
Home > Romance > Connected > Page 9
Connected Page 9

by A. E. Murphy

  “I’ll drop you off. I fancy one of those cinnamon swirls.” He states and pats his stomach. “I can just tell that being acquainted with you is going to make me fat.”

  “You could never be fat. You’re one of those lucky people that can eat and eat and never put on weight.”

  He scoffs. “Says you. How old is your son?”

  “Four months.”

  “My mum would hate you. She’s still trying to remove her pregnancy weight and my sister is nine now.” He chuckles and drains the rest of his coffee.

  “You have a nine year old sister?”

  “Yep; she’s bloody annoying but also remarkably cute and smart when she wants to be. Gullible too, she believed me when I told her that mum found her in the monkey exhibit at the London zoo. It made for an awkward meeting with her teacher at school when my sister got stuck up a tree.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. She wanted to be one with nature, like her primate ancestors.”

  “Oh my god!” I gasp, trying not to laugh but failing miserably. “How old was she?”

  He quirks a brow and cocks his head to the side. “This was only last month.”

  I almost spit my tea on him. “That’s so funny. You meanie.”

  “It was totally worth it, until my mum beat me over the head with my cap. I don’t wear hats around her anymore because of this reason.”

  “That’s hilarious. I wonder if Dillan will ever be like that.”

  “Kids are awesome, unless that child is me. My mum said I was the worst child she’s ever met. I was always in trouble, or dirty, or falling off things. I broke my collar bone twice before I turned ten and my wrist once when I was eleven.”

  My mouth falls open. “Seriously? That sounds painful.”

  “Yep, it wasn’t pleasant. I was climbing the tree outside my house trying to look in my neighbour’s window. She had…” he cups his hands to his chest. “Amazing boobs. I never thought I’d see better until…” He leans forward, his eyes on my cleavage.

  “You’re such a pig!” I choke out around another laugh and throw my teaspoon at him. “Was that your initial thought?”

  “No, my initial thought was ‘who’s the idiot that left a ring in my cake?’.”

  “I don’t think I like you anymore.”

  “And then I saw you and the first thing I noticed was the fact you looked like a female version of Casper. I wondered if maybe you’d rolled yourself in flour. Then I noticed how pretty your eyes are and then…” He holds his finger up and grins wickedly. “I noticed your…” His hands go back to his chest. “Lovely boobs.”

  “I noticed your dimples.”

  “That’s it?” He feigns offence. “Just my dimples? What about my arse as I was walking away?”

  “You have an arse?”

  “I’ve decided I’m not taking you to dinner tomorrow.” He responds haughtily, but his dimples remain in place so I know he’s joking. “In fact, I’m never taking you anywhere again.”

  “That’s okay. I prefer men with an arse.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “You’re cold.”

  “And you’re a pervert.”

  “Yes.” His eyes zero in on my chest once more. “Yes I am.”


  “Going to work.” My mum calls and I hear the door close. She only just got home. Does she honestly think I’m that stupid?

  I will be talking to her about this male tomorrow after I get Dillan back. It’s not fair on her that she has to tiptoe around me to be happy. I want her to be happy; she deserves it.

  Nathan: I’ll bring Dillan back in a few hours. Setting off shortly, just having lunch first.

  Oh crap, I’m supposed to be meeting Eric in a few hours. What do I do?

  Gwen: I thought you were having him until tomorrow?

  Nathan: I’ve got to speak with a friend in the morning. He’s leaving for Spain in the afternoon. I can’t postpone it.

  Gwen: Does this mean you’ll actually be opening the store? :-D

  Nathan: I haven’t decided yet. It’s not about that. I’ll speak to you when I arrive.

  Gwen: Would you like me to cook dinner?

  It was originally for me and Eric, but I’m going to have to cancel that now. Not that I mind. I should, but I don’t.

  Nathan: I should say no, but I can’t resist. What are you making?

  Gwen: French style carbonara and then chocolate shots for dessert.

  Nathan: Leaving now.

  I laugh and throw my phone on the table, cursing when I realise I have to call Eric and let him know. Unfortunately he doesn’t answer. He’s probably at work, so I leave him a message and send him a text to tell him how sorry I am. I know I won’t get a response until he finishes at three, as he told me yesterday, so I begin preparing dinner for later.

  I’m shocked that Sasha still hasn’t called, a little annoyed too. I’ve texted her a few times and never had a response. It’s true what they say, you do seem to lose people when you have a baby. I just never thought Sasha and Tommy would vanish off the face of the earth. It’s crap.

  As expected Eric understands and reschedules for tomorrow night instead. Why do I feel so guilty about this, like I’m cheating on him in some way?

  “Hey baby.” I squeal and snatch Dillan from Nathan’s arms. “I’ve missed you, yes I have!”

  “Hello to you too.” Nathan says, but I know he’s smiling.

  “Yeah, hi.” I don’t look at him. I continue munching on my baby boy’s chubby cheeks. “You feel like you’ve put on at least a pound.” Dillan gurgles at me, his mouth open with a smile. I kiss his open mouth and hold him in one arm. “Mummy has to cook, so you be a good boy and play in your bouncer.”

  I lay him in his swinging, bouncing and vibrating chair in the living room before turning to Nathan and frowning at him. “He’s wearing new clothes.”

  “I took him shopping.” I hate it when he blinks at me like that, his face expressionless.

  “He has clothes.”

  “Well now he has more clothes. Besides, you should have told me you’d opened a new account. I’ve been putting money into your old one since you left and not a penny of it has been used.”

  I wave him off. “I lost my card.”

  “Normal people order a new card.”

  “I was embarrassed; that’s the fifth card I’ve lost since I met your brother, so I opened a new account at a new bank. I did it when I was living with you. Which reminds me, I really need to change the address.” I look him up and down, admiring his dark jeans and white turtleneck. “You look very nice. New clothes for you too?”

  “I know you get irritated by my suits at times.”

  “It’s hard to relax in a suit.” I point out and lead him into the kitchen.

  He rolls his eyes. “How would you know? Have you ever worn one?”

  Good point. “That’s not the point. You don’t look relaxed in a suit.”

  “Well… I don’t like it when you wear those horrid wool cardigans you seem to favour so much.”

  Gasp. “Those cardigans are lovely!”

  “For a hippie.” He retorts playfully and leans forward to kiss me on the cheek. “You smell like a bakery.”

  I shy away. “So I’ve been told.”



  “What did you say?” His smiling face is no more, a frown now in its place.

  “Nothing, it’s just something I get told a lot.” I play it off with a happy façade and skip to the prepared food that has been sat in the oven keeping warm for the past few minutes. “Sit. Food is ready.”

  This seems to distract him. Thankfully. “How has your free time been?”

  “Good, nothing to report.” I place the plates on the set table and take the seat across from him.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” He asks, his eyes narrowing slightly.

  Yes! I’m dating still! And you need to know, so you don’t continu
e to get the wrong idea about us. The wrong idea that you shouldn’t get because you are the brother of the love of my life. Which makes it so, so, so wrong.

  “No.” I look directly into his eyes, my palms flat on the table so my hands don’t shake. “Like what?”

  Suspicious eyes scan my face for a few more seconds. Why can’t I tell him? What’s the big deal? Don’t I want him to look at me like a friend?

  It’s because I know that he’ll probably never talk to me again and it’s not like Eric and I are serious. We haven’t even kissed.

  I’ll tell him if or when that happens. “So, this guy you’re meeting tomorrow, that’s assuming he’s a guy, I’m pretty sure you said he’s a guy… right? Anyway, what’s that all about? It sounds important. Is it important?”

  “You’re rambling.” He points out, placing his fork on the plate before him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” I lie.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I don’t like the fact you’re sending me money.” This is another lie but it shocks him enough to not see my quirks that scream ‘LIE!’

  “Why not?”

  “Because… we’re not yours to look after and I make enough to provide for us both. You already have Dillan; that’s enough.”

  “It’s not much; it’s only a hundred a week.” This makes me splutter on my water. “I’m responsible for you both.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “I feel like I am.” He doesn’t say this with disdain or hate, it’s merely a statement.


  “Stop.” He raises his hand and pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “You’re giving me a headache. I forgot how frustrating you can be.”

  Gasp. “You are such an arsehole sometimes.”

  He smiles, totally unaffected by my tone and insult, which is shocking because he usually goes a tad over the top when I swear. “Yes… well. You bring that out in me.”

  “Oh no, you don’t get to blame me for your mean ways. I’m not frustrating. I’m adorable and funny and fun and…”


  “Am not.”

  “Are too.”

  “Oh, be quiet.” I run my fingers through my hair and stare down at my barely touched plate of food. “I’m done.”

  “You’ve hardly eaten.”

  “I’m genuinely not that hungry.” I pick up my plate and move it onto the side by the sink. Nathan finishes his in record time, before placing his empty plate by mine and following me into the room where Dillan is now asleep in his swinging chair. “Did you have fun with Dillan? What did you both do?”

  “Not much. He had a rough night last night. We both ended up sleeping in until eleven this morning. It was refreshing.”

  “Great. So, what’s going on with this meeting tomorrow?”

  He shrugs. “I’m looking to move.”

  Blink. “Move?”


  “To…?” I prompt, hoping for more than that.

  “Here, or close to here.”

  Blink. “Why?”

  “Don’t look so horrified.” He scoffs and lowers himself onto the seat by the door. “I want to be closer to Dillan.”

  “And me?”

  “Well, Dillan does live with you.” He rolls his eyes and stares blankly at the powerless TV. “Is that a problem?”

  Yes. “No.” Screw my polite ways. “I guess I just don’t understand.”

  “What’s to understand? I miss you. If you won’t come to me, then I’ll come to you.”

  “What about your home?”

  He gives me a pointed look. “Did you not listen to a single word I said the last time we spoke about this?”

  “I did, I swear, I just… find it hard to believe.”


  “Because right now you’re looking at me like you can’t stand the sight of me.” His eyes soften immediately at my words. He exhales a long breath, his body sagging with the motion. “Gwen, I never have and never will think that about you.”

  “Your eyes say different.” I stand and make my way to the window. It’s just started raining. Not a small amount either, but large heavy droplets falling in millions from the sky. “Are we friends?”

  He’s silent for a moment. “What kind of a question is that?”

  “I’m sure you know what I mean. Are we friends or… do you want more?”

  I hear his sharp intake of air. “Gwen… I…” His feet almost silently pad towards me, stopping when I feel his heat against my back. Hands slide up my biceps, causing me to shiver as my skin breaks out in goose bumps. “Do you?”

  “Do I what?” I ask, my body stiff and tense as he moves the hair from my neck and runs his nose from the curve to my ear.

  “Want more… from me?” His whisper tickles the shell of my ear, sending a burning tingle straight to my core. “Or do you just want to be friends?”

  “Friends.” I respond automatically and listen to him sigh softly. “Just friends.”

  “Why?” He asks and rubs my shoulders gently with his fingers and thumbs.


  A banging at the door breaks the moment. I pull away and dart from the room, hoping he doesn’t see my flushed cheeks and, if he does, I hope he thinks they’re from embarrassment and not from arousal.

  “Oh my god.” I laugh as my mum stumbles inside. “You look like a drowned rat.”

  “Towel.” she shivers.

  Still laughing, I race to the cupboard under the stairs and pull out a large bath towel. She pulls her coat off and kicks off her soaking jeans before wrapping it around herself and vanishing up the stairs.

  I go back into the living room, still laughing. “Mum’s home.”

  “Okay.” He relaxes back into the chair and switches on the TV.

  I look at him curiously. “Don’t you have to leave? It’s getting late.”

  “Did I not tell you?” He cocks his head, a sneaky smile on his face. “My appointment is in town tomorrow. I thought I’d stay the night.”

  Blink. “What?”

  “Yes, well, it makes sense. You have room.”

  “I have a couch.” I snap, my hands on my hips. “A ten year old couch that I know you won’t want to sleep on.”

  He shrugs. “I guess I’ll just have to sleep with you.”

  “What!” I shriek, stumbling backwards into the couch before falling onto it on my arse. “No… no way.” My libido can’t handle it and it’s… well it’s not fair on Eric. Right?

  “We’ve slept in a bed together before.”

  “What?” Great, mum’s here.

  “Hello.” Nathan says to her, his face blank. “I hope you don’t mind; Guinevere has invited me to stay for the night. I have a meeting in town tomorrow.”

  My mum looks at me, as shocked as I feel inside. “No, that’s fine of course.”

  “Thank you, you won’t even know I’m here.” Nathan winks at me. It’s so unlike him.

  “I will…”

  “What’s that?” Nathan asks as my mum tightens her robe around herself and asks. “Tea anyone?”

  “Please.” Nathan responds before looking at me again. Mum waits for my answer.

  “No thank you, Mum.” She nods and leaves the room. I glare at Nathan. “Are you crazy?”

  He thinks about it for a moment. “Yes.”

  “You can’t stay here.”

  “Are you going to make me leave?”

  Am I? I growl and bring my legs up to my chest. “No.”

  “Good.” He grins and changes the channel on the TV. “It’s been a long time since I watched TV, although I usually put the kids’ channels on for Dillan. He likes the colours.”

  I look over at my sleeping son and smile. “Yes, he does. I’ll go and get the blankets.”

  “What for?” Nathan frowns. I can’t help but notice how adorably confused he looks.

  “So I can sleep on the couch.” I respond, standing and stretchi
ng my entire body. His eyes go to the bare skin of my midriff as my top rises with my tall stretch. When I relax back to my normal posture, his eyes come to mine. He looks annoyed. “You don’t honestly think my mum will let us share a bed, do you?”

  “I think she will. I think it’s you who has the problem.” He waves his hand in the air, as if dismissing me. “Do as you please.”

  “I shall.” A gentleman would never normally allow a female to sleep on a couch, but Nathan won’t be able to sleep on here. I understand that. The couch isn’t exactly sparkling clean. It’s as clean as a couch can be, but it holds stains from long ago that can’t be shifted. I should know; I’ve tried everything.

  Mum enters with a silver tray full of snacks and drinks. She places them on the coffee table and passes them out, leaving the biscuits and cakes on the platters. “Thank you.” Nathan smiles politely at her and sips his drink. I snigger when he cringes. We share a look, mine of mischief from knowing my mum’s tea making abilities are not great, his of scorn when he realises I knew what he’d be accepting.

  “Be right back.” I sing song and skip from the room.

  Dillan starts crying as I’m gathering blankets, but I don’t worry. I know my mum or Nathan will deal with him until I return. As expected, Nathan has Dillan on his chest when I return to the room. I place the blankets on the arm of the couch and go to take my son from his uncle, who waves me off.

  “Do you want dessert now?” I almost forgot about the chocolate shots I made.

  “Yes!” Mum announces and looks at Nathan. “I’ve been wanting to try these since she started making them yesterday.” Fortunately she doesn’t mention Eric. My mum can be quite intuitive.

  “Yesterday?” Unfortunately, so can Nathan. “Seems a stretch to make dessert.”

  “I just had them ready yesterday.” I shrug, playing it off as nothing.

  He eyes me suspiciously. “Expecting company?”

  My mum looks at me with a smirk. Yeah, yeah, I know, I mustn’t tell lies. “No.” Yet I still am. “I just wanted to try my hand at something new.”

  Nathan stares at me a moment longer before shrugging and turning back to the TV. “I’d love some.”


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