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My Broken Angel

Page 7

by Heather D'Agostino

  My instructor has asked me if I had taken Martial Arts classes growing up. He was impressed with what I already knew, and I quickly became the one to help with demonstrations. I had said no; that a friend taught me what I knew. That led to more discussion, which opened the door for me to tell the guy that Wes trained me.

  Weston McKay was still new in the sport, and wasn’t as well known outside of the state, but being an alumni made him newsworthy on campus. Girls in my class had soon began hounding me for info on him and wanting tickets for fights. It had been rather tiresome hearing about how sexy he was, and how they wondered if he fucked like he fought. I rolled my eyes at that one. If anyone was going to find that out, it would be me. Back then, the fact that I was with Brent didn’t even register. He’d hated that I was at the gym all the time. His opinion was that he could protect me if something happened, and I was going get muscular if I kept working out. I didn’t understand it then. I’d never been around a guy that didn’t like the fact that I could take care of myself.

  Growing up, I’d always been one of the guys. Even Ally would comment on it when we hung out together. I’d never thought much about it until now. “Does it bother you that I like this stuff?” I whispered as Wes tightened his arms around me.

  “What?” he gasped as I swung my arm back connecting my elbow to his ribs.

  “Mother fucker!” he growled as he began pacing. “Warn me next time,” he narrowed his eyes on me. Cole just chuckled from somewhere behind us.

  “It’s not an authentic escape if you’re prepared,” I tipped my head to the side. “Again?”

  He nodded, “I’m not going easy on you this time Angel.” He banded his arms around me and squared his stance.

  “That’s ok,” I murmured. “I like it hard,” as soon as the words tumbled out of my mouth, I put all my weight into it, and twisted to free myself from him.

  “You like to fight dirty, huh?” Wes teased.

  “You have no idea,” I chanted as I bounced on my toes, lifting my fists, and mocking him. “Come on, Champ,” I curled my fingers in a come hither motion.

  “I’m outta here,” Cole waved at us. “I’ll see you at home, Ang, and we’re still on for later, right?” He nodded at Wes.

  “Yeah, Bro. I want your opinion on that contract,” Wes smiled and waved as Cole shouldered his gym bag before turning back to me. “We’re all alone now, Angel. Whatcha gonna do?”

  I took in his sweaty body and licked my lips. “I’m gonna wipe that smug smirk off your face,” I taunted as I lifted my leg, pulling my knee up, ready to make contact with his side.

  Wes shook his head as he blocked my assault, “Where did you learn to do that?”

  “I’m taking classes at school, and I’m a quick leaner.” I laughed as I lifted my leg to do it again.

  “Hold up,” he lifted his hand to halt me. “Let me grab some pads, and you can really let go.” He moved over to where the fighters kept all their gear and grabbed pads to strap on his arms. “My little Angel is turning into a devil,” he grinned as he braced himself in front of me.

  “Am not,” I frowned. “My dad used to scare me all the time. I’m never feeling that way ever again,” I lifted my foot, spun this time, and held nothing back. When I connected with the pad, Wes released a low whistle.

  “Damn, Angel, that was hot,” he hissed. “Hit me, again.” He lifted the pad higher so I’d have to extend my leg more, but I liked a challenge. “Sweet Jesus, you’re going have me so turned on when we’re finished here, I’m going to need a cold shower.”

  “You like that, huh?” I giggled, proud of myself. I’d been trying to get this man’s attention for years, and I finally had it. It made me feel strong, beautiful, and desired.

  “I more than like it,” his voice lowered as his eyes pinned me in place. The gym normally wasn’t open this time of day. Wes had special privileges since he trained for his fights here. His manager made sure that all the fighters he worked with had their own workout time. How he’d swung that, I wasn’t sure, but All- Stars seemed to be willing to work with it.

  “How long before we’re not alone anymore?” I bit my lip and glanced around.

  “Place is closed today. I came in to lift and then go home.” His head tipped as he stalked closer to me, dropping the pads on the way.

  “Closed, huh?” I licked my lips as I stepped back until I bumped into the wall.

  “Un huh,” Wes murmured. He kept moving closer until his chest brushed up against mine. “I didn’t think you’d show; I was planning to lift all morning.”

  “You asked me to meet you here. Why wouldn’t I show?” I nibbled my lower lip, and dropped my eyes to stare at his chest, now heaving from his ragged breathing.

  “I’m just not used to this,” he whispered before slamming his mouth down on mine. His hands reached down, grabbing my thighs, and lifting me against the wall. My legs wrapped around his waist as my arms looped around his neck. He groaned when I pressed my center over his throbbing erection. “I don’t ever fucking mind if you show up here looking like this and want to hit me,” he gasped as he began nipping along my jaw and finally stopping at my ear. “You do things to me, Angel. Things that I don’t think should be happening,” he hissed before shoving his tongue in my mouth.

  “I want you so much,” I moaned as I broke the kiss. “Please?” I flexed my hips trying to press into him harder.

  “Not here,” he gasped. “I’m not doing that here. You deserve better Angel, and don’t you think this is a little fast?”

  I began placing kisses on his neck, and I nipped lightly when I grazed over the spot where his heartbeat was pulsing rapidly. “We’ve been flirting for nine years. We’ve moved slow enough,” I teased, before licking up his jaw and connecting our mouths once again.

  He groaned, and ripped his mouth away, panting, “I mean it, Angel. I’m not doing this here. I wanna take you on a real date... somewhere nice, where I can treat you like you should be treated. I’m not gonna climb into bed with you in my parent’s basement or in the locker room here. You’d regret that and so would I.”

  “A date? When?” I pressed.

  “I have to talk to your brother,” he muttered, effectively killing my mood.

  “Who cares what he thinks,” I released my legs, and lightly pushed him away. “I’m tired of my life revolving around Cole’s feelings. What about mine?”

  “Angel,” Wes sighed and gripped his neck. “I like you…more than I should. It’s like you were this sweet little girl, and I blinked, and now you’re this amazing woman. You grew up on me, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around how that makes me feel. I know that it’s ok to feel this way, now, But I can’t help that little voice that’s telling me that my best friend is going to freak when he finds out what I want to do with his sister.”

  “I can’t keep doing this,” I mumbled. “I can’t hang on the edge here, waiting for it all to come crashing down around me.”

  “I’m not asking you to.” Wes stepped closer, removing the space between us. “I’ve got a few things to do today. Why don’t we hang out later? We can talk about how we want to tell Cole. We’ll do it together if you want.”

  I blew out a breath, “Ok. I’ve got errands to run tonight. I’ll see if I can sneak out without Cole or Mom asking me a million questions. I’ll come to your parent’s house.”

  “Sounds good,” he pressed a kiss to my forehead. I nodded as I pulled my sweatshirt back on and shouldered my gym bag. “Hey, Angel,” Wes called as I started to walk away.

  “What?” I rolled my eyes as I turned to face him.

  “The next time you dress like that, I won’t try so hard to stop myself from touching that sweet little treasure you’ve got hidden between those thighs,” he wagged his brows as my face flushed with a mix of desire and embarrassment.

  Holy hell, this man was hot. Every part of him screamed sex: from his dirty mouth all the way down to his rock hard body. I was in trouble with a capital T
. Wes had always held back with me. I’d never been on the receiving end of his flirtations, and now I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist him next time either. If I wasn’t so flustered, I might have followed him into the locker room that he was so intent on getting to.

  Chapter 9

  Wes- Age 23

  Thoughts of having the entire night alone with Angela swirled through my head as Cole and I sat at the bar in Suds. We’d found the place a few months back, and made it our regular hangout. It was new and nice place to unwind. It also seemed that the ladies hadn’t found me here yet.

  “So,” Cole sipped his beer, “about that contract.”

  “I don’t know what I should do, man.” I lifted the envelope that held pages and pages of legal jargon. “This is all happening so fast,” I sighed and shook my head. “What do you think I should I do?”

  “If it was me,” Cole grinned, “I’d sign with them. That Victoria seems to really want to promote you. You might be able to get some of the bigger fights with her on your side.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure you’re right, but I don’t think promoting is all she wants to do for me,” I grumbled.

  “I’d say that’s about right,” he chuckled as he eyed something over my shoulder.

  We’d been sitting at the bar for a while, and I’d managed to tune out my surroundings pretty well. If I’d been paying better attention, I probably would have heard her approach. “Fancy running into you here, Mr. McKay.” She placed her hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she slid onto the stool beside me.

  “I still haven’t made a decision yet, Victoria,” I rolled my eyes as I let my chin drop.

  “I’m not here to talk business, and how many time do I have to tell you it’s Vicki? I’m out just like you, trying to relax. Daddy’s had me busy this week. I didn’t come looking for you,” she smiled as the bartender approached her. After ordering her drink, she looked back at me. “We really do have your best interest at heart. We’re a small firm, and Daddy’s really made a difference for several of the up and comers. You should take a look at our client list if you want some references.” She smiled as the bartender dropped her drink off.

  “Lots of up and comers huh?” I tipped my bottle up to my lips as I grinned. She was so different here away from the suits and business. Her jeans molded to her body, and the blouse she was wearing was open just far enough that when she shifted you could see a light blue bra peeking out. “How long have you been doing this? You seem kinda young?”

  “I’m new to the firm. My dad’s been at this for twenty years, and I’m not that young,” she giggled as she sipped her drink.

  “What do you mean by that?” I smirked. Cole chuckled behind me as he muttered something about how he knew it was her. I wasn’t really paying attention, so I didn’t pick up on what he was saying right then.

  “I’m twenty-four,” she smiled as she leaned closer “and I know what I’m doing.” Her hand slipped off the bar as she leaned closer, placing it on my upper thigh, “I’m good at my job, and I know I can give you exactly what you need.”

  Her words sent a fire blazing through me as the raw need from my earlier encounter with Angel rushed to the surface. “You think you know what I need, huh?” I flirted back.

  “Oh, I know I do. I’m confident that I can provide services that you didn’t even think you wanted until I gave you a taste,” she winked as her fingers skimmed to my inner thigh. She squeezed the muscle lightly before using her other hand to tip her glass all the way back. The remaining liquid slipped into her mouth just before she turned and licked her lips. “I’m staying at the Regency, room 112. Bring the contracts by later if you want to. We can add you to our list of clients and start working right away.” She released me, winked, and sashayed out the door just a Cole release a low whistle.

  “She’s hot, but something about her doesn’t sit right with me,” Cole mumbled.

  “What do you mean?” I finished off my beer, and ordered another. “You said if it was you, you’d sign.”

  “I mean, she seems to be trying too hard,” he shook his head. “Did you tap that?” he snickered.

  “No!” I scowled.

  “Are you sure, because she’s acting like she’s seen your dick,” he chuckled.

  “How do you know what that looks like? You following me around?” I muttered.

  “We lived together in college dude. Are you forgetting that I know what your “I just got laid” face looks like. You’ve been walking around the last few days with that look. Add to that the hot woman that can’t stay away from you,” he rolled his eyes. “Your fucking somebody, and if it’s not her, then who?” he smirked as his eyes bore into mine.

  “No one,” I mumbled against the bottle as I froze, hoping that he’d drop the subject. “Angela seems happy,” I tried to sway the conversation onto something that could lead to Angel, but Cole wasn’t having it.

  “She’s fine. I wanna know what you’ve been doing with that Vicki chick,” he pushed my shoulder as I scowled at him.

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not fucking her, or anyone else,” I growled.

  “Right,” he rolled his eyes as he finished his beer. “Whatever you say man. Have fun at her hotel tonight,” he tossed a few bills on the bar, grabbed his coat, and left me sitting there with my mouth hanging open.

  Now what was I going to do? Angela was expecting me at home later, but I did have time to drop off this contract. I still had a few questions that I wanted to ask Vicki, but Cole was right. If I signed with them, she could help me get to the top. I wanted to be the best, and I knew that the only way to get there was with a killer support system. Deciding not to wait any longer and possibly change my mind, I grabbed the contract, and went outside to hail a cab. It was freezing today, and I wanted to drop these off so I could have plenty of time to gather my thoughts before Angela stopped by. I had chickened out and not told Cole about us, and I knew she was going to be pissed when she found out. I’d told her that I wanted to tell him before things escalated between us. She was going back to school in four days, and I was running out of time.


  Two hours and a lot of talking later, and the contracts were signed. I’d met Vicki in the lobby, but she’d insisted that I come up to her room. We sat at the small table in the corner and hammered out all the details of my contract. I’d be with the firm for a year starting out. They’d get a twenty percent commission on all the sponsors I booked. Vicki would travel with me, and filter all questions for interviews and public speaking. It seemed like a good deal, and both Vicki and I were happy with the final agreement. I couldn’t help the bounce in my step when I exited the hotel.

  It had just gotten dark and after picking up a bottle of wine from the corner store, I hopped in a cab to head back to my parent’s place. Angela should be stopping by soon, and I wanted to have everything perfect for our evening. My parents were gone for the night, and the idea of having uninterrupted time with her in a private place was so appealing it had me already hardening in my jeans.

  When I arrived home, I set the wine in the fridge to chill, and made myself comfortable on the couch. I don’t know how many reruns I watched while I waited, but I waited and waited and waited. When I looked at my watch and saw it was after ten, I began to worry. Angela had said that she’d try to get out. Maybe Cole or her mom had stalled her. I picked up my cell and sent her text hoping that she’s show any minute.

  Wes: Getting lonely here. You still coming?

  After waiting a few minutes and receiving no answer, I tried again.

  Wes: Got us some wine

  And again.

  Wes: Did your brother stop you?

  Anger as well as worry soon began to plague me as my phone sat silent on the table in front of me.

  Wes: This isn’t funny, Angel. Message me back, I’m starting to worry.

  Wes: I’m coming over

  It had been three hours since I’d arrived home, and all of my t
exts had gone unanswered. It wasn’t like Angela to ignore me, and worry set in. What if something had happened on her way over? What if Cole had seen her sneaking out and stopped her? What if she’d been in an accident?

  I shoved my feet into my shoes, grabbed my coat and keys, and rushed out the door. A million different scenarios raced through my head as my feet pounded the pavement. It was only a four block walk, but the closer I got to her house, the faster I moved. My eyes scanned the street looking for any sign of something being wrong and found nothing.

  When I reached her front door, I raced up the steps and pounded on it. Within seconds, Cole yanked it open. His face held no emotion as he stood staring at me.

  “What’s up man? Did you sign?” he loomed in the doorway.

  “Huh?” I shook my head trying to clear it before realizing what he was talking about.

  “Yeah. I signed a little bit ago. Is Angel home?” I attempted to see around him into the house.

  “No,” he ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. “She’s not going to feel like celebrating with us anyway.”

  “Celebrating?” I repeated the word like I didn’t understand what it meant.

  “Yeah dummy. Celebrating you being a paid athlete,” he shoved at my shoulder. “You wanna come in and have a few beers?”

  “I can’t. I really need to talk to Angel about something,” I shuffled my feet as I glanced back at the street behind me.

  “Well, good luck with that. She tore out of here about an hour ago. She said she needed to get back to school early. Something about a project she forgot about.” He shook his head in confusion. “I don’t know what got her so worried all of a sudden, but man she looked like she was ready to lose it. You know that look girls get when they’re trying not to cry? She shoved her things in her suitcase, and barreled out the door like her ass was on fire. Didn’t even really tell me bye, just that she would call me to let me know she got in ok.” He stepped back out of the doorway, “You sure you don’t want a beer? We can talk about Vicki, and how you’re not screwing her.”


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