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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

Page 9

by Wanda Edmond

  “Yes and that would explain the sickness, it’s not uncommon at this stage.” He rose from the seat, “From the reaction I am guessing that the two of you were unaware of this little gift of life so I am going to give you a few minutes alone. The nurse will be back in with your release papers in a little while. Congratulations and good luck.”

  With that the doctor was gone, closing the door as he left and leaving the two lovers sitting in silence. Sarah’s mind raced frantically. Yes she had thought about children but not this soon into the relationship. For a brief moment she considered the possibilities and then quickly tossed them from her mind. This was Dan’s child too and they would work this out together. Fear gripped her, thinking back the way her life was growing up without a mother. She knew things would be different for her child and vowed to raise it with love, regardless of Dan’s decision. She glanced over, he seemed lost. I’m going to be a father? His mind rolled over the words repeatedly in his head as he sat frozen. Then he imagined what it would be like to hold his baby, hoping for a boy. All the things I could teach him. He thought and pictured playing ball in the yard. After some time had passed he looked up at Sarah once more, to find her watching him intensely.

  “A father.” He smiled up at her, feeling a sudden rush of joy in his heart. He leapt from the chair and grasped her tightly.

  Sarah began to cry as she realized that Dan was now happy about the news and willing to stay with her and raise the child together. Though she didn’t agree with the timing, it was a new joy to add to their adventure of life. Then she thought to her father and gasped.

  “We can’t tell dad yet.” She looked him deeply in the eye, “One shock at a time.”

  “Agreed.” Dan nodded, thinking about the poor man’s reaction.

  Chapter 5

  Once released, the two headed back out on the road, Sarah feeling much better and ready to ride home. The last stretch of 50 miles started to feel like the longest of the entire trip. They knew that home was growing near as the traffic began to build around them on Route 66 and the wilderness was replaced with buildings and residential areas littered with neat little houses all lined up on streets. Young kids whizzed by them recklessly and Dan’s heart pounded, knowing he had two passengers aboard that could be harmed. The Doctor had allowed her to make the final drive on the back of the bike but warned that as she progressed the riding would have to temporarily halt. Just after noon, when the traffic jam finally broke free, Dan pulled off an exit ramp for a small diner so that Sarah could get some food in her stomach. I hope she can hold this down. His worried mind raced once again. She hadn’t eat since dinner the night before and he worried for both his love, and his child’s safety. Inside the diner was crowded with people on their lunch breaks. They sat in a booth facing the freeway and ordered, Sarah gazing out the window in a daydream. She thought about the future and what her baby would look like. A boy or girl it doesn’t matter. Her mind spoke but deep down she hoped for a boy. The waitress brought her a tall glass of cool ice water which she happily sipped, the coolness of the liquid soothing her dry throat.

  Dan reached across the table and took her hand in his, giving her a loving smile. She could see the fear behind his eyes. Soon the waitress returned with their meal and Sarah was temporarily distracted by hunger. She devoured her plate as if she hadn’t eaten in a week and Dan watched happily, his worry relieved. She felt stronger with every bite and the two were soon happily chatting once more.

  “So what do you think?” Dan asked happily, “Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “Oh the doctor said we won’t know for some time, what are you hoping for?” She giggled, already knowing the answer.

  “A boy of course,” He hesitated in thought, “But a girl would be nice too.”

  Sarah laughed.

  “We will have to think about places to settled faster than we expected,” Sarah’s voice of reason kicked in once more, “Now that we are going to be a family that is.”

  “Yes definitely,” He leaned in, “I was waiting to mention this, but the farm where we went riding? There is a house just down the hill that is for sale at a reasonable price.”

  Sarah’s heart leapt with joy. She loved the farm and the area, what a perfect place to raise a family. She squeezed his hand and gave a huge grin. She thought of her father again and her smile faded slightly.

  “We have to be sure that we wait a while to tell dad Dan, its important.” Her voice was stern and serious, “This might be too much all at once.”

  “I agree,” He gave a nervous laugh, “I can just see this now. You show up, with me and a smashed car and then we tell him not only are we in love but we are expected a baby? Yeah he would have a heart attack.”

  They shared a laugh, though Sarah knew this was serious too. After the meal they headed out and found a motel, Sarah was feeling too tired to go on now that her body had finally held in some food. They lay on the soft bed, staring up at the ceiling awhile before Dan turned to her with a wicked and hungry grin. He ran his finger along her body, between her soft breasts and down to her navel, placing his warm hand down on her uterus and smiling upward into her eyes.

  “So do you think little junior would mind if you and I had a little fun?” His voice was soothing and yet seductive.

  Sarah giggled, his touch always had a way of raising her lust to heights too great to ignore. She rolled to her side and kissed his lips softly, feeling his strong hands wrapping around her back and sliding down to squeeze her tight ass. She gave a moan and nibbled at his lips. Dan took that as a yes and pulled her body near to his. He could feel the softness of her breasts pressing against his chest and his erection began to grow stiff from the sensation. Sarah gave a playful giggle and grasped his thick cock in her hand, stroking slowly and watching the pleasure filling his blue eyes. He caressed her ass, squeezing and stroking and setting her body on fire with lust. He growled and rolled her onto her stomach, watching her gasp in surprise from the sudden movements. Lifted her butt high in air he pressed his hard cock slowly inside of her. She moaned from the sensation of the new position, his dick reaching new places inside of her and tickling her with delight. His strong hands gripped her hips and pressed his body tightly to hers. Sarah let out a moan of pleasure as he thrust deeply, the feeling of his thickness filling her full. Again he thrust forward with a grunt.

  “Do you like this?” He growled low, “Want more?”

  “Yes, it feels good with you so deep inside me.” She lowered her head, expecting him to fill her with pleasure.

  Faster he pressed into her deeply, watching her ass moving along with his hips as he grinded deeper into her wetness. She gripped the sheets tightly in her hands, feeling her wet pleasure gliding down her leg as he grunted and thrust deep and hard into her pussy. He let out a cry and desperately pounded at her backside with his cock, bringing her to the brink of organism. With a cry into the pillow below she wiggled and thrust backwards from the pleasure of her orgasm. He released, filling her to the brim with his hot pleasure. They lay together, soaked from the passion that was still strong between them. Sarah, exhausted from the day, feel quickly asleep, dreaming of her farm and her children. The life she had always desired. Dan lay awake for a while, silently watching her sleep, her chest rising and falling peacefully. He laughed quietly as a smile from a good dream drifted on her sweet face then disappeared once more. Gently so as not to wake her, he placed his hand once more on her stomach, lay his head back on the pillow and tried to image what life would be like in 9 months when his child came into the world. He too fell asleep, lost in a daydream of happiness.

  The following morning the two had a late start, sleeping in to rest up from the journey so far and the day’s events. It had been a crazy sort of vacation for them both, and life would never be the same. Sarah sat rehearsing what she would say to her father about all of this, and the two decided it was best not to tell the truth about the damage to her pinto. They stopped for one last large breakfast before mee
ting the high way one final time and making their way to Ray and the end of this journey. But the end was merely the beginning and as the two rode down the pavement, they both hoped with all their might that Ray would accept their decisions and give his blessing.

  Chapter 6

  The residential homes quickly turned into taller buildings, then the skyscrapers of Chicago came into sight. Sarah began to feeling a nagging in her gut as they neared the city, a mixture of excitement and fear overwhelming her. The city was noisy and crowded, something Sarah hadn’t noticed as much as she did now that she had experienced the quiet of the open road. She even felt slightly closed in from the narrow streets and people rushing in all directions. She had experienced another way of life and now the city and its hectic ways no longer appealed to her as it once did. They rounded another corner and passed out of the main downtown area, headed towards the suburb where Ray lived. Both had basically grown up in the same house and the memories of their past came creeping in as they neared the familiar streets. Sarah wondered if her car had arrived before her. That would scare him to death. She swallowed hard just thinking about it. But her cellphone had been quiet so she decided that wasn’t the case. Though she had some happy memories, she thought as they passed the high school, she was thankful that her children were going to grow up in the country and away from the growing danger. They turned again and found themselves cruising up the paved road of their old home.

  Dan could feel the nerves rising up in his throat. He loved Sarah dearly and was truly ready to settle down, but Ray’s blessing was important to him as well. He didn’t fear him, but as the only father he had ever known he wanted him to be happy and proud. He quickly wiped the idea of rejection from his mind, reminding him of how loving and open Ray was. The man has a good heart. He told himself as they pulled into the drive. He was relieved to see that Sarah’s destroyed Pinto had not yet made it to the house. He parked the bike, allowing Sarah to get off first, and killed the engine. The street was full of children, laughing and shouting as they played in the summer sun. Dan paused to watch, thinking once more of his own child on the way now. He looked up at the half brick ranch and gave a sigh, then glanced towards Sarah who was nervously doing the same.

  “Don’t worry.” He tried to reassure her, knowing they were both afraid, “This is going to be ok. Look at all we have gone through. Ray will accept it I promise.”

  Sarah nodded but before she could reply her father rushed out the front door and down the sidewalk to greet them. He carried a warm smile on his wrinkled face but there was a worry in his grey eyes too. His hair was as a black as Sarah’s but neatly trimmed into a buzz cut he had worn since his days in the army. He wore khaki pants and a bright yellow sweater that Sarah hated but didn’t have the heart to tell him. He stretched out his arms and flung them around Sarah, nearly knocking her over. He squeezed tightly, sighing in her ear. Then he turned to Dan and did the same, patting his back roughly as they hugged in the grass. Sarah gave a happy laugh at the sight.

  “I was worried to death,” He frowned and step back to look at them, “When you called and told me your car was wrecked I was up all night in panic. I can’t believe you found her out there Dan, of all the craziest things. Thank you for bringing her home safe.”

  Dan rubbed his neck nervous and thought to himself, yes safe and pregnant. The three headed inside and Sarah sat nervously beside Dan on the couch. Little had changed in their childhood home over the years, the same old brown couch in the living room and pictures lining the mantel of their stone fireplace. Dan nervously wrung his hands on his jeans and was barely able to make eye contact with Ray. Though he had courage before they arrived, the nerves were now taking hold seeing him face to face. He sat down in stuffy old arm chair and leaned forward.

  “The professor called,” He frowned again, “I’m sorry Sarah. There will be more chances I am sure.”

  Sarah had almost forgotten her failed interview in the craziness that had occurred afterwards. Her eyes fell to the floor and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had not only failed herself, but felt as if she failed her father as well. He cleared his throat, gauging by the look on her face he should change the subject. Dan could feel the news welling up in his stomach like a ball of thrill, he wanted so badly to just blurt it out.

  “So tell me about the rest of the trip.” Ray crossed his legs, preparing to listen.

  “Well,” Sarah began hesitantly, choosing her events carefully, “Dan showed me a ton of neat sights on the way back. A dinner theater and horseback ride. Oh and a hike up the mountainside too.”

  His gaze turned to Dan in a mixture of shock and delight, “That was nice of you son. What else happened out there, anything exciting?”

  Sarah shrugged, “Not really.” She knew that was a total lie, but decided to spare him the details.

  “Dad,” She reached for Dan’s nervous hand and held it tightly, “Dan and I have some news. We are in love.”

  For a moment Ray sat silent, as if he was allowing the news to process fully. She could almost see the wheels turning in his mind. Then a smile slowly began to creep up on his face, as he realized that the man he had always called son, would really be his family. She could see a bit of concern as well, knowing Dan’s wild past.

  “Ok,” he slapped his hand down on his knee, “This is great news. I am so happy for the two of you. I just hope that you are slow in your decisions from here on in and let love take its course. But this is wonderful, my two children really now are family.”

  “We’re pregnant Ray.” Dan blurted out, overwhelmed with relief that he had accepted their love so quickly.

  Sarah stared at Dan wide-eyed and in terror. They had agreed it was too much all at once yet his nerves finally got to him. Dan knew he couldn’t keep a secret like that from Ray, his only father figure. Far better to get it out now. He mumbled to himself. For a moment neither Sarah nor Dan could even look at Ray, fearful of what they would find. Sarah swallowed hard and finally looked into her father’s eyes. He was stern and serious, yet she could see a twinkled behind them.

  “Ok,” He chuckled, “You two have been busy on this trip. So what are your plans then?”

  Dan smiled, “I want to make an honest woman of Sarah, with your permission first.”

  “Are you sure you want to jump into marriage so quickly?” Ray looked deeply into Dan’s eyes, as if gauging his honesty. Sarah’s heart leapt at the words of marrying her love.

  “Yes Ray,” Dan leaned in so that he could see the seriousness in his eyes, “This is truly what I want in life.”

  Ray nodded, with nothing more to say. Sarah and Dan stayed over dinner and talked of their plans. Sarah described the farm and the old couple, Jacob and Lilly, and how much she had fallen in love with the countryside. She even confessed some of her personal journey and the harsh but true words of the professor during her interview.

  “I don’t know dad,” She sighed between bites, “Somewhere along the road I found myself in the loss.”

  Ray gave a warm smile and continued to listen. Dan explained the property and his plan to purchase the home right away using his savings from the business he ran in town.

  “I figure it’s not that bad of a commute,” Dan nodded, “And I have been toying with the idea of a manager for a while. This gives me an excuse and business is booming.”

  After dinner Ray hugged them both tightly goodbye, seemingly overjoyed that he was gaining both a son-in-law and a grandchild. He laughed as they got back on the bike and yet, Sarah noticed a single tear of happiness shimmering on his cheek in the porch light. They drove off for one more ride back to her apartment to make plans for their rest of their lives together in love. Along the way she savored the feeling of relief. Not only had Dan proven true to his words, and was really in love with her, but her father had accepted the idea easier than she could have expected him too. Now they had the chance to be free to love one another for the rest of their lives. She thought back again to the
old couple. That will be Dan and I someday. She smiled and gripped his waist tighter. He took a single hand and placed it on hers as he drove, caressing her fingertips. He had found his true love in the strangest of places, on Route 66, but then again anything can and will happen on the open road.


  The green pinto pulled up the long dirt drive, followed by Dan’s motorcycle and a U-Haul van. She stopped and gazed up at the two story, powered blue farm house. My new home I can’t believe it. She glanced down at her full stomach and sighed. And not a moment too soon I am due any day now. She stepped out and met Dan at the door. He stopped her short of walking inside.

  “Hey wait a second there,” he laughed, “There is a little tradition?”

  With a cautious swoop he lifted the pregnant Sarah into his strong arms and carried her over the threshold to their new home. Inside the smell of fresh paint and wood blended with wildflowers wafting in through the open kitchen window. Sarah gave a warm smile, her eyes lit up with joy. She had finally gotten her fairy tale ending, with the love of her life and a beautiful home in the country. And soon enough the next chapter would begin as she brought a happy family into the world. Her baby boy kicked wildly, as if he could sense he was in his new home. Dan leaned down and kissed his love deeply, inhaling her scent and feeling the love from her heart. The movers followed behind them, hauling in new furniture and a baby crib which they carefully walked up the stairs to the nursery. Sarah guided them as Dan began to unload some of their personal belongings. Soon her father arrived in his jeep, hauling more items and a surprise gift for his grandson, a new baseball and glove.

  “Dad,” Sarah laughed, “You and Dan I swear. It is going to be awhile before he can use that.”

  “Yeah I know,” Ray laughed, “But I couldn’t help it.”

  Suddenly a wave of pain rushed through Sarah’s uterus. She took a breath and a step back. The pain disappeared once again as Ray stood frozen in fear. A moment later another wave of pain rushed in, more intense than the first. She grasped ahold of her father arms and squeezed as the movers continued to bustle around her. All she could feel was the warm gush of something and another extremely painful wave through her backside.


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