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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

Page 8

by Riley Walker

  “What?! Are you trying to freaking kill me? I was only supposed to have one, now I have two, and you are telling me there could be more? Hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up. This can’t be right. There is no way there is more than you and Rook! I don’t even know what to do with the two of you.”

  “Calm down, Chess. That is only what Gretchen thinks. For all we know, the prophecy has nothing to do with you, and Rook is just a fluke.”

  She stops hyperventilating to look at me, then busts out laughing. “Rook is a fluke? Thank you, Edrik. I needed a good laugh.”

  “No matter what, Chess, it is always me and you. We can do anything together. If we have to include Rook, then he can visit every other month.”

  Chess slaps me on the chest. “Edrik, be nice.”

  “I am. I could have said he could visit every other year.”

  “Stop. You’re not funny at all.”

  She cannot even say that with a straight face. I laugh with her and then kiss her until we are both too breathless to laugh anymore.



  The castle is filled with Light and Dark Fey Advisors. I was not allowed in the meeting with them, but Edrik tells me Dad and the advisors have decided to send a troop of soldiers with Rook and Hawkeye to the hidden mine. Edrik and Winston also volunteered to go with them. Edrik informed me that if they are able to secure the mine, Hawkeye and Rook will be returning all the supplies to the Inferior camp. I am happy that both of the kingdoms are willing to help the Inferiors, but I am not too excited about the fact that I just got back and now my two fated are leaving. I hope they can find a way to get along and not kill each other.

  “Edrik, how long do you think you will be gone?”

  “I do not think it will take more than a few days.”

  “What are the plans for Armand?”

  Rook chooses that moment to walk up behind me and speak into my ear. “We plan on killing him, Princess.”

  This sends shivers down my spine, and it has nothing to do with killing Armand. Why do these two men affect me like this? Anytime I’m around either one of them my hormones go into hyperdrive.

  Rook tilts his head toward Edrik. “Hey, man, when are we leaving?”

  “King Bastian wants us to wait until dawn. He still has some last minute preparations to make before we leave for the mission.”

  “Alright. I’m going to go spend some time with Mom before we head out. Cara, I will see you before we leave.”

  Rook places a quick kiss on my lips before turning and heading off to find Gretchen. I’m still having a hard time processing the fact that he is her son. I look back to Edrik and see him staring in the direction Rook just went in. Boys.

  “Come upstairs with me. I need to spend some time with you before you leave.”

  “Of course, Chess.”

  Edrik follows me to my room, and I can feel the anticipation in the air. It has been too long since I have been loved by my Knight. I am craving his touch, and I cannot last one more minute. I walk into my room and am nearly tackled by Edrik. He spins me around and presses a bruising kiss on my lips. It is full of passion and anguish. The last time we were together like this was before the mission where I was kidnapped by Rook. Please let this one go according to plan. There is no need for words as he starts undressing me. I am fumbling with the button on his pants when he stops me, picking me up and carrying me to the bed.

  “Eddie. Why am I the only one that is naked?”

  He rectifies that situation immediately and then crawls up on the bed, kissing his way up my body.

  “I have missed you so much, Chess. I thought I had lost you.”

  I kiss across his jawline and up to his earlobe, sucking on it gently. That is his spot, the one that drives him wild.

  “You will never lose me. I am your Princess, and you are my Knight. We are fated to be together forever. Now show me just how much you missed me.”

  Edrik wastes no time. He starts kissing me with an unbridled passion that has my toes curling. Then he slides a long finger into my folds and finds me already wet for him. He pulls his finger out of me, licking it clean, and I immediately feel empty, until he has me filled with one quick thrust. He fits perfectly, like we were made for each other. It’s only seconds before we get into a rhythm and begin to move as one. Neither one of us last long as both of our orgasms come crashing down on us.

  I roll over to face him.

  “I am sorry that was so quick, Chess. I have just missed you so much.”

  “It was perfect. I missed you, too.” We snuggle close and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Knight’s arms are my safe haven.

  The next morning I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I look over and see that Edrik’s side of the bed is empty. I am sure that he had some last minute details to go over with my dad. Before I have the chance to answer the door, Rook barges in.

  “Hello, Cara. I see that your Knight has already left.”

  “Ugh . . . . How did you know he was here, Rook?”

  “Because, Cara, if he wasn’t here last night I would have been.”

  “Rook, please try to get along with Edrik.”

  “I am not the one with the problem Princess. I have already come to terms with the fact that I will have to share you. It is your Knight you should be worried about. Besides, it could be worse. It could be that sniveling human boy that follows you around.”

  “His name is Colton, and he is one of my best friends. You will have to get along with him in order to be a part of my life. Anyways, what did you barge in here for?”

  “This,” he says as he takes three long strides toward me, wrapping his arms around my waist and capturing my lips with his. This startles me, and he takes the opportunity to plunge his tongue into my mouth. Rook doesn't do anything halfway as he kisses me until I can no longer breathe.

  He releases me and says, “I needed to get my good luck kiss. Try not to find any more fated mates while we are gone.” Then he winks at me and walks out the door leaving me stunned.


  Truth Or Dare

  Later that day I find Shelby and Colton hanging out in the kitchen. I have missed my besties so much. “Hey, guys! What’s up?”

  “Hi, Frannie. We’re so bored. There’s nothing to do here but eat Gretchen’s cookies. Don’t get me wrong, they’re delicious, but at this rate, I’m gonna get as big as a house.”

  Colton gives me an evil grin. “Franchesca, why don’t we go outside and show Shelby what training you’ve been up to. You know, the garden training.”

  “Have you learned new MMA moves? It’s been so long since we worked out together. Let’s go!”

  Shelby, Colton, and I go out back, past my mother’s rose gardens, so we can have a little privacy. I know exactly what ‘training’ Colton was referring to. He thinks he is going to shock Shelby, but he has no idea the secret she is keeping from him.

  “Shelby, you stand over there by the tree. Colton, get in front of me.”

  I close my eyes and let my power out, a little bit at a time. I feel it crawling across the ground and attaching onto the rose bush a few feet away from us. Silently commanding it, I have it crawl over to us and begin climbing up Shelby’s legs until it has her entire torso covered. With a small blow of wind, the roses begin to bloom, and my best friend instantly becomes a living rose bush.

  She’s beautiful wrapped in roses, until she starts to scream.

  “What the heck is this? Get it off me! Frannie, are the rose bushes here alive? Are they going to eat me? Colton, stop laughing and come help me!”

  Colton is laughing so hard that his face matches the roses. He manages to catch his breath long enough to say, “Shelby, Franchesca is controlling the vines.”

  “What? Frannie you better get this off of me right now!” Shelby screams at me right before she changes into a penguin.

  This causes Colton to abruptly stand and stop laughing. “Franchesca, where did Shelby go, and where the hell
did that penguin come from?”

  Now I’m the one doubled over laughing as Shelby waddles up to Colton and smacks his butt with her flipper. Colton tries to shoo her away with no luck.

  “Franchesca, what is it with the damn birds harassing me? First it was that hawk and now it’s this penguin. Have we fallen down a rabbit hole? Where is Shelby?”

  Shelby bites his hand with her beak and then waddles a few steps away before changing back.

  “What the hell just happened? Shelby, why are you naked? I mean I’m not complaining, but . . .”

  “Oh damn, I forgot all about that. Frannie, little help here please?”

  I grab her clothes that had fallen off of her when she shifted. Thank goodness she turns into a small penguin, so her things aren’t ruined.

  “Here you go, Shelby. Sorry about turning you into a rose bush.”

  “It’s alright. Have you always been able to do that or is it a new thing?”

  “It’s a new thing. Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Girl, I bet that little parlor trick could come in handy if you catch my drift.”

  I feel my cheeks getting warm because yes, I do catch her drift. I immediately think of Rook and our time with the vines . . . .

  “Franchesca! Where did you go?”

  “Sorry, Colton. What were you saying?”

  “I was asking why you weren’t surprised by the fact that our best friend turns into a damn penguin!”

  “Oh, that. She showed me the other day. Pretty neat, isn’t it?”

  “She smacked me on the butt with a flipper. No! That was not cool. Am I the only normal person left? Why didn’t I get a neat trick when I crossed into this stupid realm?”

  “It’s okay, Colton, we still love you. Why don’t we all go back inside, get some snacks and have a slumber party in my room.” They follow me back inside. “Shelby, go get dressed and meet us back in my room. Colton, could you go find Gretchen and have her whip us up some snacks?”

  “Sure thing, Franchesca, but Shelby doesn’t have to get dressed if she doesn’t want to.” Colton winks at us and walks away.

  I turn to a red-faced Shelby. “What was that about?”

  “I don’t really know. He’s been flirting with me some since y’all rescued me from the Renegade camp, but he never acts on it. I’ve left plenty of hints. I think he just likes seeing me blush.” Shelby turns around and heads to her room to get dressed.

  I just shrug my shoulders and head to my destination. I make a quick trip to the library to grab some of dad’s Fey wine. Let’s hope they can handle it.

  I get back to my room and change into my tiger pajamas and a tank top. They are the most comfortable clothes I own. It’s only a few minutes before Shelby shows up in her leopard print pajama pants and a tee that says Whatever Sprinkles Your Donuts, and Colton arrives wearing a t-shirt and sweats. I guess it’s a good thing we brought all of Shelby’s stuff from the Earth realm with us. I notice Shelby is staring at my tiger pajamas with a goofy grin on her face.

  “What are you staring at, Shelby?”

  “Your pajamas. That is an interesting choice.”

  Sometimes, that girl is so weird. I am just about to ask her what she means when Gretchen walks in with a tray full of snacks. She brought us cookies, popcorn, brownies, and an assortment of candy.

  “Thanks, Gretchen. You are the best.”

  Gretchen responds, “You are welcome, dear.” She leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

  “Hey, guys, I brought the best part.”

  They both look at me in confusion until I show them the three bottles of wine I grabbed from the library.

  Shelby claps her hand and squeals. “Is that what I think it is, Frannie?”

  “Well, if you think it’s wine, then you would be correct. It’s Fey wine, so it is quite a bit stronger than the alcohol in the Earth Realm.”

  I hand them each a bottle of wine. I unscrew the cap of my bottle and take a sip. Oh, precious wine, I have missed you so. They both look at me and then take a sip out of their own bottle.

  “Wow, Frannie. This is delicious.” Shelby takes another big sip.

  “Girl, you might want to slow down. This stuff will creep up on you.” I warn her.

  Colton shakes his head, “Shelby, maybe you should listen to Franchesca.”

  “Hush, Colton. I’ve had a stressful few weeks, and I’m ready to let loose and have fun with you guys.”

  Colton shrugs his shoulders, taking a gulp of his wine. It doesn’t take long before we are all feeling really good.

  “Let’s play truth or dare,” Shelby exclaims.

  I just roll my eyes. This is what she always wants to play when she’s had a few drinks.

  “Okay. Truth or dare. Colton, you go first,” I tell him.

  “Huh, Franchesca, truth or dare?


  “How do you really feel about Prince Winston?”

  “That is easy. He is an asshat. Shelby, truth or dare?”


  “I dare you, to start drinking and don’t stop until I count to three.”

  “Really? That’s the best you've got? Fine. Let’s go.”

  Poor Shelby, I didn't tell her I was going to count in Mississippi’s.

  “Ready? Go. One-Mississippi, two-Mississippi, three-Mississippi.”

  Shelby begins to drink the wine straight from her bottle. By the time I get to three-Mississippi, her eyes are huge and she has wine coming out of the sides of her mouth and down her chin.

  “Oh my word, Frannie! I thought I was going to drown!”

  I look at Colton, and we both fall over in laughter. “You were so not going to drown. Don’t be so dramatic!” I tell her in between fits of laughter and a few snorts.

  “Alright then. Colton, truth or dare?”


  “I dare you to run down the stairs and back up here.”

  “Okay. That’s it?”

  “Of course not. I dare you to run down the stairs and back up here, naked.”

  I snort so loud, I scare myself over this one.

  “You can’t be serious, Shelby! Anyone could see me.”

  “It’s only fair. After all, you got to see me naked. What? You chicken?”

  “Damn you, Shelby.”

  Colton stands and actually starts taking his clothes off. I can’t believe he is going to go through with this. I always thought Colton was a good-looking guy, but holy moly. My ginger friend is hot with no clothes on. He has just the right amount of red hair dusting his chest with a happy trail and yes, the carpet does match the drapes. He is toned and the freckles on his muscular shoulders, oh my. Colton catches me staring and gives me a wink before turning his attention back to Shelby.

  With one last glare at my bestie, he drops his underwear, and covers himself with his hands. He lets out a strange war cry, throws open my door and starts running. Of course, Shelby and I jump up, running out into the hall to watch him. By the time he makes his way back to us, his face is red, and he does not look happy.

  “Why do you look so angry, Colton?”

  “Shut up, Shelby.”

  I turn around to give him privacy to get dressed. Shelby does not. This girl has no shame.

  “Franchesca, truth or dare.”

  I turn to look at Colton before making my decision. I am almost scared to pick either option now.


  “Of course you pick truth. Tell us your real name. I know Royalty has those long, drawn-out names. Tell us yours.”

  “You will be so disappointed. My actual name is Franchesca Magdalena Duran Stapleton.”

  Shelby giggles, “Wow that is a mouthful.”

  “Shelby, truth or dare?”

  “Truth!” she yells out.

  I think she’s already drunk. “Are you a virgin?”

  Shelby spits out the sip of wine she just took. “Oh my god, Frannie! You did not just go there. I am not a virgin, and you know that.”
  I’m laughing so hard right now because I know all about her one night of unfortunate events that led up to her deflowering. That is what she called it, anyway.

  Colton perks up at this information. “Spill it, Shelby.”

  Shelby gives me a dirty look while chugging her wine. “I hate you, Frannie. Colton, if you must know, it was freshman year, and we were both so drunk we barely made it out of our clothes. Let’s just say it was two pumps and done.”

  Colton and I are both rolling around on the floor laughing hysterically when Shelby sticks her finger in my face. “Truth or dare, Frannie.”

  “Truth?” I know I’m going to regret this.

  “What happened between you and Rook?”

  Crap, I am not drunk enough for this. “Nothing much. Rook is just my fated mate. I mean my other fated mated.”

  Colton looks at me like I have sprouted another head.

  “I know that already, silly. I meant what happened between you and Rook.”

  Colton puts his hands over his ears. “It’s one thing to have a slumber party with the girls, but I am not going to sit here and listen to your sexcapades.”

  We both crack up laughing at the same time. “Okay, enough truth or dare. Let’s drink and fill up on this junk food.”

  “Colton, did you know Frannie snores when she sleeps? She sounds like a chainsaw going off.”

  “I do not! Eddie told me I sound like a small butterfly. My Knight wouldn’t dare lie to me.”

  “Well, he did dare. You would keep me up some nights. The first time I heard you, it scared me so bad, I fell out of my bed.”

  Shelby starts laughing so hard she snorts. Then she disappears, and in her place, is her penguin.

  “Did she just snort-a-shift?” Colton asks. His eyes are comically large right now.

  “I think she did. Do you think she’ll snort and shift back?”

  Shelby starts snorting on demand and nothing happens. I think she is stuck like that. And also, when did she shift into two penguins? And why are they swaying?


  “Yeah, Franchesca?”


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