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First Time Exhibitionist: A sexy short with voyeurs and daring public exhibitionism

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by Colby Cummings

  “What would you do if I showed off like that?” I asked Mark. His head whipped towards me and his eyes were wide as saucers.

  “Seriously? I’d probably come in my shorts. But, you’re usually pretty shy.”

  “Not saying I want to do it, just wondered what your reaction would be.”

  “I might get arrested for fucking you on your barstool. That’s the kind of reaction you’d get from me.” My juices were flowing like a river by this point and I could also feel those three beers weighing on my bladder.

  I leaned in to Mark and said, “I have to pee. Behave yourself till I get back.” He cupped the back of my head and drew me in for a deep, sensual kiss that surprised me. Mark and I weren’t usually into PDAs, but there was just something about this setting that made me not care.

  “Hurry back,” Mark said with a smoldering look in his eyes. I crawled down from my stool and had to steady myself by grabbing the edge of our table. Really feeling those beers.

  “You okay?” he asked, grinning.

  “Fine,” I smiled. I turned and headed towards the ladies’ room, realizing that my hips were swaying more than usual. I noticed the glances of several men, and even a couple of women, as I made my way, and felt deliriously sexy. Jeez, what is it about this place? I reached the ladies’ room and felt cool air as I entered. I looked at my flushed face in the mirror and turned on the cold water to splash myself. I reached for paper towels and pressed them to my eyes to dry off. I heard the door and opened my eyes in time to see the woman from the bar walk in.

  “Oh!” I cried out.

  “Oh, hello, dear. Sorry to startle you.” She smiled and raised her sunglasses to her head again, revealing luminescent blue eyes and a magnetic smile. “You two enjoying yourselves?”

  “We sure are. It’s our first time here.”

  Amusement flashed briefly in her eyes and she said, “That’s the magic of Drifters. We come here a lot. Let me guess, weekend for two with someone watching the kids back home?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I giggled. “Guess we’re a little rusty at being out and about.”

  “Not at all. You look very relaxed and attractive together.” She began washing her hands at the adjacent sink and I continued my cool down with the paper towels.

  It may have been the beer or the heat, but I suddenly blurted out in a whisper, “You guys are so beautiful. We love watching you. What you’re doing. I mean, oh god, I’m sorry. Too many beers.” She looked up and smiled coyly at me.

  “No need to apologize. We enjoy being a little naughty, and my husband will be pleased to hear that you’re enjoying. He has a thing for pretty little redheads.”

  “It’s just so hot,” I said.

  “You should give it a try yourself sometime. Always leads to some great sex afterwards,” she said with a wink. I flushed red again as she dried her hands and checked her makeup in the mirror. “I’m Sherry, by the way. See you back out there?”

  “Tara,” I replied. “See you.” I turned to one of the stalls, pulled my underwear down, and started to pee. The release of pressure on my bladder gave me immediate relief. When I reached to pull up my thong, I noticed the crotch was a much darker green than the rest of the fabric. Instead of pulling up I sat back down on the seat and pressed my hand against my outer lips and moaned softly at the sensations flooding through my body. Really, Tara? You’re masturbating in a public restroom? I laughed to myself over the absurdity of it, but continued to rub my clit with my eyes closed. I froze when the door to the ladies’ room opened and someone made their way to the stall two down from mine. I decided I should leave and grabbed my thong from my knees to pull it up. Something made me stop, though, and in a heady moment I pulled them down to my ankles and over my heels instead. Am I really doing this? Oh, my god. The more I thought about it the more turned on I became. I’d never done anything like this… But this place. And that couple. What would Mark really think? I mean, he always encouraged me to dress in sexy outfits, but this? I took my thong and stuffed it into my purse, then decided to leave a small piece peeking out before zipping it up. I was trembling with excitement as I unlocked the stall and washed my hands at the sink. I checked my face in the mirror and realized I was flushed with sexual heat.

  I opened the door and stepped out into the bright sunlight and the party scene that was even more animated than just a few minutes ago. Some men at the bar glanced my way and smiled, and for a second I thought I was busted. Relax, I thought. They can’t see anything. Yet. I made my way along the large deck, half-dreading, half-hoping for a gust of wind to flip my skirt. Such a slut! My heart was pounding in my chest from my little secret. As I approached our table, I saw Mark watching and smiling. I also noticed two more frosty mugs of beer on our table. Mark, broadcasting his agenda for the evening. Just wait till he figures out what I’m up to. I started to step up on the bistro chair and realized that it would be almost impossible to swing my butt onto the chair without flashing our neighbors. Here goes nothing! I couldn’t quite tell if either of them saw my brief display, but I waved to Sherry and she smiled.

  “You two met?” Mark asked with a sly grin.

  “In the ladies’ room. And it’s true,” I whispered. “They’re showing off on purpose.” We clinked glasses and each took a long pull on our fresh beers while eyeing each other. My thighs were together now, but it was thrilling knowing that I could easily expose myself to anyone who walked by if I chose to. I lifted my purse from my lap and placed it on the table. No reaction from Mark at first, but then his gaze lowered to the little band of green poking out. He looked like he was about to spray his beer all over the table, but he swallowed quickly and turned to me with a wild expression on his face.

  “Really?” he asked. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

  “Do you mind? Didn’t want our neighbors to have all the fun.”

  “Mind? Are you crazy? Hottest thing you’ve ever done, baby. Never thought I’d see it. Holy shit, I’m gonna bust through my shorts!” Mark’s enthusiasm drained any remaining doubts I had about moving forward with this secret game.

  I was really going to do this! I felt my pussy tingling and whispered to Mark, “Why don’t you be the director of this little show and tell me what you’d like me to do?”

  Mark pulled me close and thrust his tongue lustfully inside my mouth, as if we were two horny teenagers at the high school dance.

  “Seriously? Well then, why don’t you start off by returning the favor to our friends over there?” My heart jumped at the thought, but I knew it was now or never.

  “Okay, here goes.” I sat back slightly on my bar stool and casually opened my thighs a few inches. It took a moment, but then I caught recognition behind Sherry’s sunglasses and got a big smile. She turned her head subtly towards her husband and whispered to him. His gaze traveled to my legs and up to my parted thighs where I knew he was getting a glimpse of my pussy and the little triangle of red fur above it. His expression changed and he absently licked his lips. He smiled, then held his drink up as if to toast the two of us in silent appreciation. Oh, my god. I’m showing my pussy to these beautiful strangers and they’re actually into it! I could tell my lips were turning slick and my whole body felt electrified by what was happening.

  Mark tipped his beer to the couple, then looked back to me and said, “You’re amazing, babe. I don’t ever want to leave this place!”

  I didn’t either. It felt like we were on the verge of a whole new and sexy chapter in our lives, and we both wanted more. From the corner of my eye I saw Sherry casually open her thighs once more. They were very subtle beneath their sunglasses, but it was clear they were still enjoying the view and now wanted us to see again as well. My heart was pounding so hard now I could hear it in my ears.

  Mark caressed my hand then said, “Ready to take the next step?”


  “Two guys. Headed this way from the dock. Give ‘em a little peak,” he said, his voice a low growl. />
  I looked up and saw the twenty-somethings making their way toward us. Before I had a chance to question it, I shifted my ass slightly and opened my legs a little more. The two young men were tanned and toned, wearing board shorts and flip flops. As they grew nearer, I flicked my sandals as I’d seen Sherry do. The first guy was looking toward the crowd at the bar, but the second glanced my way and his eyes locked on my thighs. Bingo! He recovered quickly, but there was no denying the surprised and hungry look on his face. Mark squeezed my hand as the guy passed and I knew he’d seen it, too. I thought I might cream all over my stool, and if Mark had touched my pussy right then I would have orgasmed right there in the middle of this throng of people.

  Just then, Johnny walked over to Sherry’s table to gather some of their dishes. He lingered a moment, chatting with the couple. I wondered if he could see her exposed pussy from where he stood. Johnny then turned and headed to our table to check on us and Bam! I could tell he’d just gotten a view of my pussy, too.

  Ever the professional, Johnny smiled up at us and said, “How’s everything going here, guys? Need anything else? Dessert?” His infectious grin was fixed on his face and I couldn’t believe I’d just flashed this adorable young man.

  Mark looked towards me and said, “Let’s split a piece of key lime pie.” I shrugged why not and Johnny nodded before taking our empty plates.

  “Coming right up.”

  I looked to Mark and said, “God, I think Johnny just saw me, too! I’m so wet right now…”

  “Oh, yeah. He definitely noticed. And I get the feeling he’s familiar with the game our friends are playing, also. Don’t look now, but the two guys who walked past you before are on their way back.”

  Sherry appeared to be waiting for them, dangling her shoe provocatively. They noticed and both stopped where they were and whispered something. They glanced in Sherry’s direction, then backwards toward me. My legs were still apart and my dress had slid upwards, so the guys had a really great view. Of both of us. They stood there awkwardly for a moment, stealing glances both ways, smiling and shaking their heads. They couldn’t believe their luck! They lingered for a minute longer, then headed back towards their boat. Sherry and I noticed each other at the same time and laughed. Mark was looking between me and Sherry, and even adjusted his chair so he could see the view I was giving to people who passed by. Many didn’t seem to notice, but quite a few did—including men, women, and couples. One elegant couple approached with the woman in the lead. When she noticed my exposure, she slowed and whispered back to her man. He glanced up and I could tell his eyes had just locked on my bare pussy. Both smiled my way and the woman reached back to hold his hand, winking at me as she passed by. My cunny was on fire. I had just exposed myself to a man and a woman in the open, something I’d never dreamed of doing before. Mark squeezed my hand and I could see he was really turned on by what was happening.

  “They both saw you. Did you see the looks on their faces? Jesus, babe, if I could fuck you right here at the table, I would!”

  I felt my pussy leak some more and shuddered at the thought of doing it in front of an audience. Whoa! Where has this kink been hiding? I was totally into it. The reactions from people passing by, Mark’s obvious excitement, and even the fact that he was looking at the pussy of the beautiful woman across the table from us. Sherry’s husband was clearly enjoying the show, too, and I couldn’t believe I was leaving my bare legs open for him to enjoy. The more people passed, the more enthralled I became with this little game we were playing. I glanced back to the couple.

  “Oh, my god,” I hissed to Mark. “He’s fingering her under the table!”

  Mark simply nodded and stared. Sherry’s husband had adjusted his stool to get closer to his wife and had casually slid his hand between her legs under the table, parting her pink lips. They continued to chat quietly and the whole scene went unnoticed by all but a few passersby. All of a sudden, I felt Mark’s hand against my own upper thigh, caressing my flesh and moving subtly underneath the fabric of my dress. I was terrified and thrilled at the same time, and when his finger brushed softly against my swollen clit, I practically jolted out of my seat. While the movements were largely hidden underneath the small round bistro table, those walking by from the dock had only to glance our way to see what was going on. My pulse pounded in my ears, the rock beat and the swaying crowd all adding to the sexually charged atmosphere. Another middle-aged man noticed and I squeezed my thighs together as Mark’s finger penetrated my slick lips.

  Johnny suddenly appeared at our table, snapping me out of my bliss. He still had that boyish grin on his face, but this time there was recognition. Recognition that we were experiencing the real mystery of Drifters.

  “Here you are, folks. Still enjoying yourselves?” he asked as he placed a slice of pie and two forks between us.

  I could only nod and Mark managed a simple, “You were right about this place.” Johnny smiled and turned to leave.

  “Told you.”

  Mark withdrew his hand from my thighs, grabbed a fork, cut off a piece of the fresh key-lime pie, and raised it to my mouth. He held it there and I made a production of opening my mouth wide, extending my tongue, and sensually licking if off like I was licking Mark’s smooth cockhead. Nothing subtle about his reaction. He sighed and looked into my eyes as he cut another piece and raised it slowly to his lips. I guess two can play this game, I thought. He licked at the pie as though he were tasting my pussy, savoring the silky taste, the texture. I glanced up and saw Sherry and her husband watching our sensual play. He removed his hand from between Sherry’s tanned thighs, placed his napkin on the table, and rose from his seat. He approached Mark and extended his hand.

  “I’m Allen,” he said. “My wife and I were wondering if you’d care to join us at our table.” Mark shook the man’s hand then turned towards me as if to gauge my response. I hesitated for a split second, but then decided to just go for it.

  I smiled and nodded to Mark, who told Allen, “Sure. We’d love to. I should maybe let our waiter know we’re moving so…”

  “No worries,” Allen replied. “Johnny will see us together.”

  “Okay, then.” Mark gathered our drinks while I picked up my purse and swung my legs off the stool, flashing a couple of middle-aged guys standing near the bar. Allen picked up my pie plate and transferred it to their table.

  “Don’t forget your dessert. It’d be a shame to waste it,” he said.

  I felt a little wobbly on my feet and giggled as I stepped up onto the stool at their table. Sherry smiled and took my hand in hers to help steady me. Her hand was dry and cool and I could barely contain my excitement at what was happening. We exchanged greetings all around and I couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in Allen’s eyes as he smiled at me. My God, this stranger saw my pussy before we even said hello. I felt my face blush lightly then reached to my glass of beer as Allen raised his drink in a toast.

  “To new friends. And, perhaps, kindred spirits?” We clinked glasses and sipped our drinks.

  “You two seem to be having fun,” Sherry said, smiling.

  “Even more than we expected,” Mark said, grinning my way. “This is quite a place.”

  “One of our favorites,” Allen said. “You just never know what you might see.”

  “We’re finding that out,” Mark chuckled.

  Sherry and I were sitting facing each other on the side nearest the pathway with all the foot traffic. She opened her legs slightly and I could see her perfectly shaved pussy much better now. I felt a tingle down below, giggled a little, then casually parted mine as well. The subtle move wasn’t lost on our men, and each seemed a little in awe of the views they were getting of each other’s wives. They weren’t the only ones who noticed, however, as more glances from passersby turned into barely disguised stares.

  “You’re creating a bit of a commotion, hon,” Sherry said to me, smiling.

  I laughed and replied, “Learning all the tricks from watchi
ng you.”

  Just then two men walking in opposite directions noticed us and collided with each other, spilling their beers. Sherry grasped my hand and we both giggled like schoolgirls. Johnny approached our former table, then looked our way and smiled.

  He came over and said, “Ah, I see you guys have met. Can I get you anything else?”

  From where he was standing there was no doubt in my mind that he had a clear view under Sherry’s dress, and probably could see under my dress as well if he turned his head slightly. Sherry made no move to close her thighs. I looked for any reaction by Johnny, but he continued to play it cool.

  Sherry arched her eyebrow beneath her sunglasses and responded playfully, saying, “What did you have in mind?”

  I almost choked on a sip of beer, but Johnny just smiled wider and said, “More drinks?”

  “We’ll have another round,” I heard Mark say quickly before asking Allen and Sherry if they’d like another as well. They agreed and once again Johnny was off to the bar.

  I turned to Mark and said, laughing, “Another round? You aren’t even trying to conceal your master plan anymore, are you?”


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