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Page 20

by Sybil Bartel

  Her hand landed on my chest. “Nothing. What land?” She smiled sweetly.

  It was fake. “You worried I bought you something else?”

  “What?” She blinked in surprise. “No. I was just… I didn’t know what you were going to say.”

  I fucking threw it out there because now I was irritated. “You thought I was going to say a ring.”

  “No.” She adamantly shook her head. “I totally knew you wouldn’t do that.”

  What the fuck? “Why not?”

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to get off my lap, but I held her in place.

  “Alex, it’s been two weeks.”

  Two weeks, two months, two years, I didn’t need another fucking second. I knew what this girl was the second I first sank inside her. “And?”

  “You can’t be serious. We’re going to have this conversation?”

  Dead serious. “We’re already having it.”

  “No, you said you bought land. We were talking about that.”

  “Why the fuck do you think I did that? You think I’m playing house?”

  Anger tinted her cheeks and her tone. “I don’t know what you’re doing.” She pushed off my lap and made it one step.

  I grabbed her hand and told myself to let her go, but I was already on my feet. “You know what I want. I’ve never hidden that from you.” I’d told her every night as I sank inside her that she was mine.

  She spun and the tears in her voice crushed my heart, but when she spoke, she crushed my hope. “You didn’t even give us two weeks!”

  My thoughts fractured.

  Thirteen days since the hurricane. One day short of two weeks. I’d been so deep into Olivia, my schedule still sat on my phone. My contacts still listed. I’d forgotten to pass the rest of it off to Jared. I’d walked away from that old life without once looking back. Mission intent, I’d bought land. I’d hired Neil. I’d made a plan. Olivia was my world. She was all of that plan. But she knew. She knew about the two weeks.

  How did she fucking know?

  “I heard you,” she accused, answering my silent question. “I heard you on the phone the morning after the hurricane.”

  Premature relief flooded my veins, and I smiled. “I wasn’t giving us two weeks.” That was all Jared. “You thought we had an expiration date?”

  “You said you could do two weeks.”

  Inappropriately, and with shit timing, I laughed. “I can do a hell of a lot more than two weeks with you, sweetness.” I pulled her into my arms. “Come here.”

  “This isn’t funny.” She melted into me anyway.

  I pulled back just enough to grasp her chin. “You’re right, it’s not. You should have said something to me. I told you what I wanted. I told you I wasn’t playing games. I thought you understood.”

  “I barely know you, Alex,” she quietly admitted.

  “You know me better than anyone else.” Simply truth. I let no one in. Ever. But I wanted to let her in, so I told her what I’d done. “I bought land and hired Neil to build a training facility and kennel. There’ll also be grooming facilities. If I thought you’d accept it, I would’ve bought a ring too.”

  Her eyes went wide and her mouth formed an O.

  “Which part is shocking you?”

  She blinked, then blinked again and fought tears welling. “You bought a place to train dogs?”

  I fought a smile and shook my head. Of course it was about the dogs. It was always about the dogs for her, but I couldn’t be pissed because the truth was, I wouldn’t want her any other way. She was fucking perfect. “I bought a place for you to train dogs,” I corrected.


  I stared at the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on and I told her what I’d wanted to say since the first time I’d held her in my arms. “Because I love you.”

  The tears fell.

  Shit. “Olivia.” My thumbs swept across her cheeks.

  “No, no, it’s good. I’m fine. I mean, I love you too.” Her eyes shining with joy, she laughed. “I’m just, oh my God.” She laughed again as she pushed my hands away and brushed at her face. Then she tried and failed to look serious. “I might’ve fallen for you the second you said you could make me come twice with ice cubes.”

  My head fell back and I laughed my fucking ass off. “You little vixen, it’s all about the sex to you, isn’t it?”

  She grinned. “Yes?”

  “Thank Christ.” I kissed her.

  “Wait.” She pulled back. “So, um, is that even possible?”

  I stripped her clothes off and showed her exactly how possible it was.

  “Walk,” he warned.

  I smiled because I knew that tone. “Where?” My nipples hardened.

  He scanned the length of my body, calculating and slow. “You know where.”

  I took a step backward. He was so fucking sexy, I was already wet.

  “Pants off,” he demanded.

  I loved him bossy. But as much as I wanted to, I never gave in too easily. I hooked a thumb in my waistband. “These pants?”

  His nostrils flared on an inhale and his eyes dropped to the juncture of my legs. “Now.”

  I took my shirt off and smiled sweetly.

  He rushed me.

  I was over his shoulder and he’d spanked my ass before I could draw a breath. Girlie and totally not sexy, I squealed. It netted me another slap and desire soaked my underwear. “Do that again and you’ll be sorry!” Except I didn’t sound threatening, I sounded breathless and turned on.

  He strode into our bedroom and threw me on the bed. His giant hands hit my waist and he peeled my leggings off with one tug. “Don’t move.”

  I grabbed my tits and pushed them together. “At all?”

  “You touch my cunt, I’m not letting you come.” He walked out.

  “Hey!” He never left me alone and naked. “Where are you going?”

  “No touching.” He disappeared down the hall.

  “It’s my body,” I yelled. “I’ll touch myself if I want to!”

  A kitchen cupboard door banged shut and a few seconds later the distinctive sound of ice hitting glass carried across the penthouse.

  Oh shit.

  I sat up and scooted back on the bed.

  He strode into the bedroom shirtless. His stare intense, the corner of his mouth tipped up as he took a sip of whiskey from a tumbler full of ice.

  Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. “A little early, isn’t it?” I admit, I’d wanted to know how the hell he’d thought he could make a woman come with ice cubes the second he’d said it that first night I met him. I’d maybe even fantasized about it. But now, being naked and seeing the condensation on that glass? I shoved my thighs together.

  “Spread those legs, sweetness.” Deep and commanding, his voice was liquid seduction.

  Nope, nah-uh, no way. “Put the glass down.”

  Ignoring me, he took another sip.

  My pulse kicked up a notch. “Put it across the room, or better yet, back in the kitchen, where it belongs.”

  He downed the rest of the whiskey in one swallow and set the glass on the bed. His biceps flexed and he was reaching for me. Huge hands wrapped around my ankles and he effortlessly pulled me to the edge. Spreading my legs, he bent my knees up and leaned over me. A hairsbreadth away from making contact just to drive me mad, he lowered his lips to mine.

  Cold whiskey filled my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

  He whispered against ear. “Swallow.”

  The alcohol burned going down my throat, but then he sank his tongue into my mouth and the taste of him and whiskey made me moan.

  He expertly swept his tongue through my heat and I dug my fingers into his dark hair. Soft and so damn thick, I grasped two handfuls and tried to pull him to me as I wrapped my legs around his hips.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” He pushed my knees out and leaned back. With a glint in his eyes, he fished two ice cubes out of the glass and popped them into his mouth.

Oh God. “I changed my—”

  He crunched the cubes between his teeth, pushed my legs wide, and his mouth landed on me.

  Bits of ice and his searing-cold tongue swirled across my clit and sank into my pussy. Gooseflesh raced across my skin and my whole body convulsed in a shiver. My back arched and my hands yanked his hair as I flew into a sitting position. “Holy shit.”

  He shoved my legs wider and icy cold water flowed from his mouth into my pussy. Thrusting his tongue then biting my clit, cold and heat and pleasure and pain spun into a frenzy. I heard the clink of ice in the glass, but he drew my clit between his teeth and my head fell back. Sucking, pressure, his tongue working my clit, he pushed ice into my pussy.

  My thighs jerked, his teeth drew down, and my muscles clenched.

  Oh my God.

  Oh my God.

  I came so hard and fast, I screamed.

  His fingers inside me, pushing the ice around, my legs shaking, his tongue warm and lapping on my clit, I had no words. My hands in his hair as my only anchor, I fell back on the bed.

  Rough and scratchy, I pushed a sentence past my dry throat. “That was only once.”

  His low chuckle should have been a warning but I couldn’t string two thoughts together. He pulled his fingers out and melted ice and the remnants of the cubes leaked out of me as I pulsed with aftershocks.

  Going to his knees, he slid his hands under my thighs and dragged me up his legs. “Arms above your head,” he commanded.

  Without even a thought, I laced my fingers together and did as he said. Spread wide, my ass hovering just above the bed, I thought he would enter me.

  But he didn’t.

  One torturous ice cube at a time, he drew slow circles over every inch of my sensitive flesh. Rimming my opening, pressing on my tender clit, he even dragged the ice over my nipples until they ached. “Alex.” Desire built faster than I could inhale, but the ice was so cold, I didn’t know if I was begging him for more or pleading with him to stop.

  Rhythmic and slow, he stroked himself. “I want more than a ring on your finger.”

  My gaze cut to his. Fierce, intent, the look in his eyes made my heart skip. “What?” The last ice cube melted and dripped down between my cheeks.

  His cock circled my entrance. “I want it all.” He shoved all the way home.

  The heat of his intrusion in my ice-cooled flesh exploded into fire and desire. “Ahhhhh.”

  Stroking in and out, covering my body with his, caging me in with his strength, he brushed his lips against mine. “You, me, the dogs, kids, forever. I want it all with you.”

  My heart soaring, my body trembling for him, I begged. “Yes, please.”

  “Say my name.”

  “Alex, Alex, Alex.”

  “You own me,” he growled, thrusting hard.

  Deep in my body, pressed against my womb, the first pulse of his release filled me with more than his heat. I wasn’t a shattered heart and broken pieces. I was everything I ever wanted to be and it was because of him. “I love you.”

  His tongue sank into my mouth and I followed him over the edge.


  Thank you so much for reading THRUST! If you were interested in leaving a review on any retail site, I would be so appreciative. Reviews mean the world to authors, and they are helpful beyond compare!

  Have you read the other books in the Alpha Escort Series?

  ROUGH—Jared’s story

  GRIND—Dane’s story

  Have you met the Alpha heroes in the Uncompromising Series?






  And check out the new Alpha Bodyguard Series!





  Turn the page for a preview of ROUGH,

  the next book in the sexy Alpha Escort Series!

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  I’m not your boyfriend. I’m not the guy next door. I don’t even play nice.

  My hands twisting in your hair, my whispered demand in your ear—I’m the fantasy you’ll wish you never had.

  When I’m through with you, every inch of your body will know where I’ve been. You won’t crave more, you’ll beg for it, because I’m not just the cocky smile with military-hardened muscles you paid five grand for—I’m the experience you’ll never forget.

  One night with me and you’ll know exactly why women pay me to be rough.


  “Deeper.” My hand landed on her sexy ass with a loud slap.

  Her tits spilled out of her bikini and she moaned.

  My dick slid another inch into her mouth. “That’s it, baby.” I half-heartedly gripped a handful of her hair and pulled. “Suck harder.”

  Her tongue flattened against my shaft and her cheeks hollowed out, but she didn’t listen to my instructions.

  “Where’s the goddess you promised?” I slapped her ass again. “That all you got?”

  Bracing herself on my thighs, her knees on the lounger next to mine, she was hot, but she wasn’t a client. I didn’t even remember her name. She’d sat down next to me at the hotel pool bar, and two drinks later, she told me she sucked dick like a goddess.

  Game fucking on.

  I took her to the closest cabana and told her to prove it. She’d licked her lips and dropped to her knees.

  But now she wasn’t bringing it.

  My phone buzzed and her gaze cut to the table where it sat. She sucked harder.

  I smirked. “You motivated now?” I leaned close to her ear. “You worried I got somewhere to be?” I didn’t have shit to do. I’d driven to a hotel near my condo to have breakfast because I was bored. Then she’d sat her ass down next to me. I didn’t tell her women paid me to fuck them or that I’d had my dick sucked so many times, it all blurred together.

  My phone buzzed again and she picked up the pace.

  “Damn.” I didn’t give a fuck who was calling, but apparently it was spurring her on. “You like a little competition?” I was losing my touch. I should’ve pegged her as the competitive type the second she’d said she was a goddess.

  She wrapped her lips over her teeth and applied pressure.

  “Fuck, that’ll work.” My head fell back and I was no longer wondering how long to drag this out.

  My cell buzzed again and she deep-throated.

  Inspiration struck. I glanced at the caller ID on my phone, then stared at her as I answered. “What up, poser?”

  “You booked tonight?” Alex asked.

  “Is it Saturday?” What the fuck did he think? We were both escorts. Saturdays were always booked.

  “Clear your clients. You’re gonna make fifteen grand tonight.”

  “Bullshit,” I grunted and the self-proclaimed goddess groaned.

  “Jesus Christ,” Alex scoffed. “Are you fucking a client right now?”

  “No.” Not technically. “Ahhh, damn. Hold on.” I held the phone away and she moaned even louder. “That’s it, baby, right there.” I thrust once and she gagged. “Fuck.” My balls drawing tight, I was almost there. Gripping her hair hard, I issued a command. “Take it deep.”

  She relaxed her throat and I sunk to the hilt.

  “Fuuuck.” Shooting my load into her mouth, I almost dropped my phone.

  She swallowed like a champ, then smiled up at me. “So?”

  “Damn, that was good.” I’d probably even remember it, at least until the next time I got sucked off.

  She grinned and ran her hand down my abs. “Told you.”

  Releasing her hair, I pinched one of her nipples. “Thanks, goddess.” I tipped my chin at my phone. “I gotta take this.”

  She adjusted the scraps of material over her tits. “Go ahead.”
br />   “Later.” I tucked my shit back in my shorts, swung my legs off the lounger and turned away from her as I put the phone back up to my ear. “I’m back. Not a client.” I only told him that to fuck with him, because Alex Vega didn’t date, ever.

  “You’re still fucking for free?”

  “Best kind of fucking.” Or it used to be. I hardly remembered anymore. “What’s going on tonight?” He’d never asked me to take his clients off his hands for an entire night. “I don’t do bachelorette parties. Or any kind of party,” I reminded him as I stood. Fuck that shit.

  “No parties. I got three clients tonight.”

  I glanced behind me, but the goddess had taken a hint. She was already gone. “What’s the matter?” I smirked as I walked past the pool to the parking lot. “Losing your stamina in your old age?” Vega was only one year older than me, but I never let him forget it.

  “Fuck no. I got a scheduling conflict. You’re taking all three and I get thirty percent.”

  The hell he was. “Ten.” I unlocked my Mustang and slid behind the wheel.

  “Twenty,” he countered.

  I didn’t want to take his clients tonight, but he’d never asked me to help him out. I owed him more than I could ever repay him, except I had my limits. I sighed. “I’m not fucking your old-ass cougars for eighty percent.”

  “Define old.”

  I cranked the engine. “Fifties and shit.”

  “Stop being a pussy. You’re off by a decade, and the second client tonight is young.”

  He said young like it was a warning. “She hot?”

  “She pays five grand, what do you care?” he evaded.

  I laughed without an ounce of humor. “I don’t.” I’d never had an unattractive client. It was a common misconception that women who sought out an escort were hard up, but mine were just rich and bored.

  “That’s what I thought. And don’t be an aggressive dick with her, she’s shy.”

  Jesus Christ. “Come on. You know I can’t hang with that shit. I’m not a fucking pussy.” My game was control and I liked it rough.


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