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A Lesson in Forgiveness

Page 15

by Jennifer Connors

  “I had to give him a chance. Although it sounds kind of silly to me now.”

  “Not silly. You are a woman of great honor.” Taking her hand and caressing her cheek, he continued, “He did you a great injustice. I fear my own imbecility led to such a circumstance. You deserve far better than either of us, Bethany.” His voice was more of a caress than his fingers. Ginny was smitten, and none too little horny. Miles was gorgeous and experienced and willing. A sexual trifecta.

  “If you're done with your dinner, my lord, perhaps we should retire.” Whispered, but no less a promise.

  That beautiful, roguish smile appeared and made Ginny's heart flip-flop. “I am quite finished with dinner, my lady.”

  Pulling out her chair, he led her from the dining room. On the way up the stairs, Ginny asked the butler to have some whiskey brought to her room. Hand on his arm, the two walked up the stairs together.

  Once outside her room, Miles opened the door and excused himself for a few moments. Ginny figured he was going to the bathroom, possibly freshening himself. After using the privy herself, she then walked to her vanity and took a hairbrush to her cropped locks. One of the first things she'd done when she returned to London after her wedding was cut her hair. Her russet curls now bobbed and swayed with her movement. It felt great not to have so many hairpins in place anymore.

  A gentle knock came and with it, the butler with a tray, a decanter of whiskey and two glasses. He gingerly placed the tray on the table in between two chairs in front of the hearth. No fire blazed tonight, not with the humid air of July. The windows were open and emitting a small breeze that helped cool the room.

  Ginny walked to the table and had just finished pouring two glasses when Miles appeared in the doorway. His smile revealed every emotion. Happiness, excitement, longing. It was nothing that Ginny wasn't feeling as well. He entered the room, closed and locked the door and came to stand next to her at the table. Ginny handed him one of the glasses, held hers up and declared, “To tonight.” Clinking her glass to his, she downed the shot in one gulp.

  Miles sipped a small amount of the amber liquid. Not the best he'd ever had, but he knew that Bethany enjoyed her whiskey. Taking her glass from her and placing it back on the tray, he grabbed her suddenly. Pulling her toward him, he kissed her hard. He felt her hands come around his neck as her fingers played with the hair at the back of his neck. When her tongue began to duel with his, Miles knew he needed to slow down or this would be a short night indeed.

  Pulling her away, he tsked, “Now, now, my dear. We mustn't get ahead of ourselves.”

  Ginny set herself in the chair by the hearth. “Maybe you should remove your clothing, my lord. I shall just sit here and watch.”

  Miles nearly lost it right there and then. My God, I may be in love with this woman, he thought as he untied his cravat. After removing it, he undid the buttons on his jacket. Not bothering to fold it, he threw it on the other chair. Next came his waistcoat and shirt. Sitting on the chair, Miles removed his boots and stockings. Left with only his breeches, he turned his head and stared at her in return. “I believe it may be your turn, my lady.”

  Ginny was temporarily struck dumb. Watching him remove his clothing had been so erotic that she was practically panting. His chest and shoulders were magnificently tanned in the candlelight. His dark chest hair liberally covered his muscled upper body, continuing where she could not see it under his waistband. Standing slowly, ready to take her turn, Ginny realized that her dress had its buttons up the back.

  “I will need some help, my lord.”

  Speaking breathlessly, he responded, “It would be my pleasure.”

  Running his hands slowly up her back, his fingers finally made it to the top button. One by one the buttons were undone. By the time he reached the last button, he felt his control slipping. After faithfully completing his task, Miles again sat in the chair and watched her, painfully aware of the tightness in his trousers. He watched as she slid the dress forward, letting it drop to the floor. Watched as she removed first her petticoats, then her slippers, garters and stockings. Before she could remove her chemise, he stood before her, letting his fingers trail a line down each side of her neck, over her shoulders and down her arms.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known.”

  His simple declaration, made so genuinely, started her heart fluttering. Bending down, he took her mouth, possessing it. His tongue swept into her mouth, tasting the whiskey on her breath. His hands, seemingly working on their own, cupped her breasts, then slowly released the tie at the top of her chemise, moving it down her shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. Naked before him, he took a step back and admired the view.

  Ginny never felt such power before. It made her all the more heady as he swept her up in his arms and brought her to the bed. Placing her down on top of the covers, he stepped back and began to unbutton his pants. As his fingers reached the first button, there was a small knock on the door. At first, Ginny thought she was hearing things. When the knock came again, followed by a small voice saying, “An urgent message for his lordship,” Ginny was ready to start screaming.

  Miles walked to the door, opened it a hair to allow for the missive to be passed and closed the door again. Walking to the nearest candle while looking to Ginny with concern, he opened the note. Ginny noticed his face. Even in the candlelight, he looked suddenly pale.

  “What is it?” she asked, climbing off the bed and walking to his side.

  “My father. He is dead.”

  “Dear God. Miles, I'm so sorry.” She stared at the letter, incredulous. “What can I do?”

  Turning his head to look at her, realizing at that very moment that he was head over heels in love with her, he said, “I must go.”

  “Of course. I'll get dressed and have someone fetch your carriage.” Ginny grabbed her chemise. After putting it on, she grabbed her robe from the wardrobe and walked to the door. Calling out from the doorway, the butler returned and she gave him instructions.

  Returning to the room, she began to collect his clothing and help him get dressed. Once completed, with his cravat crudely tied and somewhat askew, he said, “I am sorry.”

  “What? You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who's sorry. Were you and your father close?”

  “No. He was a cold man who fancied himself dying every other month. I had always thought he would outlive us all.”

  Taking his face in her hands, she pulled him down to her face. “If there is anything I can do for you, Miles, please let me know. I am at your service.”

  “I will be leaving the city tonight. Hopefully I will see you during the season.” They walked out the door and started down the stairs. At the bottom step, he said, “You must know I had planned this evening ending a little differently.”

  She smiled at him and stated, “A lot differently I hope. Take care, Miles and God speed.”

  On his way out the door, the butler handed him his hat and cane. “Good evening, your grace.” It was at that moment that Miles felt the enormity of the situation. He was now a duke.

  Chapter 17

  Weeks after setting out, Colin finally got to walk on solid ground again. His ship docked late in the afternoon, so he would not be able to start his journey to Wellesley until the next day. The plan was to go to his London townhouse, get a good meal, a bath and good night's sleep. The rest of his plan would have to wait until he saw his wife again.

  Hiring a hackney, his valet helped load their trunks on the back. They set off from the port, journeying up familiar streets. Pulling up in front of his home, Colin felt a sort of nostalgia. It had only been a year, but it felt much longer, perhaps because of the guilt. Bethany had probably stayed here while he was gone. It felt good to be somewhere she'd been.

  Exiting the carriage, he strode up the few stone steps and knocked on the door. Expecting it to take a few minutes, since there would be few servants in house during the summer, Colin was surprised when the doo
r opened immediately. An unfamiliar footman opened the door and asked if he could be helped.

  Colin almost laughed out loud. Could he be helped, indeed. “Where is Cabot?” He didn't mean to sound surly, but it had been a long trip.

  “One moment, sir.” Before Colin could correct him, the footman had closed the door. Feeling somewhat perturbed by the lack of recognition, he quickly dismissed it. After all, he had been gone a year and the footman was obviously new.

  When the door opened again, the butler, Cabot, took one look at the road weary Lord Whitmore and registered a level of shock. “My lord... I... We... Were you expected, my lord?”

  “Cabot, my good man. I am sorry for the lack of warning about my arrival, but I am in desperate need of a good meal and a bath.” When Colin attempted to enter his home, Cabot didn't move out of the way. Noticing his blockage and his shocked look, Colin asked, “Is there a problem?”

  “My lord, please come in, but I suggest you leave your belongings outside.”

  “Very well, Cabot.” Colin turned to his valet and asked him to stay put for the moment. Colin wondered if Bethany had gotten it into her head to redecorate his townhouse for the season. If so, the house was probably a shambles, with dust and debris.

  As he entered the familiar foyer, there were no signs of construction. Confused, he allowed the butler to lead him to the small drawing room off the foyer. Again, the room was immaculate and very much as he had left it. Cabot closed the doors and turned toward Colin. The usually stoic butler now looked confused and concerned.

  “My lord, as I stated, we were not expecting you.”

  “Yes, Cabot, I understand that. What is the problem?”

  “I was not aware that you were uninformed about the status of this house.”

  “What do you mean 'status'?” Colin was growing tired of this discussion. Why wouldn't the butler just explain.

  “My lord, your wife rented out this house. Currently, Lord and Lady Hammersfield are in residence.”

  “What?” Colin couldn't believe his ears. Rented out his home? Was this an attempt to get back at him for leaving? Why would she do such a thing?

  “Cabot, what do you know about this?” Colin strained to keep his voice even, but it was obvious that he was quite angry.

  “I must say I am not familiar with the particulars, my lord. I know that your wife was having some money issues and this house was rented for the funds.”

  Seeing the look on his lordship's face, Cabot wished he hadn't been the one to reveal the circumstances. Although there was much talk, he hadn't any idea why her ladyship was in need of money. He had always assumed his lordship was quite wealthy. It was rumored that she was a gambler, having lost large sums in the gaming hells, but Cabot never received any confirmation.

  “How long?” was all Colin could say without revealing the depth of his fury.

  “We have had someone in residence since last September.”

  Taking a deep breath, trying to calm his agitation, Colin remarked, “Very well, Cabot. I will go to my sister's residence. Thank you for the information.”

  “Very good, my lord. If you are in need of anything, I am at your service.”

  Colin nodded and left. He was feeling the depth of his humiliation. What could that woman be thinking? How dare she rent out his house? His house? Cabot didn't have the particulars, but Colin was going to get to the bottom of it and as soon as possible. First he would go to his sister's home a few blocks away. After freshening up, he would seek out someone who could explain what happened. Possibly Clarendon was in town and at one of his clubs. Before this night was through, Colin would be armed with the information he needed before heading to his country home and confronting his wife.

  His sister was not yet in town, which was no surprise since it was still the middle of August. Most of the ton would not be returning until September, right before the beginning of the little Season. The Collingsfords' butler was kind of enough to accommodate him, providing a room and a bath. Colin still had to find a way back to his estate, since he had no access to his own horses and carriage.

  After a bath and a change of clothes, Colin went to White's to see if he could find his long time friend. Clarendon would often spend the off season in town, since there was little to entertain him in the country. After entering the club, Colin asked the first servant he could find and was directed to the back room. There, sitting by himself with a brandy in his hand, was Clarendon.

  Ordering a brandy for himself and another for his friend, Colin went and sat in the chair opposite. Clarendon was staring at the wall and not paying any attention to his new company. Giving him a minute to notice, Colin finally gave up and spoke first.

  “Good evening, Clarendon. What has you so occupied this evening?”

  Miles' head whipped at the sound of the familiar voice. “Dear God, Whitmore. Finally decided to return, did you?”

  “It was time.” Colin reacted to the look in Clarendon's eyes. A look that spoke of disgust and dismay.

  “It was time twelve months ago. Why are you here and not at Wellesley?”

  “I just got off a boat a few hours ago. I went to my townhouse only to find it rented to someone else.” Colin could feel his anger getting the better of him and tried to calm down. It would do no good to get mad at Clarendon, especially when he needed information. “Do you know anything about that?”

  “Of course I do. For while you were out and about the Continent, having a glorious time pissing on your wedding vows, I was here helping your wife out of a rather dismal situation.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  Miles stood up and towered over Colin. How dare he come back and demand anything from him. If it weren't for Colin, Miles would be married to Bethany and living as the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland. Now, as he was trying to drown his sorrows in a glass of fine French brandy, the bastard reappears to demand what he should have known in the first place. Before he could think better of it, Miles picked up Colin by his lapels and punched him square in the eye, sending him flying back into his chair.

  Clutching his eye, Colin looked shocked. No words would come to him, he simply stared, his one eye wide with confusion.

  His voice low and menacing, Miles replied, “I mean that right after you left your wife to live out your youthful fantasies, she discovered that your steward left and took the bulk of your fortune with him. She was left with little to live on and less to pay the bills with.” Watching his former friend's horror, he called out, “Someone bring Lord Whitmore a cold compress.”

  A footman, who was waiting nearby, ran off to fetch the compress. Colin was speechless. Sweat broke out across his brow and he was shaking with anger. Hissing back, he asked, “Are you certain?”

  “Of course I am certain. I have been here. If you had bothered to read the letters I sent, Bethany's parents sent or even Evelyn sent, you would know exactly what had been going on here.”

  Bowing his head in shame, unable to look at his old friend, he had nothing left to say. What could he say that wasn't already said. He had left his wife to live out a youthful fantasy. He didn't bother to read any of the many letters that were sent to him. And finally, he hadn't been here to help. When he left, he thought everything was in order. Colin had been planning his escape for over a year and thought that everything would be taken care of. He had been very, very wrong.

  The footman returned and handed him the compress. Colin took it begrudgingly and placed it over his left eye. Waiting for the footman's retreat, he contemplated why his friend would be so angry with him. Clarendon was infamous for cuckolding some of the most powerful men of the ton. What had he done that was so much more terrible to attract such acrimony.

  “How is Bethany?” His voice so low that Miles wasn't even sure he'd said anything.

  “She is well. An amazing woman, your wife. Not only did she repair everything, she managed to retrieve part of your money back and rebuild what had been permanently lost. She has
a keen mind, Whitmore.” Once again taking his seat, wanting to hurt the man across from him even more, he said, “You need not worry about her too much. She decided that being faithful to you was not necessary.”

  Colin felt those words like a sword to his heart and it explained Clarendon's behavior. What could he have expected? He knew damn well that she knew about his particular activities. Looking up from his consternation, he decided he had to know. “Was it you?”

  “Yes.” His old friend's face didn't change. Miles continued to look at him with contempt.

  “Are you still engaging my wife?”

  “No. If you must know, my father died a few weeks ago. After the burial, I came back to London. It seems my bachelor days must end. I must find an appropriate woman to be my duchess. Unfortunately, it cannot be the one woman I find myself in love with.” Looking away, taking a sip of his brandy, he added, “Not unless you decide to disappear permanently.”

  “No. I will not do that.” He was, after all, the Earl of Whitmore, as was his father and grandfather before him.

  “I had not thought you would. So now, my former friend, how do you plan to win her back?”

  “I will make it up to her, Clarendon. And it goes without saying that you are never welcome at my home again.”

  Laughing ironically, he replied, “Your wife may feel differently. For above anything else, we are friends. Despite anything else we may have been. And it was a number of loans from me that kept you on your merry chase on the Continent.”

  “Then I thank you for that. But I will not allow you access to my wife now that I have returned.” His assertion on the word “my” was not lost on Miles.

  “Perhaps you should be on your way. Your wife sold your membership here and I do not wish you as my guest. I believe you know where the door is.”


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