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Picture Perfect Murder (Ryli Sinclair 1)

Page 17

by Jenna St James

  “And let me guess, you questioned both of them, if not more people, at the memorial?”

  “I didn’t see Doc downstairs.”

  “But your presence was noticed.”

  He sounded pissed. Rightfully so, I knew. I didn’t want to listen to a lecture, so instead of answering, I whispered words of encouragement to Miss Molly. Her only response was a lick to my neck. This tiny gesture bolstered my belief that she’d be okay. Relief surged through my cold body.

  Please, God…please let her be okay. I prayed silently, repeating the words over and over in my head. I stroked her black and white fur, her long hair moved smoothly through my fingers. The rhythmic petting helped to calm my nerves.

  “You do realize that it’s quite easy for someone to get their hands on just about any drug they want, right? Ketamine is not just regulated to people in the medical field.”

  I was saved from answering as we sped through the gate of Dr. Powell’s clinic. The clinic was located five miles south of town on a gravel road, so we’d made excellent time. Doc’s home was just twenty yards away from his clinic, so it was no surprise the lights were already on inside the building.

  Garrett slammed on the brakes, spraying gravel everywhere, put the SUV in park and jumped out. I’d barely gotten my seatbelt off before he threw open my door and helped me down. I gave Miss Molly a kiss on her head.

  “You’ll be fine now, baby,” I soothed softly. “Doc’s gonna make you all better.” Silence greeted me.

  I was about to reach hysterics when the door burst open and Doc was standing there with his arms out. “Hurry, give her to me.”

  I thrust Miss Molly at him, getting a hurtful meow from her. A stab straight to my heart. Without a word, Doc turned and rushed her inside, yelling over his shoulder to come back with the plant.

  Garrett took me by the elbow and led me inside. The sitting room was eerily silent. Usually it was a bustle of activity, animals weaving in and out of people, TV blaring, phones ringing. Now it was just a hollow shell…exactly how I felt.

  “Stay here. I’ll be right back. I don’t want you back there in case…” he didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t have to.

  With a sob, I sat down on one of the plastic chairs. Garrett handed me a tissue from a box sitting next to me. “I’ll be right back.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead. Nodding, I sniffled into the Kleenex.

  I didn’t realize how much I’d come to love Miss Molly until now. I’d always taken it for granted she’d greet me at the door when I came home from work...that she’d always be a pain in my ass howling at me to either clean her automatic litter box or buy the most expensive cat treats I could find. Now that I faced losing her, I felt an ache in my heart that was indescribable.

  I let the tears fall, not once brushing them away. I wanted to feel this pain as a reminder that she was still alive, that there was still a chance.

  I’m not sure how much time had passed, but eventually I heard the examination door open. I looked up and saw Doc Powell and Garrett standing in front of me. Miss Molly was nowhere in sight.

  I felt another wave of crippling pain hit me. I realized what this probably meant. If Miss Molly was okay, she’d be out here with them.

  I staggered to my feet. Garrett rushed over and caught me, wrapping his arms around me. The comfort was almost too much. I took out the wad of Kleenex I’d stuffed in my pocket and blew my nose.

  “Let me first start off by saying Miss Molly is doing okay.”

  I looked sharply at Doc Powell. Had I heard right? Miss Molly was fine?

  “How?” I croaked, my throat dry and painful from all the crying.

  “Once Garrett showed me the leaf, and I registered Miss Molly’s vitals and symptoms, I realized she’d been poisoned with hemlock. A very nasty plant.”

  Questions bounced through my head. “How? How could this have happened?”

  Doc Powell shrugged. “Hemlock is actually quite common believe it or not. Usually cats won’t eat it. That’s probably why she tried to spit it out as soon as she ingested it.”

  “So her spitting it out meant she only ingested a little. My gosh,” I cried, “how bad would it have been had she eaten the whole leaf?”

  Doc Powell looked gravely at me. “It probably would have killed her, Ryli.”

  My knees buckled, and I would’ve gone down if not for Garrett holding me up. “As it is, I’ve given her medications to control the mini seizures, ease her breathing, and reduce the gastrointestinal irritation she was having. I’ve also given her an IV, so be prepared when you see her. It looks worse than it really is.”

  I nodded my head, happy to be seeing her. “Can I go back then?”

  Doc patted my arm. “Yes, but just know I need to keep her here overnight for more observation.”

  I nodded again and hurried toward the back door that led to the examination room. I heard Garrett call my name, but I didn’t think to stop. I just wanted to get to Miss Molly.

  I wished I’d have listened to him. I wasn’t prepared for the sight I saw. Sprawled out on a table, heavily sedated, a cast-like bandage around her back leg with an IV tube going to a fluid bag, Miss Molly looked downright pitiful.

  Sobbing, I rushed to her side, careful not to touch the bandage. I laid my head on her head. “Oh, little one…I love you so much. You scared me to death! You silly, brave kitty.”

  Miss Molly tried to lift her head, but the effort was too much. She put her head back on the cool table and watched me through half-opened eyes. “You’re such a brave girl,” I cooed, stroking her long hair. Her pink tongue darted out as if trying to lick me.

  I laughed at her silliness and kissed her forehead.

  “Like I said, I need to keep her until tomorrow, maybe Saturday,” Doc said.

  I nodded my head and felt the relief rush through my body. She was going to be okay.

  “You did good calling me and getting her here. Had it been any later, I’m not sure if I could have saved her,” Doc said as he walked toward the table where Miss Molly laid sprawled out. I saw Garrett watching him closely, and I suddenly remembered what I’d said in the car about watching Doc at the funeral.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Nonsense,” Doc said, misunderstanding me. “You did good tonight, Ryli.”

  Shaking my head, praying I wouldn’t cry, I looked over at Garrett. Understanding my dilemma, he walked over to me and put his arm around me. “Look, Doc, there’re some questions I’m hoping you can answer for me,” Garrett said.

  “I can try.”

  “I know I called the other day to ask about ketamine, but in light of this new development I need to ask you specifics.”

  Doc’s forehead wrinkled. “What do you mean?”

  “I’d like to ask you where you were the night Dr. Garver was murdered.”

  Doc’s face drained of color and his hands started to shake. “Just what are you implying here, Chief?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” I assured him…but I could tell he didn’t believe me.

  “It’s just standard questioning. I’ve had to ask nearly everyone in town,” Garrett said. “Believe me, I’ve come to learn that only tiny children are not suspects when it comes to who might want those two women killed.”

  Sighing, Doc Powell pulled over a medical stool and sat down. “I guess I figured eventually it’d get around to this. I can’t say I’m surprised.” He looked down at his wedding ring, twisting it slowly back and forth.

  When he finally looked up, his eyes were filled with tears. “It’s no secret there’s been no love lost between Dr. Garver and myself,” he said, “but please don’t make me tell you where I was that night.”

  I felt as if I’d been slapped. Was he admitting to killing Dr. Garver? Is that why he didn’t want us to ask? I suddenly didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to find out the answers to this murder. I just wanted to go back to being blissfully ignorant, taking pictures and writing silly articles for the paper, petti
ng and feeding Miss Molly every night…not worrying about dead bodies and body parts showing up at my house. I just wanted it all to end.

  Garrett spread his legs apart and put his hands on his gun belt. “Sir, I’m going to ask you one more time where you were that night.”

  Oh, shit…things were getting serious.

  “Oh, now simmer down there, Chief,” Doc said sternly. “I’m not saying I killed her. I just don’t want to tell you where I was is all.”

  Garrett stared him down.

  Sighing, Doc finally said, “Fine. But can we do it in private?”

  My head whipped in his direction. Now what was he saying, that he couldn’t say it in front of me? Why? Was he with a woman? And if he was, why didn’t he want me to know?

  “It’s okay if you were with someone,” I assured the doctor. “I mean, I won’t say anything. It’s been years since your wife’s death. Heck, I’ve even been trying to set you up with my mom for as long as I can remember.”

  Doc’s face turned red and he looked guilty as hell. It hit me like a punch to the gut. “Oh, my gosh! You’re seeing my mom?” I almost jumped up and down with excitement.

  Doc shuffled his feet and cleared his throat. “Now, I wouldn’t say we’re seeing each other…it’s more like…well, what I mean to say is…” he trailed off.

  “This is awesome!” I said.

  “It is?” Doc said.

  “It is?” Garrett echoed.

  I grinned and clapped my hands, “It is!”

  Overcome with joy, I reached up and gave Doc a hug. This man had saved Miss Molly’s life, and now he was dating my mother. This man was the bomb as far as I was concerned.

  “Well, let’s just keep it between us. Not tell your mom until I have a chance to speak with her, okay?” he asked.

  “Sure. I mean, how can I say no to the man who saved Miss Molly’s life tonight, right Garrett?”

  Garrett looked at me, then at Doc, then back at me. Throwing up his hands he muttered, “Whatever.”

  I spent a few more minutes saying goodnight to Miss Molly, promising I’d be back the next day.

  * * *

  The ride home was silent. I was so physically and mentally exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open much less make conversation. My heart and arms felt empty without Miss Molly.

  “Where do you want to stay tonight, Ryli?” Garrett asked.

  I stared at him. Where did I want to sleep tonight? With him…only I didn’t have the heart or the strength to make that happen right now.

  As if reading my mind he said, “If you stay with me, we sleep. That’s it.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. “I’d like to stay with you.”

  Without saying anything more, he steered the suburban toward his house. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask to stop at my house for a toothbrush, but I didn’t want to press my luck.

  It didn’t take long to reach Garrett’s house. Unlocking the door he ushered me inside, closing and locking it behind him. I was suddenly very nervous.

  “Do you want something to drink? I don’t have any of those frou frou teas you like, but I think I can manage something,” he said.

  I smiled at his description. Only he would think chamomile or lavender was frou frou.

  “A shot of whiskey would put you right out,” he continued.

  I laughed at that. A shot of whiskey would loosen me up a little too much, and we’d already established we weren’t going there. “I’m good, just really tired. The minute my head hits the pillow, I’ll be out.”

  Taking my hand he led me through the living room and up the stairs to his loft. With each step my nerves jumped. By the time we reached his bedroom door, I was ready to jump out of my skin. For a girl who usually prides herself on being in control, I was sucking it up tonight.

  Garrett turned on his bedside lamp and began turning down the bed.

  Great, the man even makes his bed.

  I don’t think I’ve made my bed once since I moved out of my mom’s house. I’m just a throw-the-covers-up-and-call-it-good kind of a gal.

  “Bathroom’s through there,” he said gesturing to a connecting doorway.

  I nearly screamed when I saw my reflection. Some women look cute when they cry, others don’t. I fall squarely into the don’t category. I had splotched skin, my eyes were red and swollen, and I must have raked my hair with my hands a thousand times because it was getting downright greasy.

  No wonder he didn’t want to fool around.

  Rinsing my mouth out with water, I turned off the light and returned to the bedroom. Garrett had already finished getting undressed and was in bed. The sheet was pulled up to his waist, leaving his upper body available for me to devour.

  My own personal eye candy.

  I scrambled under the sheet as he turned and shut off his lamp. I wasn’t sure if I should lie on my back or my side. On my back I might snore…side it is.

  I had just turned on my side away from Garrett when I felt his hands on my waist pulling me toward him. When my butt hit his stomach, he curled his body around me.

  “Sleep tight,” he whispered as he drifted off.

  Yeah, right. Every nerve ending was tingling, and I was oh so aware of where my butt was resting. I was afraid to breath for fear of touching him even more.

  I tried counting backward…I tried reciting the Pledge of Allegiance…I tried thinking about the ocean…anything to make my body relax and calm down.

  I guess something must have worked, because the last thing I remember thinking was that I hoped he couldn’t feel the prickly stubble of my legs through the yoga pants.

  Chapter 12

  "Ryli, time to get up."

  I turned on my side and pulled up the covers. "Just one more minute, Mom."

  The bed shook with laughter. "I ain't your mom, Sin."

  My eyes popped open as I felt a hand caressing my ass. With a yelp I flipped over onto my back.

  Garrett was sitting on the edge of the bed, sipping coffee. He looked sexy as hell. He'd obviously already showered and was dressed in his uniform.

  "I have an interview set up in about an hour. I let you sleep as long as I could."

  I glanced at his clock and was surprised to see it was already after nine o'clock.

  Bolting up in bed, I tried scrambling out of the covers. Garrett put out his hand, stopping me. "I'm not in any hurry. Like I said, I still have an hour before my person comes in."

  You can't imagine the torture it was not to be able to ask him who it was. I was dying to know how close he was to solving this case.

  "I just got off the phone with Doc Powell, and Miss Molly is doing great."

  Guilt slammed through my body. Here I was, thinking about solving the case first and completely forgot about Miss Molly. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry.

  "Hey," he said, "that was meant as good news."

  "I know," I whispered, feeling my throat closing. "I just forgot for a minute."

  He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then patted me on my leg. "Get up, get around, and I'll take you home. You can call Doc yourself from there."

  I watched as he stood up and walked out the door...leaving me with the yummy imagine of his butt.

  I pushed the covers aside and walked over to his dresser mirror. Trying not to cringe at the massive bed head I was sporting, I bent upside down and fluffed my hair.

  Flinging my body and hair back upright, I almost passed out at the sudden rush to my head. On the plus side, my hair was now a little poofier.

  I walked down the curved, wooden staircase and into the spacious living room. The glint of the wood from the natural lighting was breathtaking this early in the morning.

  Garrett handed me a travel mug full of coffee, and we headed out the door to my house.

  "I'll try and call or text once I finish up my interviews today."

  Wait, now it's interviews, as in more than one?

  Realizing I'd get nowhere quizzing him, I waited impatiently for Ga
rrett to drop me off at my house so I could change my clothes and call Paige, Mindy, and Aunt Shirley. Garrett could spend all day interviewing suspects...I already had my suspect in mind, and it was about time for a showdown in Miss Molly’s honor!

  * * *

  "We're sure about this?" Paige asked again as we were all four piling into the Falcon.

  "Never been so sure of anything in my life!" I exclaimed, ready to get my beatdown on.

  I'd picked up Paige and Aunt Shirley, then drove straight to the office to meet up with Mindy. There I filled the girls in on what had happened to Miss Molly and who and why I believed I knew who the killer was. We spent the better part of the morning hashing out our plan.

  After calling Doc Powell to check on Miss Molly, I then called Mom to tell her about Molls. I conveniently left out any mention of Doc Powell's confession to me about him and my mom. After promising to not do anything rash and impulsive with Aunt Shirley, I got off the phone.

  "Rash and impulsive?” Aunt Shirley cried indignantly. “Who does she think she is, talking about me like that? If I wanted to, I could still take her over my knee."

  I smiled at the thought of those two going at it...then got down to why we were all there.

  After much deliberation, we decided to forgo contacting Garrett with our suspicions and capture the murderer ourselves. We knew he'd give us a song and dance about staying out of it and letting the professionals handle it. Then swoop in for the arrest, taking all the glory.

  "Stop second guessing," Aunt Shirley snapped at Paige. "We all agreed. Now, let's go!"

  I needed no further encouragement. And in honor of Miss Molly, I peeled out of the newspaper parking lot, spraying gravel everywhere.


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