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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

Page 7

by Wanda Edmond

  Sarah smiled as the scenic world around her buzzed past. There was something to biking she had never realized, how big the world seemed when there was nothing between her and life but the wind that blew past as they sped off down the pavement. It was an experience like no other, and she hoped that her experiences with her new found love would have the same wonderful sensations she had now. She held him tighter, feeling his presence near her, soothing her as they raced towards home. Sometimes it is unwise to judge a book by its cover, as she had learned the hard way with Dan. Now the whole world was opening up to her in a new light, and changing the very way she thought about what time she had on the earth. The love swelling in both of their hearts, this would be their greatest adventure, the chance to see what great things true love could really bring.

  ~~~ THE END of BOOK 2 ~~~


  …Synopsis (Book 3)…

  Sarah Mayfield now holds all the cards in her favor. She’s intelligent, sexy with just the right hint of quiet shy girl to make any man she crosses desire her love. Her long black hair, curvaceous figure and shimmering emerald eyes are every man’s dream. But Sarah has found the love of her life, in the most unlikely of people. She now ponders a bright future, one free of the chains of fear and reservation.

  Dan Mayfield has found himself tossed head feet into love, something he never expected. With his heart filled to the brim with new hope and happiness, he has secretly decided to give up his bad boy life and settle down, wanting nothing more than spend the rest of his days with Sarah. Though his muscular figure, sandy blonde hair and blues still pours in the attention, Dan now has eyes for only his true love, dreaming of the bright future they will share.

  Five day’s drive still ahead and conflicts behind them, Sarah and Dan now make their way the remainder of Route 66, headed back home to meet with Ray, Sarah’s father and Dan’s greatest male influence, to tell him the surprising and happy news. But a sudden illness in Sarah lands the couple in ER where she is subjected to a series of tests. The results turn their heads, causing the happiness of their love to become mixed with anxious anticipation. As they head the final miles home, each struggles with their own mixture of hopes, fears and reservations for the future, but with a promise that their love will last as long as they both shall live. Will their news be too much for Ray, the most important figure in both of their lives? Or will this be the start of a journey in life together?

  Chapter 1

  The bike screeched to a halt in from of the trails. Sarah Mayfield read the signs carefully, all pointing east to the lookout area. She tapped Dan on the shoulder and he turned the bike towards yet another winding trail up the mountainside. It was a gamble, attempting to drive a street bike up the winding paths to the top but the two were learning that some risks were worth taking. Finally the boardwalk was in sight as the hill became even steeper. They parked the bike off the trail and walked the final few feet. As they approached the top, Sarah gasped, gazing out at the beauty before her. Far below she could see the faint outline of a small river that cut and wound its way through the mammoth rock. Green trees of varying species spread out before her as far as her eyes could see. They stood gazing at the magnificence, watching the sun setting behind the peaks and leaving the mountains shrouded in an eerie early darkness. The world had become so breathtaking to her, so open and free, that it was almost too much for one girl to take. Dan wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her near, nuzzling her neck with his nose from behind. A flash of white heat flooded her body, desire welled up whenever he touched her.

  After some time the two headed back down slowly and carefully, the drive a bit more nauseating than up as Sarah could now see the true height of what they had traveled. Several more familiar winding paths and they found the bottom of the hill and pavement once more. She was relieved to be back on flat ground, coming from Chicago the mountains seemed foreign and strange to her with their uneven terrain, but at the same time that sight was now engraved in her memory. They sped off down Route 66 once again, on to their next site while headed home. Though the trip from the last diner to her father’s home in the city of Chicago should have only taken another day, but the two had managed to stretch out the last piece of highway an additional week. They savored the time just the two of them with no obligations to fulfill or places to be. Just the two of them and their new found love, the open road a witness to the wonders that finding that connection can bring. The bikers that stole her vehicle were behind bars, and not soon to be released with such high bonds. The Sherriff had called early that morning to inform her that the charges brought up against the group were so numerous there was no way any of them would see freedom again for at least ten years. The relief of their enemy gone, the two had not a worry left in the world, except for their upcoming visit to Sarah’s father Ray, which they were also avoiding.

  “Were too next?” She called from behind him on the bike.

  “Dinner adventure,” He called back, “Then the hotel.”

  After another 20 minutes had passed, Dan pulled into the entrance of a rather odd looking restaurant and parked his bike near the door. Sarah looked up at the two story building and tilted her head. Something isn’t right about this place. She mumbled. Perhaps it was the lack of windows or signs that made her leery, but she trusted Dan to have chosen something amazing for their vacation. Inside she found herself grasping his hand, stuck waiting to be seated behind huge double doors. Though she attempted to peer in for a glimpse, the inside appeared to be shrouded in complete darkness. Finally a server appeared and greeted them with a smile.

  “Welcome to the Red River dinner theater, our 730 show is nearly about to start so let’s get you seated.” She motioned for them to follow her inside.

  Dinner theater? She smiled in the darkness. Leave it to Dan for something unique and new. It was difficult to navigate in the darkness of the room, but Sarah eventually stumbled in an enclosed booth beside him. They ordered a three course meal, to be served throughout the show, and a bottle of the finest wine the establishment had to offer. Soon a waiter came along with a bottle stored in ice and poured two drinks into delicate glasses of crystal. This must have cost a lot. She thought to herself. The booths circled the center of the room on two levels, all boxed in separately from one another with long red velvet curtains on each side of the wood seats, making it appear that each was a separate area in itself and very romantic. Dan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her near to his chest.

  “I thought since you love books so much you would appreciate this show.” He whispered in her ear, his hot breath steaming up her senses.

  Suddenly a spotlight flashed into the center of the room and there stood an odd look man, dressed as a magician. He raised a silver cane towards the audience and his face remained stern, even statuesque. He spoke, his voice echoing through the silenced restaurant.

  “Ode to the lost love,” The man began in an overly dramatic theatrical voice, “The tragic tale of the fair Juliet and her tattered love Romeo….”

  Sarah’s heart jumped with excitement. Not only was she eating a delicious meal in a unique dinner theater, but the show was her favorite classic tragedy, a book she had read perhaps a dozen times in her lifetime and would most likely read more before she wore the pages thin. The steak was mouth-watering juicy and accompanied by a baked potatoes and seasoned carrots and for dessert, house made strawberry pie tickled her taste buds. The theater had elected to modernize the storyline slightly, but the heart of the tragic tale remained intact through every interruption she had ever seen or read. She laughed and cried through the scenes as her love held her tightly to him. Finally the show ended and a roar of applause came from the darkness.

  The two drove back to their hotel room, exhausted and excited from the adventurous day. In the short time since the dust settled on the chaos, Dan had shown her some amazing sights along the high way she would never have been able to see otherwise. The advent
ure had been the most amazing of her life, and came with many unpredicted benefits. Although she had been denied the job in California, she had found true love on the way in her former step-brother Dan. His handsome looks, sexy body and bad boy ways had attracted her initially, but as she learned the hard way there was a soft heart underneath that hard shell and a successful man behind the leather and roaring bike. They reached the hotel room and headed inside, this time to a nice air conditioned room. But there was more than just finding Dan to be thankful for on this trip, and that was finding herself as well. When she headed out she had retreated behind her own shell, that of a quiet and reserved librarian that was fearful of her own shadow. Somewhere between the stolen car and the loss of her position, she found the girl that she once was and was eager to find the woman she would soon become.

  Dan glanced across the room at Sarah as she unpacked a change of clothes and mulled about checking itinerary for the following day. She was so planned and yet open to trying new things, like a young girl finding her way in the great big world for the first time. Her beauty and loving heart were the straw that finally broke his thick stone walls and allowed him to let love in for the first time. He wasn’t sure if it was his mother walking out in his youth, or something else along the way that had made him so fearful to let anyone close, but now that he had allowed someone in he was glad he had. And there wasn’t a soul in the world he would rather it have been than Sarah. The future looked bright and full of promise, as he wondered where the road would take them and what little sleepy town they would wind up calling home. When he had children he would watch them thrive and grow in a home with two loving parents, something he and Sarah alike had never been able to experience for long.

  After a long, hot shower she joined him in the bed, flopping down beside him and sighed. They gazed up at the ceiling, lost in happy thoughts of one another and relishing in the feel of having each near. Sarah rolled and gave him a warm smile, leaning in for a long kiss. Dan let out a moan and grasped the back of her hair his strong hands, pressing her lips deeply into his. Their tongues explored one another’s deepest secrets, dancing playful. Sarah’s feet swung happily behind her as the kisses continued.

  Chapter 2

  The day began at dawn, with an excited Dan waking Sarah before had a chance to fully emerge over the horizon. He leaned in and gazed at his sleeping love, a smile spreading across his unshaven face and gently planted kisses on her forehead and cheeks. She stirred and opened her emerald eyes sleepily.

  “Hey there,” He smiled wider, “We have a long day ahead of us, rise and shine sleepy head.”

  Soon the two lovers were headed back down the high way, with each mile closer to their destination and facing the task of telling her father of their love affair. With a roar of the engine Dan raced onto the ramp and headed for open freeway once more. Sarah watched peacefully as the miles whirled by her, laughing at the sites and marveling at the beauty of the open road. Along the way they passed through acres of forest, with deep green trees as far as the eye could see and crystal blue waters of the various lakes. They buzzed past trucks of various companies and travelers packed to the brim with gear and cycles with tires spinning in the breeze. Just past noon Dan signaled to exit and sped off the exit ramp. Sarah watched as the bike road further into the countryside, wondering to herself where they were headed and what surprises her love had up his sleeve this time. She was learned more about him each day that passes, as well as discovering things about her own self she never knew. It was a trip filled with adventure and exploration, of the world around them as well as what’s inside.

  Dan winded along a stretch of quiet road and soon farms and fields of corn began popping up on either side of them. What is he up to? She wondered as they passed a field full of wild horses galloping along the wooden fencing that kept them from the road. Finally he pulled into a long dirt driveway and drove slowly up towards a brick red farmhouse in the distance. At the porch he cut he engine and Sarah leapt off the back, her thighs vibrating from the rumble of his engine. She glanced around, in the yard chickens pecked happily at the dirt in search of a meal and she could hear horses neighing behind the barn.

  “Where are we?” She removed her helmet and placed it in the bags.

  “You’ll see.” Dan smiled playfully and took her hand, guiding her up the wooden porch to the front door.

  He knocked quietly and stepped back as an older woman answered the door with the warmest smile Sarah had seen in a long time. She squealed and planted a strong hug around Dan’s neck. Soon an elderly gentleman joined her, standing just behind with his hands buried deep in his overalls. He greeted them both warmly and welcomed them inside.

  “We were getting worried, you called yesterday saying you would stop by.” The elderly woman laughed and set about the kitchen, she paused and gazed in Sarah’s direction, “This must be Sarah, and oh she is a beauty Dan.”

  Sarah blushed nervously, unsure of where she was or who this older woman was to Dan. She gave a warm thank you and a smile.

  “Where are my manners dear,” The elderly gentleman rose from his seat, “I’m Jacob and this is my wife Lilly. Dan swings by the farm occasionally to help out when he is out riding that machine.”

  Dan gave a laugh and shrugged in Sarah’s direction. Something new about him every day. She thought and joined in the laughter. Jacob motioned towards the backdoor.

  “They’re all saddled up and ready to head out when you are Dan, just keep an eye on Dixie she’s been rather airy today from the heat.” He rubbed his neck.

  “Saddled up?” Sarah raised her eyebrow, “As in horses?”

  Dan wrapped his arm tightly around her waist, beaming with pride and laughed, “yeah did you think a motorcycle was the only thing I could ride?’

  Lilly handed them a packed lunch in a wicker basket, complete with some strawberry wine and cakes, as well as a picnic blanket and with a warm hug she and Dan headed towards the stable pen. Two horses stood side by side, a tall white mare and a smaller brown steed with tan spots on her hind end. They neighed as the two approached. Dan introduced Sarah to Cutter, the brown steed she would be riding and she stroked her long mane gently. Sarah hadn’t been on a horse in many years, and was as excited as she was nervous. Out the gates the two rode side by side and Sarah couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of her love riding out on a white horse, just like a prince in a fairy tale. A leather wearing prince, she chuckled to herself, that’s a new one. They rode past the fences where the other horses whinnied and played with one another. Sarah smiled at a black colt as it leapt and kicked in the air. Soon they were out in open fields where Dan picked up the pace to a slight cantor, eager to get where he was leading her. They paused at a bubbly brook and dismounted, letting the horses drink while they ate their lunch.

  Dan spread the checkered blanket out on a patch of shaded grass while Sarah grabbed the wicker basket. They set out a beautiful country spread of hand-made cakes and sandwiches, and tingly strawberry wine. Sarah sipped delicately and gazed out at the beauty that surrounded her. All along the couples’ property line began the outline of miles of forest behind, with sharp pines and oak trees towering out over the blanket of greens. The open fields were home to a variety of wild flowers in purples and yellows, with a few splashes of Blue Bells for a rainbow of natural beauty. I could live here the rest of my life and be happy. She thought to herself and sipped again. Dan eyed her happily, searching her eyes for approval of his secret surprise date.

  “I love it here,” He gave a peaceful sigh and stretched out on the blanket, folding his hands above his head, “That’s why I swing by to help so I can soak in the scene you know?”

  As if he had read Sarah’s mind, he told her of the beauty he found on the farm in the sunsets, and watching the food growing in the fields. He described the horses and other animals that called the farm home and talked of the elderly couple. Sarah learned they had been together for 30 years that coming August and were still just as in
love as the day they married. How romantic. Sarah thought and listened intently. With each story she fell deeper in love with her man, the bad boy with a hidden side of kindness and heart. She eyed his body hungrily, stretched out in just the right way to see the outline of his thick package and muscular stomach. Her body leapt to life, begging for his touch. She lay down beside him, cuddling into his arm and leaned up to kiss him gently on the cheek. His stubble tickled her nose, a feeling she had come to desire just as much as his thickness inside her. He gave a groan and turned to his side, kissing her deeply on her soft lips. His hands slid down her shoulder, grasping her curvy breasts in his strong fingers and massaging gently until her nipples were hard below her shirt. Sarah could feel the waves of lust creeping in like a flood, her body wet with need. Slowly he massaged, kissing her neck and shoulders, leaving trails of wet love as he went. He rose to his knee and pulled her shirt up towards her head, leaning in to kiss her navel and run his tongue along her exposed hips from the low cut jeans. She panted, desperately wanting more.

  “It’s so beautiful here.” She leaned her head back and watched the sunlight twinkle through the leaves above head.


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