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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

Page 6

by Riley Walker

“Holy shit.”


  “Okay. Tell me what we need to do. I still don’t believe that Armand is doing anything that goes against the greater good of our people, but I am willing to help you learn the truth.”

  “You know the ‘mission’ he sent me on? When I got to the meeting point, there was no one there. We found a lone Dark Fey soldier not far away, bleeding out. He told us that there had been an ambush on the castle. A Renegade ambush. He also told me he watched a man in a cloak stab King Richard in the heart, then etch the ‘A’ in his chest. He yelled that this was for his leader.”

  “It couldn’t have been Armand. He was here the entire time you were gone. Are you sure it was the Renegades?”

  “I only know what the soldier told us. Whoever did it was already gone.”

  “We need to start looking in his tent. See what we can uncover there. If we find what you think we will, what's the plan?”

  “I don’t know yet. Let’s just see what we find.”

  “Are you ready for this? Once we find out what is really going on, there will be no going back. For either of us.”

  “Let’s just get this over with, Rook. I still don’t believe you are going to find anything incriminating against Armand, but I told you I would help you. We need to know either way.”

  I study my second-in-command closely. I know this will be hard for him. Hawkeye knows Armand’s schedule and today is the weekly meeting time he has with his ‘advisor’, otherwise known as Sherry. One day a week he leaves to go visit her. Armand is nothing if not predictable.

  Inside Armand’s tent, we find a hidden gold mine. Literally. He has maps of all the routes used to transport the minerals along with an inventory listing of all the minerals we have intercepted to bring back for redistribution.

  “Rook, come look at this.”

  “What did you find?”

  Hawkeye pushes a different folder full of inventory listings of medicines and supplies that were supposed to go to the Inferiors. Antibiotics and medicines that could have saved our sick. Supplies that could have been used to clean water, and seeds to grow more food.

  “None of this was ever delivered to the Inferiors. We never saw a single shipment of medicine or anything else listed here.”


  “No, Rook! Is he keeping these things from us? Why would he do this? How many people have we lost from a simple infection while he was holding the one thing that would have kept them alive?”

  “I just don’t know, Hawk. There is a map over here of a mine that I have never seen. Let’s take this one back with us and go investigate. We need to see exactly what Armand is hiding.”

  Hawkeye and I take the small map and head back to my tent. We will need to leave immediately in order to get there and back without anyone becoming suspicious.

  “Hawkeye, I understand if you don’t want to go.”

  “Save it, Rook. I know what needs to be done. I’m ready to leave now.”

  We take off and start our walk west of the camps, down past the stream I took my Cara to. It takes us a little over two hours to find the hidden mine. If you didn’t know it was there, you never would have realized you were standing directly in front of the opening. Hawkeye and I stare at each other. Both of us are confused at the sight. In front of us, just ahead of the tree line that is keeping us hidden, stands at least a dozen guards. They are guarding a mine that should not exist.

  Hawkeye and I slowly ease back and retrace our steps back to the camp. Once in my tent, I turn to look my best friend in the eyes. Trying to gauge how he is taking this information.

  “Did you recognize any of those guards?”

  “Not a single one of them. They were definitely not Renegades.”

  “Rook, we are going to need help. I don’t know who we can trust.”

  “I know who will help us. She is the only one, besides you, that I would trust with this information.”


  Coming Home

  After I pass through the gates, shocking the unusually high amount of guards stationed there, I finally make my way to the servants’ entrance. I smell a delicious scent coming from the kitchen, and I remember how hungry I truly am. Rook fed me well, but nothing is as good as Gretchen’s cooking.

  The sight in the kitchen stops me short. Surrounding the island are the most important people in my life, minus Rook. Gretchen is there passing out treats, my best friends, Colton and Shelby are seated extremely close to one another, Winston standing, looking regal as ever, and Edrik, my Knight, is seated away from everyone, shoulders hunched tight, weariness written all over his face.

  “Hi, honey! I’m home.”

  I barely get the last word out before I am tackled to the ground by the most beautiful pixie of a girl. My very best friend. I didn’t know if I would ever see her again.

  “Frannie! Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  “I have missed you so much, Shelby. We have a lot to talk about.”

  I don’t miss the blush that hits her cheeks. She has obviously been up to no good since being here. She has on her usual ripped up shorts, combat boots, and a t-shirt that says Zombies Eat Brains, You Are Safe.

  “Damn, Franchesca. You took a few years off my life. Try staying put next time, yeah?”

  “I promise to try, Colton. It's good to be home. That's for sure.”



  I turn my head towards Edrik when I hear his chair scrape the floor. In a few strides, my Knight has me lifted off the ground and is holding me so tight I almost can’t breathe.

  “Don’t you ever do anything like that to me again.”

  “Sure, Eddie. I’ll try not to get kidnapped against my will ever again.”

  Seriously, these people are acting like I did this on purpose.

  “Put her down, Edrik. Let me see my girl.”


  “My child. You’ve lost more weight. I’ll heat you up something to eat.”

  “Where are my parents? I should probably go see them now. Let them both know I’m back home and okay.”

  “Your father is in his study with the rest of the Advisory members. They are trying to figure out what to do now, with my father gone and a large section of the Dark Fey army wiped out.”

  “I am sorry to hear about your father, Winston. King Richard was a good man.”

  “Please, Franchesca. He was an ass and a horrible leader. My only regret is not saying that to his face before he died.”

  “Well, I am still sorry, Winston. Please give your mother my sympathy as well. Edrik, take me to my father please.”

  Edrik walks beside me, his hand on the small of my back.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to do this? There is a room full of angry men with him right now. Maybe it would be best if you go on upstairs, get cleaned up and let me tell him you are home.”

  “That sounds perfect. Would you ask Gretchen to send my food up to me? I don’t think I’m in the mood for any formal dinner tonight.”

  “Of course, Chess.”

  Edrik gives me a quick kiss and leaves me on my own, closing the door behind him. I wonder what that was about. You would think he would be more excited to see me. Has something happened?

  Before I can begin to think it over, my door slams open, and I am engulfed in the best hug. No one gives them like my dad.

  “Edrik just told me you were back. I ran up here, leaving a room full of shocked men. Are you okay? Did anything happen? What did they want? Do you need a doctor?”

  “Dad, one question at a time please. I’m fine, nothing happened, they want help with the Inferiors and no, I do not need a doctor. I promise, I am fine. They were actually very accommodating, and I learned a lot about the people and what they need. Dad, the way they live, it's horrible.”

  “Frannie, can we discuss this later? You just got home. I don’t want to deal with any of this right now. Just let me take a moment to be ha
ppy that my daughter is back home, safe where she belongs.”

  “Okay, dad. I’m going to grab a hot shower and eat. Tomorrow morning, we need to talk about everything I witnessed while I was there.”

  “Tomorrow morning, I promise. Now, let me go find your mother and tell her about your return. I know she will be anxious to celebrate with a feast or something.”

  We both laugh at that statement. He knows her so well. She may be difficult, sometimes, but she is still my mother. A knock on my door interrupts our conversation. Gretchen walks in carrying a tray full of yummy-smelling food.

  “Well, I see you have your own feast to get to now. I am so happy to see you home, Frannie. I love you.”

  “Love you too, daddy.”

  My Dad walks out as Gretchen walks over, laying the tray down on my bed.

  “Sit, let me get some food in you.”

  “Gretchen, I am not a child anymore.”

  “I know. I am just so glad to see you.”

  “You know how much I missed your cooking? Did you by any chance bring up a piece of your famous chocolate cake?”

  She just chuckles. “You think I would dare come up here with no cake?”

  “You’re the best!”

  I begin to eat, taking no time to stop and savor this wonderful meal. Roasted lamb, steamed vegetables, buttery biscuits, and of course, my giant slice of chocolate cake.

  “I can see something is on your mind. Say whatever it is that is bothering you.”

  “What happened to Edrik? He is acting strange. Is he not happy that I am home?”

  “Oh dear, I am sure he is very happy to have you home safe. When you were kidnapped, Edrik lost his mind. He blames himself for leaving you and not being there to protect you. He wanted to storm the Renegade camps, but your father would not allow it. King Bastian wanted to wait and see what the Renegades had planned. He was fairly certain that they would not harm you. Were you treated well?”

  I don’t know why this question makes me blush, but it’s like Gretchen knows the answer to that question. “I was treated fairly well. No harm came to me.”

  She squeezes my hand before standing up and leaving the room. After I finish devouring my dinner, I waste no time in taking the hottest shower that I can stand. I was able to stay fairly clean thanks to the cold shower and lagoon, but nothing beats a hot shower. After drying off and getting dressed, I walk back into my room. I am so disappointed that Edrik has not come back to check on me. I am exhausted from being woken up in the middle of the night and traveling back to the castle, so I crawl into bed and fall fast asleep. It could have been only minutes or maybe it was hours later, but I feel someone crawl into bed behind me. I smell lavender and know immediately that it is Edrik. His scent has always calmed me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls my back tight against his chest. I feel his breath on the back of my neck like he is trying to drink in my scent.

  “I am so happy you are safe, Chess. I have been worried sick.”

  I try to turn around to face him, and he just holds me tighter. I hear him take a shaky breath.

  “Just let me hold you tonight. I need to know you are safe in my arms, and I promise that nothing will ever happen to you again.”

  I’m sure that I feel a few tears fall into my hair, and I snuggle further into him, hoping to give him a little peace of mind.

  “Eddie, I’m fine. No one laid a hand on me. In fact, I was treated well. I need to have a talk with Dad tomorrow about the Renegades, and I want you there with me.”

  “I will never leave your side. You are my fated, and we will never be apart again. Let's get some sleep. I have not slept since you were taken, and I am barely keeping my eyes open.”

  I bring his hand up to my lips, kissing his knuckles gently. I think of Rook and feel guilt wash over me. Edrik was at the castle worried sick about me while I was bonding with another man. How am I going to tell him that I have more than one fated mate? I fall asleep fast due to the warmth of Edrik’s arms and my exhaustion.


  Girl Time

  A loud banging on my door, followed by a high-pitched squeal wakes me up. I barely have time to open my eyes before I see a flash jump into the air and land directly between Edrik and I.

  “Frannie, you better get your toosh out of bed this instant! I need me some best friend time.”

  “I’ll just go get some breakfast and give you two some time alone. I also need to speak to your father.”

  “Will you please remind him that we need to talk today. As soon as possible.”

  Edrik leans over Shelby and kisses my forehead. “Of course, I will,” Edrik staggers and then stops. I watch him as he tilts his head to the side while studying my best friend.

  “Um, Edrik. Is everything okay?”

  “I was just reading your friends interesting choice of shirt. Anyway, I will give you two some time together.”

  After Edrik leaves I look over at Shelby and get my first glance at her shirt. Todays says Why Be Moody When You Can Shake Yo Booty. There are no words for this one. All I can do is roll my eyes.

  “Girl, while you were gone that man was losing his ever-lovin’ mind. He tried to leave so many times, but your daddy wouldn’t hear it. I thought he was going to deck him one time.”

  I sit up and study my best friend. Her hair is a little longer, but that’s all that has changed on her. She is still a tiny thing, her eyes still full of mischief, and she is still sporting the black sides with crazy, spiked white hair on top. I grab her and hug her as hard as I can.

  “I missed you so much, Shelby. I’m sorry you were taken because of me. Please forgive me.”

  “There is nothing to forgive. Nothing that happened was your fault. Now why don’t you tell me the real reason you look so glum? You look worse than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Aren’t you happy to be back with us, with Edrik?”

  “I am happy to be home. And Edrik, you know how I feel about him, but what you don’t know is he is my fated mate.”

  “What do you mean by ‘fated mate’?”

  “He was made for me. He’s my soulmate, Shelby.”

  “Frannie, I don’t understand what you’re saying. A person made just for you? How is that even possible?”

  “It doesn’t happen with anyone but the Royals, and even that hasn’t happened in over a century. It’s said that there is a true fated for each Royal. When the fated meet and have an intimate moment, their souls come together and their eyes change colors.”

  “But, Frannie, you have the same blue eyes you have had since I’ve known you.”

  I slip my amulet off of my neck, letting her see my lavender eyes for the first time.

  “Sweet baby Jesus. Frannie, why are your eyes purple? Am I being pranked? Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of your closet?”

  I grab her before she can start rooting through my closet. “Shelby, look at me. This is serious. I am the first Royal in over a century to find my mated.”

  “I don’t get it, Frannie. This should be a good thing for you. Why do you look so sad? Is it that Prince fella? I heard you’re supposed to marry him. Just tell him no and go be with Edrik.”

  “No, this has nothing to do with Winston.”

  I stand up and start pacing my room. My hands twist in my hair, I let out a low groan.

  “The problem is, while I was at the Renegade camp, I found out I have another fated. Edrik is not the only one.”

  “No shit.”

  “Nope. No shit.”

  “It’s Rook, isn’t it?! I knew as soon as you two got together fireworks were gonna go off.”

  “Why would you assume it was Rook?”

  “Please. My gut instinct is always on point. Besides, who else would it have been? Hawkeye? Gurl please!”

  I just stand there and watch Shelby laugh so hard she falls over and out of the bed. I hope that hurt.

  “Shelby. Shelby! Can we be serious for one moment please? What am I going to do? How the heck do I
tell Edrik about Rook? For that matter, how am I supposed to tell my parents that I have not one, but two fated and neither one is my betrothed?”

  “Oh man. You are in a pickle.”

  Whatever she was about to say is interrupted by Edrik returning with a tray full of breakfast food. He sets it down on my desk, and I am suddenly very hungry. The tray has a platter of french toast, bacon, fluffy eggs, and two big mugs of coffee.

  Shelby grabs her penguin mug and says, “Thank you so much for stealing our Keurig, Edrik. I’m lost without my coffee. You are my new favorite person.”

  He stands there with a puzzled look on his face. “Uhh, you’re welcome?” Edrik turns to look at me.

  “Chess, is there a reason why your amulet is no longer around your neck?”

  I grab the amulet and throw it on my neck. Turning to look at Edrik, I tell him that I wanted to show Shelby. “I don’t want to keep secrets from my best friend.”

  “Except that you’re a freaking Princess!” she says while slugging me.

  I roll my eyes at her as I rub my shoulder. For such a tiny girl, she has a mean punch.

  “I spoke to your father. He said he would meet us in his study in an hour, so start eating.”

  After finishing off another one of Gretchen's fabulous meals, I head downstairs followed closely by Edrik and Shelby.

  “Where do you think you are going?” Edrik asks Shelby.

  “I’m obviously going with you guys.”

  “Why would you think you could go with us?”

  “Duh. Because I know things, too. I know all about the Inferiors’ requests, how they have been treated by the Royals, and I know about the Renegades. Rook and Hawkeye told me things while I was there.”

  “What kind of things did they tell you?”

  “I guess you'll just have to find out when I talk to the King.”

  I watch my best friend push past my . . . boyfriend . . . and sashay down the remainder of the stairs. I look at Edrik and just laugh. He will learn one way or another, Shelby will do what Shelby wants to do. No one gets in her way.


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