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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

Page 20

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  Her words continued to sting as she tried to get me to take the bite but I wouldn't stoop so low and give her the satisfaction.

  "Ah this is nice seeing the pair of you getting along so well." James stated as he entered the hall. Hazel smirked and walked over to James to wrap her arm around his waist. James bent down slightly to place a kiss on the top of her head and her smirk grew with the satisfaction of trying to goad me.

  "Amy was just telling me all about the food she cooks in the cafe. Your job sounds very...what's the word I'm looking for...erm...possibly stimulating?" Hazel raised her brows and displayed a sarcastic tone to her expression.

  "It's very stimulating Hazel. Maybe when you're old enough to go out on your own, you and your friends may want to come there for a drink." I smiled back at her although I wanted to face plant the little brat.

  Hazel opened her mouth to respond to my comment but James interrupted, "That's very kind of Amy to invite you and your friends, isn't it Hazel?"

  She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes as we stood in the hall sizing each other up. I so wanted to start a relationship with James but I didn't want to be competing for James' attention with a fourteen year old.

  James left Hazel's side and walked towards me, I instantly saw the disappointment register on Hazel's face as James wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me towards the door.

  "When can I see you next?" he asked leaning in to take my mouth. Hazel's eyes watered, she quickly turned on her heels and briskly walked down the hallway towards the staircase.

  I quickly turned my head to the side so James kissed my cheek rather than my lips. "I'm not sure, I'm pretty busy at the cafe for the next couple of days and I've got to do a couple of shifts at the refuge." I needed time to decide what I was going to do. I didn't want a child dictating what I could or couldn't do but she was obviously hurting about something so I wanted to see if I could explore that before I made any decisions.

  James smiled, "Okay babe just keep me posted." I nodded my head indicating that I would, and he leaned in again to take my mouth. This time I allowed him but as I opened my eyes, I saw Hazel sitting on the stairs watching us with unshed tears. I quickly ended the kiss, "James it's getting late, I really should make a move so you can get the children to bed."

  He brushed the side of my face with his thumb, "You're always so thoughtful." I leaned into his touch and briefly savoured the notion before I pulled away.

  "I'll be in touch." I opened the front door and walked down the steps as I pressed the button to open the central locking on my car.

  What the hell was I going to do? I'd fallen for James hard and things seemed to be on track before I'd met his adolescent daughter. I sat in the driver's seat and closed the door behind me before fastening my seatbelt. I had a lot to think about this evening and I needed to ease back from James in order to make the right choice. I wanted to make a decision based on my feelings alone, after all I'd been through over the years my happiness was important but I couldn't just brush aside the way Hazel was feeling. Despite how much she annoyed me, she was only a child and her feelings were as equally as important.

  I waved to James as he stood by the front door making sure I got into my car safely and I drove from his drive and down the street but my thoughts were all over the place, I needed to speak to someone and sooner rather than later.

  "Maggie are you okay to talk?"

  "Of course Amy, what's the matter?"

  I let out a sigh, "I've just had dinner with James and his two children."

  "Okay, and how did that go?"

  "The dinner went well."

  She sniggered, "Dinner was the least of your worries, what about the children?

  "Callum is lovely, he's eight years old."

  "And what about the teenage girl?"

  "Well she is also lovely..."

  "I sense a but!"

  "But when James isn't around she's vile. Hazel has threatened to ruin everything if I continue to see James."


  "What do you mean ahhh?" I asked confused.

  "Well she could make it very difficult."

  "Thanks for your words of support and encouragement Maggie." I sniggered trying to make light of our conversation.

  Maggie laughed, "I'm only telling you how it is. I have twin girls remember and gave birth to the biggest manipulator of them all."

  Now it was my turn to laugh, "Okay you win there, so how do I deal with Hazel."

  "Well you can do one of a couple of things. You could possibly talk to her and explain that you're not trying to take her dad away from her."

  "Erm...I don't think she'd listen but go on."

  "You could tell James but she may continue to be vile when he's not around or you could..."

  "Or I could what Maggie?"

  "Or you could end it altogether!"

  I went quiet as I processed what she'd just said. The thought had briefly crossed my mind, not because I wanted to but because I didn't want to cause Hazel any distress. When I left James' house I thought I could be tough and decide what I wanted to do for my own happiness but if I was hurting Hazel in the process of being with James, was that really the right thing to do?

  "Are you still there?"

  I had drifted off into my own thoughts that I forgot that I still had Maggie on the other end of the phone. "Sorry Maggie, I was just processing what you'd just said."

  "So what you thinking?"

  "I'm thinking I've got a very busy couple of days ahead trying to sort my life out."

  Chapter 16


  I listened to the latest message on my phone before placing it into the breast pocket of my jacket and let a loud sigh of frustration. I had taken the cowards way out and was ignoring James' calls because I hadn't yet decided what I truly wanted to do about the situation, but I knew that if I left it much longer the decision may be taken out of my hands altogether.

  "Good morning," Frank greeted me as I exited the car Maggie had loaned me.

  I walked towards Frank to place as kiss on his cheek, "Morning Frank I really appreciate you doing this for me." He handed me an envelope and I placed it directly into my handbag.

  "Aren't you going to count it?"

  I looked at him puzzled, "I trust you Frank, and if you have short changed me I know where you live." I gave him a quick wink before turning on my heels and headed for the clubhouse to see Mitchell, I needed to speak to him regarding the money he was donating to the refuge.

  "Good morning," I stated breezing into the clubhouse.

  A few of the guys turned around to greet me with a wave or a quick nod of the head before returning to their business. I made a beeline for the bar but was stopped in my tracks when someone grabbed me from behind and spun me around. I looked up at Blake's cocky expression as he grabbed my right hand and placed his other hand on my hip so he could waltz with me around the clubhouse. This got the attention of the other guys and they clapped and cheered as Blake guided me effortlessly around the room. For a big guy he could move and I remembered the feelings I'd experienced years ago when we were seeing each other. Blake pulled me in close and I breathed in the familiar scent until he span me from his embrace and back into it again as I curled into his body. The song ended and I giggled like a school girl as Blake bowed and I curtsied to a round of applause.

  "See I can still make you laugh!" Blake whispered into my ear as he brushed his scruff gently on the side of my cheek.

  My smile grew wider, "That you most certainly can."

  "Have you got a minute, I'd like to apologise for the other evening and have a quick chat."

  I glanced at my watch, I could possibly give him an hour of my time as the cafe was being covered and I wasn't due at the refuge until later this afternoon. I nodded my head slowly and Blake's broad smile warmed my insides as he pulled at my wrist and directed me to a table in the far corner away from the other club members so that we could talk. I noticed a few of them watch the intera
ction, probably making sure that everything was okay because of the previous altercations.

  I sat opposite Blake giving me the needed distance between us, the sexual chemistry had always been electric and the mere touch of his hand on my skin brought back some of the fabulous memories that we'd shared together.

  "What you thinking?"

  I shook my head, "Nothing, why?"

  "I know that look Ames."

  "Don't do this Blake, if you have something genuine to say then I'm prepared to listen but let's not reminisce."

  "You're thinking about us."

  "Us? There is no us Blake."

  "So if I do this, you're telling me that it still doesn't affect you?" Blake grabbed my clasped hands that were resting on the table between us, and stroked my skin gently starting at my hand and slowly worked his way up my arm. I removed my hands from his grasp and the wicked smile I had grown so much to love covered his beautiful face.

  I shuffled on the seat pretending that I needed to get comfortable but all the while trying to douse the ignition of flames inside my body, "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked, trying to take his attention away from my discomfort.

  "Being inside gave me time to think."

  "You've been inside for longer than that before so what was different this time?"

  "I was in isolation a lot of the time, the new warden doesn't want any trouble between rival MC's leaking into the press so where possible he kept Aces, Skulls and Havoc's separated."

  "Sensible man!"

  Blake nodded. "But in the mean time it gave me a lot of time to think babe." He let out a loud sigh, "I know that I ran out on you and made a rash decision to leave for Norfolk but I was hurting babe." I sat quietly not wanting to stop his flow, he obviously needed to get all of this off his chest. "But like you say there's no point reminiscing, I need to look to the future and that's why I jumped at the opportunity to join the Essex chapter again and start a fresh."

  "I'm pleased for you Blake, I hope you're be happy here I really do."

  He looked at me intently, "I don't think I'll be truly happy unless I have you in my life."

  "Blake please don't do this."

  "You keep saying that Ames but is that because you don't want to hear it or you don't want to face what it could be?" Blake sat forward expectantly.

  "I'm with James now."

  "Are you? Because from what I've heard you haven't taken his calls for three days and you continue to ignore them now while sitting with me."

  He was right, my phone had vibrated a few times while sitting here indicating that I'd received a text, and they were probably from James as he continued to chase.

  "It's complicated!"

  "It always is but if it's worth fighting for, you'll do it."

  During the time we spoke, there was an influx of club members arriving and I was conscious of outstaying my welcome. I quickly glanced around the room and Mitchell caught my eye, his raised brows told me all I needed to know and he wasn't happy about me talking to Blake. I shuffled in my seat under his scrutiny and noticed that Blake had followed my gaze, thankfully Mitchell's attention had now turned to Blake and I was able to grab for my handbag and get ready to leave. Blake had only added to my frazzled brain and I needed time away in order to try and think straight.

  "Church, now!" Mitch bellowed as he backed up still staring at Blake.

  I stood from the chair ready to leave, "Where you going?" Blake asked as he returned his attention to me.

  I looked around the room to see the guys stream into the back room, "You've got Church I better be going."

  "They won't start yet, Diesel and Justice aren't back." Blake held out his hand and moved around the table so that he was standing beside me. I looked at his outstretched arm questioningly as Blake smirked, "I want to dance with you."

  I sniggered, "Dance!"

  "Yeah, like we used to."

  "We were always drunk when we danced Blake."

  "Well, it will be even better when we're sober." I glanced around the room to see a few stragglers making their way into the back room and returned my attention to Blake, "What's a matter Ames, are you chicken?"

  I raised my brows as I looked at him unimpressed, "Chicken?"

  "Yeah chicken!"

  Blake new exactly what he was doing and I wouldn't turn down a challenge." I placed my hand in his and pulled him towards the small stage in the corner of the room by the bar, and positioned my hands around his neck so that I could initiate the dancing. Blake grabbed my waist and pulled me close so that he could take charge and wiggled his brows as he pressed his semi erect cock into my stomach.


  "What?" he sniggered. "I can't help it, you know it has a mind of its own."

  I let go of his neck to flick my hair behind my shoulders, then returned my hands. Blake's eyes looked alight as he glared at the soft skin at the crook of my neck and I instantly knew what he was going to do. He lowered his head to place his cheek against mine before turning it so that his mouth brushed ever so slightly against my skin. This action sent a shiver down my spine and I could feel my body react instantly to his touch as he continued to gyrate his hips and push his now hard cock against me.


  "Shhh babe, I've wanted to do this for five long years." Blake brushed his lips further down my neck until he reached my shoulder and sank his teeth into my inviting skin, he swirled his tongue gently and as he pulled away he sucked hard and I knew that he'd left a mark. He quickly licked over the spot trying to sooth the area and lay small sweet kisses on my skin as he continued to send shivers up and down my spine. Our movements had now slowed but I rubbed my hands across his head pulling him deeper towards my neck.

  "Mmhmm!" I quickly opened my eyes as I was made aware of someone else in the room, I enjoyed being an exhibitionist but it needed to be on my terms. I heard the chuckles as I tried to see where they were coming from and glanced towards the main doors to see Ethan and Daryl.

  "Don't mind us Amy, I'm all for a little floor show." Daryl walked further into the room and winked as he leaned against the bar.

  "Shut your mouth Justice and you get your fucking hands off her." Ethan stated angrily as he pointed from Daryl to Blake. "Now if you two want to rekindle whatever that was all those years ago then that's great but you're not doing it on my time. Get your fucking arse in that room now." He spat pointing to the meeting room out the back. "And you need to be leaving." Ethan very rarely raised his voice to me but when he did, I knew that I wasn't to argue no matter how strong the desire was to rip strips off him.

  "Come on Justice and you."

  "Oh no I'm not going anywhere coz it's just got interesting!" Daryl nodded behind us and I saw the recognition on Ethan's face, I slowly turned already knowing who was standing behind us.

  "Good morning," James said calmly as he stepped further into the room from the dark corridor. My mouth bobbed open not knowing what to say as James breezed past us in the direction of the exit holding a green folder. "I'll return these once I've spoke to my father." Ethan gave a quick nod and James continued his stride towards the door.

  "Get off me," I swatted at Blake's hands to get him to release his firm grip around my waist.

  "Well, how you gonna explain that one?" Daryl sniggered.

  "Maybe she don't fucking have to explain shit," Blake shouted across the bar standing up for me.

  I needed to defuse the situation as it would quickly escalate, "For fuck's sake chill out." I stepped from the stage and grabbed my handbag from the table I'd left it at, "I'll go and tell him how it is."

  Ethan caught up to me and placed his arm across the doorway preventing me from exiting the building, "And how is it exactly Ames?" he asked glaring at me.

  I turned my head to see Blake still standing on the stage taking in my every move before I turned my attention back to Ethan, "I don't know yet but I need to make a decision very quickly."

  He slowly removed his arm and I briskl
y walked from the clubhouse so that I could speak to James but I was too late, as he was already driving from the yard.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" Frank asked as he walked across the yard putting on his cut.

  "You wouldn't want to be in my head right now Frank."

  "Let an old man give you a piece of advice, life is too short Amy. Now I know that expression is thrown around all the time but people don't really listen to the words. I'm an old man now, and I remember my teenage years as if they were yesterday. I don't feel old inside, it's only when I look in a mirror that I realise just how old I am."

  "Where you going with this Frank?"

  "You need to do what makes you happy. Now I don't know if that will be with Recon, James or neither but life is too short so spend it with the person that makes you smile and feel alive." Frank patted me on the back as he strolled past me heading for the clubhouse.

  "Spend it with the person that makes you smile and feel alive," I said aloud repeating Frank's words. Well if that was the advice that I needed to follow, I knew who I wanted to be with but how did I break it to the other person?

  Chapter 17


  "It's been a long fucking day I'm knackered." I took a long swig of my bottle of Becks and enjoyed the cold liquid slide down the back of my throat. The sound of screeching tyres alerted us to a vehicle coming into the yard and Duke, Diesel and I immediately stood ready for action.

  "Oooo, one of us is in trouble," Spike sniggered as we watched James exit his SUV aggressively and stomp across the yard in our direction.

  "Shut up Spike!" Diesel said under his breath trying to take the smile from his face as he nudged him.

  "You okay there James, you look like you can do with one of these." Duke stated holding up an unopened beer.

  James completely ignored the guys and I saw the menace on his face as he surged towards me but it was too late for me to react. He pushed his fist forward with all that he had and made contact on my cheek pushing me back and making me lose my footing. I landed on my arse with a thud and skidded across the hard gravel until the brick wall stopped my momentum.


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