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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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by Wanda Edmond

  “And you fit right in my love, as beautiful as this place.” He cooed and undid her jeans, sliding them down her shaking thighs to expose her wet mound.

  He kissed a trail, up one thigh and then the other making her breath quicken with passion. She closed her eyes, savoring each gently and yet tortuous touch of his soft lips on her skin. With a smile he licked her clitoris, the shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her stiffening body. Twirling his tongue in tantalizing circles, Sarah could feel herself pulling closer to release with each flick. She grasped his hair tightly, the pressure building in her already wet pussy. Sarah longed for release, to feel that familiar rush of joy filling her. Faster his tongue tasted her feminine lust, swirling until her body cried out and the orgasm took over every inch of her. She shouted out towards the sky, arching her back from the intense sensations filling her. He rose, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand and smiled lovingly at her. She could still feel the resonating pleasure twisting in her gut as the two lay in the shade watching the horses nuzzle and drink.

  “Sarah,” Dan finally smiled, gazing down at her, “I brought you here for a reason. I wanted to show you my dream, the one I have had for many years. This is my idea of forever. You see, Jacob and Lilly are riders too, that’s how I met them is on one of my cruises down the high way. I want this forever, and I want it to be with you.”

  “I would love this Dan,” She kissed him deeply once more, “I can’t imagine a better life for us. I want this forever too.”

  After savoring the moment a while longer, the two mounted their horses and headed back to the stable. They sat with the elderly couple for a homemade meal and listened to stories of how they met and life on the farm, the good times and the struggles. Sarah couldn’t wipe the grin from her face, enjoying every moment of their time with Jacob and Lilly. Finally, as the sun began to set behind the tree line the two lovers said goodbye and headed back out on the open road. Sarah held tightly to Dan’s waist, squeezing him lovingly and whispering a thank you in his ear. She watched the old couple, standing on the porch waving until they were out of site. Back to the highway they went and Sarah was even more in love than when they came.

  Chapter 3

  They pulled into the hotel at dusk, checking in and heading to the room. Inside they placed down their bags and sat down with a sigh. Dan looked around the room as if it was a familiar place and Sarah guessed this was yet another place he frequented on his trips up and down the highway. She gave him a warm smile, still feeling the peace she had captured on the farm. It was clear from his cheeky grin he too was carrying a piece of that heaven along with him in his heart. She finally sat down beside her and looked her up and down, a playful smile as he went.

  “Come on,” He took her hand, “I want to introduce you to some more friends.”

  “More friends?” She laughed, “And I always thought the open road was so lonely.”

  “Hah,” Dan chuckled sarcastically, “I have more of a social life out here than back at home. The people out here, we all share a common bond. Our love for freedom and adventure keeps us civil and gives a friendship like no other. We are from different parts of the world and yet we all get along. That is one of things I love about being a, rebel, as you so politely put it. I am never alone.”

  Sarah nodded, her eyes wide from the revelation of it all. No wonder he loves it so much out here. Dan had a point. It was amazing how people from different walks of life could instantly form lasting friendship if they shared a passionate love. She quickly changed, a fresh pair of sexy tight jeans and a leather tank top Dan had bought her on one of their many shopping trips along the road. Her long black hair, though wind-blown, looked especially sexy so she left it alone, beginning to grow more comfortable in her own skin thanks to her love. They walked hand in hand across the gravel towards a bar that was ironically named Route 66 Bar and Grill, with a huge neon sign animated at the top of the farmhouse shaped building. Inside Dan was greeted with a number of loud shouts, booming over the rock music playing in the background. Sarah laughed and gave a happy smile. She was walking on cloud nine from the day and just the entire trip in general, from her love by her side and her newfound freedom of life. Nothing was going to spoil her happiness. He dragged her excitedly along from table to table, introducing her to couples and single men that he had ridden with from time to time, calling them out by their nicknames given through various adventures throughout the years. They finally settled in at a table near the stage and ordered a drink.

  “Sarah you remember Lucky here,” He pointed to the familiar face, “And this is his wife Daisy. Over here you have devil boy and finally Pete.”

  “Pete?” Sarah laughed.

  “Yeah I haven’t found a name yet.” He replied sheepishly and the table roared with laughter.

  They chatted well into the night and more stories came out of mishaps and funny events along the road trips. They told of some amazing things they had experienced and some sad events too, toasting to friends lost and friends gained. Sarah watched as a group of girls entered the bar, walking in a seductive fashion towards them that made her stomach churn. A curvy blonde approached the table, in a slinky black dress that clung to her built body like a wrapped towel. Her thick breasts poked out the top of her V-line neck and her ruby red lips sparkled in the dim bar lights. Sarah flushed with nerves as she leaned in seductively towards Dan like a mink in heat.

  “Hey there sexy.” She placed her hand on Dan’s shoulder and Sarah steamed with jealously.

  “Oh hey there Amy.” Dan appeared suddenly unnerved by her presence.

  “Haven’t seen you around lately,” She leaned closer and Dan backed away, eyeing Sarah fearfully, “you here just for the night?”

  The table fell silent, feeling the tension thickening.

  “Yep,” He tried to keep things civil, but the coldness was clear in his voice, “stopping off for a rest then headed back out towards home.”

  Sarah’s ears flushed red and her eyes widened, hardly able to believe what she was seeing. The woman sat down in Dan’s lap, running her long fingers through his hair as she went. The other’s looked on hesitantly, waiting for the big blow up. She imagined herself standing up and knocking the harlot to her butt on the floor, screaming out to stay away from her man. But the shyness kicked back in once more and she was frozen in place. Get up and do it. Her inner wild side shouted. Then she thought of running from the sight of it and out of the bar crying her eyes out, but again she was stuck to her seat with shock. Dan looked over, seeing the look of devastation on his love’s face from Amy’s bold move. Jealous bitch. He growled to himself.

  “Whoa, whoa Amy that’s enough,” He gave another nervous laugh and lifted her from his lap, “This is my girlfriend Sarah.”

  She gave a sneer in Sarah’s direction and again she longed to get up and punch her, but couldn’t find the guts. She folded her arms and stamped her high heel on the wooden floor with a click, pouting like a spoiled child that had just been told she couldn’t have a new toy.

  “Since when are you in a relationship?” She laughed menacingly and again glared in Sarah’s direction, looking her up and down with a sneer, “And to someone so plain.”

  Sarah’s jaw dropped open in disgust and the girl lunged forward, but Dan rose quickly and wrapped his arms tightly around Sarah. He could feel her shaking as he gripped her and gave a worried look.

  “Since I found the love of my life Amy,” He growled, “I am a one woman man from this point on and you will do good to remember that in the future.”

  “Yeah right,” Amy cackled and stared straight into Sarah’s eyes, the fire burning behind her pearly blues, “You think he is going to be loyal and settled down but I can assure you sweetie, the first time you give his leash a little slack he will be right here in my arms.”

  “Amy,” Dan sighed and caressed Sarah’s cheek, “I wouldn’t trade Sarah for a night with you for anything in the world. Why in the hell would I want a tramp li
ke you when I can have a real woman like this? Now why don’t you wiggle that surgically done ass somewhere else?”

  The table roared in laughed as Lucky cheered him on. For a moment she almost looked hurt, but then sneered and with a flick of her blonde hair wiggled her way back to her friends, chattering wildly about what had just happened. The other girls glared at Sarah and Dan too, until the entire bar felt as if the temperature had raised a notch. Dan excused them, feeling it was best to make a hasty exit and they headed back to the room in the cool night air. He eyed her nervously as they stepped inside and locked the door tightly.

  “I am so sorry about that Sarah,” He sighed and rubbed his neck, then peeled the sweaty shirt from his body, his rippling muscles glimmering in the lamp light, “ I didn’t expect my ex to be there tonight. I am surprised you didn’t jump up and beat her down.”

  “Your past is going to pop out,” Sarah pulled the shirt over her head slowly, watching him as he eyed her hungrily, “I have to be prepared for that I know.”

  He breezed across the room, shirtless and looking absolutely sexy, and grasped her tightly. “Thank you for understanding. I am yours babe, forever and always remember?”

  She nodded, her emerald eyes looking up into his face with longing and need. He pressed against her, feeling her breasts sliding along his tight pecs and the warmth of delicate skin was enough to drive him wild. With a deep kiss he swung her around and placed her on the bed. Kneeling to the floor he pulled off her tight jeans, leaving her lying naked and exposed in all her beauty for him to explore. Sarah could feel the wetness already growing between her thighs, as her man licked his lips hungrily. With his hands sliding upward, feeling each part of her body as they went he mounted her, her eyes watching his thick and growing erection. A pang of need again washed over her. He cupped her breasts in both his hands and licked and nipped hungrily at the nipples. Sarah let out a squeal of delight from the rough and yet desirable motion of his teeth gliding along each tip of her breast. Oh God it’s too much to resist I need him inside. She pulled his hips to hers, the tip of his hard cock grazing her throbbing mound. With a thrust he was inside, her warm, tight body wrapping nicely around his cock.

  “You feel so good Sarah.” He cried out in pleasure, “I want to be inside you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Oh Dan harder please I’m begging,” She screamed so loud her voice echoed across the ceiling.

  He obliged her commands and thrust deeper into her, feeling her muscles tighten from his pressure. Harder he thrust again, grunting in sheer pleasure as each press of his cock filled her with delight. The pressure was building in her wet sex and they rocked together, locking in heat passion and savoring the feel of one another’s bodies. Finally he released, filling her with his hot cum and letting it drip down her thigh. Sarah cried out once more as the waves of orgasm rushed through her body. They collapsed in one another’s arms and lay there, panting from the rush. He held her again and through a breathless whisper renewed his promise of forever.

  Chapter 4

  Morning spread its light once more on the dim hotel room as the two lovers slept naked and curled into one another’s bodies. Soon Dan rose and stretched, his face showing a refreshing night’s sleep. Sarah stirred, and upon opening her eyes was hit with a wave of nausea so strong she leapt from the bed and to the bathroom. It felt as if her sides were going to split open. After some time she crawled across the carpeting and up into the bed once more, pulling the covers high up to her neck. Her body felt cold and yet flushed at the same time and her head pounded like a band of drums was beating in her temples. It must have been the drinks. She moaned and rolled to her side. Dan looked on with a smile of amusement which irritated her slightly. She closed her eyes and fell back into a restless sleep. When she awoke again, Dan was still beside her only now he was completely dressed with his boots and all.

  “Do you think you can ride yet?” He smiled down at her.

  Sarah attempted to move but her body felt like lead in the bed. She shook her head and once again passed out to a dreamless rest. As she opened her eyes again, the sun was high above the hotel room and Dan sat nervously watching her in the chair. He rose, noticing her awake and carried over a box filled with chicken noodle soup from the bar and some bread, a bottled water and two white pills. She placed it beside her and stroked her sweat filled hair.

  “You have to try to put something in your stomach my dear,” He motioned towards the food.

  Sarah’s stomach growled hungrily at the smell of the soup and she slowly rose from the pillow, her head spinning as she went. She grasped her temple in a feebly attempt to stop the whirling around her. She took the pills first, and swallowed some delicate sips of the water along with it. After a moment of letting that settle she dove hungrily into the soup. It felt good in her aching stomach, almost energizing. She swallowed it all until there wasn’t a drop left and ate the bread. Her stomach churned slightly from the fullness. I feel like hell. She thought to herself as the food began to twist knots in her gut. Dan looked on with worry on his face, he pushed the strands of tangled hair from her eyes and gave a half smile. His blue eyes shimmered in the afternoon sun and the caring was clearly in them. Suddenly another wave of nausea and Sarah dashed from the bed, slamming the bathroom door behind her. After some time she collapse back on the floor and panted, weak and exhausted. Dan called out from behind the closed door, hearing her thud to the floor. She sat there, momentarily unable to speak her throat was so dry.

  “Sarah are you ok?” He called softly.

  “Yeah,” her voice was rough, “I just have a hangover I think.”

  She crawled back to the bed and lay down, her head throbbing to her quick pulse. She felt as if she was going to sink through the bed and then the floor. Dan sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed her back, his hands soothing her aching muscles.

  “Listen its nearly 6 at night,” The fear was clear in his voice now, “This is no hangover honey. You didn’t even drink that much last night. Maybe we should take you to the hospital, you know, just in case.”

  Sarah looked up at him wide-eyed, shocked at how the day had disappeared without her realizing it. She sat up slowly, watching Dan blur as she was unable to fully focus her eyes. She was dehydrated, that she was sure of, and desperately wanted the feelings to end. She nodded reluctantly and lay back down once more. Hazily she watched as Dan called for an ambulance and waited by the door, pacing nervously. Soon flashing lights flood the dimming room and two men walked inside. They checked her blood pressure and fever and with a frown exited to bring a stretcher inside. She glanced at Dan who looked as if he was going to burst out in tears and attempted a half smile to reassure him. The ambulance ride was quick and loud as the team set her up with an IV for fluids. She stared up at the bright white lights above her for a moment then turned away quickly as they hurt her sensitive eyes. Dan leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear.

  “It’s going to be ok,” His voice cracked with fear, “I am staying by your side I promise you.”

  Though Dan attempted to reassure her, the fear had already begun to set in as she listened to the rapid beeping of the heart monitor beside her. She thought of the worst, as her mind wandered sporadically through the possibilities of what was wrong. The ambulance pulled into the emergency room and quickly set about moving her to a room. The nurses fiddled about setting up machines to monitor her and checking her vitals once again. Dan sat in a chair out of the way, wringing his strong hands nervously as he watched the woman flittering about around his love. He worried that something serious was wrong. I can’t lose her. His heart cried out. Sarah laid her head down on the pillow and drifted in and out of sleep. Soon another nurse entered and began drawing vials of blood from her arm, but Sarah barely felt the pokes. Her head had stopped spinning now that she was slightly more hydrated and she was soon able to sit up again.

  “We are going to run some blood work,” The nurse smiled politely as she exi
ted with the vials, “Then the doctor will be in to see you.”

  Sarah gave a nervous nod and the room fell silent. Dan looked distant, lost in terrible thoughts of life without his love. What could be wrong? His mind raced through the options as he grew more worried by the minute. Sarah was feeling stronger now and motioned for him to come near. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head to her chest feeling the warmth of her skin and listening to her heart beating strongly. Her heart seems fine. His mind reassured him. And yet, he burst into silent tears. Sarah knew she needed to calm him down, for both of their sakes.

  “It’s going to be ok remember?” She whispered, “I’m sure it’s something simple Dan. Just watch.”

  As she spoke the words the doctor walked into the room with a soft knock. Dan took his seat once more and the doctor gave a warm smile in her direction. He introduced himself as Doctor Sims and set about examining her. First her tonsils then listening to her chest and heartbeat. He instructed her to lay flat on the table and poked around at her stomach and intestines. She gave a slight wince of pain as he reached her lower stomach area. He nodded as if that was expected and allowed her to sit back up.

  “Well,” He sat down in his chair with a sigh, “everything seems to be in order here. You were very dehydrated by the time you made it here, but you seem to be improving after some liquids. How are you feeling now?”

  “Better,” She smiled in Dan’s direction, “I don’t know what happened.”

  Dr. Sims laughed heartily, “Well the good news is that nothing serious was found in your tests. Except for one. Sarah your about 3 weeks pregnant.”

  Dan nearly fell off his chair and sat, wide-eyed and gaping. He stared with a look of shock, first at Sarah and then at her stomach. Instinctively she grasped hold her of gut and the tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I’m really pregnant?” Her voice squeaked in shock.


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