls to flirt but keeping his attention with her magical laughter and flirtatious grin.

  The women who kept primping themselves while eying the competition couldn’t hold his attention. He liked women who trusted in their natural beauty—like Julietta.

  Brad had invited his newly formed harem onto the dance floor, not wanting any to feel left out during the festive celebration. He was a gentleman at heart.

  However, he did have an ulterior motive. Watching a woman dance gave him insight into the lady herself.

  If she was awkward on the dance floor, you knew you had a woman who wasn’t confident with her body, but might provide some entertainment and pleasure as you guided her to your needs—and hers.

  A woman who was obvious in her sexual moves as she danced was letting the world know not only was she confident in her own skin, but she was hungry to devour her partner—or be devoured.

  Some women were just pure energy, like the set of brown-eyed twins who had latched on to him. They were playful and fun on the dance floor, so full of vitality they were incapable of slowing down. It reminded him of a certain orange kitten he knew well.

  Then there were women like Julietta. They danced with confidence but were subtle in their sexuality as they moved across the floor, elegant and graceful while maintaining an innocent flirtation that called to a man—inviting the chase. In the bedroom, it would translate into a charming power exchange.

  Brad was definitely feeling her invitation and a few of the less couth women noticed. One, in particular, felt the need to state her dominance, wrapping her arms around his waist as she gyrated her body against his. While Brad didn’t mind the act itself, it wasn’t appropriate for a wedding. The last thing he needed was a raging boner on the dance floor.

  With gentle hands, he pulled the young woman away, twirling her once before letting go of her hand as he turned to face Julietta. He knew with certainty that she would keep it classy.

  Brad smiled down at the woman, gratified to see the glint of mutual attraction reflected in her eyes. He gave each girl his attention that evening but kept coming back to the raven-haired beauty.

  When the night began winding down, Brad offered his arm to her and asked Julietta to take a stroll in the garden.

  “Isn’t it too dark?” she asked in an enticing Italian accent.

  “Absolutely not. You see, I know my way around the garden. I surveyed it early this morning. I’m certain I can guide you to the secret spot I found. Enchanting little place.”

  “You have me intrigued, signore.”

  He grinned. “As do you.”

  Brad put his hand on the small of her back, noting the way she subtly relaxed when he touched her. Another sign that she desired and invited this chase.

He was grateful for the soft moonlight as they strolled the maze of roses. Not too bright, but enough to aid him in navigating the labyrinth of foliage.

  “How long do you plan to stay, Signore Anderson?”

  “I actually will be heading out tomorrow. I have to finish packing for my move to LA, and still have a ton of loose ends to tie up with the school I’m headmaster of.”

  “School?” she asked with curiosity.

  Now was the time to lay it all out there like a game of cards. She would either run away from him or right into his arms. Not one to back away from rejection, he answered, “Yes, I have a school for training Dominants and submissives.”

  The smirk on her face let him know she understood the curriculum involved.

  “I take it you are familiar with those terms.”

  “Only in definition, signore,” she replied coyly.

  “I would be honored to give you a more in-depth lesson on the subject.”

  Julietta trilled with laughter but did not reply.

  He let it go…for now, understanding the dance she’d begun. Too much interest shown on her part would make it seem the lady was desperate or uncouth. Therefore, it was his task to coax it from her like a gentleman, guiding her along with his subtle expertise until she could give in to her carnal desires.

  Julietta was not a “wild one” but close enough to make her alluring to him.

  He found the secluded spot he’d spied earlier in the day. It was bursting with colorful blooms, complete with a small water fountain and low marble bench.

  She twirled in the center of the area with delight, reminding him of a young girl. “It is magico…” she cried.

  “I quite agree,” he answered, sitting down on the bench to admire her.

  She stopped twirling and grinned at him, her eyebrows raised. “Do you take all your ladies here?”

  He shook his head, a slow smile curving across his lips. “No, you are my first.”

  Julietta threw her hands up in joy and twirled some more.

  He was already envisioning what he would do with her. A rose, a hard nipple, and love bite on the neck…

  She stopped and sighed with contentment before walking toward him. Her hips swayed alluringly, calling to his masculine need.

  Brad had learned from years of experience that it was important to let a woman know what to expect. He nonchalantly opened his legs a little wider, exposing the hardness of his cock outlined in his overly stretched pants.

  Julietta instinctively glanced between his legs and her gaze remained frozen there.

  A common reaction.

  Either she would be up for the challenge of his large asset or she would make quick her escape. Better to know now.

  “Signore Anderson, it appears you’re happy to see me,” she stated in amusement, looking him in the eye.

  He responded in a low, seductive tone, “I am, Julietta.”

  Her eyes widened when he held out his hand to her.

  “No reason to be scared. I aim to please,” Brad assured her when the woman didn’t move.

  “Hmm…” she murmured, her eyes transfixed on his massive shaft.

  “Curious what it would feel like buried inside you?”

  Julietta gasped, her chest rising and falling quickly.

  His grin was wicked when he added, “I’m sure we would be a good fit.”

  She met his gaze, licking her lips nervously. Brad felt certain she was interested in testing out his theory, but what he needed to do now was romance the lady so she would be prepared for the challenge of his sizeable cock.

  He patted the bench. “Why don’t you sit while I pick a rose to seduce you with?”

  Julietta giggled as she took a seat on the marble bench.

  Brad stood up, walked over to a large rosebush, and pulled the stem of a red blossom toward him. “Are you a red rose?” he asked, taking a whiff of the flower. He looked at her, shaking his head. “No.” He released the bloom and it snapped back into place.

  He moved to the next bush covered in yellow roses. Grasping the large round head of the rose, he leaned over and took in its scent. “Too sweet,” he commented, letting it go.

  The next bush was bursting with lavender flowers, which also sported thin, spiky thorns. “A pleasant fragrance, but a little too vicious for you.”

  He walked over to the other side and took hold of a cream-colored rose lined with a blush of pink edges. Taking a long inhale, he sighed in appreciation. “Yes, this is you, Julietta. The rose smells of fruit and spice.”

  He broke the long stem and walked back to her, lowering the rose for her to smell.

  She took in its scent and moaned softly. “Perfection.”

  “Like you,” he agreed, sitting down beside her. “Will you permit me to seduce you with this worthy blossom?”

  She smiled. “How do you propose to do that, signore?”

  “It will require you to undress.”

  Julietta laughed, looking around anxiously.

  “No need to fear. No one will find us here,” he said confidently as he started unbuttoning his jacket. “To put you at ease, I will be the first to undress.”

  She watched in rapt attention as he removed his jacket, vest, and tie before unbuttoning his white shirt. Brad heard her barely audible sigh when he shrugged it off, exposing his muscular chest.

  A smile played at her lips as she tried unsuccessfully not to stare. A refined lady…

  He moved in closer and offered, “Can I assist you?”

  She only nodded, holding her breath when he began unbuttoning her silk blouse, pulling it down over her shoulder to expose a sexy lace bra that complemented the pearls around her neck.

  “May I?” he asked, looking pointedly at her brassiere.

  “Please, signore,” she replied, a little breathless. Despite the dim lighting, Brad could swear the mature beauty was blushing.

  He reached behind her, consciously letting his skin barely brush against hers. She gasped again when he unclasped the bra and eased it from her shoulders.

  There Julietta was in all her naked beauty, her feminine features enhanced by the pale moonlight. As much as he desired to suckle those fabulous breasts, Brad asked her to turn from him and lean against his torso.

  His request must have surprised her based on her shocked expression, but she did as he asked, tentatively reclining against his bare chest.

  “There now, doesn’t that feel more comfortable?”

  “Si,” she whispered softly.

  Brad wrapped one arm around her waist as he began teasing her skin with the soft petals of the rose. Goosebumps rose on her skin as he glided the flower over her arm to her stomach and then up to the curvature of her breasts. He then stroked her long neck with it and heard her moan softly.

  His cock responded to the sound of her pleasure, hardening against the small of her back. There was no hiding his body’s reaction, nor the size of his excitement.

  “Do you like the caress of the rose, Julietta?” he growled into her ear.

  “I do, Signore Anderson.”

  He grinned when he instructed her, “You may call me Padrone.”

  She stiffened as she turned her head toward him. “Master?”

  Brad answered confidently, “Si.”

  Julietta settled back in his embrace, a little tenser, but with a definite smile on her lips.

  “Do you mind if I go a little lower?” he asked.

  “Not at all, Padrone.”

  He found the title arousing when it was spoken with her alluring accent. He set down the rose and tugged on the side zipper of her skirt. He slipped his hands underneath the material and eased it down just below her hips, exposing simple white cotton panties.

  To him, they were the little black dress of the panty world—always in style and always flattering on a woman.

  “Shimmy out of that skirt, Julietta. I want full access to explore you.” He pressed her against him so she would feel the stiffness of his cock.

bsp; Julietta did as she was told, but she was slow to respond and he heard the increase in her breath as she lay back against him. He knew she was both turned-on and slightly frightened by what was about to happen.

  Both reactions pleased him.

  Brad ran the flower down her stomach and lightly grazed her covered mound. Julietta leaned back harder against him as she opened her legs. Both were indications that she was desirous for his intimate caress.

  “If I were to touch your pussy, would I find it wet?” he growled into her ear.

  She giggled softly.

  “I take that as a yes, but must discover for myself.” He glided his fingers down to her mound and groaned when he felt how soaked her panties were. “Julietta, it appears you are happy to see me.”

  Her low laughter increased his libido. Brad appreciated a woman who knew what she wanted but allowed the man to lead the seduction. He was certain she would make a pleasing submissive.

  Brad returned his attention to her breasts, concentrating on tickling her erect nipples while he snuck a hand down to slip under the thin material of her panties. Julietta froze in his arms but did not resist as he slid his finger over her wet clit. She was very slippery, the kind of slickness that would allow for a spirited coupling.

  Keeping his finger resting against her clit, he brought the rose to her lips. “Do you know what the name of this rose is?”

  She shook her head, smiling at him flirtatiously.

  He whispered in her ear, “Secret.”

  “Really, signore?” she scoffed.

  “I would never lie to a lady,” he assured her.

  Julietta took the rose from him, admiring it before putting it to her nose to sniff it again. “I love this flower.”

  “Of course you do. The flower is you, and ‘secret’ would be a good pet name.”

  She smiled, blushing when she told him, “For a big bad Padrone, you seem awfully sweet.”

  “Who says a Master can’t romance his partner’s mind before he dominates her body?”


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