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Once in a Lifetime

Page 18

by Caila Olsen

  Chapter 18


  “So now that you have officially booked your flights and rooms, what do you two plan on doing while you’re there?” I type on my device.

  Riley looks over at Sam, “What are we going to do?” she inquires.

  “I don’t know,” Sam replies. “Just go and see where the day takes us.”

  “You are dragging me on this trip and you don’t even know what we are doing for a week?” Riley asks, sounding annoyed.

  “I mean, I have a general idea of what I would like to do, but a set schedule I don’t have,” Sam says.

  “Okay, like what?” Riley asks, tilting her head in Sam’s direction.

  “Just wander around and explore,” Sam says.

  “Sam, you have known Riley for how long and you still suggest to her wandering around and exploring?” I type.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Riley asks sounding a bit offended by my comment.

  “It’s just that I know you and I know that you need to have every little thing planned out. Wandering around isn’t the kind of thing you typically do,” I type.

  “I can handle not having a schedule,” Riley says in defense.

  Sam folds her arms together and looks straight at Riley. “So you trust me on this then?”

  “Can we at least plan out a general idea of what each day will look like?” Riley asks.

  “Trust me on this Riles. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Just sit back and come along for the ride,” Sam says as she leans back in her chair.

  “I give you my permission to just let loose and do whatever Riles,” I type. “Whatever Sam tells you to do, do it. You won’t regret it.” She may not want to listen to Sam, but I know for sure she won’t be able to say no to me. I mean, who can resist my big blue eyes?

  “Fine,” Riley says, giving in, “But can I just do my own research to see myself where we are going?”

  “I suppose,” Sam says. “Research only though, promise?”

  “Pinkie promise,” Riley says as she and Sam intertwine their pinkie fingers together.

  “Great, we have that problem solved,” I type breathing out a sigh of relief. “Just no fighting on this trip now. You won’t have me to intervene and things could get ugly.”

  Riley slaps my shoulder, “Everything will be okay. We have lived in the same house now for a year, I am sure we can handle a trip together.”

  “I know, I am just joking with you,” I type.

  “What do you boys have planned when we are away?” Sam asks.

  “Sit at home and sulk because they can’t go on an awesome trip like us,” Riley teases.

  “No, men don’t sulk,” I type. “We have a week of some intense football training planned. Coach is going to let us use the field to practice.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Sam says. “Ethan will finally be outdoors and active for once this summer. He has been glued to his games.”

  “This injury set me back, I need to get back on my training schedule before fall comes,” I type. “By the looks of it, Ethan does too.”

  “Training?!” Riley says, raising her voice a little.

  “Yes training,” I type. “Is there a problem with that?” I am a little confused right now at her reaction.

  “Aden, you were just in an accident, you have surgery in a few weeks and you need to stay safe,” Riley says sternly.

  “Riley, like I said before, I am fine. I even talked to Dr. Harley about this and he said exercise and training is good for me.” I type. “It’s not like I am running around on a broken leg.”

  “Sure, exercise is okay, but I have seen you guys in training and it’s rough,” Riley says concerned.

  “I am going to just hang out in my room for a bit while you two work things out amongst yourselves,” Sam says, excusing herself from the kitchen.

  Riley and I both don’t notice her leave. “It’s me and Ethan Riley, it’s not like I am practicing with a whole team,” I type.

  “I don’t care, you are still doing really intense physical activity. What if you hit your head and it set’s back your surgery or makes something worse?” Riley says almost shouting.

  “Riley calm down!” I type. If I could speak right now my voice would be right up there with Riley’s.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down Aden. This is your health we are talking about!” Riley barks at me.

  “Give me one second,” I type.

  “For what Aden?” Riley says annoyed.

  I walk over to the living room area and open up a round storage ottoman in the middle of the room. It has become a storage place for all the things I have forgotten here or just leave here so I can have them whenever I come over. I pick up my blue and yellow football helmet and place it on my head.

  “Okay, let’s talk,” I type as I sit back down at the table with Riley.

  Riley starts laughing, her anger slowly fading. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know,” I type. “Things were getting pretty heated a moment ago, so I figured I might have more chance of an injury in here than I do on the field.” I give her a smile.

  “I’m sorry,” Riley apologizes. “It’s just that I am so worried about you and about everything right now.”

  “I know,” I type.

  “Go and have fun at practice,” Riley says to me. “I have noticed your muscles looking a little small from being in bed for the past couple weeks,” She jokes.

  “They’ve shrunk that much?” I type carrying on with her joke.

  “I will be expecting a strong, handsome man to lift me off the plane to my bed when I get back. I am not sure if you’re strong enough to do that anymore,” Riley says teasingly.

  “I will start pumping that iron right away,” I type.


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