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by Calloway, Colin G.

  Ohio River and Valley and, 45, 54, 65, 84

  Revolutionary War and, 90

  settlers, American, and, 92

  Shawnees and, 65–66, 88, 91

  southeast US and, 117

  treaties and, 4, 98

  western frontier and, 55–57

  Wharton and, 58–59, 82

  Broken Hand (Thomas Fitzpatrick), 174, 175, 184, 197

  “brother,” 24–25

  Brothertown Indians, 153

  Brown, George, 189

  Brown, Hugh, 237

  Brown, John (Cherokee), 154

  Brulé Sioux, 167, 171, 176, 226

  Buchanan, James, 198

  Budd, H. J., 189, 209

  Buffalo Chief (Cheyenne), 210–11

  Buffalo Goad (Wichita), 232


  Blackfoot peace conference and, 179–80

  cattle and, 180

  Cheyennes and, 209

  demise of, 200, 221–22, 224

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 226

  Indians’ opinion and, 202

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 184

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 200, 201, 204, 211, 215, 216

  railroads and, 186

  Red Cloud War and, 185

  Red River War and, 221

  settlers and, 221–22

  Sherman on, 217

  white hunters and, 193, 200

  Buffalo War (Red River War), 221, 222–23

  Bulkley, Solomon T., 189, 197

  Bull Bear (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 184, 193, 211, 212, 219

  Bunt (Otsinoghiyata) (Onondaga), 68, 77, 89, 248

  Bureau of Indian Affairs (Indian Office), 173, 229

  Burnett, John G., 152–53

  Burns, Robert Ignatius, 179

  Bushyhead, Isaac, 157

  Bushyhead, Jesse, 142

  Butler, Elijah, 134, 153

  Butler, John, 68, 69, 92–93, 94

  Butler, Richard, 94, 100, 102, 103

  Butler, Thomas, 92

  Butler, Walter, 92

  Butrick, Daniel, 147

  Cachupín, Tomás Vélez, 166

  Caddos, 165, 219, 223

  Caldwell, Billy (Sauganash) (Potawatomi), 139–40

  California, 5, 172, 173–74, 180, 186

  calumets. see pipes and smoking

  Campbell, C., 175

  Canada, 5, 31–32, 34, 54, 76, 83, 92, 95, 98, 168, 228, 233, 243

  Canada Creek, 74, 75, 247

  Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 55

  Canaghquieson (Oneida). see Conoghquieson

  Canajoharie, 50

  Canasatego (Onondaga), 23, 29, 36, 39, 43–44

  Canonicus (Narragansett), 19–20, 290n39

  Captain Bull (Delaware), 62

  Captain John (Onondiyo) (Oneida), 110–11

  captives, 47–48, 69, 167, 183, 206, 223

  Carolina people (Americans), 108

  Carroll, William, 145, 148, 248

  Carrying Place, 73–74, 92

  Carter, Jimmy, 241

  Cartier, Jacques, 40

  Carver, Robert, 32–33

  Cass, Lewis, 131, 135, 136, 138, 140, 145, 170, 171

  Catawba (Kentucky) River, 81, 303n129

  Cat (Bao) (Having Horns) (Kiowa), 196

  Catherine (Mohawk), 57

  Cattaraugus reservation, 120

  cattle, 87, 122, 162, 180, 199, 270, 281

  Cavalier, Robert, Sieur de La Salle, 33–34

  Cayugas, 1, 24, 77, 101, 111, 248. see also Iroquois

  Cayuses, 177

  Central Pacific Railroad, 180

  ceremonies, 16, 29. see also pipes and smoking; wampum

  cession treaties (1817, 1819), 125

  Chain of Friendship, 24

  Champlain, Samuel de, 40

  Charbonneau, Sakakawea (Shoshoni), 169

  Charbonneau, Toussaint, 169

  Charles (Prince), 10

  Charles I, 14

  Charlestown, 14, 15

  “cheat like a white man,” 102

  Chechebinquey (Alexander Robinson) (Potawatomi), 139–40

  Cherokee Commission (Jerome Commission), 235–37

  Cherokee constitution, 124, 128, 131, 133

  Cherokee National Committee, 124, 151

  Cherokee National Council

  Arbuckle and, 157

  Georgia and, 133

  on land sales, 129

  New Echota Treaty and, 145

  Payne and, 141

  removal and, 124–25, 136, 151, 154

  Ridges and, 136, 138

  slaves and, 123

  Watie and, 161

  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 134

  Cherokee Phoenix (newspaper), 9, 129, 131, 136, 142

  Cherokees. see also National Party; removal; Treaty of Hard Labor; Treaty of Lochaber (1770); Treaty of New Echota (Ridge’s Treaty) (1835); Treaty Party; individual Cherokees; entries beginning Cherokee …; subtribes

  1731–1835, 121–34 (see also removal)

  Arbuckle and, 157

  Boone and, 87

  boundaries and, 62, 72

  Choctaws and, 25

  “civilized,” 127

  civil wars of, 153–63

  Creeks and, 25, 123

  Delawares and, 25, 76

  Detroit conference and, 105

  feathers and, 30

  Fort Stanwix cessions and, 91

  Georgia and, 108, 131, 135

  Holston Treaty and, 108

  homelands, 122

  Hopewell Treaty and, 103–4

  Iroquois and, 25, 63–65

  Jackson and, 117, 129–30, 148

  Johnson on, 80–81

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182

  North Carolina and, 118, 121

  number of treaties made, 5

  renaissance of, 121–23

  reservations and, 183

  rights of, 121

  Shawnees and, 76, 86, 92

  Stuart and, 88

  US Civil War and, 161–63

  US Constitution and, 134–35

  US government and, 146–47

  Virginia and, 67

  wampum and, 31

  western, 139, 140, 158

  written treaties and, 128

  Cherokee Strip, 163

  Cherokee Tobacco case (1870), 233

  Cheyennes. see also Plains Indians; individual Cheyennes

  alliances, 171

  Arapahos and, 209–10

  artists, 224

  G. Bent and, 332n26

  Cimarron, 205, 209, 211, 222, 223–24

  Crows and, 171

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 175, 226

  Fort Wise Treaty and, 176

  gifts and, 171–72

  Indian wars and, 199

  Jerome Commission and, 235

  Kiowas and, 5, 171, 197, 210

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 183, 184

  Lone Horn and, 175

  medals and, 167

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182, 189, 193, 194–95, 198, 200, 205, 209–10, 211–12

  as prisoners, 223

  Red Cloud War and, 184–85

  reservations, 163, 215, 217, 219

  Sheridan and, 219

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  US military and, 233

  US sovereignty and, 170

  violence of, 217, 218, 219

  Chicago newspapers, 188, 189, 209

  Chickamauga Cherokees, 92

  Chickasaws, 25, 34, 104, 114, 203, 235, 247

  “chief,” 17

  chief salaries, 107–8

  Chinook Jargon, 240

  Chisholm, Jesse, 196

  Chivington, John, 177


  Cherokees and, 25

  Hopewell Treaty and, 103–5

  Jackson and, 118

  medals and, 21

  Mount Dexter Treaty and, 115

  Oklahoma and, 235

  reservations and, 203

  US government and, 117, 118
br />   women, 120

  Chota, 30, 91, 104, 134

  Chouteau, Pierre, 169


  Cherokee Phoenix and, 129

  Indian converts, 51, 136, 178, 223, 227, 228

  prisoners and, 224

  removal of Christian Indians, 153

  treaties and, 95, 147, 227, 230

  Cimarron Cheyennes, 205, 209, 211, 222, 223–24

  Cincinnati newspapers, 189


  agriculture and, 114, 122, 199

  Boudinot on, 127

  Indians’ opinion of, 202

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182, 185–86, 199, 204

  New Echota Treaty and, 9

  N. Taylor on, 181

  treaties and, 230

  US Department of Interior and, 173

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 185

  Clare, Lord, 61

  Clark, Blue, 236, 238

  Clark, George Rogers, 58, 102, 103, 169, 170

  Clark, William, 5, 145, 164, 167–71

  Claus, Daniel, 57, 66

  Clay, Henry, 132, 133, 135

  clerks, 37, 39

  Clinton, George, 51, 101

  clothing, 14, 20

  Chicago treaty and, 118–19

  Fort Finney conference and, 102

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 71

  as gifts, 20, 21

  Hendrick and, 51

  W. Johnson and, 52

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 194, 196, 197–98, 202

  Montour and, 69

  19th century, 28

  treaty and, 167

  Wells and, 113


  Cherokee commission and, 236

  W. Clark and, 169

  colonial era and, 4

  Fort Pitt Treaty and, 97

  Harrison and, 115

  Indian government and, 17

  Jackson and, 117

  Jerome Commission and, 235

  New Echota Treaty and, 143–44, 151

  Shawnees and, 103

  sign of consent and, 3

  starvation and, 214

  US commissioners and, 115

  Yakama treaty and, 179

  Coeur d’Alenes, 180

  Cohen, Felix, 164

  Colden, Cadwallader, 17, 42, 51

  Colley, Samuel, 176

  colonial era

  British and, 56

  Cherokees and, 122

  diplomacy, 12–19

  education of Indians and, 204

  European treaties and, 4

  gifts, 19–22

  interpreters and go-betweens, 40–43

  Iroquois and, 49

  land, liquor, and captives, 43–48

  motives, 7

  power of words, 22–25

  respect and, 243

  wampum and pipes, 25–35

  writing and memory, 35–40


  Arapahos and, 210, 215, 217, 270, 281 (see also Sand Creek massacre (1864))

  Cheyenne attacks, 183

  Fort Wise Treaty and, 176

  Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty and, 172

  map, 215

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 210–11

  trade and, 184

  violence and, 217

  Colvilles, 180

  Comanche-Kiowa treaty, 189

  Comanches. see also Plains Indians; individual Comanches; specific bands; specific subtribes

  additional compensation, 238

  alliances, 171

  attacks south of Rio Grande, 172

  Black Kettle and, 183

  Cheyennes and, 171

  cholera and, 174

  delegation to Washington, 221

  as dominant power, 166

  Fort Atkinson Treaty and, 176

  Germans and, 5

  horses and, 166

  Jerome Commission and, 235–36, 237

  Kiowas and, 201, 210

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 163, 193, 194, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 210, 216

  New Mexico and, 20, 21, 166–67

  as prisoners, 223

  reservations, 163, 183, 203, 205, 214, 215, 219

  Texas and, 184, 206

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 182, 186

  Utes and, 5, 167

  Coming to the Grove (Kiowa), 224

  commissioners, 7, 16, 186. see also individual commissioners; specific treaties

  image, 187

  Compromises of 1820 and 1850, 176

  condolence ceremony, 16

  Conestogas, 55

  confederacy, north of the Ohio, 108

  confederacy, Shawnee, 86

  confederacy, US, 5

  confederated nations, 108

  Confederate Indian Cavalry Brigade, 162

  Confederation Congress, 98

  conferences. see also entries beginning Treaty of …; specific conferences

  conferences, Albany, 42

  conference, Albany (1701), 2

  conference, Albany (1714), 48

  conference, Albany (1723), 33

  conference, Albany (1725–26), 45

  conference, Albany (1735), 34

  conference, Albany (1746), 50

  conference, Albany Congress (1754), 24, 31, 44–45, 65, 67

  conference, Albany (1775), 91, 92

  conference, Albany (Denniston’s Tavern) (1789), 101

  conference, Aquokee Camp, 151

  conference, Auglaize River (1792), 108

  conference, Blackfoot peace (1855), 179–80

  conference, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, (1753), 27

  conference, Chota, Tennessee, (1776), 30–31, 91–92

  conference, Detroit (1786), 105; (1812), 116

  conference, Easton, Pennsylvania (1756), 39, 47; (1758), 20, 21

  conference, Fort Benton (1855), 179

  conference, Fort Duquesne (1758), 32

  conference, Fort Finney (1786), 102–3, 106

  conference, Fort Johnson (1755), 51; (1756), 20, 32

  conference, Fort Laramie (1867), 189

  conference, Fort Laramie (1868), 226

  conference, Fort Larned (1867), 189

  conference, Fort McIntosh (1785), 102

  conference, Fort Pitt (1763), 68

  conference, Fort Pitt (1765), 60

  conference, Fort Pitt (1767), 61, 86

  conference, Fort Pitt (1776), 90

  conference, Fort Pitt (1778), 91

  conference, German Flatts, New York, (1775), 24

  conference, Illinois Campground (Tahlequah) (1839), 156

  conference, Johnson Hall (1762), 19, 31, 52

  conference, Johnson Hall (1765), 59–60

  conference, Johnson Hall (1768), 63–65

  conference, Johnson Hall (1774), 88–89

  conference, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (1744), 8, 23, 35, 41, 43–44, 45–46, 50, 81; (1748), 35

  conference, Montreal (1701), 1–2, 8, 15; (1756) 20, 29–30, 49

  conference, New Orleans (1769), 34–35

  conference, Okmulgee (1870), 163

  conference, Onondaga (1758), 19

  conference, Philadelphia (1743), 45; (1758), 33

  conference, Red Clay (1834), 138, (1835), 142, 143

  conference, representation at, 17, 48

  conference, Running Water (1834), 138; (1835), 141

  conference, Sandusky (1793), 93, 108–9

  conference, speeches, 23–24

  conference, Susquehanna River (1706), 18

  conference, Tahlequah (Illinois Campground) (1839), 156

  conference, Tahlequah (1843), 156

  conference, Takatoka (1839), 154

  conference, Tremont House (Chicago), 229

  conference, Walla Walla Valley (1855), 177–79

  conference, Williamsburg (1721), 34

  conference, Winchester (1753), 45

  Connecticut, 61–62, 75, 125, 127

  Connolly, John, 84

  Conoghquieson (Canaghquieson) (Kanaghqweasea) (Kanaghwaes) (K
anongyweniyah) (“standing ears of corn”) (Oneida)

  Albany conference and, 92

  on boundaries, 72, 74

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 54, 68, 70–71, 73, 77, 85, 88–89, 248

  W. Johnson and, 64, 89

  on land sales, 53–54

  on liquor, 46, 53–54

  on women, 19

  Conquering Bear (Frightening Bear) (Sioux), 176

  consensus, 17, 136–37

  consent of the people, 17–18, 48

  consequences of treaties, 8

  Constitution Act of 1982 (Canada), 55

  Constitution of the United Cherokee Nation, 156

  constitutions, 128

  Continental Congress, 92

  contracts, 29, 206

  Coodey, William (Cherokee), 157

  Coosawatie district, 137

  Corlaer, 25

  Cornelius, Elias, 125

  Cornplanter (Seneca), 100, 110, 113

  Cornstalk (Shawnee), 90–91

  Corn Tassel (Cherokee), 104

  Corn Tassel, George (Cherokee), 133–34

  Corps of Discovery, 164

  corruption, 148. see also bribery

  cotton industry, 117

  Cotton Kingdom, 117, 147

  Covenant Chain, 24, 74

  Crawford, Samuel, 188, 189

  Crawford, William, 83

  Crazy Horse (Oglala), 233

  Creek National Council, 125

  Creeks (“Red Sticks”), 15, 48, 81. see also individual Creeks

  American settlers and, 116–17

  ceremonies and, 16

  Cherokees and, 25, 123

  debt and, 114

  Fort Jackson Treaty and, 118

  Georgia and, 108

  New York Treaty and, 107

  Shawnees and, 86

  Tahlequah conference and, 156

  western, 139

  Creek War, 117, 118

  Crine (Mohawk), 93

  Crockett, Davy, 132

  Croghan, George, 14, 40, 45, 66

  authority and, 9

  character of, 57–58

  Connolly and, 84

  Fort Pitt negotiations and, 60, 64–65

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 66, 68, 75–76, 77, 80

  Franklin and, 60, 61

  Indiana Company and, 66

  Indian wars and, 89–90

  Lydius and, 75

  Mohawks and, 57

  Montour and, 69

  Peters on, 67

  Revolutionary War and, 93–94

  on settlers, 85, 87

  as speculator, 88

  on Teedyuscung, 39–40

  trip to England, 58–59

  Washington and, 83

  western frontier and, 57

  western tribes and, 88

  Croghan, William, 58

  Crook, George, 233, 234–35

  cross-cultural diplomacy, 12–19

  cross-cultural interaction

  colonial era and, 15–19

  the Crow (Kiowa), 191

  Crows, 171, 226. see also Plains Indians

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 174–75

  Lone Horn and, 175–76

  US sovereignty and, 170

  Crow Treaty (1825), 171

  Cuerno Verde (Green Horn) (Comanche), 166

  Culbertson, H., 175

  Culloden, 67


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