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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

Page 19

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  "I was just stating facts because she's the one who'd know what to do. We can't ask Ink as her arm's still in plaster and Angel wouldn't have a fucking clue. Taylor, well I'm still trying to work her out, Maggie is too old, Paige and Chloe are too young and Savannah has fucked off to Paris, so unless you want to ask one of the strippers or whores you've made friends with over the years then I think we're screwed."

  I heard Ethan laugh at Connor's little outburst and I had to place my hand over my mouth to stifle my own sniggers.

  "What do you mean you're still trying to work Taylor out?" Mitchell asked obviously offended by what Connor had said.

  "Exactly that, she scares the shit out of me with that temper." Connor and Ethan laughed and I heard Mitchell eventually join in.

  "You and me both," Mitchell said between sniggers.

  "But this doesn't help us out guys." Ethan stated.

  "Yes it does," I walked into the living room making my presence known.

  The guys turned around to look at me with varied expressions but Connor gave me a wink.

  "You look rough!"

  "Well thank you big brother your words are so kind when I've just offered to dig you out of a hole." I made my way slowly to the sink, running the cold tap before placing a glass underneath. I felt their eyes on me and I turned off the tap and gulped down the water feeling a little better as it started to sooth my throat. My phone bleeped indicating that I'd received a text but I ignored it knowing that it would be from James, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him right now. Taking a deep breath, I turned to meet their glares, "So what would I have to do?"

  "It don't matter coz you ain't fucking doing it!"

  "Mitchell just stop trying to wrap me up in fucking cotton wool all the time. Yes I lost a baby in fucking horrible circumstances but I will not put my life on hold because of that."

  "You lost the baby on our watch Amy and I will never forgive myself for that." Mitchell was now shouting and I saw the discomfort on Ethan's and Connor's faces because when Mitch kicked off, it was usually a big drama.

  "And I told you that in confidence so that you could support me, not use it against me. Now if you don't let me help you out with this, I will never and I mean never help you out with anything again." I puffed out my chest and stood directly in front of him with my hands on my hips and I knew neither of us would back down easily so we were in for an enjoyable morning of butting heads.

  "Okay you two this isn't going to get us anywhere." Connor stood and tried to defuse the situation.

  "Don't fucking goad me Ames." Mitchell stepped forward pointing directly at me.

  I sniggered, "Look at you puffing your chest out, get off your fucking high horse and let's discuss it like adults. You're making my headache worse." I grabbed my glass from the kitchen worktop and walked into the living room so that I could sit down on the comfortable sofa.

  "Look, from where I'm sitting you don't have much of a choice and I'm prepared to help. If it's a matter of taking someone out for dinner and a little flirting then I'm your woman."

  "You were listening?" Ethan asked as he joined me on the sofas.

  "Of course!" I scoffed.

  "Mitch come and sit down please, I can help you."

  He unfolded his arms and stepped into the living room, "God you make my blood boil woman!"

  I gave him a wink and patted the seat beside me. Mitch rolled his eyes and strolled towards me and I knew that he was considering my proposal. My phone bleeped again and I took the iPhone from my pocket to look at the screen and then placed it back just as quickly.

  "Problem?" Connor asked as he narrowed his eyes.

  I shook my head not wishing to discuss in front of the guys. "I'm honestly happy to help." I said calmly placing my hand on Mitchell's leg, giving it a squeeze.

  "And are you okay with this Diesel?" I saw Mitch's intense stare as he was still clearly frustrated.

  "She can't come to any harm in a restaurant but if you're worried we could always put one of the guys outside or possibly even inside to keep a watchful eye."

  "Hello, I am actually here." I stated flinging my arms around.

  "Sorry Ames let us just sort this out." Ethan said dismissing me but I knew not to answer back.

  "Okay I'm happy with that, do we all agree?" Mitch glanced around the room to see the nods from Connor and Ethan and then turned his attention back to me. "Okay, if you're sure that you're okay to help out then that's great but can you understand our reasons for not wanting to get you involved?"

  I nodded my head because I truly did and I was grateful that the club were looking out for me but I also didn't want to be wrapped in cotton wool like they'd tried to do for the past five years.

  My phone rang again and I removed it from my pocket to see that it was James calling again. I rolled my eyes and went to place it back when Mitch snatched it from me. "What the fuck you doing?" I asked trying to grab it.

  "Why are you ignoring lover boy?" Mitch started to scroll through my messages.

  "You've over stepped the mark now Mitch, give me back my fucking phone now." I said through gritted teeth.

  Mitch handed me back my phone, "I was only trying to wind you up, chill out Ames."

  "Well it's worked." I stood from the sofa. "When's this meeting?"

  "Friday," Mitch said still assessing me.

  "Okay, I'll be ready." I walked up the corridor towards the bathroom when there was a wrap on the door, I walked back to answer but Mitch was already walking towards the door.

  "Well good morning lover boy, fancy seeing you here," Mitch said sarcastically. He stepped aside and extended his arm welcoming James into the flat before turning to me and smiling.

  "Arsehole!" I mouthed so only Mitchell could see.

  James walked into the living room and came directly towards me, "Can we please talk?"

  I glanced around the room and Ethan caught my eye, "Don't mind us Ames we're going. Thank you for breakfast." He stated gesturing to the mess left on the table where they'd helped themselves to food from my cupboards.

  "Are we?" Mitchell asked standing affronted.

  Connor also stood getting the hint, "Yes we are, we've got to do that thing."

  Mitchell played stupid to what was going on and Connor gave me a simple wave before he pushed Mitchell through the living room and out the door.

  I turned my attention back to James conscious that I looked a mess and was sporting a huge hangover from last night.

  "And to what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked trying to sound a little better than I was currently feeling inside, my head was still pounding and I could do with another couple of hours sleep. Louise and Maggie were covering the cafe for me this morning, I had said that I'd go in when I was feeling a little better but I didn't know how long this was going to take.

  "You say it like I've just turned up here out of the blue!" I shrugged my shoulders and James let out a loud sigh exasperated by my comment. "You phone me up and insult me, and because you were drunk you have no filter and can't be rational. Even sober you won't take my calls and discuss this situation like an adult." I could see the frustration on his face but I wasn't being spoken to like a child.

  "Excuse me, you come into my house and you want to tell me off like a child, that's a little ironic," I said trying to goad him.

  "Well stop acting like a child and I wouldn't have to treat you like one."

  I sniggered, "Well you do have lots of experience with children."

  "This isn't going to get us anywhere Ames. Can you please just hear me out and if you don't want to see me after that then there's nothing more that I can do."

  I gestured with my hand towards the sofa indicating that I'd listen to what he had to say so he may as well get comfortable. "Thank you." James unfastened his suit jacket and sat on the edge of the sofa resting his chin on his clasped hands.

  "Trudy, their mother died three years ago of cancer and since then I've brought the children up on my own. Well I say on
my own but I have a lot of support from my parents and from various childminders."

  James didn't look at me when he reeled of this information and I wondered if it was because he was talking about the mother of his children that he was obviously still in love with when she passed away. My insides started to ache and my heart thawed from his revelation, I had been such a bitch and he was right I hadn't given him the benefit of the doubt.

  "The reason I didn't tell you about the children wasn't to lie to you, I just wasn't sure of what was going to materialise between us and didn't want to introduce the children to someone if it was only going to be a quick fling." James looked up to stare directly into my eyes, "I like you Ames, really like you and I'd very much like us to see where this relationship may go. I know I've hurt you regarding the children but I also don't want you to think that I kept them a secret from you because of your revelation the other evening as that's not the case."

  I looked at the floor trying to analyse everything he'd just said, it was a lot to take on board but the real problem was that I really liked spending time with him and I to wanted to see where this relationship would go.

  "You're very quiet Ames, please talk to me." James shuffled up the sofa so that he was sitting beside me and took my hand, "I'd like you to come to my house this evening to have dinner with me, Hazel and Callum."


  "Yes!" He said firmly nodding his head. "I've thought long and hard about this and I want you to meet them."

  "You don't have to do this, we can go out just the two of us. I've realised that I over reacted again and I don't want to put you under any more pressure."

  "I really want you to come and the children are looking forward to meeting you." James stated looking at me hopefully.

  "They are?" I asked surprised that he'd even told them about me.

  "Yes they are. They've been asking a lot of questions lately and they want to put a face to a name, so will you come?" I heard the pleading in his voice so how could I refuse.

  "I'd love to." I said noticing the relief on James' face.

  "Well that's great, can I expect you around 7.30pm?"

  I smiled, "You most certainly can."

  "Thank you for hearing me out and I can only apologise for not telling you sooner about the kids." James stood and fastened his suit jacket.

  "And I promise not to drunk call you again." I said blushing slightly.

  "Are you sure about that because in different circumstance I can see how that could be amusing."

  I pushed him towards the door, "Sod off before I change my mind."

  I had tried numerous outfits on this evening before I decided on a pair of smart jeans and a blouse that hugged my figure but wasn't too revealing. I was conscious that I needed to make the right first impression and wanted James' children to like me.

  James had text me the address earlier and also sent me a polite message thanking me for being so understanding regarding his children. It couldn't have been easy for him but I knew exactly how he felt when he described the feeling of not telling me from the offset and how it got harder as time went on. It made me think of Blake and I could certainly sympathise with his situation.

  I let out a sigh as I nervously stood on his porch waiting for him to open the door.

  "Right on time." He stated opening the door and stepping aside so that I could enter his house.

  I walked in to the hallway and looked around at the marvellous decor. "You have a beautiful home," I said genuinely as he leaned closer to place a kiss on my cheek.

  "Thank you, my mother decorated it."

  I turned to see a young teenage girl make her way towards us from down the hallway. "And she did a magnificent job." James gave me a reassuring wink as he must have sensed my nerves.

  "Amy this is my beautiful daughter Hazel and Hazel this is my equally beautiful girlfriend Amy." I smiled and extended my hand to embrace her but she glanced at my hand with a sneer.

  "Charmed." She said with a nod of the head before she moved to link arms with her father.

  I let out a small sigh hoping that the rest of the evening would be a little easier.

  James escorted me through the property to the dining room that was situated at the back of the substantial house. This gave me the opportunity to look into their lives, most of the rooms didn't look lived in which was a shame but I suppose it was difficult with James working so hard and the children being brought up mainly by grandparents and childminders although I knew James did his best to spend time with them.

  "This is Callum," James said pointing to the young boy sitting at the dining table. Callum looked up from his iPad and gave me a vigorous wave before returning his attention back to his device. "Remember the rules, no electronics at the dinner table." Callum didn't argue and turned off the device before standing to place it on the sideboard. "Please take a seat," James said extending his arm towards the table so that I could decide where I wanted to sit.

  Our attention was drawn to the chimes of the bell indicating there was someone at the front door, and Callum jumped from his chair, "I'll get it." He said excitedly skidding over the wood flooring as he ran to the front door.

  "Go and help your brother please Hazel, and the money's on the side in the hall." Hazel rolled her eyes before taking off at a snail's pace after her brother.

  James returned his attention to me and lightly placed his hands on my upper arms. "There's nothing to worry about Ames."

  "Who said I was worried?" I asked drawing my brows together confused.

  James sniggered, "You don't have to, I can just sense it."

  I felt my cheeks flush under his scrutiny and he leaned in to give me a kiss when the children walked in with an array of boxes. I glanced towards James with a questioning look.

  He shrugged, "I could've cooked this evening but I actually want to see you again."

  I sniggered at his comment and saw how Hazel rolled her eyes, she was going to be a hard one to win over.

  "Please help yourself." James said walking over to the table to open up the pizza boxes.

  "Amy come and sit next to me." I was shocked by Callum's acceptance already but I did as I was asked and sat next to him.

  The evening flew by and the conversation was kept light skirting around anything to do with the children's mother. We played safe and spoke about hobbies and interests, music and television and I felt like I was at a job interview with some of the directed questions from Hazel.

  Once we'd finished, James stood to clear some of the plates and I went to help him, "No you don't, sit down babe you're a guest."

  I rolled my eyes and saw James click his fingers indicating that he wanted the help of Callum. He stood and started to collect the plates from the table and carefully held them on his way to the kitchen.

  "Won't be long girls." James said with a wink as he backed out of the dining room.

  "So what do you want with my dad?" Hazel asked turning her body directly towards me as she asked the question.

  "What do you mean, want with him?" I asked, confused by what she was asking.

  "Precisely that, what do you want?" Hazel crossed her arms taking a defensive stance.

  "It's early days but I would like to spend some time getting to know him better." I replied hoping that this answered her question.

  "The problem is though Amy, I don't want someone like you hanging around." My mouth fell open from her harsh words and bobbed open and shut from her vile statement as I was lost for words.

  "Isn't that your father's decision though?" I managed to say once I'd composed myself.

  Hazel shrugged before continuing, "But like any good father should do, he always listens to the opinions of his lovely children." Hazel smirked.

  "I don't understand why you're being mean Hazel, I'm not trying to take the place of your mother."

  Hazel scoffed, "You'd never replace her even if you tried. She was loving, caring and wanted only the best for Callum and myself."

p; "And I wouldn't want to but I'm pleased you have such fond memories of her."

  "Did you know that my dad's a doctor and soon to be a consultant?"

  "Yes I did, and he's worked very hard to get where he is."

  "Exactly, so what would he want with a woman that works in a cafe?" I pondered her questions but was interrupted when James stepped into the room.

  "What are you two girls talking about?" James asked .

  "You know daddy, just girlie stuff." Hazel stated like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth as she gave me a sly wink.

  James and Callum joined us at the dining table again and the conversation quickly turned to neutral territory although Hazel continued to ask questions about my job and education.

  "Did you have a coat Amy?" James asked as he walked me to the door.

  "Oh yes I left it in the dining room."

  I started to walk back in the direction we'd just come from, when James placed his hand on my upper arm, "It's okay, stay there I'll go and get it."

  As James rushed off to retrieve my jacket Hazel smirked and placed her hands behind her back, she almost looked angelic but little did everyone know including her father that she was a little bitch.

  "I'm assuming that we won't see you again after this."

  I shook my head lightly in amazement, "I'm finding it difficult to understand why you wouldn't give me the benefit of the doubt Hazel. I'm not trying to be your mother and I certainly wouldn't want to take your fathers time away from you."

  "Now I'm finding it difficult to understand why you're still here." She stated with a slight smile.

  Her words stung and I couldn't believe that a fourteen year old could be so vile and nasty towards a complete stranger.

  "Hazel could we at least try to get on for the sake of your father?" I asked keeping my cool but finding it difficult as she was slowly starting to irritate me.

  "I'm obviously not making myself very clear, you end it tonight with my father or I will make things very difficult around here." Hazel placed her hands on her hips as she gave her demands.

  "Why would you want to make him unhappy?" I asked not understanding her motives.

  "It won't take him long to forget about you, it didn't with all the other women he's been seeing."


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