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by Calloway, Colin G.

  Cumberland, William Duke of, 67

  Cumberland Gap, 67

  Cumberland-Tennessee-Kentucky region, 77

  Curler, Arent van, 25

  Currey, Benjamin Franklin, 140, 141, 142, 147

  Custer, George Armstrong, 185, 188, 193, 218–19, 233

  Custer Died for Your Sins (Deloria), 239

  Dagdoga (He Stands). see Watie, Stand

  Daily Alta California (newspaper), 173

  Dakotas, 174, xii. see also Plains Indians

  Dartmouth, Earl of, 82

  Dartmouth College, 42, 52, 74

  Davis, Edmund, 221

  Dawes Act (General Allotment Act) (1887), 234, 236

  Dean, James, 42

  debt, 114–15

  debts, 119

  deeds, 44

  Deerfield (MA), 26

  deerskins, white, 30

  Deganawidah the Peacemaker, 16

  Delaware River, 38, 39, 77

  Delawares (Lenni Lenapes). see also individual Delawares

  calumet and, 34

  Cherokees and, 25, 76

  Croghan and, 61, 64–65, 90

  Detroit conference and, 105

  Fort Pitt Treaty and, 96–97

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 65, 68, 75

  Fort Wayne Treaty and, 116

  Hurons and, 25

  Iroquois and, 25, 54

  Jefferson and, 113–14

  W. Johnson and, 76

  Johnson Hall conference and, 59–60

  Mahicans and, 25

  Morgan and, 96

  Ojibwes and, 25

  T. Penn and, 38

  Pennsylvania and, 30, 38–39

  Peters and, 68

  reservations, 219

  Susquehanna attack, 62

  Tahlequah conference and, 156

  treaty and, 47–48

  wampum and, 30

  White Eyes and, 97

  women and, 18

  Delaware State, 94

  delegations to London, 15, 30

  delegations to Washington, 98–99, 169, 175, 176, 221, 227, 231, 236–37

  delegation to New York City, 231, 232

  delegation to Philadelphia, 15

  Deloria, Jr., Vine, 239

  DeMallie, Raymond, 16–17

  Denny, William, 33, 39

  dependence, Indian, 99, 100, 134, 229

  dependence, mutual, 19

  De Smet, Pierre-Jean, 175, 189

  Devil’s Horn. see Schermerhorn, John F.

  Diaquanda (Teyohaquende) (Onondaga), 68, 71, 89

  Dinwiddie, Robert, 42, 67

  diplomacy. see also negotiations; rituals

  American, 98, 103, 227

  cross-cultural, 12–19, 98–99

  Iroquois, 24, 53

  Lone Horn and, 175–76

  Plains Indians and, 164–65, 171

  power and, 164–65, 173

  “dirt king,” 104


  Caddos and, 165

  Cherokees and, 150, 152

  germ warfare, 54, 58, 68

  Iroquois League and, 1

  Lone Wolf and, 224

  Plains Indians and, 167, 174

  power and, 13

  treaty locations and, 15

  venereal, 57

  Dodge, Richard Irving, 221–22, 230

  Doer of Justice (Saorghweyoghsta) (William Franklin), 70, 71, 77

  Dog Soldiers (Cheyenne), 183, 193, 195, 209, 210–11, 222. see also individual Dog Soldiers

  Dohate (Owl Prophet) (Maman-ti) (Touching the Sky) (Kiowa), 223, 224

  Donelson, John, 81

  Doolittle, James R., 185

  Doublehead (Cherokee), 123

  Douglas, Stephen, 176

  Douglass, Henry, 196

  Downing, Lewis (Cherokee), 232

  Dragging Canoe (Cherokee), 91, 92

  dress. see clothing

  Drew, John (Cherokee), 161

  drinking. see liquor

  Duane, James, 99

  Dunlap, R. G., 137

  Dunmore, Governor (Lord) (James Murray), 90

  Dunmore’s War, 90

  Dutch, 3, 4, 25, 26

  Dutch language, 42

  Dutch Reformed Church, 153

  Duthu, N. Bruce (Houma), 242

  Duwali (Bowles) (Cherokee), 156

  Eastern Woodland Indians, 46, 114

  Ecueracapa (Leather Shirt) (Iron Coat) (Comanche), 21

  editing, 37

  education, 125. see also schools

  New Echota Treaty and, 145

  Eel River tribes, 116

  Eghnisera (Andrew Montour, Sattelihu), 69

  Egushawa (Augooshaway) (Gushgushagwa) (Ottawa), 106, 113, 244

  Elliott, Joel, 193, 213–14, 218, 230

  Emlen, James, 110

  empire, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12

  English. see also specific colonies

  calumet and, 32–33

  captives and, 47

  French and, 4, 36, 44

  neutrality and, 2

  wampum and, 31

  western Indians and, 72

  writing and, 35

  English language, 42

  Esopus Indians, 37, 295n125

  ethnic cleansing, 9, 121

  Texas and, 156

  Europeans. see also specific nationalities

  colonial era and, 4

  Indian culture and, 14

  Osages and, 165

  protocols and, 12

  Evans, Lewis, 29

  Evarts, Jeremiah (“William Penn”), 131–32

  Everett, Edward, 132

  extermination, 186

  Fairfax, Thomas Lord, 45

  Fallen Timbers campaign, 113

  Fallon, Benjamin, 170, 171

  farming. see agriculture

  “father,” 24, 99

  Fayel, William, 189, 192

  feathers, 30, 34, 64, 102, 194, 197

  Federal Power Commission v. Tuscarora Indian Nation (1960), 239

  fences, 44, 47, 64, 87

  Fenton, William, 67, 70, 79

  Fetterman, William, 185

  fictive kinship, 12–13, 18

  Fillmore, Millard, 174, 175

  First Nations tribes, 5, 10

  Fishermore (Kiowa), 194, 198, 205

  fishing, 240

  Fitzpatrick, Margaret (Adams) (Wilmarth) (Wilmott) (Walking Woman) (Arapaho), 184, 197, 198, 210

  Fitzpatrick, Thomas (Broken Hand), 174, 175, 184, 197

  Five Nations, 1. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations); specific tribes

  flags, 167

  Flatheads (Salish), 169, 171, 179. see also Plains Indians

  Florida, 98, 125, 223, 224

  Forbes, John, 57, 114–15

  Forbes, John and Company, 114–15

  force. see coercion; US military

  Foreman, James, 157

  Foreman, Tom (Cherokee), 138

  Forks of the Ohio, 57, 58, 75–76

  Forsythe, Thomas, 293n90

  Fort Bent, 184

  Fort Chartres, 84

  Fort Duquesne (Fort Pitt) (Fort Dunmore), 57, 69, 84

  Fort Johnson, 52

  Fort Marion (FL), 224

  Fort Niagara, 54, 68, 92, 93

  Fort Pitt (Fort Duquesne) (Fort Dunmore), 57, 58, 69, 84, 85. see also Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778)

  Fort Randolph, 91

  Fort Sill, 219, 222, 223

  Fort Stanwix, 93. see also Treaties of Fort Stanwix (1768, 1784)

  Fox Indians (Mesquakies), 34, 115, 170, 235

  France and Frenchmen. see also Paris, Peace of (1763, 1783); individual Frenchmen

  alliances, Indian, 1, 4, 57, 165

  Britain and, 20, 53, 76

  calumet and, 32–33, 33–34

  English and, 4, 36, 44

  Indian culture and, 14

  Indian support for, 37

  as interpreters, 40

  W. Johnson and, 53

  Plains Indians and, 165–66

  Texas and, 165

/>   Virginia and, 81

  wampum and, 29–30, 31, 32

  Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 189

  Franklin, Benjamin, 6, 58, 60–61, 62, 63, 82, 83, 94

  Franklin, William (Doer of Justice) (Saorghweyoghsta), 58, 66, 70, 71, 77, 81, 94, 248


  Greenville Treaty and, 309n51

  Henderson treaty (Sycamore Shoals Treaty) and, 104

  Indian Springs Treaty and, 118

  New Echota Treaty and, 148, 151

  Pennsylvania and, 38, 39

  private, 2, 4

  French and Indian Wars (1754–63), 4, 20, 22, 44, 47–48, 58, 65–66, 67

  Frightening Bear (Conquering Bear) (Sioux), 176

  Frontenac, Count, 31

  Gage, Thomas, 80–81, 86

  Galagina (Buck Watie) (Cherokee). see Boudinot, Elias

  Gap in the Woods (Howea) (Yamparika Comanche), 236

  Gardner, Alexander, 195

  Gatling guns, 192, 324n29

  Gaustrax (Seneca), 77

  General Allotment Act (Dawes Act) (1887), 234

  George III, 54, 55, 63, 247

  Georgia. see also individual governors

  Cherokee homelands and, 122, 135, 137, 141

  Cherokees and, 118, 121, 129, 131, 134–35, 136

  Corn Tassel and, 134

  Creeks and, 118

  Creeks and Cherokees and, 108

  Hopewell Treaty and, 104

  Indian Removal Act and, 133

  Jackson and, 117

  land claims by, 98

  Georgia, Cherokee Nation v., 134

  Georgia, Worcester v. (1832), 134

  Georgia Guard, 133, 134

  German, John and Lydia, 222–23

  Germans, 5, 42, 57. see also individual Germans

  germ warfare, 54

  gifts. see also specific gifts

  Buffalo Chief on, 210

  captives as, 47, 167

  Cheyenne-Kiowa alliance and, 171–72

  colonial era and, 19–22, 290n39

  Croghan and, 57, 58

  Fort Laramie Treaty, 175

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 66, 71, 76, 77

  as inducements, 46

  W. Johnson and, 52, 89

  Lewis and Clark and, 167

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 194, 202, 205–6, 327n66

  New Mexico and, 166

  treaty and, 167

  US commissioners and, 98

  writing versus, 35

  Gillet, Ransom H., 119

  Gilmer, George, 150

  Girty, Simon, 108–9

  Gist, George (Sequoyah), 128

  Given, Joshua (Givens), 236

  Glen, (governor of SC), 35

  Godfrey, Edward, 202, 218, 324n29

  gold, 131, 133, 172, 185, 233

  Gold, Harriet Ruggles, 126–27

  Good Peter (Oneida), 93, 101, 102

  goodwill, 16, 19, 175

  gorgets, 21

  governments, 17

  Grand Ohio Company, 82, 83

  Grant, Ulysses S., 219, 229, 231

  Grattan, John, 176

  Gray Head (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 195

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 198

  “Great Councillor of the Thirteen Fires.” see Washington, George

  Great Lakes land, 119, 139

  Great Lakes tribes, 54, 61, 240. see also specific tribes

  Great Mountain (Onontio) (Chevalier de Montmagny), 25

  Great Peace of 1840, 5, 172, 197

  Great Peace of Montreal (1701), 1–2, 8, 15, 49

  “Great Warriors’ Path,” 63

  Greenbrier Company, 67

  Greene, David, 135

  Green Horn (Cuerno Verde) (Comanche), 166

  Grey Beard (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 205, 222, 223–24

  Griffin, Patrick, 88

  Grinnell, George Bird, 332n26

  Gros Ventres, 175

  Guastrax (Genesee Seneca), 68, 248

  Guerrier, Edmund, 196–97, 232

  Guerrier, Julia (Bent), 196, 197, 198

  Guipahko (Lone Wolf) (Kiowa), 183

  Gun Merchant (Upper Creek), 48

  Gunter, John, 144

  Gushgushagwa (Augooshaway) (Egushawa) (Ottawa), 106, 113, 244

  Gus-Wen-Tah (Kaswentha). see wampum

  Guyasuta (Kayusuta) (Seneca), 54

  Haldimand, Frederick, 95

  Half Town (Seneca), 100–101

  Hall, S.F., 189

  Hallowing King (Creek), 97–98

  Hamilton, Louis, 218

  Hancock, Winfield Scott, 185, 188, 189, 193, 194, 195, 196, 209

  Harmar, Joseph, 108, 113

  Harney, William S. (Winyan Wicakte) (Woman Killer)

  Brulé village destruction and, 176

  Fort Laramie Treaty (1867) and, 226, 227

  Fort Smith Treaty and, 162

  gifts and, 206, 209

  image, 187

  life history and character of, 187–88

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 184

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 186, 192, 194, 195, 200, 205, 264, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 282

  US Commission and, 229

  Harper’s Weekly (newspaper), 189, 198

  Harrison, William Henry, 114, 115–16, 157

  Hauptman, Laurence, 161

  Having Horns (Bao) (Cat) (Kiowa), 196

  Hawkins, Benjamin, 103–4

  healing, 243

  Heap of Birds (Cheyenne), 223

  Hears the Sunrise (Tananaica) (Voice of the Sunrise) (Yamparika Comanche), 222

  Heckewelder, John, 25–26, 27, 30, 40

  Heizer, Robert, 174

  Henderson, James Youngblood, 242

  Henderson, John B.

  on G. Bent, 184

  attitudes, 186, 193–94, 201

  on buffalo, 202

  Cheyennes and, 209

  Harney and, 187, 200, 205

  on Indians, 180

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 193–94, 198, 201, 202, 205, 209, 210–11, 226, 229

  Henderson, Richard, 91, 104

  Hendrick (Mohawk), 24, 44, 51, 52

  Henry, Patrick, 89

  Herring, Elbert, 143

  He Stands (Dagdoga). see Watie, Stand

  Hiawatha, 16

  Hicks, Elijah, 157

  Hidatsas, 172, 175. see also Plains Indians

  Hillsborough, Lord, 63, 82, 86

  Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 237

  Hitchcock, Lone Wolf v., 238

  Hoag, Enoch, 214

  Holton, Woody, 89


  Cherokee, 122, 135, 137, 141

  Oneida, 110–11

  war and treaties and, 2

  Honey Eaters (Peneteka Comanches), 183, 200, 204, 214–15

  horses, 165–66, 167, 171, 172, 214, 222

  hostages, 91, 100, 103

  houses of elite Indians, 128

  Howea (Gap in the Woods) (Yamparika Comanche), 236

  Howland, John, 189, 198

  Howling Wolf (Cheyenne), 198, 224

  humanitarianism, 182

  human rights, international, 243

  Hunkpapas, 176

  hunting. see also buffalos

  Cherokees and, 114–15, 122

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 91

  Iroquois and, 1

  Jefferson on, 114

  rights, 75

  settlers and, 87

  US expansion and, 107

  Hurons, 15, 22, 25, 28, 40, 105. see also individual Hurons

  Hyde, George, 332n26

  Idaho, 177

  ideology, 42

  Illinois, 60, 61, 105, 115, 119

  “Indian” (“Native American”), xii

  Indiana, 77, 105, 115, 153

  Indiana Company, 66

  Indian appropriations bill (1871), 231, 233

  Indian Claims Commission, 235, 238, 241

  “Indian country,” 172

  Indian department (Britain), 56

  Indian Industrial School (PA), 22

  Indian negotiators, 7

  Indian Office (Bureau of Indian Affairs), 173, 229

  Indian Removal Act of 1830, 9, 132, 133

  Indian Rights Association, 237

  Indian Territory

  Boudinot and, 233

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182

  reservations, 183

  US Civil War and, 161, 163

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  Indian Trade and Intercourse Act (1790), 107, 241

  Indian Trade and Intercourse Act (1834), 172

  Indian wars. see also violence and retaliation; specific battles; specific massacres

  Auglaize River conference and, 108

  boundaries and, 99

  Cherokees and, 91, 92

  Croghan and, 58, 89–90

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 86

  Jefferson and, 114

  Logan and, 88

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 198–99, 217

  military and, 229

  misunderstandings and, 212

  Revolutionary War and, 92, 93

  right of conquest and, 105

  Stanley on, 212

  US Congress and, 105, 185

  US power and, 108

  western frontier and, 85, 111

  industrial revolution, 180

  intermarriages, 18, 103, 126–27, 167, 176, 184, 196–97. see also Métis (mixed heritage people)

  Internal Revenue Act of 1868, 233

  interpretation, 238

  interpreters and go-betweens

  accuracy and, 37

  bribery of, 108

  Caddo, 165

  colonial era and, 40–43

  Comanche, 167

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 175

  Fort Pitt Treaty and, 97

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 68

  Greenville Treaty and, 113

  Lancaster Treaty and, 41

  Lewis and Clark and, 169

  mediators, 13

  Pickering on, 111

  Sandusky conference and, 108–9

  Teedyuscung and, 39

  Iowas, 156, 170, 174, 235

  Irish traders, 9. see also individual Irish traders

  Iron Coat (Leather Shirt) (Ecueracapa) (Comanche), 21

  Iroquoian languages, 41, 42

  Iroquois Chain of Friendship, 24

  Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations). see also member nations; sub-tribes; individual representatives

  Albany conference, 92

  boundaries and, 72

  British and, 49–50, 53, 54, 85–86

  calumet and, 34

  Canandaigua Treaty and, 110–11

  Cherokees and, 25, 63–65

  claims of, 9

  Croghan and, 57, 90

  cross-cultural interactions and, 16

  Detroit conference and, 105

  diplomacy, 24, 53

  elder/younger brothers of, 24

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 45, 50, 66, 68, 74–80, 79–80, 85, 89, 100

  gifts and, 20–21

  government of, 17

  Indiana Company and, 66

  W. Johnson and, 51, 52, 56, 59, 62, 64, 88

  Johnson Hall conference and, 59–60

  Kayaderosseras patent and, 65

  kinship and, 24–25

  Lydius and, 75

  memory and, 36


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