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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 30

by T. S. Hill

  Once he found out the type of alarm system on the main house, he agreed that we did the best thing in setting the alarm, and abandoning the main house for now. He said that he would coordinate, and synchronize, communications equipment, with the two security company guards, if I would make the introductions. The other men were dispatched to their assigned stations, Then, I took John in the golf cart, to introduce him to the security guards. Within thirty minutes, we were back at the house, and he encouraged me to get some sleep. However, I had one more task for him to handled. I took him for a walk to the swimming pool. On the way, I explained the problem with Tony/Roy. John checked him, and suggested that we leave him where he was until we were ready to do something more long term with him. That sounded fine to me and we returned to the guest house.

  After retrieving Annette and Sasha, I bid John a good night, and the two women and I, retired behind the locked doors of the guest house. If we could have slept, I would have gladly taken John’s advice, but all three of us were wide awake.

  “So, what do we do now?”, Sasha asked.

  “Rest!”, I blurted out loud.

  “Truth or without dare?”, Annette asked.

  “I’ve had enough.”, I replied, dropping into the same recliner that I had been in before. I tilted my head back, and closed my eyes.

  “You don’t want someone else to have to answer the question?”, Annette asked further.

  “No.”, I replied bluntly. “I’ve had enough for tonight, that dug up painful memories.

  “You want another foot massage?”, Annette asked further. I cracked open one eye and looked at Annette, she was now seated in the same recliner, opposite of me. Her eyes were doing that sparkling thing at me. I quickly shut my eye that I had looked at her with.

  “You know the only problem that came up was when Annette misunderstood you, Babe, and got her finger in the middle of our action.”, Sasha said to me, sounding an awful lot like she was trying to justify something. “You said yourself, what harm did it do for her to watch us?”

  “It almost turned into a lot, Sash!”, I responded. I opened the same eye again, and looked at first Annette, and then Sasha. Both of them had smirks on their faces.

  “You two have been discussing this whole thing, haven’t you?”

  “Well, maybe.”, Sasha piped up. I closed my eye again.

  “Well, forget it!”, I shot back at them. “It ain’t gonna happen again tonight!”

  “Aw shit, Babe!”, Sasha, whined. “With all of the excitement going on. It just puts your senses on edge. It would be a perfect night to do something a little out there.”

  “It would be a perfect night to stay safe!”, I stated.

  “It would be a perfect night for me to get fucked! But, that’s not looking promising.”, Annette, lamented.

  “It would be a perfect night for an excuse to do crazy shit, and try to not be accountable for it.”, I stated. “So just give it a fucking rest! Our lives are in danger. That’s enough of a buzz for me. Both of you probably don’t realize yet, that accountability means that you take responsibility for something outside of yourself, and your self interests. That kind of maturity comes with a little more age than either of you have yet.”, I ended my short tirade and shut up.

  “Yeah, I see what you mean, Babe.”, Sasha yielded.

  “I’m the same age you are, Tagg.”, Annette argued in a sultry voice.

  “Then act like it!”, I snapped at her. Everything stayed silent for a half a minute or so. Then Annette abruptly jumped from her chair and marched off toward the hallway with a firm thump of her feet to the floor with each step that she took.

  After I heard the bedroom door close, I spoke to Sasha. “You have an issue with my attitude too?”, I asked her.

  “No, Babe.”, She quickly responded. “I get it.”. Then a couple of minutes later, she asked, “Can I get in the recliner with you, and snuggle?”

  “Sure, Sugar Tits! Come on over here and snuggle.”, I said, opening my arms wide, without opening my eyes. She climbed up into the chair with me and snuggled against my chest. I put my arms around her and held her close.

  “You’re just trying to protect our little household, family thing, aren’t you, Babe?”, Sasha commented. I didn’t answer her verbally, but pulled her in closer and hugged her tightly. She kissed my chin, and whispered at me, “Thanks, Babe. I’m sure that neither of us slept for the next two hours, but we both maybe imagined that we did.

  About six-thirty, the doorbell rang, followed by a thumping at the door. I went to look, and it was John, he had a very soaking, pruned up, Roy, aka Tony, in tow.

  “I figured that I should get this guy a little more out of harm’s way and be sure we have him secured.”, John said, then continued to update me. “The security guards have changed shifts, and we’re on page with them, sir. All has been quiet, and if you think that it would be okay, I’d like to start shifting off my men to get a little shut eye; possibly two this morning, and two this afternoon. I think if a group assault is likely, then it will most likely come under the cover of darkness.”

  I agreed with John and offered to let them use bathrooms and a couple of beds in the main house. He told me that access to one bathroom would be sufficient and that they would bivouac with their own gear, under the rear portico of the main house, if that was acceptable. I approved that, then asked how they intended to secure Roy, aka Tony the turd. He told me that they would get him a shower, a change of clothing, feed him and then keep him properly restrained with NATO approved devices, which would include his hands and hobbling his mobility range.

  “You know, we can only hold him so long before either having to turn him over to local authorities or releasing him.”, John told me.

  “Hopefully, I’ll know exactly what I’m going to do with him, sometime today.”, I responded, as he and I headed toward the main house.

  “I’ll show you a bathroom that you guys can use, and where we can get some of Roy’s clothes.”, I told him. “Besides, I want to have a look around this turd’s room. I may find something useful. Hopefully, we’ll be able to let Mrs. Baker, the housekeeper, into the kitchen for a while today so that we’re not all having to live on sandwiches and REM’s “

  “Unless there’s an event that pops up, I see no reason that shouldn’t happen.”, He responded. “Just let me know when you get ready for her to come over.”

  I will.”, I told him. “I’ll also have one of the women over with her, to help out and keep watch.” Then, I explained what had happened to Lori, and that I would very likely be taking her to a hospital this morning to get attention for her jaw. I was also beginning to wonder where Al was. Knowing him, and that crazy Belcher that would be flying him, I had fully expected that he would have arrived by now. There was one other thing that I wanted to address with John, that I had let slide the night before, because I wasn’t turning down any help at that point. Now however, it was poking at my rib of curiosity.

  “John, I thought that Buster was really anti-Muslim. He won’t work for communists, dictators, or Muslims.”, I stated to him, leading up to my question. “What gives with Sabri?”

  “Really good mercs are hard to recruit these days.”, John answered. “He still won’t work for’em, but he does hire a few every now and then.”

  “Do you trust Sabri?”, I asked him.

  “With no offence meant sir, I don’t trust anybody.”, he shot back at me.

  “Fair enough.”, I told him. “Just keep a close eye on him.”

  “The good side sir, is that three more men should be here by sometime this afternoon.”, he continued. “One of them will be relieving Sabri, and he will be taking the vehicle back to Mobile.”

  “I’ll feel better having six men here instead of only four, and one less, that I have no confidence in.”, I told him.

  “It might make you feel a bit better sir, to know that after the additional men arrive, we will have ground to air capability, if that becomes necessary.�

  “You’re right, John.”, I told him. “It does make me feel a bit better.”

  After I left John at the main house, I went back to the guest house, where I found that everyone was up, and about. I explained the situation with the mercs and Roy, and then designated Rosita to accompany Mrs. Baker to the kitchen, while Sasha and Annette stayed at the guest house. That way, they could work on our documents, while I was gone with Lori to the hospital. Lori had said that her jaw felt better, but now, she could barely mumble, and it looked no better. When I insisted that she let me take her to have it x-rayed and checked, she had agreed without objection.

  Shortly afterwards, I brought the Hummer around to pick up Lori, and we left to find the hospital, to which Sasha had printed out directions. We had barely driven five miles, when my throwaway phone began ringing. The number calling was Al’s, but the voice on the other end wasn’t.

  It seems that one of Ray Belcher’s daredevil maneuvers had failed, at least I assumed that. Both, he and Al, were injured in an emergency landing crack up of the chopper. It was an EMT on the other end of the phone, and Al, and Ray, were being transported to the same hospital that we were headed to. Al had requested that I be notified, and put in charge of his care. When we arrived at the emergency room, I had two patients to see after.

  Lori was checked, x-rayed, and released with a badly bruised jaw, but no cracked or broken bones. In a week, or two, she was expected to recover. Al, on the other hand, was admitted with a broken arm, various cuts and abrasions, and internal trauma of an unknown extent. In other words, he had been bashed about violently in the crackup, and it would be a wait and see situation, for at least a few days at best. Somehow, Ray Belcher had walked away with minor cuts and abrasions, and had made the 911 call. It seems that drunks, fools, and lunatics, always come out of these types of things, much better than anyone would expect.

  When I finished with the hospital bureaucracy, and finally made it to Al’s room, he was sleeping, with various monitors hooked up to him. All of his vitals were reading at normal ranges, so at least, that was a good sign. No tubes and no ventilator, and all good vital signs, gave me hope, that maybe he was just shaken, and banged up a bit, and with a little rest, would be back on his feet in a few days. I had no choice but to give the hospital my throwaway phone number, and keep it live. At this point, I didn’t see how that would make any difference anyway. Obviously, Sam Milinni had my location pinpointed, and that wasn’t going to change, at least for a few days. As Lori and I drove back to the estate, I wondered just what the hell else could possibly go wrong. I was about to find out.

  Arriving back at the estate, I parked the Hummer just outside of the rear portico, where the BBO mercs were base camping. It seemed weird to me that they would prefer to camp in the portico, rather than take advantage of the beds that I had offered, but each to their own. Lori and I made our way to the kitchen where we found Mrs. Baker, and Rosita, hosting three of the four mercs for a late lunch. Lori, with her jaw like it was, said that she couldn’t eat and wanted to go back to the guest house, but Mrs. Baker and Rosita made over her so, insisting on preparing a drink through a straw meal for her, that she relented.

  When I asked about Sasha and Annette, Rosita told me that Sabri had gone to the guest house to let them know that the meal was ready. I didn’t like the idea of them leaving the guest house unattended, with all of the evidence documents stored there. Evidently Sasha and Annette hadn’t liked the idea either, because it had been about twenty minutes since Sabri left to fetch them, and they still hadn’t shown up. I didn’t like the idea of Sabri alone with the women either, nor the fact that it had already been approximately twenty minutes and no one had yet emerged from the guest house. I rushed out and headed to the guest house.

  When I arrived, something in my gut told me to make an unexpected entrance, and I went around to the side door, that opened to the kitchen. Peeking through the curtains and sheers over the door windows, I could barely make out what I thought was Sabri, and someone laid out on the table. That was enough to trigger every alarm in my head. I pulled the .45, and flipped off the safety. Totally enraged at that point, I kicked the kitchen door, just below the knob and latch, and it flew back against the stops to the left. When the door bounced off of its stops and flew back towards me, I caught its force with my left shoulder, which stopped it dead.

  My eyes zeroed on Sabri, who stood just away from the kitchen table that we had previously incorporated into our work station. His fatigues were opened and around his ankles. He was facing the table, which had a totally nude Annette bent over, face down across the top. Each of her spread ankles were tied to the bottom portion of a table leg. Her wrists were crossed and tied behind her back. Sabri whirled to look at me, his puny erect Arab cock standing out between the tails of his shirt. He held what looked like a Glock in his right hand. My fury was totally unchecked, as I leveled the .45 first at the hand that held the pistol, and squeezed off the first round. Then the next round, I fired at his puny Arab pecker. As I squeezed off the second round, Sabri turned even further, toward me, and swung his right hip, right into the path of the round that I was releasing. The first round that I fired, had junctioned with his wrist, sending flesh and bone spraying from the fragmenting round, that had exploded just behind his right hand. The pistol had separated from his hand, at about the same time as I began to squeeze off the second round.

  The second round slammed into his right hip from squarely facing his front, and most assuredly, devastated his right hip joint. As I pulled the trigger for the third time, once again aiming at his putrid pecker, his body responded to the force of the second .45 round to his right hip and spun his body, back to his right, effectively lining up his left joint with the round. Considering that all three rounds were custom constructed, fragmenting rounds, designed to fragment, and generally explode against flesh or bone, on impact, I had most probably, permanently crippled this Arab creep, if not killed him from the total body shock caused by the three rounds.

  My next sighting down the barrel of the .45 was zeroing his head. I held my target, and for the moment, held my breath, which was as much self-control, that anyone could ask of a man, under similar circumstances. Sabri crumpled into a loud, screaming, and agonizing heap, on the kitchen floor. Annette’s face which was facing me was all scrunched into a painful expression of pure horror. I quickly scanned the room for Sasha and didn’t see her. Swiftly moving toward Sabri, I kicked the nine mil, across the kitchen floor.

  “Sasha!”, I called out, in more of a panicked scream, than a simple shout.

  “I’m down here, Babe!”, she called back to me, through the ringing in my ears, brought about by the three rapid-fired .45 rounds. I spied her legs extending out from behind the recliner that I had sat in the night before, and rushed over to check her. She was bound by two pairs, of nylon, wire tie, types of hand cuffs, now so popular in Europe. One pair bound her wrists, while the other held her ankles. Retrieving my pocket knife, I quickly released her, Once, she assured me that she was okay, and had hugged me tightly, I stood up and moved back to Annette.

  First cutting her ties, which were the same plastic style as Sasha’s had been, I then helped her up from the table. Her first reaction was to bury herself into my chest, sobbing. Her next, was to push away from me, and go totally, fucking ballistic, on Sabri. She must have kicked his face, at least five times with the bare heel of her right foot, before I even thought to stop her. After that she back kicked him with her left heel three quick times, all of which left Sabri’s face pouring blood from his mouth and nose. After that, I grabbed her and slammed her into the seat of the opposing recliner.

  “Enough!”, I screamed at her, being totally without self-control at that point myself. Immediately, she collapsed into my arms, and let out a long, loud, mournful wail.”

  “Sash! Get her a blanket!”, I shouted. But Sasha was already there, wrapping a thick blanket around Annette’s shoulders, and then comforting he
r, with whispers, hugs, and kisses to her forehead. I turned loose of Annette and backed away, toward the front entrance door. I was trying to piece together in my mind, what could have possibly taken place to lead to the circumstances which I had encountered. And, I was also struggling with keeping my finger off of the trigger of the .45. I was wanting, so badly, to expend that fourth round, directly into the brains of that fucking rag head, Sabri.

  I walked in a circle, and then pointed the .45 at his head, only to lower it and walk another circle. I did this, three times, before I finally reset the safety on the Colt, and tucked it into my waistband. I wasn’t going to deal with John on this. Throwing open the front door, I stood in the doorway, and waved all clear to the three mercs rushing toward me from the main house. Then opened the throwaway phone, and called Buster directly.

  I cussed Buster for at least a solid minute, maybe two, before I told him what had happened. By that time John and the other two mercs were at my side, and heard the details. John waived the other two mercs inside and stayed outside with me. At the end of it all, Buster told me that he was sending the chopper back to pick up Sabri, and that while he was required to render medical assistance, and care to Sabri, the law didn’t dictate what country it was rendered in. Sabri had a passport, so most likely, it would be somewhere below the equator where he found medical assistance. I asked if he through Sabri would survive that long, and he told me that he really didn’t care. I told Buster that he owed me big time for this one, and that I was calling in the chip right then. I told him about Tony, aka Roy, and that I had found his passport in his room when I had searched it.

  “He has a passport, so it will be legal for you to transport him to the same country that you intend to take Sabri.”, I told him.

  “Tagg if I do this, we’re even.”, he shot back at me.”


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