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Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection)

Page 2

by Marco Vassi

  The scene in the car was as gaudy as I had hoped. We drank brandy from a flask until I was practically paralyzed, which is what I suppose he wanted. And I just went along and drank until I fell back on the leather seatcovers, almost in a swoon. In a flash he was all over me, pawing my breasts, grabbing my ass, flinging his body on top of mine. Before I went completely under, I saw myself as I would appear through the window of the car, a pretty and sophisticated girl, her dress up over her thighs and pulled down over her breasts, lying almost spread-eagled in complete abandon, while a young man vented his lust upon her.

  He climbed up on the seat and unzippered his fly. “This is what you said you wanted,”‘ he panted. “Now come on, open your mouth. Open those beautiful lips and suck my cock. Come on, put my fat cock in your mouth.”‘

  I rolled my head toward him and felt the swollen head of his cock brush against my lips. I felt a constriction in my chest. It wasn’t something I had done that often, and my sophistication began to desert me. He pushed forward and the huge thick rod insinuated itself between my lips. And then before I could take a breath, it was inside my mouth. I gasped, and he took the chance to push further, and his throbbing cock lodged itself right into my throat. I gagged and tried to push him away, but he pinned my hands down.

  Now I was under him, and he was fucking me in the mouth. “Oh, beautiful,”‘ he hissed. “You look beautiful with my cock splitting your mouth open.”‘ He pulled back and I gasped for air, and to my astonishment, found myself covering his cock again. This time I wrapped my tongue around the shaft and began to lick it. I could feel it swelling and throbbing. I became slightly delirious and went a little wild. I started to moan and he began pumping again, his hips beating rapidly as his cock slid in and out of my mouth. It was now slick and engorged and hot, and I could taste the first drops of pre-seminal fluid.

  “Suck it, suck it, suck it,”‘ he chanted, and I responded by doubling my activity, drawing him in and letting him slide into my throat until I choked, and then expelling him, panting, and beginning again by slowly licking the rod from its base to the tip.

  “Come on, Julie,”‘ he said, his voice cracking slightly. “Oh . . . you cocksucker,”‘ he crooned, and with that let his orgasm burst, his cock spurting wildly in my mouth, the sticky jism splashing on my tongue and into my throat. I retched and almost vomited at the sensation, but I held onto my control until his entire climax had spent itself and his cock hung between my lips. I didn’t want to swallow his cum but I couldn’t hold it any longer without gagging violently, and so I relaxed and let the load ooze down until I gulped and consumed the entire thing. His cock pulsed once more and he pulled it out slowly.

  I sank slowly away from the experience and from consciousness, and wasn’t roused until I felt his fingers between my legs. My panties had been removed and he was shoving two fingers violently in and out of my pussy. I could barely feel anything at all, and lay as though I were tied down. He may have thought me unconscious and that seemed to be adding to his frenzy. The thought that I had passed out from too much drink and he was now fucking me seemed to describe the epitome of any erotic fantasies he may have had.

  He lifted my legs until they were over his shoulders, and my cunt and ass curved out at him, utterly open and vulnerable. “Gonna fuck you . . . fuck you . . . shove it up your hole . . . put it in your pussy . . . hot pussy . . . wet pussy . . . “‘ he crooned to himself. And then fell upon me, his cock, hard and re-charged, plunging between my thighs. I groaned, and passed out again.

  I don’t know how long he fucked me, but I remember coming to a number of times, and each time the scene that greeted me was the same. Hank was crouched over me, his arms holding my legs, his pelvis pumping steadily, his cock churning deep into my cunt, sliding, sliding, sliding. I felt no specific sensation, but a gradual heat began to build, until near the end my box was like an oven, burning with friction. I had lost all distinction between cunt and asshole. There was only a huge hot pit between my thighs, and each stroke of his cock was like another shovel of coal thrown onto the flames.

  I did nothing but open and open, and even when my legs would split no wider, my cunt continued to spread. It was ironic that I needed to get so drunk to allow this to happen, and that very drunkenness was taking the edge off the experience. But then I thought that if I were cold sober, I wouldn’t be able to stand the heat that was boiling in my loins and belly.

  Finally, I heard him begin to build. His breath changed rhythm and pitch. “Come on,”‘ he urged, “‘come on, you cunt. Come!”‘

  His words triggered the connection between my mind and my pussy, for I had disassociated one from the other, my cunt building its enormous charge and my mind either spinning off or lapsing into darkness. Now I brought them together and began to direct myself toward orgasm. As he rode me faster and more vigorously, I let the deep throbbing in my twat settle into a single, discrete rhythm, and I focused my attention on it, nursing it along. I began to cooperate with his movements and started to thrust my pelvis up to meet his swoops into me, at the same time twisting my ass on the seat to feel his cock hit different parts of my cunt, also adding to his sensations.

  The timing clicked, and before I could do anything else we were both swept up into a single climax, his entire body jerking spasmodically from his toes to his neck, while his cock pulsed violently deep inside my hole. At almost the same second, heat and rhythm coalesced in me into a single sensation of melting, and I yielded totally to it, crying out as my legs trembled and my ass shook and my cunt pounded and the juices ran out of me and over his cock and onto the leather.

  I heard Hank whisper, “Christ, what a fantastic fuck,”‘ just before I passed out for the final time that night.

  He must have taken me back to my room, undressed me and put me into bed, for the next thing I remembered was the doorbell ringing insistently. I opened one eye and looked at the clock. It was one in the afternoon, a Sunday. I wasn’t expecting anyone and hoped it wouldn’t be Hank back for more. My head ached, my tongue was thick, and my cunt felt like it had been filled with tabasco sauce. But the caller wouldn’t stop, and I rolled off the bed and onto my feet, my legs almost collapsing under me, the muscles sore from the sustained stretching they had received. I looked around for something to wear, couldn’t see my clothes, and finally tore the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around myself. Looking and feeling like the survivor of a car crash, I staggered to the door.

  “All right,”‘ I yelled, “I’m coming.”‘

  I reached the door just as I remembered that those were the last words I had used before falling into unconsciousness, and the incongruous link struck a chord in my sense of humor. Ready to let my visitor have no nicety for waking me up, I started to laugh at the situation and opened the door. And almost fell on my face.

  Standing there was Jeff, the incredibly beautiful giant who had come into the bathroom the night before. We stared at each other for a full fifteen seconds, and then he smiled.

  “Still laughing?”‘ he asked.

  My mouth fell open and forgetting that I was holding the sheet, I let my hands drop. The cloth fell to the floor and suddenly I was standing in front of him without a stitch of clothing.

  He took a long look at me and said, in a voice that held an edge of amused irony, “And totally naked this time.”‘ He gazed at my breasts, then looked back into my eyes, and added, “I liked the bottom half very much last night. The top makes you one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.’”

  A breeze blew in from the street behind him and I was suddenly aware that there were people passing by on the sidewalk, and even though his huge body largely hid me from view, I suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

  “I thought that after the party you might be needing a cup of coffee.”‘ He paused. “May I come in? I’ll fix it while you’re getting dressed.”‘

  I stepped back, dumbfounded, and h
e came into the living room closing the door behind him. Seeing the expression on my face, and handing me back the sheet which he had picked off the floor, he said, “There’s nothing mysterious. You turned me on. And I wanted to see you again. That’s all.”‘

  “But how did you know who I was?”‘ I began.

  But he cut me off. “Put something on,”‘ he said. “If you stay naked I’ll probably wind up fucking you right here on the rug. And I think it would be more pleasant if we talked first. Don’t you?”‘

  “I’ll take a shower,”‘ I mumbled, and turned to go to the bathroom, aware that his eyes were drinking in my ass. I couldn’t think coherently enough to build a quick context for what was happening, but I decided not to try until I had showered, dressed, had some coffee, and talked to the man who I already instinctively felt was about to change the course of my life.


  From the moment I stepped into the living room and found Jeff sitting on the couch, a pot of steaming coffee and two cups on the table in front of him, I knew that I was in a different league from any I had played in before. The sheer size of him continued to astonish me, and it was the most natural thing in the world for me to imagine what it would feel like to have that gorgeous body ramming violently between my legs. I later learned that he weighed two hundred and forty-six pounds, every bit of it hard, rippling muscle. I wondered if his cock was in proportion to the rest of him.

  He stood up as I entered, and just seemed to keep rising as he towered over me. I’m five-nine and have considered myself a pretty big girl, but next to him I felt like a child.

  “You look refreshed,”‘ he said as he came toward me. Before I could reply his arms were around my back. I grew weak and melted in his embrace. His chest was like cliff rock, his belly a flat sheet of iron, and his thighs like tree trunks against my own. He crushed me to him and I realized that he could easily crack my entire rib cage without even trying. His hands slid down and cupped my buttocks, although he could have held my ass in one of his huge hands. When his lips covered my own, I almost fainted; I was drawn into the magnetism of his animal strength. But his lips were gentle, soft, and his kiss was as soft as a falling autumn leaf touching the earth. When he released me, I was trembling from head to toe.

  “Who are you?”‘ I whispered.

  “My name is Jeff Arnheiser,”‘ he said, and paused, as though waiting for a reaction.

  “If that’s supposed to ring a bell, I’m afraid it doesn’t.”‘

  “Football?”‘ he coaxed.

  “Oh, you,”‘ I said, his name suddenly flashing in my memory. He had been one of the school’s great all-time players, and his exploits filled the papers weekly during the season. I had read of his receiving a contract to play for Seattle, at a starting salary of $40,000 a year plus an undisclosed bonus.

  He smiled. “But I know who you are without your having to tell me. Name: Julie Shepherd. Major: Psychology. Voted by a secret meeting of professional girl watchers as the woman who combines the most beautiful ass, the most luscious tits, and the most dangerous mind of any coed on campus.”‘

  I was taken completely aback, and wasn’t sure whether he was joking. His grip tightened around my waist and I was pulled tightly into him, feeling his cock hard against my belly. I was in peril of being swept off my feet and while part of me was thrilled, another part told me that it was unsafe to let a man, even one as glorious as this one, take too commanding a position.

  But he was relentless. “I didn’t recognize you last night,”‘ he said. “That scene was just so strange, and it wasn’t until a half hour later that I realized who it was that was sitting there. But by then Hank had whisked you off, probably, if I’m not mistaken, to fuck you in the back seat of his car.”‘

  “That was my idea,”‘ I told him, looking into his eyes and continuing to melt from the heat of his body. “Is he part of your team of women watchers?’”

  “Hank’s all right,”‘ Jeff said, “just a little dumb, that’s all. Tell me,”‘ he intoned in a low lascivious voice, “was it good?”‘

  “Why don’t you ask him,”‘ I shot back, a little angry.

  “I already did,”‘ he said. Then, without warning, he slipped one hand between us and cupped his fingers over my cunt. I had put on a pair of shorts and a blouse after the shower, and now his hand had slipped between my thighs and was massaging my pussy and ass crack. I squirmed in pleasure and discomfort. “And I figured that if a girl like you is fucking a boy like him, you must be more than a little horny.”‘

  “I don’t know whether I like your attitude,”‘ I said.

  I don’t know how our little bit of badinage would have continued if the doorbell hadn’t rung. “Damn,”‘ I said, and went to answer it, and was stunned to see Hank standing there. He leered at me, and then his face fell when he saw Jeff in the living room. I saw fear and resolve in Hank’s eyes, and he stepped inside.

  “Cutting in on my girl is a dirty trick,”‘ he said in a voice that shook a little. I had to admire his courage, but had to agree with Jeff that he was a little dumb. Jeff walked up to him very slowly and then planted his weight right in front of Hank’s body. Hank wasn’t small, but Jeff made him look like an adolescent.

  “She isn’t your girl,”‘ Jeff said. “She’s her own woman. And right now she is choosing to be with me, so maybe you’d better go peddle your papers somewhere else.”‘

  Hank started to protest but Jeff grabbed his shirt, gave one yank, and lifted him clear off his feet. Then he pushed him backwards and pinned him against the wall. His eyes were blazing. I got a sense of his enormous strength and felt my knees wobble at the thought that he would probably soon be fucking me. I knew he wanted me, and I knew there was no way in the world I could resist.

  “You’re a nice kid, Hank,”‘ Jeff said, “I’d hate to have to break your arms and legs.”‘

  He let Hank down and stared at him until the poor boy turned sheepishly and went back out the door. Jeff turned to me, and his eyes were smoldering. “Now,”‘ he said, “get out of those clothes. I’ve waited long enough.”‘

  All my resentment at being bossed around by men disappeared in the realization that up to that moment I hadn’t met a man who was man enough to get away with it. And an ancient female sense of surrender filled me and made me subservient. I didn’t know where this was taking me, but I didn’t care. I turned around and walked toward the bedroom, feeling Jeff’s piercing gaze penetrate the cloth and cover my ass.

  He followed me into the bedroom, closed the door behind him, and crossed his arms over his chest. I knew what he was waiting for and I was more than a little ready to oblige. I reached down, grabbed the bottom of my blouse, and lifted it slowly over my head. As I pulled it up, first my belly and then my tits were bared to his gaze. I threw it to one side and stood there, my breasts thrusting out proudly, the nipples already wrinkled.

  “The shorts,”‘ he said, “I want to see your cunt.”‘

  I unhooked the button and slid the zipper down. Then, in a gesture that is as old as burlesque, I raised first one leg and then the other, slipping each out of the brief pants. In a few moments my suntanned body was completely naked.

  He grinned and followed suit, jerking off his shirt and then stepping out of his pants. He wore no underwear and I was quickly able to see what my bed-mate to be looked like. I almost gasped in astonishment. He was perfectly proportioned, his legs solid and tapered, with thickly muscled calves and immense thighs, his chest broad and covered with curly black hair. His arms were as thick as my legs, and my glance went finally to his cock, already stiff, and jutting out what seemed like a foot in length from his pubic hair. Looking at him, I felt utterly feminine, soft and curvy and receptive. My cunt twitched and I knew that the hunger I had tried to satisfy the night before was only the pale shadow of a ravenous need that I had been afraid to fully admit. And if there were a man
anywhere who could satisfy that need, surely it was Jeff.

  He came toward me and without thinking I fell on my knees, almost worshipfully. He put his hands on my shoulders and directed his cock toward my lips. I felt faint at the thought of that huge engine in my mouth, and I leaned forward to kiss the flaring purplish crown, and then licked the few drops of fluid from the tip.

  “A beautiful and intelligent woman on her knees sucking cock is the most thrilling experience in the world,”‘ he said. And with that he pushed his cock toward me, parting my lips, and forcing the whole huge head of it into my mouth.

  I was totally overwhelmed. Just the smell of him was exciting, a rich pungent aroma of male flesh. I took a deep breath and took the cock as far into my mouth as it would go, but I was only a third of the way down the shaft. I was stuffed with cock and it seemed not another bit could enter me. But he had other ideas. He pushed my head downward and changed the angle of penetration until he was hitting at the base of my throat. I began to gag and he pulled back, but soon renewed his efforts.


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