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Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection)

Page 3

by Marco Vassi

  “Down your throat, Julie,”‘ he hissed, “I want to shove my cock down your throat.”‘

  I started to struggle, but something in me gave way, and I just relaxed and let him do it. I made my mouth as soft and pliable as my cunt, and let him fuck me the way he wanted. He began to stroke in and out easily, leaving me time to breathe, but his movements soon became more insistent and harder. With each thrust he penetrated more deeply. My legs started to vibrate and my tits were pressed against his thighs. My eyes started to water and my brain was darkened over. He reached down and started pinching my nipples, and when I went to cry out, his cock went deeper into me.

  I closed my eyes and gave myself up to being fucked in the mouth by this strange and compelling man with a giant cock. I used my tongue to lick the underbelly of his prick each time it slid out, now glistening with wet. I began to want to drink his sperm. My jaw ached and my lips were stretched almost to being torn, but a raging desire had been sparked in my chest and I wanted his fluid to quench the flames.

  I started to moan. “Come on, Julie,”‘ he said, “want it, want it bad! Beg for it. Lick for it. Suck for it.”‘

  I lost all sense of what I was doing. Suddenly I was a madwoman, sobbing, sucking, licking, groaning, feeling that huge cock pound in my throat. I put my hands on his buttocks and pulled him toward me. His ass cheeks were deep and round and firm from exercise, and as he pumped his cock into my mouth, they flexed and relaxed. I dug my nails into his flesh and he doubled his pace.

  Abruptly, I heard him start to pant and let out short, harsh sounds. His movements built to a frenzy and I knew he was at the brink. Finally, he gave one deep thrust and his cock slid completely inside me, and my lips sank into his thick bush of hair. With that came the explosion, the eruption of semen spurting from his balls, down the length of the tube, out of the crown, and into my gullet. His cum spilled straight down inside me, cascading down my chest and into my stomach. He continued to cum, and as he did so he pulled out, the jism still spurtting, splashing the back of my throat, the back of my tongue, the inside of my mouth, and finally onto my lips and chin, until his cock stood over my head, splashing out its last drops on my face.

  I was almost drowning in sperm, feeling it burning my insides where he had begun his orgasm, clogging my throat, coating my tongue, and beginning to coagulate on my lips. I felt sticky and sexy and dirty and good. I sat back on my haunches and licked my lips, feeling like a grand cocksucker. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed until there was no spunk left in my mouth, and then I put his cock back in my mouth once more and sucked hard, draining him of his last dangling drop.

  He looked down at me and the expression on his face was a mixture of gratitude and wonderment. “Wow,”‘ he said, “you’re better than anything I had even hoped. You’re so fucking hot when you get going.”‘

  “That weapon you have between your legs is a major incentive,”‘ I said.

  I thought we might take a rest but I wasn’t counting on his stamina. Jeff reached down and without a sign of strain lifted me off the floor. He kept lifting until he was holding me over his head. He shifted my weight until his hands were under the back of my thighs, right where my buttocks start to swell, so that I was sitting on his hands. And then he lowered me until my cunt was right above his mouth.

  “What are you doing?”‘ I squealed, sounding like a schoolgirl and loving it.

  “Eating you like you’ve never been eaten before,”‘ he said.

  He lowered me a little further until my cunt covered his lips, and then he began licking the length of my crack, from asshole to cunthole. His long broad tongue swept over the whole valley, sending delicious thrills up my spine. He glued his lips against my pussy and began to suck, drinking in my juices which had begun to flow copiously. My mouth was still tingling and now he had begun to get my ass and cunt excited. I felt like a leather wine bottle being hoisted in the air and squeezed of its contents. My legs hanging down, my hands massaging my tits, I luxuriated in the splendor of the position.

  He moved up to my clitoris and started to nibble the small exquisite button. I was hotter than I had thought for when he began to stimulate that trigger, I could feel myself beginning the first waves of orgasm. I cried out and started to rock back and forth on his hands, rotating my hips. But just then he began to dance across the room, spinning around like a dervish.

  “Jeff!”‘ I yelled, “be careful.”‘

  But he was beyond hearing. His lips and tongue punishing my clit, his thumbs sliding inside my cunt, he spun faster and faster until the whole room began to rock crazily. My mind went reeling as my cunt climbed toward climax. My head grew lighter and lighter as my pussy grew hotter and wetter. I tried to hold on but he was too insistent, spinning wildly through space as he sucked my clitoris and chewed my pussy lips until I couldn’t find anything to grip, and I let myself go completely. With that, my climax swelled inside me, seizing my cunt and belly and brain. I cried out and prepared to ride it on to conclusion.

  But at precisely that instant, Jeff stopped whirling and with a single motion hurled me across the room. And my orgasm ripped through me as I was flying through the air, my arms flailing, my legs kicking, my tits flopping, my ass clenching. I screamed at the top of my lungs and came crazily in space.

  But his throw had been perfectly planned, and as I spent myself, I landed flat on my back in the center of the bed, spread-eagled, my eyes wild with terror and ecstasy. I crashed with a loud whomp and bounced three or four times before coming to rest.

  Jeff did not give me a second to recover before he had rushed across the room, flung himself on top of me, and without allowing me a second to compose myself jammed his enormous cock its full length into the deepest recesses of my cunt. I screamed once more, jack-knifed in the middle, and was skewered totally on his steel-hard prong.

  Maintaining his momentum, he grabbed my ankles and lifted my legs high in the air, spreading his arms so that my limbs formed a wide V, apart at the top and narrowing to a single point, which was none other than my very hairy, very wet, and slightly awestruck pussy. At that moment I knew I had crossed a threshold. It was not only the size, although that in itself was enough to send me into transports even if that cock had been attached to a syphilitic donkey. It spread my pussy lips until I thought my cunt would crack at the seams. It reamed me as neatly as a blow torch burning barnacles out of a rusty pipe.

  I suddenly realized that what I had thought was sexual experience had up to that point been little more than hors d’oeuvres, and that my real erotic education was just beginning. Lying there with that mountain of a man driving me into the mattress, his horse cock beating into my belly with the force of a triphammer, and my being able to not only contain it but envelop it and enjoy it, gave me some sense of the scope of my capacity.

  I wrapped my legs as much as I could around his broad waist and pulled him toward me with my thighs. He was now supporting himself on his palms, stiff-elbowed, while his pelvis swung with delicious fury and abandon. Although it almost felt as though I had no operative muscles in my vagina left to work with, I began to contract my cunt and squeeze his cock. The sensation triggered off a higher level of explosion in him, and his movement became somewhat frenzied, although he still maintained admirable control. I shuddered to think what it might be like if he really let go and allowed himself to go wild! It would be like having a maddened bucking bull driving into my cave.

  I opened my eyes and saw him staring down at me. He was smiling, a warm, beatific smile. Without knowing why, I began to smile too, and then we were beaming vibrations of love at one another while our bodies continued their magnificent animal dance.

  “I really dig you,”‘ he said.

  “I kind of like you too,”‘ I replied, lightly.

  But his face became serious. “No,”‘ he said, “I mean that.”‘

  I let something flip slip out “Why
, Mr. Arnheiser, are you asking me to marry you?”‘

  But he didn’t answer. For a reply he buried his face into my bosom and began to savage my chest with his tongue and teeth. I cried out and grabbed his hair with my fingers, pulling his head back and side to side. But he only dug in deeper, now taking one breast into his mouth, sucking the nipple, licking it, and then biting it sharply. A shout escaped my lips, but my ass responded, bucking up off the bed and pushing my cunt harder against his slamming rod.

  What I had feared was happening. He slipped his arms behind the backs of my knees again and forced my thighs to my chest, exposing my cunt and ass most fully. I was prone and flat and open and helpless under him, and he cut loose. He started to pant, hoarse jagged sounds, his long sandy hair tossed about on his forehead and face. His biceps knotted up into veined mounds of muscle. His feet pressed against the foot of the bed and using full leverage he hurled himself into me, again and again, a wild eruption of sheer driving lust.

  I was beyond all differentiated feeling; everything was one vast and thunderous rush, a roaring breaking wave that caught me up and tossed me endlessly into the foaming surf of my own seething passion, all the more ferocious for being refused any gross expression of the body.

  Only my mouth was left to tell what I felt, and the words spilled out heedlessly, astonishing me.

  “CRAM ME!”‘ I shouted. “Shove it . . . shove it . . . shove it . . . ooohhh . . . fuck . . . fuck . . . cock . . . god . . . cock . . . cock . . . aah . . . aah . . . aarngh . . . pussy baby . . . pussy baby . . . fuck my pussy baby . . . take it . . . fuck it . . . bust my pussy baby . . . “‘ And on like that, a kind of rancid parody on Molly Bloom’s soliliquy.

  But the feeling that spawned those words was anything but facile. It shook me in my heart and bowels and brain. It took everything I thought and felt and imagined about myself and subjected it to a blinding light and searing heat. My ego screeched in horror as it felt itself being torn to shreds by the furnace demons of the unleashed id.

  I heard him scream, a long ululating yell, like an apeman swinging on a long vine rope across a deep chasm from one tall tree to another. And all I could do was hold on and hope that he made it because whether I liked it or not, he was holding me in his arms. I surrendered entirely and let myself be nothing but the conscious shape of his primeval orgasm. And in that I felt a climax in me that went so far deeper and sang so far wider than anything I had ever known, that even my terror stopped its jabbering and was still to observe this paradigmatic orgasm.

  I don’t remember what happened next. It was all shimmering lights and surreal sounds and choirs and insights and para-sensational experiences, and when we had stopped thrashing and twitching and rolling and spewing, we were a tangle of arms and legs lying on the floor. We had literally flung ourselves off the bed!

  As might be expected, we didn’t speak for a long time. We lay and breathed and marvelled. And returned, level by level, to the basic aspect of perception which human beings have largely agreed, for better or worse, to accept as the common reality.

  The first words he spoke startled me.

  “The coach would have had a fit if he had seen that.”‘

  I shook my head, not sure where the syntax fit in with what had just happened. “The coach?”‘ I repeated.

  He rolled over, disentangling himself, and lay on his back, his head resting against the bed, one arm under my neck, his other hand curling the hairs in his chest. “We’re not supposed to fuck,”‘ he said.

  “I didn’t know football was a religious activity,”‘ I said.

  “It’s energy,”‘ he replied. “The amount of energy that goes into a fuck like that is worth three hundred-yard runs returning a kickoff from the goal line. Or it’s the equivalent of an hour of practice. I don’t know, he’s got the charts that explain it in terms of calories and metabolism. The thing he told us was that if we fucked we would be too debilitated to play as well as we can. But that if we did fuck, we should stay cool and not move too much. He said the best thing was to get a blowjob. He even gave us the address of a whorehouse.”‘

  “But that’s bizarre,”‘ I said.

  He frowned and looked thoughtful. “Not really,”‘ he explained, and I could see that he had become quite serious. When I recalled that within a few months he would be earning almost fifty thousand dollars a year just because of his prowess, I could understand why he was disturbed about the issue. “It’s like you wouldn’t let a surgeon get drunk very often,”‘ he went on. “A man has to be careful not to do things that jeopardize his work.”‘

  “You make me sound like an occupational hazard,”‘ I told him.

  He suddenly turned and looked deeply into my eyes as though he were searching for something. “I’ve had my eye on you for months, and I knew it would be like this when we got together. That’s why I didn’t come on to you sooner. But after I saw you with Hank, I knew that you were ready to really cut loose. And I have only three more weeks before I have to report to training in Seattle. I had to have you, and I knew that if I did I wouldn’t want to let you go.”‘

  I was speechless. The fucking itself had turned me inside out, and now that I was especially open and vulnerable, he was making what almost sounded like a declaration of love. I knew it wasn’t love per se, although we had shared some really tender and deep feelings while we were balling, but his voice held such affection, such warmth, such sincerity, that I found myself being won over.

  “Well,”‘ I said, still attempting to skate away from what I intuited was coming, “we can have a bang-up three weeks and maybe I can visit you when your team plays near here.”‘

  He raised himself on one elbow. “Julie,”‘ he said, “why don’t you come with me?”‘

  I shot him a lancing glance. “Oh, listen, Jeff,”‘ I said, “I know I mentioned marriage earlier, but that was just in joking.”‘

  “I’m not talking about marriage,”‘ he said. “But just to have you near me.”‘

  “But what would I do? And what about school?”‘

  “Well, you don’t really take school seriously any more, do you?”‘

  I had to consider. “No,”‘ I said, “I guess not. It is a bit of a farce for someone who doesn’t have a specific goal.”‘

  “Then what’s the problem?”‘

  “Well, what would I do in Seattle?”‘

  “I don’t know,”‘ he said. “I could set you up in an apartment and visit you when we got passes from camp.”‘

  “God,”‘ I sighed, “it sounds like the Army.”‘

  He didn’t reply, but instead put one hand on my breasts. It was so huge he was able to cover both tits at the same time. He pressed down, squashing the sensitive globes into my chest. I felt the heat from his palm, and found myself thrusting my tits toward him. He pinched one nipple and I squirmed in response. He leaned over me again, and brought his mouth to mine. His full curved lips pressed into mine. My mouth opened spontaneously, and my tongue went up to find his. For a long stretch of time our tongues slithered over one another, licking, curving, dancing. By the time he broke away, I was breathing heavily.

  He reached under my back and gently lifted, turning me over. I lay on my belly next to him, my shapely ass rising slightly from the floor. He ran his fingers up and down the crack, causing me to squirm, and finally slipped two fingers down between my legs and into my already open and sopping cunt. I arched my buttocks even higher and spread my legs. His other hand went down to my crotch, and from the front two more fingers entered my pussy. He grabbed my cunt from two directions, pulling it open, and then sliding his fingers even more deeply inside, and then pulling again. He was prying me apart.

  “Oh, Jeff,”‘ I moaned.

  He increased the force of his pressure and within a minute he was buried inside me, now three fingers from each hand plunged in up to the knuckles. I began to grind int
o him, pushing my cunt into one hand and then lifting my ass to impale my pussy on the other hand. And all the while his fingers kept moving, thrusting, twirling, pulling.

  “Oh sweet God,”‘ I cried. “I never . . . never . . . “‘

  He covered my neck with his lips and began biting the tendons lightly, sending shivers down my back. I was being impelled once more into the vortex, rising from the depths of my cunted being into a cyclone that would lift me bodily once more, toss me through the sky, and fling me into yet a different place. Each time Jeff touched me, it changed my reality. And while I was terrified of the violent changes, I could not help myself. Something profound in me was stirring, and would not be denied.

  “Oh, Jeff, fuck me, oh, fuck me,”‘ I pleaded. His hands were driving me mad with desire for more. He was taking me up to the point where nothing but total penetration would do, and forcing me to acknowledge that.

  “What do you want?”‘ he teased.

  “Your cock,”‘ I moaned, “please give me your cock. I want your big hard cock all the way up my snatch.”‘

  He ranged himself over me, letting his hands slide from my pussy to my thighs. He lifted me a foot, exposing my pussy and bringing it up to his cock. I could feel it throbbing between my thighs and I began to twitch and roll around trying to get the tip of it to the edge of my lips. He went up on his knees, drawing me back, so that I was now kneeling, my ass high in the air, my face on the floor, my tits hanging, nipples grazing the rug. And with deliberate slowness and sureness he brought his rod to my dripping cunt and plunged easily and lustily inside, my pussy parting like butter to a hot knife.

  A deep shudder ran through me and I felt skewered, like a sizzling hunk of meat on a steel rod.

  “Oh, baby, take me,”‘ I said, “it’s all yours. Do what you want, baby. Fuck me any way you want.”‘


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