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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Riley Walker

  “How many penguins do you see?”

  “Let me cover one eye and look. Oh. I see twix.”

  “Twix? That is a candy bar, not a number, you big doofus.”

  “Then I see between three and six.”

  “I think we may be drunk, Colton.”

  “You think?”

  Shelby must be getting irritated because she comes over and starts pecking at us. Colton and I can’t help but start laughing all over again. When Colton falls backward, my furry bestie waddles over to him and begins to shake her butt feathers in his face.

  “Shelby! What do you think you are doing? Get your butt off of my face. Feathers or not, I don’t need to see that up close!”

  The door to my room opens, immediately shutting us up.

  “Frannie! What in the world is going on here?”

  “Gretchen! Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “Oh, dear. How many bottles did you go through? And why is dear Shelby waddling around your room?”

  “She snorted and shifted. It was a snort-a-shift. I don't think she can change back right now.”

  Just saying it makes me start laughing. Again. I really needed this tonight.

  “Franchesca. Franchesca! Help me get her into her room. That way when she wakes up, she will be in her own bed, and no one else will know we had a penguin parading around the castle.”

  “Whatever you say, Gretchen. Oh, Gretchen . . . dear old Gretchen.” I begin to sing her a ditty I wrote for her.

  “Get up and help me. Colton, you need to get up and head to your room. What would your parents say, Franchesca, if they saw the three of you like this?”

  Colton stands, falls over, and tries to stand again. He finally manages to grab on to the door frame and use the wall as leverage. I watch as two Coltons slowly make it down the hallway and to his room. One down, one to go.

  Using my bed, I pull myself up off of the floor. I grab ahold of one flipper, Gretchen takes the other, and we steer Shelby to her own room a few doors down from me. After getting her settled on the floor, because Gretchen couldn’t pick her up, and I am in no state to even attempt it–we close the door and head back to my room.

  “Try to get some rest, Franchesca.” Gretchen kisses the top of my head and closes my door behind her.

  I crawl into bed and grab a hold of the pillow Edrik slept on last night. It still smells like him, lavender. I take one last sniff and fall into a peaceful sleep.


  BFF Time

  I am rudely awoken by a very angry Shelby. She looks like death warmed over. I wonder if her head hurts as bad as mine. She storms across the room and throws herself across my bed.

  “Frannie, why did I wake up on my floor naked without a pillow or a blanket?”

  “Oops . . . . We couldn’t get you on the bed, and I guess I didn’t think you would need a blanket or a pillow since you were a penguin when Gretchen and I dropped you off.”

  “What? When did I change into a penguin?”

  “Shelby, you were hilarious. You snorted so much that you changed into a penguin. I guess you were really drunk because we couldn’t get you to change back.”

  Shelby covers her face with a pillow. “Tell me that Colton wasn’t here to witness that.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, he was here all right, but I’m pretty sure he was drunker than both of us. Come on, let’s go get him and see if we can get Gretchen to make us some breakfast. She might be irritated with us.”

  “Why would Gretchen be irritated with us?”

  “Well, maybe because she found us drunk rolling around on the floor like fools, and she was the one that helped me get you to your room.”

  “Okay, Frannie, lets get Colton and then some food. I’m starving.”

  We step out of my room into the hall and run into my mother.


  “Franchesca. I am glad to see you back home where you belong. I know Prince Winston was highly upset when you failed to return.”

  “I did not just fail to return, Mother. I went to save Shelby, and I was kidnapped by the Renegades.”

  “Frannie, I’ll meet you downstairs.” Shelby understands that I need a moment alone with Mother.

  “Mother . . . .”

  “You left to rescue the human and jeopardize your safety.” Mother gives me a funny look. “What is that around your neck? I do not recognize that particular piece of jewelry.”

  I reach up and grab hold of the amulet, forgetting that it was showing. Stupid mistake on my part.

  “It is nothing, Mother. Just something I bought back in the Earth Realm.”

  She peers closer, inspecting the necklace. “No, I do not believe you purchased that in the Earth Realm. I would recognize Ruby’s work anywhere. Do you take me for a fool, Franchesca?”

  “Of course not, Mother. It is an amulet, and yes, it was made by Ruby.”

  My Mother's eyes grow large, and I suspect she knows exactly what it is she is looking at.


  That single-word question tells me that she does, in fact, realize what I am wearing.

  “I would rather not say at the moment. No one knows, and I would like to keep it that way for now. We do not need any additional worries. Please, Mother, do not make me answer your question.”

  “Franchesca, I demand you tell me right now who it is.”

  “Does it really matter? You never even told me there was a possibility I could have a fated. You were going to force me to marry someone knowing my other half could be out there somewhere!”

  “This is the way it has been for over a century! As future Queen, it is your job to do whatever is best for our Kingdom. Marrying Winston is what is best, and it will happen. I will keep your secret, for now, but this does not change anything.”

  In a surprising gesture, my Mother lays her hand on my shoulder before beginning to speak, this time softly.

  “I know this is difficult for you. You always have been so independent and headstrong, but this marriage is what both of our Kingdoms need. Especially after the death of King Richard. Winston will be crowned soon, and he needs a strong woman to stand behind him. That will be you, Franchesca. You will make an excellent Queen.”

  I am left speechless as she turns and heads down the stairs. I think that is the most she has ever said to me at one time.

  After I come back to my senses, I head downstairs and meet Shelby and Colton in the kitchen.

  “Frannie, are you okay?”

  “I am, actually. It turned into an interesting conversation.”

  “Good. Eat up! We are going to practice our MMA moves this morning. It’s been a while, and I’m getting slower than a slug.”

  “I’m not that hungry right now. I’m ready as soon as you both are.”

  “Dang it, Colton! You know it's been a New York minute since I’ve practiced. Stop trying to take me down, you big oaf!”

  Colton, Shelby, and I are on the backside of the rose garden. It’s hidden enough that we will not have a lot of attention, but close enough that we can still be seen and get to safety quickly if we need to.

  Poor Shelby. Watching her, you would think this is her first lesson. She hasn’t done any training or practicing since I left her. With the Renegades, namely Armand, pressing down on us, she needs to be able to defend herself. At least, protect herself until she can get to a safe place. I wonder if Emperor Penguins can protect themselves.

  “I’m not trying to take you down, Shelby. I just need you to focus. Take a break and watch us do a few moves. Maybe seeing it will help bring it all back for you.”

  I step up and get into my stance. “Bring it on, Colton.”

  He gives me a big, goofy grin and comes at me. Oh, Colton, how quickly you forget that I have been practicing with Edrik. No one is a better teacher than my Knight, and he has been preparing me for all types of fighting scenarios.

  As soon as Colton comes at me head on, I step to the right and sweep my
leg out, tripping him. Once he is down, I grab his arm and pull it behind his back, all while I sit on him. His legs start trying to kick me, so I half turn and use one hand to hold his right arm, the other to snag his left leg. Pulling them so tight they touch, he finally starts yelling Uncle. I can't help but chuckle to myself. He’s the one that taught me this move. Silly Colton.

  I release him and once he rolls over, I grab his hands and pull him to his feet. He does not look happy at all right now.

  “What’s the matter? Did I hurt you, Colton?”

  “Hahaha. Very funny, Franchesca. No, you didn’t hurt me. I was more surprised that you remembered those moves than I was that you were able to execute it as fast as you did.”

  “Yeah. My strength and speed seem to be increasing. I don’t know what is going on, but it’s almost like I’ve gained something from both Rook and Edrik. I don't know if that’s even possible. I need to sit Gretchen down and have her answer some questions for me.”

  Shelby grabs me by the hands and starts to pull me back to the castle. “Let’s go find her now. I’ve been wanting to ask her if she would give us some cooking lessons.”

  “Oh no, Shelby. I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Of course it is, Frannie. With you having two guys now, you’re going to have to learn to do more than burn water.”

  I swear I am going to kill this girl.

  Later in the evening, Gretchen comes to tell me goodnight as usual. This is the perfect opportunity to ask her some questions that I need answers to.

  “Gretchen, I was hoping you could help me understand more about this prophecy.”

  “Of course, dear. What is it you would like to know?”

  “Well, how about where the prophecy started. I have never heard anything about it, and I would think since it had to do with a Queen, I would have heard it told somewhere.”

  “It is not something that is widely known. You know my family has been working in the Royal kitchens for generations. Your great grandmother actually told the prophecy to my grandmother. That is how it was passed down in my family. Why the Royal family chose not to continue telling it, I have no idea.”

  “What exactly does the prophecy mean? I know what it says, but what does it mean?”

  “That is a hard question to answer. It is not exact, but we believe that when you meet your true mates, then the peace the Kingdoms have been searching for will be found. It does not say anything about the mates having their own Kingdoms. That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why you mated with Edrik and Thomas.”

  “Okay. Since I have mated with the two of them, I am faster and stronger. Is that something I received from one or both of them, and will they receive anything from me?”

  “You will receive different aspects from them. The speed is Edrik, the strength from Thomas, excuse me, Rook. It is hard to start calling your child by a different name.”

  “I bet Rook doesn’t really care what name you call him.”

  “You are probably right, dear. As far as gaining anything from you, I do not know. This is not something that has happened in over a century. I would have to go back and research the family journals for those answers.”

  “What about marriage? I am still betrothed to Winston, so I can't marry them. Even if I was not promised to Winston, I cannot marry two men. What am I supposed to do about this?”

  “Do not worry, Franchesca. You can have what is called a Binding ceremony. Generally, shifters do not marry. They bind themselves to one another. It is a vow much stronger than those of a typical marriage. It is for life and the eternal thereafter. We take the binding vows very seriously.”

  “Thank you, Gretchen. Oh, one last thing. Do you think Edrik and Rook are my only fated?”

  I wait while Gretchen considers this question. Why is she even having to think on this? Her answer should have been an instant ‘yes’. She looks at me and takes a deep breath.

  Oh no.

  “I do not know the answer to your question, but I believe that no, they are not your only fated. I would not be surprised to see you mated to at least one more person.”

  I throw myself back on my bed and groan. I did not want to hear that.

  “Get some sleep, dear. Help us all, tomorrow is a new day and I am giving you and your little friends a cooking lesson.”

  I shudder at the thought. I know what my level of cooking is. Burn it all. That is how I cook.


  Pizza Party

  How we talked Gretchen into agreeing to give us cooking lessons, I will never know. When Shelby asked her yesterday I knew she would tell us no, but she didn’t. Instead Gretchen agreed and even had the great idea of teaching us how to make pizzas. Cooking lesson and pizza party in one? Yes, thank you.

  I look around the once pristine kitchen and wonder how in the world it got to be such a mess. Shelby is attempting to knead her dough, and Colton is now tossing his dough in the air.

  I roll my eyes at Colton and ask him, “Colton, what in the world are you doing? You’re not supposed to play with your food.”

  “I’m tossing it in the air like the real Italians do. I’ve seen them do it in the pizza parlors back home.”

  I just shake my head and snort as the dough lands on his head.

  Gretchen says, “I am leaving. If you kids burn the kitchen down, I will not be held accountable.”

  Shelby starts laughing and throws flour at both of us. “Y’all are hopeless. With friends like you, I might starve to death. Oh, crap.”

  I turn in the direction she is pointing in, just in time to see the lid to the sauce pot fly up and pizza sauce explode everywhere. Of course, he had to walk in at the exact moment I was being covered in sauce.

  “What in the world is going on in here, Franchesca?”

  I shrug my shoulders and try to wipe off my face with the back of my hand. “We’re cooking. What does it look like, Winnie?”

  “It looks like a disaster. Gretchen is going to kill you.”

  “Gretchen is the one who tried to teach us to make pizzas. She abandoned us.”

  Winston walks over and grabs a towel off the counter. He wipes sauce off my face and grabs me by the chin. I have never seen such sincerity in his eyes. “I am pretty sure she did not want to be an accomplice to the murder of her kitchen.” He looks into my eyes and pushes my pizza-sauce soaked hair away from my face.

  Shelby clears her throat. “Frannie, let's get take out.”

  I am thankful she has interrupted our awkward moment. Rolling my eyes I say, “There is no take out here, Shelby, but we can make sandwiches after we clean up this mess.”

  Winston turns to leave, and I grab his arm stopping him. “Where is everyone else?”

  “Edrik, Rook, and Hawkeye took the troops that traveled with us and went to the Renegade camp. They are delivering the supplies we procured to the Inferiors. They should return tomorrow.”

  “Why didn’t you stay with them?”

  “Franchesca, my father is dead. I have responsibilities to attend to in the Dark Fey Kingdom. Not all of us have time to chase you around like a love-sick puppy dog.” Winston turns on his heel and walks out.

  Somehow he managed to make me feel bad for him and piss me off at the same time. That man confuses me.


  Feels Like Old Times (Rook’s POV)

  Dawn comes early and after saying goodbye to my Cara, I find Hawkeye, and we head outside to meet with Edrik, Winston, and the troops traveling with us. King Bastian will be staying back but gives a short speech, I am assuming to get his troops ready to face whatever we may run into.

  Hawkeye and I set the pace and lead everyone toward the hidden mines. I am flanked by my old friend Edrik and on Hawkeye’s side is the Prince. I am not sure what to think about Winston yet. So far, he seems like a pompous ass, but maybe he will prove me wrong during the mission.

  “Not much further ahead,” Hawkeye informs us.

  We make it to the tr
ee line separating us from the mine. Lying on our stomachs, we look out, trying to gauge the number of men protecting the area.

  I feel a nudge at my shoulder. Looking over, I see Edrik with a small grin on his face.

  “Does this remind you of anything?”


  “This? Remember when we would spend hours around the mines, scoping them out like we were real soldiers on a mission. There is no telling how many times Gretchen got onto us for getting too close to the mines. Always saying it was too dangerous. Look at us now, huh?”

  I chuckle at the memories of Edrik and I running amuck, and my Mom trying to wrangle us in. I’m sure he and I are the cause for most of the greys in her hair.

  “It certainly brings back a lot of memories.”

  “Rook, listen, I know this whole thing with Chess is confusing. I honestly do not even know what to do now. I talked to Gretchen, and she explained the prophecy to me. I am still confused and not sure where we go from here, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to make Chess happy.”

  “It’s alright Edrik. We can figure everything out once we are done here and back at the castle. Deal?”


  I turn my head and focus on the soldiers Armand is using. I don’t recognize any of them from the Renegades. I wonder if he is recruiting soldiers from the Light and Dark Kingdoms now.

  We split up, each of us taking several soldiers with us. Edrik goes to the left, Winston right, Hawkeye goes for the front, and I decide to make a distraction, allowing them time to get into place.

  As soon as the guys leave, I quickly shift and run out, letting an ear-splitting roar go. It quickly becomes a mass hysteria as the guards get their first glimpse of me in my beast form. They immediately begin running, trying to get away from me, but unknowingly, they are running straight into a group of soldiers waiting for them.

  I hear swords clashing and screams as our team easily dismantles the soldiers that were brave enough to attempt to fight us. Edrik and Winston make quick work of the remaining guards, while Hawkeye begins searching the mine for any that may have tried to flee. After Hawkeye gives us the sign that the mine is all clear, I shift back, putting my clothes on. We enter the mine and take in everything that Armand has been collecting. Once we see just how much is being hidden, I tell Hawkeye to fly back to the Renegade camp and grab as many trusted men as he can. It is only a couple hours travel from there to here. That will give us plenty of time to begin sorting and getting everything in place to take back to camp.


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