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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

Page 7

by Riley Walker


  Surprise Company

  Our little troop walks into the study where Dad is waiting for us. I hurry over and hug his neck while giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Hi, dad. We have a lot to discuss today.”

  “Good morning, Frannie, Edrik, Shelby. Please have a seat. I am sure you wish to discuss the Renegades and whatever nonsense they have filled your head with.”

  “Dad, first of all, it is not nonsense. Their cause is justified and important. They just want you to hear them out. The Inferiors are living in squalor, but they are still proud people. They welcomed me with open arms and treated me with nothing but respect. All they are asking for is their fair share of the minerals and trades. They should be compensated for their hard work and diligence.”

  “Frannie, we have been over this. What do you expect me to do?”

  Edrik clears his throat. “Perhaps we should gather the Dark and Light Fey Advisors and hear what the Renegades’ demands are exactly. What harm could it do? It might even stop the war from continuing on. We all know that is what Armand truly wants, and we have already lost the Dark Fey King to Armand’s senseless act.”

  I am about to agree with Edrik when there is a frantic knock on the door.

  King Bastian bellows, “Come in.”

  A haggard-looking guard steps into the study. “Excuse me, King, but we have two gentlemen here to see you. They claimed to know Princess Franchesca. What would you have me do with them?’

  Before Dad can reply, I stand up and stalk toward the door. “Take me to them.”

  “Chess, where are you going? You do not know who is out there.”

  “I have a pretty good idea who it is, Edrik.”

  “Frannie, they asked for the King. I will be the one to deal with this matter.” Dad walks out of the study and down the hall to the castle entrance. We all follow fast on his heels. I stop short when I see Rook and Hawkeye standing in the foyer. Prince Winston is holding a sword to Rook’s neck, but Rook does not look like it bothers him one bit.

  Winston turns his head toward me, giving me a smirk. “Friends of yours, Princess?”

  “Winston, lower your sword this instant! These are friends of mine.” I rush over to stand in front of Rook.

  “Friends of yours? Who exactly are they, Princess? They look like Renegade soldiers to me.”

  I push Winston out of the way and turn to look at Rook. “What are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

  “Thomas, is that you?”

  I look over my shoulder at Edrik, giving him a questioning look.

  “I haven't gone by that name in over a decade. It’s Rook now. How is it going, Edrik?”

  “You are Rook? The same Rook that raided the castle? The Rook that kidnapped the Princess?”

  Before Rook has a chance to respond, Knight has cleared the space between them and pulled back his fist, punching Rook square in the jaw. Rook just shakes his head and gives Edrik a sneer.

  “The first one was free. After that, I will fight back, old friend.”

  “Wait! How do the two of you know each other?”

  Edrik answers me, his nostrils still flaring out with rage. “Thomas, excuse me, Rook here and I go way back. He used to live on the castle grounds with his mother until he ran off.”

  “I didn't run off. I couldn’t stand to live here any longer, knowing my people were suffering. It was time to take a stand and become a man.”

  I turn my head at the sound of a tray hitting the floor. When I look over, I see Gretchen standing there, all color having left her face.

  “Thomas, what are you doing here? What happened?”

  “Mom. I’m okay. We have some business to discuss with King Bastian.”

  I turn and focus all my attention on Rook. “Your mother? Gretchen is your mother?!”


  I get in his face and jab my finger in his chest, using it to punctuate each word. “Don't you ‘Cara’ me! You keep talking about honesty and keeping things from each other, and you couldn't even tell me Gretchen is your Mother??”

  “Enough!” my Dad yells. “Everyone, back into my study. Gretchen, would you mind bringing in fresh drinks, please?”

  We follow Dad back into his study, everyone refusing to sit. Tension is pouring off of each person in here, except for Shelby. Why does she look so giddy?

  Shelby bounces over to Rook, giving him a big hug. “Hey, Rookie! I have missed your face. S’up, Hawk?”

  Rook gives Shelby a quick squeeze before looking over at me. I feel a slight pang of jealousy. When did they get so close? Shelby and I definitely need to have a talk later.

  “I assume there is a reason the two of you demanded to see me. What is so important that you trespassed into my castle?”

  “It is Armand, sir. Your brother has been hiding things from us, things that could have been helping the Inferiors, but instead, he has been keeping things for himself.”

  Dad gives me a look, “Frannie, just what information did you indulge to the Renegades?”

  “Dad, he had the right to know. He already suspected Armand of doing something unsavory, I just told him that he was your brother.”

  “She is right, sir. I shared with her my suspicions about him first. I told no one of his relationship to you.”

  “What suspicions do you have?”

  “King Bastian, we have reason to believe that Armand is intercepting mineral shipments. He is also hoarding the supplies and medicines that were supposed to be passed out among the Inferiors.”

  “Where is your evidence? How did you obtain this information?”

  Rook squares his shoulders and looks my Dad in the eye. “We snuck into Armand’s tent and found several maps that show the coordinates of the Light and Dark Fey mineral drop off points and a map to his hiding spot. We took that map and investigated the hidden mine where he is keeping the supplies he has stolen from both kingdoms. The mine is heavily guarded and neither one of us recognized any of the men.”

  “Well, this is interesting news. I will gather the advisors of both kingdoms and you can present your evidence. We will decide how to move forward after that. Meanwhile, you two will stay here in the castle as my guests. That way I can keep an eye on you and make sure you are not trying to double cross us.”

  “Sir, do you think that is wise?” asks Edrik.

  “Are you questioning me? I will do what I think is best for my Kingdom, and for now, keeping an eye on these two is my top priority. That is, until we can have our meeting with the advisors. You may all be excused now. I have business to attend to.”

  We walk out of the study and Rook grabs my elbow and pulls me aside. “Cara, I’ve missed you.”

  I look for Edrik but he is still preoccupied with my dad. I am sure they are making plans for the meeting. “Not now, Rook. I will come see you later.”

  Gretchen chooses that moment to show up with a tray full of drinks. “Gretchen, I am sure you’d like to have some alone time with your son. Do you mind showing him and Hawkeye to their rooms? I am feeling a bit tired. I think I will go lay down for a bit before dinner.”

  I grab Shelby and haul her to my room, slamming the door behind us.

  “Frannie, what are you going to do? Both of your boys are here, and neither knows about the other. This is like a live Springer episode.”

  “I don't know what to do. What was all that ‘Hey, Rookie’ down there anyways? I told you he was my fated, and you never said anything to me about having a relationship with him. I trusted you, Shelby!”

  “Whoa. Back off sister. Rook is like a big brother to me. He’s my Alpha, Frannie. I owe him so much. He helped me shift the first time after finally figuring out what was wrong with me.”

  “Shift? What do you mean he helped you shift?”

  “OhmygodIcantbeliveIhaventtoldyouyet! I’m a shifter, Frannie. When I crossed into this Realm, my shifter genes kicked in. It took Rook realizing what was making me so sick to force my fi
rst shift. I’m a penguin, Frannie. I’m a freaking Emperor Penguin!”

  “What the hell did you just say?”

  My best friend begins to take off her clothes. Before I can ask what in the world she is doing, Shelby is gone and standing in her place is a penguin. A freaking Emperor Penguin.

  The penguin squawks at me and begins to waddle around my bedroom. That’s it. I have officially lost my sanity. When the penguin comes up behind me and smacks me on the butt with a flipper, I officially lose it. I fall to the floor in a fit of laughter, tears streaming down my face.

  Laying on my back, trying to catch my breath, I am unprepared for the beak that lays across my forehead. I let out a small scream, and another fit of laughter takes over again. I laugh so hard I am pretty sure I wet myself. An Emperor Penguin. Who would have ever thought?


  Air And Opportunity

  After all the penguin fun, Shelby and I lay down on my bed. She says shifting takes a lot out of her, and I am still tired from the emotional rollercoaster I have been on since returning from the Earth Realm. A couple hours have passed when Edrik knocks on my door. I tiptoe to the door and open it quietly. “Hey, Eddie.” I whisper. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to spend some time with you.”

  I look over at Shelby to make sure she is still sleeping and walk into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind me. “Sure, but let’s go to the grotto. Shelby fell asleep in my bed, and I don’t have the heart to wake her up.”

  “That sounds great, Chess. My muscles could use a good soak.” He winks at me and grabs my hand, pulling me down the hall.

  The stone grotto was built by my grandfather. The natural hot spring that fills it and the built in benches, offers the perfect place to just sit and relax. Edrik and I change clothes in the dressing rooms where we keep spare bathing suits for guests. I choose the deep-red bikini, while Edrik puts on a simple pair of black trunks.

  We both slip into the warm water and sit down on the bench on the far side. The water is soothing and relaxing. I look over to Edrik and notice that he has taken off his amulet. Those beautiful lavender eyes are staring at me with a familiar hunger. I also take off my amulet and slide over next to him laying my head on his shoulder. I always feel so safe and secure when I’m with my Knight. We are sitting there in comfortable silence, when the door opens, and Rook walks in.

  “Well, well, what do we have here? I should have known it was him,” Rook says with a look of disgust.

  “What was who? What in the world are you talking about, Rook?” Edrik asks in confusion.

  Before I have a chance to say anything, Rook rips off his amulet and tosses it next to ours. Edrik is looking at the amulet like it’s a snake about to bite him, and then he stares into Rook’s lavender eyes. When he turns back to me, I see a look of betrayal on his face. This is not how I wanted him to find out.

  Rook grins down at Edrik. “So, you are the lucky bastard that mated her first.”

  “First? First? Chess what is going on? Mated?!”

  I am too stunned to answer him. Edrik jumps out of the water and storms across the room getting in Rook’s face.

  “You are mated to my Chess? Are you prepared to deal with the consequences of touching what is mine?”

  Rook has an amused look on his face. “I don’t see anything between us but air and opportunity, my brother. Take your best shot.”

  I jump out of the water and rush to stand in the middle of them.

  “Stop it right now. First of all, I am not your property, Eddie. And you. Why would you tell him like this? Just shove it in his face that he isn’t my only fated? What is wrong with the two of you? You are acting like children pissing on their favorite toy!”

  Edrik continues looking at Rook, anger rolling off of him.

  “I cannot deal with this right now. I love you, Chess, but I just need some time to wrap my head around all of this.”

  Edrik bends down and angrily grabs his amulet, throwing it over his head. He walks off, head bent forward and I turn my attention back to Rook.


  “Don’t you ‘Cara’ me! And what exactly does that mean?”

  He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. “Cara means ‘my love’. You are my love, Franchesca.”

  “I can’t do this with you right now, Rook. I have to go fix this with Edrik. I don’t know what to say to him. How is this even possible? How could I be mated to more than one man?”

  “Give him a few moments to cool off. Come, sit by me. We have enough things going against us, I don’t want there to be any secrets or lies between us.”

  “What are you talking about, Rook? What lies and secrets?”

  Rook runs his hands through his hair

  “There is a prophecy Cara. I believe you are the Queen it speaks of.”

  “I have never heard of such a prophecy.”

  He recited the prophecy to me.

  “Fated mates shall unite with their Golden Queen,

  or peace shall not be seen.

  If the bonds are not eternally made,

  evil in our realm shall raid.

  Two Kingdoms will undoubtedly fall,

  if the Golden Queen heeds not her call.

  For only love shall change this fate,

  between the Golden Queen and her fated mates.”

  “I don’t understand. What does this even mean? You don’t have a Kingdom.”

  “I know. I don’t understand it, myself. I grew up hearing this as a fairytale my Mom would recite to me at night. She can tell you more than I can.”

  “Gretchen knows about this? She never told me. Edrik has no idea, either, does he?”

  “I doubt it. His mother wasn’t a fairy-telling figure growing up. Maybe him hearing this will help make it easier on him.”

  “We need to tell him, Rook. He needs to know the truth.”

  “Princess, you need to go tell him. I think me being there will only make it worse.”

  I stand and start to walk off, but I am pulled back into a tight chest. “Just because I am letting you leave doesn't mean that this is over. I need to see you, Cara. Alone and soon.”

  Rook slaps me on the butt as I walk off. I swear he is such a pig sometimes.

  I knock on Edrik’s door and open it, letting myself in. I find my Knight sitting in his chair in the far corner, looking so lost. Without thinking, I walk over to him and crawl into his lap.

  “We need to talk, Eddie. I need to tell you what happened.”

  “Chess, I really do not need all the details of your time with Rook. Give me time. I just found out the woman I am in love with and fated to is not only mine, but I have to share her. It might take me awhile to get over this.”

  “You don’t understand. There is a prophecy about a Queen. Rook told me that they believe the prophecy is about me. I am so confused right now, but Gretchen knows the whole story. We can have her come up here and explain it all. I cannot lose you because of this, Edrik.”

  “You will not lose me, Chess. I don’t want to talk to Gretchen tonight, but I promise I will. Just give me tonight, okay.”

  “Of course. Whatever you want.”

  “Right now, all I want is to lay down with you in my arms. Is that enough for you right now?”

  “It sounds perfect to me. I love you, Edrik.”

  “I love you too, Chess.”


  Hold Up (Edrik’s POV)

  I wake up with a Princess wrapped around me. As silently and carefully as I can, I get out of bed and begin to get dressed. I need to speak to Gretchen without Chess there. I need answers to questions, and I am still not sure if I am ready to hear them.

  After leaving a sleeping Chess in my bed, I find Gretchen in her kitchen as usual. This has been her place since I was a little boy.

  “Good morning, Edrik.”

  “Morning, Gretchen.” I answer her with a kiss on her head. She has always been like a mother to me.

  “What i
s on your mind? I can always tell when something is bothering you.”

  “Did you know Thomas, I mean Rook, is Chess’s other fated?”

  My abrupt question catches her off guard, but the look of pity on her face tells me everything.

  “I am so sorry, Edrik. I did not know until he summoned me to Ruby’s for an amulet of his own. I had no idea he would become a mate to her.”

  “Chess explained that there is a prophecy. One you believe is about her?”

  “It was passed down for generations. I believe it is finally being fulfilled with Franchesca.”

  Gretchen goes on to repeat the prophecy, but I am more confused than before.

  “I do not understand, Gretchen. Rook has no Kingdom.”

  “I know. I am not sure that her fated will be only the two of you.”

  “There could be more? What are we supposed to do? Have her start kissing every man that she comes across to see if their eyes change colors?”

  “Oh, Edrik,” she says with a chuckle. “No, of course not. Fate has already stepped in. I truly believe whoever else she is fated to be with, if there is another, is already a part of her life.”

  I give Gretchen a hug, “Thank you for everything, Gretchen.”

  Walking out of the kitchen and back toward my bedroom, I may be more confused than before. There is one thing I do know; I love Franchesca, and I will do whatever I need to do for her, even if there is a possibility she may have another fated out there.

  When I reach my bedroom, she is just starting to stir. I take my pants off and slip back into bed behind her. Grabbing her by the waist, I hold her tight and begin kissing her neck.

  “Morning, Eddie.”


  “Are you better this morning?”

  “I just talked to Gretchen.”

  That gets her attention, and she rolls over to face me. “What did she say?”

  “She told me about the prophecy and how she thinks there may be at least one more fated.”


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