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First Time Exhibitionist: A sexy short with voyeurs and daring public exhibitionism

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by Colby Cummings



  Colby Cummings

  Copyright 2016 by Colby Cummings. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales, is purely coincidental. Characters and places are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  All sexually-active characters are assumed to be at least 18 and unrelated by blood. Readers should be 18+ also, as this story contains graphic language of sexual subjects and taboos.

  We pulled open the sliding glass door and stepped together onto the balcony overlooking the outdoor bar and marina.

  “Oh, this is beautiful!” I said happily. Mark put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze as he took in the view.

  “This is exactly what I’ve been dreaming about. Glad you found this place. Check out all the boats rafted-up together out there. It’s one giant party!”

  “I’m so glad we finally have a long weekend for just us.” The nautical bar and marina, known as “Drifters”, was ours to enjoy for three days of kids-free fun in the sun thanks to my parents. After twelve years of marriage and two kids, any couple’s time was precious and we planned to make the most of it. A friend from my office mentioned this place and I booked it immediately. The attached hotel was right in the thick of party central and our second-floor room was in a perfect spot to take it all in. The warm gulf breeze brought with it the scent of salty sea, tropical flowers, and the aroma of grilled fish. Intoxicating! I was giddy with excitement and a sense of freedom. We planned to chill out for three days, swim at the rooftop pool, have sex in our room, and eat breakfast on the balcony the morning after. We also wanted to join the party atmosphere below. And the place was jumping. Music from the house band greeted us as we checked out the crowd below. Most customers seemed to be in their thirties and forties. Being a little upscale, there weren’t too many twenty-somethings around, which made us feel right at home. Best of all, the hotel and marina was designated “21 or older”, perfect for couples like us looking for an escape. Love those kids, but this was our time.

  “Whaddya say we go down for drinks and a late lunch?” Mark asked, then covered my mouth with a deep, passionate kiss before I could even reply. My heart jumped and I felt my panties dampen with this unanticipated display of affection. I pulled back and looked at my gorgeous husband’s face and sensual brown eyes and simply nodded before reaching in for another one of those kisses.

  * * * *

  We walked out into the huge restaurant area, threaded our way through folks at the bar, and found a raised bistro table with two stools that had just been cleared. We hopped onto our stools and Mark ordered two draft beers along with some fresh ceviche and crackers to get us started. I could feel the beat of the music on my ass as the band played a reggae tune. The air was charged with an aura of sexuality. Some couples danced, others drank and laughed, and I felt months of stress just melt away. Mark looked at me with a huge smile, excitement, and maybe something else in his eyes. Hunger? Oh, my god this was going to be so much fun! At Mark’s urging I had brought some of my sexier outfits, prettier and definitely hotter than I usually wore at home. I had on a green frilly spaghetti-strap dress that revealed a lot more cleavage than normal. The short length also showed my thin alabaster legs to great advantage, trailing down to my straw sandals and crimson nails. A natural redhead, my long curly locks cascaded over my shoulders, framing my lightly freckled face and emerald-green eyes. A small, stylish straw hat with a green band completed my outfit and gave me a little protection from the sun.

  Our waiter arrived with two frosted mugs of beer and we clinked glasses. Mark glanced at me over the rim of his glass with an appraising stare that lingered on my breasts, causing my chest to flush pink. I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “What’s on your naughty little mind, sailor?”

  He grinned wider and answered in a low growl, “Everything. You look absolutely delicious.”

  Oh, boy. Panties tingling again. I took another sip of the ice-cold beer and sighed as it slid down my throat. I studied my man’s chiseled tan face, his short-cropped black hair with just a hint of gray at the temples, and I nearly swooned. Just like I had the first time I met him in our sophomore year in high school so many years earlier. The Italian Stallion, whose dark tan provided such a beautiful contrast to my own milky skin. His eyes had flashed then, much as they were doing now at our table. Neither of us ever questioned that it was fate, or that we would be together forever. And here we were, mid-thirties and in love, anxious to spend some relaxing time together.

  Our waiter returned with our ceviche and asked if we were ready to order. Mark told him we were in no hurry but did order another round of beers.

  “Take as much time as you’d like. You can just signal me when you want something. My name’s Johnny. Enjoy!”

  “Thanks,” Mark said. “This seems like the place to be this weekend.”

  “Best place to be any time. Stick around awhile. Things are just starting to heat up. You’re liable to see it all before the night’s over. I’ve worked here three years now and don’t plan to leave anytime soon.” I figured him for about mid-twenties, casual and hunky at the same time in black shorts and a tropical open-collared shirt. “I’ll be right back with your beers.”

  I raised my eyes to Mark’s and teased, “Another round already? Trying to get me drunk?”

  “The thought occurred to me,” he smiled. “And you heard the man. The party’s just getting started.”

  We dipped into our appetizer and surveyed the scene around us. The marina was mid-sized with a mix of permanent slips and a few dozen transient slips for day-boaters who cruised in from the water to spend the afternoon and evening. Our section of tables was right along a wooden passageway that led from the hotel to the bar and out along the docks. It was a moving party with a constant flow of people strolling between the hotel and bar on out to the docks where some hung out on their boats. There was even a pontoon-boat water taxi that ferried the anchored boaters around the marina to the bar and back. Johnny was already back with our fresh beers so we raced each other to finish our first. I slammed my mug down just a split second before Mark did and we laughed, hoisting our frosty new mugs and clinking again.

  “Try to keep up, babe,” I teased. We drank our beers and surveyed the menu. If I was going to drink I’d need to get something solid in my tummy. But it was great knowing we didn’t have to worry about driving anywhere later. Mark caught Johnny’s attention and ordered a chef’s salad with grilled salmon for me and a crab cake sandwich with a side of sweet potato fries for himself.

  “Another beer, too?” he smiled. I looked at my still half-full beer and started to shake my head when Mark spoke up and said, “You can bring another round with our meal. Thanks.” I looked up to Mark’s grinning face.

  “You really are trying to get me drunk, aren’t you?”

  “Just getting into the ‘Drifters’ experience, hon.”

  “Right,” I laughed. “I know what you want to ‘get into’.” I paused and added, “And, know what? Play your cards right, party boy, and you just might get lucky!” The beer was definitely going to my head and a brief vision of being naked and ravaged by my man in ou
r hotel room flashed before my eyes.

  * * * *

  The atmosphere was becoming even more charged. A couple at the end of the long tiki bar kissed passionately while two women in bikinis twerked together in front of the band. Glancing around, I noticed lots of physical contact—arms entwined, a hand lightly touching a woman’s round ass, another resting on a tanned upper thigh. I looked back at Mark, saw the soft, curly black hairs peeking out from the top of his golf shirt, and scanned down past his shorts to his dark muscular legs and boat shoes. I suddenly wanted a little more physical contact myself and ran my fingers from his hand up his forearm to his powerful bicep. His skin was warm and inviting to my touch and he covered my own smooth forearm with his other hand as he gave me a look that told me where all of this was leading. A breeze off the water rustled past and my dress rose briefly, revealing my matching green thong. Mark definitely noticed and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

  “I love those panties on you. You’re driving me crazy, you know,” he grinned.

  “Who, me?” I said, smiling and staring directly into his smoldering dark eyes. He laughed.

  “Don’t try to play innocent with me. I think you know exactly what you’re doing.”

  “And does this trouble you in some way?” He shook his head slowly.

  “Makes my shorts a little tight.”

  “Oh dear. Whatever should we do about that?” Our teasing was causing a reaction in me as well. My nipples protruded against the soft material of my dress and a glowing heat emerged between my thighs. My god, this was fun!

  Our private little world was interrupted by Johnny returning with a tray bearing our lunch. We snapped out of our teasing banter as he set our plates before us, followed by two more frosty beers. Mark snatched his old beer, chugged it, and slammed it down before I even grabbed mine.

  “Try to keep up, babe,” he teased. Johnny just laughed.

  “Looks like you two are getting into the spirit of this place. Enjoy your meals.”

  We clinked our fresh mugs once again and drank as we eyed each other like a couple of hormonal school kids. We turned to our food and I made an exaggerated point of twirling a piece of lettuce on my tongue before closing my lips around it. Mark watched and swallowed even though he hadn’t started eating.

  The bistro table next to us emptied but was filled almost immediately with another very attractive couple. They were probably early- to mid-forties and looked stunning together. Both were deeply tanned and had blonde hair the color of spun gold. Hers was tied into a ponytail and rested on her bare collarbone. His was curly and cut short with just a hint of gray at the temples. Johnny appeared to serve them and they both flashed brilliant white smiles of recognition and stood to embrace him. Must be regulars, I thought. Though their attire was casual, it screamed “money”, as did her sparkling collection of jewelry. He was dressed in a fashion similar to Mark’s and she was elegant in a short colorful sundress with an elastic band holding it up around her breasts. She had big sunglasses perched on top of her head and could’ve easily passed for a movie star.

  “Whoa, that’s a golden couple, don’t you think?” I observed.

  Mark glanced at them as well and replied, “Very classy looking. I think they just came in off of one of the big boats docked at the end.”

  Like us, they sat close together, their knees touching. Her white heels dangled off her feet in a swaying motion, toenails ruby red. Johnny returned in a flash with mixed cocktails for both and a bowl of chips and salsa. We both gazed at them quietly as we ate our food.

  “I love the crowd here, and the atmosphere,” Mark said. “This place was a real find, babe.”

  “You mean her, don’t you?” I teased. He smiled and winked at me.

  “She doesn’t hurt the scenery, that’s for sure, but there’s something very cool about this place.” He paused and added, “Mostly, I just can’t get the vision of your thong out of my mind.”

  I felt my cheeks flush at that and once again extended my tongue to swirl it slowly around my fork. Maybe it was the beer, but I agreed with Mark that there was a sensual flow to this place, an undercurrent of electricity that seemed ready to pop at any moment. As if to emphasize this, we both noticed movement then laughter to our right as a young woman flashed her breasts to several men in their group. There was a brief roar of approval from others gathered around the bar and a smattering of applause. I think Johnny called it right. This place was beginning to turn up the heat.

  “Oh, my god. Did you just see that?” I asked.

  “Is there a correct answer to that question?” Mark joked.

  * * * *

  As we enjoyed our meals, another breeze kicked up and I noticed the lady’s dress across from us flutter up briefly around her thighs. And holy shit, she wasn’t wearing any panties! I blushed and averted my gaze before leaning over to Mark to whisper in his ear.

  “Did you see that, too?” I asked him.

  “See what?” he asked.

  I tried to look nonchalant and whispered, “Golden girl has no panties.” He raised his head quickly for a look, but the woman’s dress had settled back down.

  “Way to go, Captain Obvious,” I laughed. Mark chuckled, too, and smiled back at me.

  “That’s pure instinct at work, babe. You say something like that to a guy, you’re definitely getting a reaction.”

  “Men,” I teased.

  “I believe you’re the one who brought it up. And thank you, by the way; I’ll try to be more observant.”

  I backhanded his arm playfully and said, “Perv!”

  We continued with our meals and conversation. The band was now playing some classic rock tunes, the bar growing busier. After a while, I glanced up again as the woman’s white shoe rocked off the ball of her foot. There it was again. Only now her dress had ridden up higher and, with her legs parted slightly, I had a direct view of her pink lips and thin landing strip glistening in the sunlight. I struggled to keep my jaw from dropping and whispered for Mark to take a look. This time he was a little more subtle about it and merely nodded before looking away.

  I moved closer to Mark’s ear and said, “Anyone walking by right now could definitely see her. Do you think I should say something to her? A little warning?” Mark shook his head casually, then turned and whispered back to me.

  “I don’t think it’s an accident.”

  “What?” I said, incredulous.

  “Really. I’ve noticed it a few times now. I think they’re playing. Both of them.”

  “Are you serious? What do you mean, ‘playing’?”

  “Okay, be cool and check it out. Whenever guys walk past you towards them, she wiggles her shoe. It’s almost like she’s attracting their eyes with it. And when they look, they also see right between her legs. The couple acts casual but you can almost see them scanning the guys’ expressions for a reaction. When they get one, it’s like they share this look between them. I’m telling you. It’s deliberate. Just watch for a few minutes.” I sat there and sipped my beer and chewed my salad, watching.

  “Okay, there are two dudes about to walk past you toward them. Check out her foot as they approach,” he whispered, excitement creeping into his voice. “See? Wiggling her shoe, and there! See that? Both guys’ heads shifted and they slowed down because they saw her.” The guys continued past and the couple exchanged sly grins.

  “Are you sure?” I said softly in amazement.

  “Yeah. Keep watching. More guys coming.” Two men approached in single file and I saw her foot start to swing. It also looked like she shifted her bottom a little and opened her legs a hair wider. The first guy didn’t seem to notice but the second guy sure did, almost spilling his beer as he stopped short and tried to look like he was just pausing for the hell of it. Oh, my god. It really was true! The couple saw the reaction and seemed pleased by it.

  “Jeez, I think you’re right. I can’t believe I’m seeing this.”

  “Told you. They’re playing and getting
off on it.”

  “Anyone who walks by could see her pussy now!” I exclaimed. I was shocked by the scene unfolding in front of us. I also noticed a spreading warmth between my own legs and realized I, too, was getting a thrill out of it. Then I realized Mark probably was also. I grabbed his arm and whispered to him.

  “Pssst! Hey, you! Over here. Keep staring and you’re gonna get busted. Wait, what am I saying? You shouldn’t be looking between her legs anyway!” Mark winked at me.

  “Show me yours and I won’t have to.” I laughed out loud and covered it up by pulling Mark’s chin towards me for a kiss that ended up being a lot more passionate than I expected. When we pulled back I noticed the couple smiling at us and I couldn’t help but smile back at them. I still couldn’t believe how bold they were being, but their play was getting us going as well and no complaints about that!

  We were on our third beers at this point and I remained fascinated by the brazenness of the beautiful couple in front of us. Mark must have noticed the dreamy look in my eyes because he nudged my arm and said, “Hello? You look like you’re spacing out a little.”

  I smiled and, without a change in expression, replied, “Mmmm, just wondering.”

  “Wondering what?”

  “What it must feel like to do what she’s doing. So bold and sexy.” Mark raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Is it turning you on?”

  I sighed and said quietly, “Fuck, yes.” Mark exhaled slowly and his voice took on a low growl that said he was right there with me.

  “Are you getting wet?” The warmth and spreading pool of moisture between my legs confirmed it and I suddenly craved Mark’s fingers touching me, spreading my slick lips.


  Mark shifted in his seat and I figured he was experiencing his own reaction.

  “Uncomfortable?” I teased.

  “You know I am. You may want to finish up that salad, babe.”

  My turn to raise eyebrows now. Oh, my! Just then I glanced at the couple, who had each lowered their sunglasses as if to hide the fact they were watching the reaction of those around them. I noticed his hand had traveled nonchalantly to her upper thigh, rubbing small circles just an inch from her exposed lips. I could almost feel the touch myself and knew my thong was getting wetter by the minute. I casually motioned towards the two and Mark looked over just as the man placed two fingers on either side of her smooth mound and briefly opened her outer lips to reveal her glistening inner pink. It was like the man had read my thoughts and was giving me a personal show. A young man walked past them and did a double take, but the husband never stopped caressing her pussy. I flushed with desire. I had never thought to give such a display in public with strangers all around, and probably never would, but I couldn’t deny the idea seemed incredibly hot. Mark was trying to look cool and disinterested, but failing miserably. I glanced at his shorts and saw the telltale signs of his rising bulge.


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