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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 29

by T. S. Hill

  “I was totally smitten! ‘I’ll never forget your name.’, I told her, and of course, I never have. After that day, and throughout that semester, I was at Mary Ellen’s elbow at every opportunity that I could squeeze from my classes and studies. Occasionally, she would shoo me away, so that she could get her own studies done, but generally speaking, we were an item. As the semester moved forward, our relationship seemed to also. We never did fully have sex with each other, like a lot of the couples our age were doing. I mean, we fooled around a bit, and all, but that was it. Still we were deeply attached to each other.”

  “After final exams, we still had a couple of days, before we had to clear out of our dorm rooms. Aug and I had reregistered for the fall, and were allowed to leave our furniture and things in the room for the summer. Mary Ellen, had asked me after our final exam to come over to her room that night.”

  “When I arrived, I found that her roomie had already moved out, and left for home. Mary Ellen had most of her things packed also. Her having so much of her stuff packed surprised me, as I had assumed that she would be back in the fall, just like Aug and me.

  “Being oblivious to the future, as young people frequently are, we hadn’t even discussed the summer, and how we would stay in touch, or work out seeing each other. I had assumed initially, that I would go back to Oklahoma, and look for summer work. But, Aug had brought up the idea of working with one of his uncles in his fishing business, out of New Orleans, which meant boats and the ocean, which was way more romantic, than tossing haybales and feeding beef cattle, or stocking grocery shelves.

  Although, Mary Ellen hadn’t said, I had assumed that she would be heading home to her parents, in Tennessee, where they ran a small tourist resort lodge, in Gatlinburg. Like I said, for some youthful, shortsighted reason, we hadn’t discussed the summer, or next fall. When I asked her about the packing, and coming back in the fall, she shushed me, like she frequently did, when she had other things on her mind. So, I dropped it for the time being, and she kept our conversation on final exams, and their relevant levels of difficulty, and debating which instructor was a bigger asshole than the others.

  “As the evening set in, she had me lite candles about the room. Knowing that she couldn’t see the romantic lighting, I asked why she wanted them lit. She shushed me again, and asked if Chinese would be okay for dinner. When I answered that it would be great, she told me that she had hoped so, because she had ordered it earlier in the afternoon. The candles, and the preordered Chinese, should have given me a clue that something was up, but there I was, almost nineteen, and as equivalently ignorant, and inexperienced, as I thought I was smart, and sophisticated.”

  “During dinner, we chatted about favorite things. Looking back now, I can see that she chose the subjects and things to discuss; each of our favorite romantic songs, and why it was the favorite, and the most romantic location either of us had ever been to. We debated whether or not true love lasts forever, and neither of us ever arrived at a conclusive answer. And then, after dinner, she had me blow out half of the candles, while she put on some quiet easy music, and turned the volume down low. We sat on the edge of her bed and cuddled. When I kissed her, something was different. She kissed me back, like she was never going to see me again, and with a hunger that had never been there before.”

  “We had experienced some pretty hot moments of passion, during our frequent petting sessions, but this was different. Her kiss wasn’t just heated passion, but was like a hunger, a real driving hunger. First, she began pulling at my clothes, and helped me out of my shirt. Her soft hands were all over my chest and stomach, then next, caressing my neck and face. She moaned in a musical voice, as she kissed me, and continued to explore my upper torso with her hands. Previously, I had watched Mary Ellen when she was seeing something with her hands, through touch, and I could tell that half of the time, that was exactly what she was doing now. The other half of the time, her hands were hungrily experiencing my body and face, caressing me with tender caring strokes of her hands and fingers.”

  “In a very short while, she had me completely aroused to the point, that I didn’t question, or analyze, anything she did, or how she did it. All I could do, was dive into the pool of passion, that she had unleashed before me. And, I did. When I began struggling with the buttons on her blouse, she practically ripped it off, then unfastened her bra and tossed it across the room, immediately grabbing my wrists, and bringing my hands to her sumptuous, tender breasts. As I grasped them, she flung her arms around my neck, and drew me in tightly, unleashing another hungry, deep, tongue filled kiss to my mouth.”

  “When she stood and removed her jeans, and panties. I sat watching, totally stupefied, and still clueless where she was going with our sex play. While we had never openly discussed the subject of whether or not we might go all the way, she had always been the one to put on the brakes, and stop us, always before we got to the point of no return. I suppose that even with the different, hungry kisses, she was giving me, in the back of my mind, I expected that at some point she would once again put the brakes on, when the time came.”

  “Once she was fully naked, she began undoing my belt and jeans button, pulled the zipper and then began tugging the jeans down my legs. I kicked my shoes off and she finished removing my jeans. Once my jeans and boxers were in the floor with her clothes, she sat between my legs on the bed, and began slowly sliding her hands over my legs, from top to bottom; on the front, sides, and bottoms. I could tell that this pass was her seeing my legs with her hands. She did this several times, as though she were memorizing every contour, and shape, over their surface. Afterwards, she removed my socks and worked her fingers over my feet in the same manner. ‘You have nice feet.’, she said to me, with a faint pleasant smile on her pretty lips. ‘I guess it is true, what they say about a man’s feet. At least, in your case it is.’, she said, gently grasping my erect cock, with both of her hands.”

  “Although we had fondled each other like this before, this time, she began, by feeling over my total cock, and my testicles, seeing it with her hands. Then once she seemed to have created her own picture, she began to gently caress my now pulsing cock with the tips of her fingers, and leaned forward to kiss me. Once our lips touched, and our tongues engaged again, our passion erupted fully into a no limits night.”

  “I don’t know if it was because of my having been around Mary Ellen so much, or a subliminal que that she gave me that night, but as I caressed and held her, my mind was absorbing every detail of how she felt, the curve of each soft place, the smoothness of her skin. The way that her body responded to my every touch and kiss, burned into my mind. I was filled with bliss with each evolving touch we shared between us. After stretching out our naked bodies, on the top of that bed, we worked each other into a mindless bliss of arousal, that I knew that we shared as one. And I felt that she knew it too. As she rolled to her back, she only had to gently pull my shoulders toward her, and I knew that it was time to position myself between her tender legs. As we kissed the most tender, gentle, loving kiss of my life, she opened herself to me, and I slid in.”

  “Our actual intercourse, didn’t last very long, but we both did have orgasms, and afterwards, we both had tears flowing down our faces. This was my first time of going all the way, and it was the most beautiful thing that I had ever been involved in, in my whole life. Afterwards, as we talked openly, and honestly, Mary Ellen told me, that it was her first time too, but on multiple occasions before, that she had used a vibrating dildo, that her roommate had given her as a gag gift. I told her that I didn’t mind that, in fact that I had masturbated before myself; a lot, in fact.”

  “We hugged each other close, for a long while. And, as the night chill set in, we crawled beneath the bed covers, and soon we were making love to each other again. After our third round that night, we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. The next morning, we made love again, and then went out to one of those breakfast pancake places, and ate like ravenous pi
gs. We talked and ate, for a couple of hours, and then went back to her room and made love again.”

  “I had promised Aug, that I would ride out to see his uncle with him that afternoon, about possible jobs on one of his boats. So, I reluctantly explained and told Mary Ellen goodbye, and asked if I could return, when Aug and I got back. She smiled at me strangely, and asked, ‘I don’t know, can you?’ ‘Of course, I can!”, I answered her. She kissed me again with one of those hungry, like she was never going to see me again kisses, and I left. I can still feel her fingertips stroking my cheek, and down my neck, then trailing down my arm and off the tips of my fingers, as I pulled away, and walked through the door.”

  “That was the last time that I felt her touch, talked with her, or saw her, ever again. When I returned, she, and all of her things, were gone. She left me a note, explaining, but it never explained enough for me. She had struggled in school, never letting on to me what difficulty she was having. The bottom line of the note, essentially was, that she just wasn’t fitting, and making it as she had hoped in the sighted world, and was going back to the special school for the blind, where she had been before, to take her college courses. She didn’t feel it would be fair to me to continue with a long-distance relationship, and felt that she would be taking me away from my sighted world, to be in her, as she put it, world of darkness.”

  “I didn’t feel that way at all. And, I was broken hearted, and a little later, angry at her for a long time, for not letting me have a say in the decision that she made. It had affected both of us. And I wasn’t happy about it for a long, long time. And, I’m still not happy about it. I tried to find her, but she changed her cell phone number, and never responded to any of my emails. I ran down the tourist lodge that her parents ran in Gatlinburg, and found that they had sold it and left town. No one seemed to know anything about how to get in touch with them, or her. The college completely refused to give me any information.”

  “Aug and I transferred to the fire school eventually, and a couple of years later, we graduated. I still hadn’t found a clue to finding Mary Ellen Hartley, and still haven’t to this day. Every once in a while, I do a web search. But, my Mary Ellen Hartley doesn’t seem to be among what I find on-line. And that was it. I’ve had hot sex, and I’ve had exotic sex, passionate sex, kinky sex, and mind blowing sex, and head over heels in love sex. But, sex with Mary Ellen, from the first time, right through the last time, was the most intense sex of my life. I may have pissed off three ladies with this story, or hurt your feelings, but that wasn’t my intention. That was then, and this is now. You asked the question, and you asked for the truth, and you got it. I was changed forever, by that experience. I became a different person because of it, and still am, and always will be.”

  Following a few moments of silence, Sasha spoke up softly, “Wow! That’s sad, Babe.”

  “So, the three of us are not the only ones with a sad story in their past.”, Rosita commented.

  “Lori didn’t say anything, but she made a whimper of a sound, and grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly.

  “Truthfully, Amante?”, Rosita spoke to me somberly, “We all want to be the most intense sex for you. But, the truth is the truth.”

  “Mary Ellen must have really been something!”, Annette commented. “And for my part,”, she continued, “I think she made a huge mistake. Maybe, like the worst mistake of her life.”

  “No, shit!”, Sasha said, sympathetically. Lori picked up my hand that she was holding and kissed it.

  “That’s not a mistake that I’ll ever make.”, she grunted between her teeth.

  “Okay, now do we roll the dice again to see who answers the question next?”, I asked.

  “Yeah, exactly.”, Sasha piped up. “But, somehow, it doesn’t seem like as much fun now, as it started out being.”

  “I gotta completely drop out.”, Lori grunted. “My jaw hurts too bad to keep talking at all.”

  “I’ll get you some fresh ice.”, Annette volunteered, flipping the blanket off of her bare top. As she jumped up, and bounded off to the kitchen, her pretty tits bounced with each step, and her nipples grew erect against the cool air.

  “Don’t her nipples make you jealous?”, Sasha commented rhetorically to the other girls. Lori nodded her head, and Rosita shrugged her shoulder.

  “You all have beautiful nipples!”, I told them. None of you should be jealous of anybody else’s. I have the three hottest women on the planet!”, I told them. They all looked at me and semi-smiled.

  “No amount of complements can assuage the jealousy that a woman feels for another woman’s assets.”, Sasha, quipped.

  “Is a sad thing, but true.”. Rosita said. Just then, my throwaway cell phone rang. I recognized Buster’s phone number, and answered, once again in the Al Longworth tradition, “Talk to me!”

  “Tagg, the ETA for your four men is ten minutes from…”, then he paused, and a few seconds later said, “Now!”

  “I’ll light up the helipad.”, I said, before flipping the cheap phone shut.

  “The mercs coming?”, Annette asked, as she handed Lori the ice pack, and slid back under the blanket with her and Rosita.

  “Yes, they are.”, I answered, then continued, “Ladies? Ahem, I think that you all need to get some clothes on that don’t make the mercs think that we’re running some kind of kink farm here instead of an investigation. I love looking at you the way you’re all dressed, and not dressed!”, I said. “And, I imagine they would love it too, but also, make it difficult for them to focus on why they are here. Which is to fight off any assailants that may invade the property.”

  “Okay.”, Sasha replied with a mopey voice. “Let’s all go get some street clothes on.”

  “All of my clothes were taken to the main house.”, Annette piped up. Lori throwing the huge blanket off of her, Rosita and Annette, stood up.

  “C’mon, girl. I’ll give you some of my stuff to wear.”, she said between gritted teeth. Just the legs may be a bit short.”

  “Oh, cool!”, Annette responded, and all four of the women headed off toward the hallway and bedrooms beyond.

  “Annette, Sash; grab an AR and keep watch after you change.”, I called after them. “I’ll meet the mercs, with the golf cart and bring them up.”

  “Gotcha, Tagg!”, Annette answered.

  “You got it Babe!”, Sasha answered. I picked up one of the AR’s, along with an extra magazine, and headed out the door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Game Changer Changes the Game

  Even after turning over a new page, you’re still in the same book.

  At the helipad, I lit up the pad and waited in the shed. Within a few minutes, an EC-155 made an imposing, rapid approach just over the treetops. This Eurocopter looked, and sounded, nothing like American made choppers. These birds have a twelve passenger capacity, plus pilot and copilot and luggage or gear. Within, seconds the pilot, expertly set the chopper on the pad, and the four mercenaries and their gear were on the ground beside the chopper. Their group leader spotted me as I stepped out of the shed, and approached.

  “I’m Tagg Hill!”, I yelled at him, extending my hand. He took it, and shook it once, turning back toward the chopper he signaled the pilot by flashing code with his flashlight. The engine immediately began to rev and within seconds, the chopper was lifting off the pad; within a few more, it had cleared the distant tree line. The four mercs in black fatigues stood before me, weapons slung over their shoulders, and their gear piled behind them.

  The guy whose hand I had shook, stepped forward and spoke. “Mr. Hill, I’m John Druggers, this is Torres, Marks, and Sabri. Mr. Hollifield, promises he will have the other two men here within the next twenty-four hours. The short notice, caught us a little shorthanded, and he apologizes.

  “Yeah, I talked with Buster. We’ll just have to try and make do, Druggers. You guys load your gear on the golf cart and I’ll take you up to the guest house where I have a basic schematic of the estate he
re. I can go over it with you there, and you can decide how to best deploy your men over the property. For the time being, the main house is unoccupied, and we’re basing out of the guest house. My logic was the main house was too large to try to protect, with our small force.”

  “How many in your group sir?”, he asked.

  “Three trained shooters, two more amateurs, and one that needs protection, and that’s counting me.”

  “What kind of forces could we be facing?”

  “Easily, two dozen untrained thug gangsters. If we’re lucky, maybe less. A couple of weeks ago, I was face to face, with two choppers full of men, guns, and gas cans, from the same group. We turned away a chopper with a handful earlier tonight, before they could completely disembark. Four 5.56’s and three handguns.

  “You guys did well. Where are your men stationed?”

  “You’re looking at him. There’s me and five women, one of them, an older lady. The other four were our firepower against the chopper. I have two rent-a-cops here. One on the front gate, and one on the back border of the property. Everything else is wide open.”

  “We better go over that diagram, and get deployed quickly.”, he said, snapping his head around. “Men, load up!”, he called to the others. It was all the golf cart would do to handle the five of us and their gear, but we made it back to the guest house. Sasha and Annett were at either outer corner of the guest house, thankfully dressed appropriately, and waved to us as we entered. Once inside the guest house, I went over the diagram briefly with the four men. John, with my approval, dispatched one man toward the front of the property, and one around the helipad and back field. He stationed himself, and another, near the guest house.


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