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My Broken Angel

Page 6

by Heather D'Agostino

  As the night wore on, people began to slowly leave, making the crowd dwindle down to just a handful of people. It didn’t take long for Mr. and Mrs. McKay to say their goodnights and head upstairs. They’d pointed at Wes, telling him to behave as they disappeared. He’d laughed, and then directed Cole, Ally, and I downstairs.

  “My mom still thinks I’m sixteen,” he chuckled.

  “Sometimes you act like it,” Ally giggled as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “I haven’t done anything stupid in years,” Wes grumbled. “That last time wasn’t my fault.”

  “Tell that to the fire department,” Cole laughed as he tossed his head back.

  “Shut up!” Wes slugged him in the side. “You guys can sleep wherever you want,” he motioned to the couches that littered the room.

  The room hadn’t changed much over the years. The furniture was still the same over-sized stuff. Chairs lined the area in front of the TV, a pool table was in the far corner now, and the PlayStation had been up graded to an XBOX 360. The couches that folded out were now pushed right beside each other, and the mini bar that had once held soda of every type was now lined with liquor bottles.

  “I’m gonna change.” I motioned toward the bathroom and grabbed my overnight bag.

  “Me too,” Ally called as she rushed after me and closed us both in the small room. “Are you ok?” she spun me by the shoulders and stared at my face.

  “I’m fine,” I answered in what I’m sure sounded devoid of emotion.

  “You don’t seem fine. You seemed to be having a great time, then you went off with him,” she nodded her head toward the door, “and now this.”

  “I broke up with Brent,” I murmured as I tugged my jeans down over my hips, and stepped out of them.

  “What? Why?” she gasped as her red dress pooled at her feet.

  “Wes kissed me,” I could feel myself blushing, and just thinking about that moment sent my nerves into overdrive.

  “I miss all the good stuff,” Ally grumbled. “Why are you in here with me, and not him?”

  “He ran away after he did it,” I slid on a pair of sleep shorts, and changed from the sweater I was wearing into the t-shirt I’d packed.

  “Are you being serious right now? He ran away? What kinda move is that?” Ally’s voice was rising, and I was sure that the guys were going to hear her.

  “Could you say that any louder?” I shook my head. “I don’t think the neighbors down the block heard you.”

  “You told Brent didn’t you?” she sighed as she slipped her own pjs on. “Why in the world would you tell him?” she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I felt like I needed to,” I mumbled. “He deserved the truth, and I didn’t see things going anywhere after that kiss. My head’s just really messed up now.”

  “I just wish you and Mr. Hottie out there,” she pointed at the door, “would finally jump each other’s bones so we could all move on.”

  “Wes and I aren’t going be anything,” I slowly shook my head. “I thought it was the age thing, but now I think it’s something else. I don’t think he thinks of me like that.”

  “Are you listening to yourself right now?” Ally gasped. “Come on,” she grabbed my elbow and shoved the door open. I gasped as we stumbled back into the room.

  “It’s about time,” Wes groaned. He was standing there in a clean t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. “What has been taking so long? Cole finally gave up and went upstairs to use that bathroom. I thought I might have to join him.”

  Ally’s eyes flashed with anger as she stormed over to Wes and poked him in the chest like she used to do when we were kids, “I don’t know what the fuck you said to her,” she kept advancing on him until she had his back to the wall, “but she thinks that you don’t find her attractive. Fix it!” she demanded and then moved over to lie down on one of the pullout beds. She covered herself in a blanket, and then glanced over at me. “You can have that one,” she pointed to one that was the farthest away from the group. The way it was turned, you couldn’t see the person lying on it.

  I wasn’t sure what she was trying to do, but Wes offered a pained smile as he nodded at me and agreed, “Yeah, Angel. Take that one.” Within a few minutes, Cole came thundering down the stairs in only a pair of sweatpants. When he caught sight of Ally, he rolled his eyes and tugged on a t-shirt before sprawling out on his own couch. Wes quickly flipped the lights off, and shuffled over to sink down on the floor beside the couch I’d taken.

  “Aren’t you uncomfortable down there,” I murmured as he settled about five feet away.

  “I’m fine Angel. I’m right where I need to be,” he whispered as he shifted to his side.

  As the night wore on and the predawn hours approached, the room began to feel suffocating. I shifted restlessly from side-to-side. I hadn’t spent the night here in years, and now being here felt more like torture than enjoyable. All the fantasies I’d conjured up over the years had remained just that…fantasies.

  Cole’s snoring was the only sound in the room, and the darkness seemed to swallow me whole. There were no windows, and the only light was a small sliver coming from a night light in the bathroom.

  “You know I don’t feel that way, right?” Wes’ voice was so quiet I almost missed it when it broke the stillness of the room. The next thing I knew, he was tracing his finger down the side of my face. “You awake, Angel?”

  I nodded wordlessly. “I find you very attractive. I can’t tell you the things that were running through my head when I saw you tonight. Your brother would kick my ass.” He sighed, and the floor creaked as he moved. “Move over,” he whispered right beside my ear.

  I shifted onto my side, and moved over until my back was pressed tightly into the back of the couch. I felt the cushion dip just as his bare leg ran along mine. I jerked back away as if he’d burned me. “What are you doing?” I hissed.

  “Fixing it,” he chuckled in a barely audible voice. “I was given orders by the sergeant over there,” he slid down until our faces were right in front of each other. “I don’t know what I’m doing here Angel. I can’t help but think this is wrong,” he murmured. “But god help me, I can’t stay away,” he pressed his lips to mine, firmer than I was expecting. “I’ve never had this kinda pull toward someone before,” he whispered against my mouth. “Your brother’s gonna kill me when he finds out,” he sealed his mouth over mine, and slid his arms around me, tugging me flush with his body. “Tell me those tears earlier are from you breaking things off,” he skimmed his nose up the column of my neck. “Tell me we can do this,” he pleaded. “I’m no good for you Angel, but I can’t help that I want you.”

  As his words hung in the silence of the room, I couldn’t help the yearning that my heart felt. I’d dreamed of this moment for so long, and nothing in my head could have prepared me for feeling his rock hard body pressed to mine. “Are you listening to me?” he nuzzled in right beside my ear. “I’m not good enough for you, but I want to try to be.”

  I reached up blindly, the darkness making me bold, as I searched for his head. When my hands made contact with the soft strands of his hair, I pulled his mouth closer to mine. “I can’t take you pulling away again,” I murmured. “You can’t do this tonight, and then change your mind in the morning. You have to mean it. You have to fight for this if you want there to be an us, no matter what.”

  “I’m gonna lose my best friend over a girl,” Wes muttered before slamming his mouth down on mine. His tongue plunged in as I whimpered and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I pulled him impossibly closer as he rolled us, moving me under him instead of beside him. The years of us dancing around each other, unable to move past the harmless flirting fueled the need that was building inside me. I lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip, bring us into more intimate contact. He groaned as I rubbed myself against his now straining erection. “God, Angel. I can’t do this here,” he panted as he broke the kiss. “I’m not going to take you on
my couch,” he began placing small open mouth kisses down my neck, and when he reached the collar of my shirt, he pulled it aside and kissed my bare shoulder.

  I whimpered as I tightened my hold, letting my fingers skim down his back. When I got to the bottom of his t-shirt, I reached underneath, and dragged my nails back up to his shoulders. He hissed before nipping at my ear. “You’re gonna make me come like a horny teenager right here on the couch. Is that what you want?”

  “Umm,” I groaned as I rubbed against him once again. I’d messed around with different boyfriends over the years, but nothing compared to this. Wes was a man. A hot, needy, turned on man, and I was the one that had gotten him that way. “Touch me,” I begged as I skimmed my mouth over his cheek.

  “Fuck, Angel,” he hissed. “I don’t think I can stop if you let me do that.”

  “Please? It’s dark. No one will see,” I grabbed his hand from where he was propping himself over me, and brought his palm down to cup my breast. “Please?” As his hand began to squeeze, he growled, and connected our lips once again.

  I don’t know how long we stayed that way, rubbing against each other like two horny teens. It never went farther though. Wes stayed in the area above my waist, and stopped me when I tried to touch him. I guess in the future, I’ll be glad that my first time didn’t happen down there on a couch, with my brother ten feet away, but my entire body ached from lack of release and I’m sure Wes’ did, too.

  When I woke up the next morning, I was alone of the couch. Wes was back in his place on the floor, only this time he was facing my direction and smiling at me. I felt my face flush as I thought about the night before and how needy I’d been. He grinned as he sat up, and his blanket pooled in his lap. “I have to talk to your brother before anything else happens.” His eyes were worried; he was afraid of my reaction.

  I nodded as I smiled back, “I’m going back to school in six days. Make it quick,” I grinned before jumping up, and rushing toward the bathroom. I made sure to put a little sway in my hips, and I grinned when I heard him hiss from behind me. How did my life end up like this? How did I get the guy? I never got what I wanted. I always had to settle for what I was given. I’d felt broken for most of my childhood, and this man had done everything to help fix me. I’d been his broken angel for so long, I wasn’t sure how to be anything else.

  Chapter 8

  Wes- Age 23

  “What’s got you so chipper?” Cole’s face crinkled as he followed me over to the weight bench. He had come in today to help me work out. The gym is normally closed, but my trainer owns the place, and lets me come in whenever I want.

  “Nothing,” I shrugged before dropping down, and sliding under the barbell. After adjusting my gloves, I gripped the bar tightly, and lifted it from where it was resting. Cole stood over me, spotting me, and smirking at the same time.

  “It’s a girl, isn’t it? Who’d you make out with last night?” Cole chuckled.

  I faltered for a minute, thinking he might have seen Angel and me kissing, but then I remembered that he’d been in the other room. “What makes you think this has anything to do with a girl?”

  “Man, I know you. You don’t act like this unless you got laid. So tell me, who is it? Was it that hot little redhead I saw flirting with you last night?” he tapped his chin after helping me put the bar back. “No,” he mused as he followed me over to the jump ropes. I lifted a rope, and began swinging it as fast as I could go while he stood there with his arms crossed. “I bet it was somebody here…maybe that blonde that’s been following you around asking about representing you. It’s her, isn’t it?”

  “No. There’s no girl,” I huffed slightly out of breath.

  Cole hounded me the entire morning as I moved from activity to activity around the gym. While he tried to figure out who had put me in such a good mood, I tried to figure out how to tell him it was his sister. Cole had always protected Angela, and did a great job scaring guys away. I wasn’t sure what he would say when he realized that I was one of those guys.

  “Mr. McKay,” her voice rang out across the gym, and I rolled my eyes wondering how she got in. She’d been coming here every day trying to get me to sign with her firm. I was still so new to the sport, that I wasn’t sure I needed anyone in PR. Cole chuckled as our eyes connected.

  “Fucker,” I muttered as I slowly turned to face her. “Yes?” I sighed and wiped the sweat from my brow.

  “Have you thought anymore about my offer? My father really wants us to represent you. I’ve talked with your trainer, and he thinks it a great deal. We could start promotional stuff right away for your fight next month,” she tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she smiled at me.

  I knew that look. As her eyes skimmed down my bare chest and arms, she was picturing us in bed somewhere. I knew exactly how it worked. As soon as I’d started fighting on the amateur circuit, women had been coming out of the woodwork. They’d show up at my hotel, in the backseat of my car, and the gym I trained at. If I wanted to get laid, all I had to do was pick one, and they’d come home with me.

  “I haven’t had time to look at the contract,” I grumbled. “You can leave it here, and I’ll look over it tonight.” As the weight of this decision sat on my shoulders, all other thoughts slipped to the back of my mind, including telling Cole about Angel and me.

  “How about we meet for dinner and discuss it?” she smiled coyly.

  “Victoria,” I sighed.

  “Vicki, please,” she smiled and shifted on her feet. She moved closer and placed her palm on my bare chest. My pectoral jumped under the contact, and I stepped back as if I’d been burned. “I know we can work something out,” she winked as she patted me. “You have my number. Give me a call and we’ll set something up.” She turned, placed the manila envelope she was carrying on the desk nearby, and sashayed to the door. She turned to look over her shoulder, and waved her fingers in a flirty way before disappearing out the gym.

  “That woman wants you,” Cole grumbled. “I don’t get the attraction,” he snickered as he shoved me in the side.

  “Shut up, fucker!” I scowled. “Look at this,” I waved my hand up and down the front of me. “Who wouldn’t want all this?”

  “Could your ego get any bigger?” her laugh caught me off guard causing me to almost jump out of my skin. I’d forgotten that she’d agreed to meet me here.

  “What are you doing here?” Cole scratched his head in confusion.

  “I was going to work out. Is that ok?” she shook her head at us as she made her way to the back where the women’s locker room was.

  “Since when do you work out?” Cole called to her back.

  “Since I finally got good enough to kick your ass, big brother,” Angela laughed as she dropped her bag in the back corner, and tugged her sweatshirt off tossing it aside.

  “Game on!” Cole called before turning towards me, “grab me some gloves.”

  I shook my head at him in amusement, “You’re going to fight your sister?”

  “Nah, Just show her that I can still beat her,” he chuckled as we made our way to the mats.

  When we got closer, I had to all but bite my tongue to keep from voicing my thoughts. Angela was standing there in a pair of tight black exercise pants that molded to every inch of her lower body. A bright pink sports bra was covering her top, and barely holding her tits in, and her long hair was pulled up in a ponytail.

  “Damn, Angel,” I hissed. “Where have you been hiding all that?” I motioned to her ass as she bent forward to stretch.

  Cole turned to stare at me and growled, “That’s my sister, not one of your conquests.”

  I lifted my hands in surrender as I continued to stare at her. She leaned over again and grabbed her ankles stretching her calves. As she peered at me through her legs, she grinned. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she was having fun with it.

  After a few minutes, she stood, and rolled her shoulders, popping her neck a few times. “I’m ready,” she lif
ted her arms in a fighter’s stance before turning to face Cole. “Let’s go, big brother.”

  “I’m not going to hit you, Ang,” Cole groaned.

  “I’ve been taking classes at school, and I learned from the best,” she nodded in my direction. “Try and take me down,” she bounced on the balls of her feet before advancing on Cole.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched her. Her face was so serious, and Cole refused to put his hands up to defend himself. Angela moved closer, and lifted her knee slamming it into his side causing Cole to stumble and scowl at her.

  “Damn Ang, this is supposed to be for fun,” he shifted away from her.

  “I am having fun,” she shrugged. “Take me down!”

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he scowled again.

  “If you’re not going to spar with me, I’ll get someone else,” she lifted her chin in my direction. “What about you, Champ? You man enough to fight a girl?” she taunted.

  Fuckin’ A, I was going to regret this. I closed my eyes as I released a deep breath, and turned toward Cole. “Get my gloves,” I grumbled.

  Angel’s eyes lit up as she grinned at me, “I knew you wouldn’t let me down. Can we work on escapes? I’ve been struggling with that.”

  “We’ll work on whatever you want to,” I snickered as Cole handed me my gloves all the while shaking his head at me. After tightening them, I stepped out onto the mat and spun Angela so her back was to my chest. “You’re killing me, Angel,” I whispered as I rocked my hips forward so my hard-on would press into her rear.

  “Did you talk to Cole?” she murmured.

  “Not yet,” I moved closer, wrapping my arm around her middle, and pinning her to me. “I will, soon.”

  “What the hell are you two doing?” Cole yelled. “This isn’t feel up my sister day,” his voice rose demonstrating how annoyed he was.

  “Dude, I was getting into position,” I chuckled. “All right, try to get away from me,” I murmured into her ear.


  Angela- Age 18

  It felt so right and normal to be in the position we were in. Wes had taught me years ago how to defend myself, and since leaving for college, I had honed those skills. I’d been taking kick boxing for the last six months, and I’d signed up for a self-defense class. You never can be too prepared being a woman on a college campus.


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