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Once in a Lifetime

Page 19

by Caila Olsen

  Chapter 19


  “This hotel is amazing!” Sam squeals with excitement as she opens the door to our room. “Okay, you have to agree with me that I made a pretty good judgment about going with this hotel.”

  “Yes, I have to hand it to you, you did a good job,” I say. “What other surprises do you have up your sleeve?”

  “You will just have to wait and find out,” Sam replies.

  “Knowing you, it will probably be something that I won’t want to do and then you will talk me into your bad plans like you always do,” I state.

  “That’s what friends are for,” Sam says, taking my comment as a compliment.

  “What does our evening look like tonight?” I ask.

  “First things first, let’s get out of these travel clothes,” Sam says sticking her tongue out as she pulls on her oversized sweater. “Make sure to look extra fab for tonight.” She winks at me.

  “I smell trouble,” I say with a small smile forming from the corner of my mouth.

  “Trouble? What Trouble?” Sam says, looking around the room. “We need to start this holiday off on a good note.”

  “Does this meet your approval?” I ask as I hold up a blue flared out skirt and a white lace crop top.

  “Perfecto!” Sam says. “Go put it on girl!”

  I slip on the clothes and make my way to the bathroom to do something with my hair and makeup. I add in a few extensions to add some length and thickness to my hair and pull it up into a high ponytail, Ariana Grande style. I add a bit of concealer under my eyes and a winged liner to my eyelids. I also put on a pair of false lashes. Sam always says that the eyes without lashes are like cake without frosting. We always make sure our lashes are looking their best when we go out. Even if we don’t do anything else with ourselves, our lashes are a must because they can add so much to your appearance without even trying.

  “What are you wearing?” I yell out of the bathroom to Sam.

  “Remember those black pleather leggings I got from Zara a few months back?” Sam asks.

  “Ya, I remember them,” I holler back.

  “I am wearing those with a V-neck leopard print blouse,” Sam says.

  “Meow!” I say. “Ethan is going to be jealous! You better watch yourself tonight.”

  “I have already sent him a few pics,” Sam replies. “It’s fun to tease him knowing he is going to have to wait a week for this.”

  “You’re so mean!” I say.

  “Boys want what they can’t have,” Sam says. “It just makes him love me that much more when I get home.”

  “Oh Sam,” I say. She has the answer for everything.

  “You just about ready there girl?” Sam asks.

  “Just about,” I say, “ I just need to put on my other earring.”

  “Fabulous!” Sam squeals as I come out to grab my purse and shoes.

  “Why hello there tiger,” I say to her. Her hair is done up in big voluminous curls.

  “All right then, let’s go!” Sam shouts.

  Sam links her arm through mine and we head out.

  “So where are you taking me?” I ask.

  “Just follow me and you will see,” Sam says.

  We walk out the front of the hotel and you can see the sun starting to set. The sky is vibrant with colors of rosy pink, scarlet red, blood orange and some deep, velvety purple. It seems like the perfect night for exploring. San Francisco is so beautiful. Like I said before, at night is when the city comes alive.

  We walk about 3 blocks away from our hotel. We pass several old buildings with beautiful architecture. I eye up a few quaint boutiques along the way, making note of where they are, so maybe Sam will let me go tomorrow or one of the days at least. We are not too far from the water and as I look out, I see the lights glimmering in the reflection on the still water. I bet Aden would love it here. Maybe next year we can plan a trip here together.

  “We are here,” Sam points to a modern nightclub.

  “Are you sure we will be able to get in?” I ask. “It looks like they are only letting in people on a list.”

  “Riley, what have I told you before?” Sam asks. “Trust me, I know what I am doing.”

  “You are not going to make me do anything illegal are you?” I say hesitantly.

  “Of course not! Who do you think I am?” Sam says. “Just follow.” Sam takes my arm and pulls me with her to the entrance of the club.

  “Sorry ladies, but you can’t get in if your names not on the list,” the bouncer with a deep voice says to us. He looks very big and strong, I don’t think I would want to mess with him. What is Sam up to? I want to just sneak away and apologize for the misunderstanding.

  “Oh, we are on the list,” Sam says.

  “We are?” I ask.

  “You are?” The bouncer asks.

  “Sam Stuart and Riley Warren,” Sam says.

  The bouncer goes through the list he has on a clipboard in his hands. “Sam Stuart and Riley Warren, right here,” he says, pointing to the names on his list. “May I see some I.D. please?”

  Sam and I pull our I.D.’s out of our wallets and show him. He nods in approval and lets us through the red velvet rope.

  I look over at Sam with disbelief when we get inside. “What was that all about?”

  “Long story short, Ethan plays football with a guy whose friends with some famous athlete’s son,” Sam says. “He made a few phone calls and was able to set us up on the list.”

  “This is so exciting!” I say.

  “Maybe we will even meet a few celebrities ourselves!” Sam says, grabbing my arm excitedly. “Maybe we will see Channing Tatum!”

  “Okay, let’s calm down Sam,” I say, trying to maintain my composure. “I doubt Channing would be here, and besides you have no chance with him.”

  “It’s wishful thinking.” Sam shrugs. “Come on lets go while the night is still young!”

  The music is booming and the lights are flashing. The club is filled wall to wall with people. Sam and I squeeze our way through the crowd to the bar.

  “Two margaritas please,” Sam tells the bartender. He picks up a bottle of tequila and tosses it in the air and catches it, then pours it into two glasses. He puts on more of a show as he mixes the rest of our drink together.

  “Here you go ladies,” he says handing the drinks over.

  We each take one. “He is so hot!” Sam says leaning into me. I shove her shoulder. “Hey, I can look can’t I?”

  “This is amazing!” I say, taking a sip of my drink.

  “I bet we can get plenty more of these without having to pay a cent,” Sam challenges.

  I set my drink down and look at her in confusion. “Now what have you planned up in your brain?”

  “A little game I like to call, see who can get the most drinks bought for them by a cute boy,” Sam says.

  “Sam, remember the two cute boys back home we have? We can’t do this,” I say.

  “Have a few more sips of that margarita and loosen up,” Sam says, taking my drink and holding it up to me.

  “Who said anything about dating these guys? I bet I could get a drink from the tall, dark, handsome guy over there with just a smile,” Sam looks over in his direction and bats her eyes flirtatiously as she catches his eye. He smiles at her with a devious grin. Sam mimics it, then looks away, still smiling. Sam and I both watch as he excuses himself from his group of friends and walks over to where Sam is at the bar.

  “Can I get an appletini for this lovely lady sitting here?” he asks with a slight Italian accent to the bartender who immediately whips up a drink and hands it to Sam.

  Sam takes it and bats her eyes some more at the man who just bought her a drink.

  “May I ask the name of this beautiful lady?” he asks Sam.

  “Sam,” she answers and takes a sip of her drink.

  “Sam,” he repeats, “Short for Samantha?”

  “No, actually it’s Samira,” Sam replies.

; “Beautiful name darling,” he says. “Maybe I can interest you in some dancing?”

  “As wonderful as that sounds, I actually have a boyfriend back at home who would not be happy if he caught me dancing with you,” Sam says sympathetically giving a little pout.

  “Come on, Samira, he will never know. Besides, I bought you a drink, you owe me,” he says as he tries to pull her from her seat.

  “First of all, don’t call me Samira, only my mom calls me that and second, I didn’t ask you to buy me anything so I don’t owe you,” Sam says. “And if you look over to your right, you will see that big security guard over there. His name is Gus and he is a friend and if he sees you trying to touch me or come over here one more time, he will kick your ass out this door.” Sam looks over and waves to Gus and he gives a wave back.

  “Whatever.” The guy turns and walks away.

  “That puts me in the lead one nothing,” Sam says as she turns around and smiles at me.

  “You’re crazy!” I exclaim. “You just totally pissed that guy off. Do you really know that security guy?”

  “Do you really think I would know a security guard here in San Francisco? Of course not!” Sam says, throwing her head back laughing as she starts to feel the effects of her second drink. “Okay, your turn miss goody two shoes.”

  I scope out the room looking for someone to fall for my trick. In the corner is a mid-height man with short dark brown hair and blue eyes. I look at him with big puppy eyes and he notices right away. He smiles and then comes up to me. Poor guy doesn’t know he has just fallen into my trap.

  “Hey beautiful,” he says as he leans against the side of the bar top. “My name is Luke.”

  “Hi,” I say as I turn my chair around so I am facing him.

  “Poor girl, stuck here on the sidelines as she watches everyone around her dance the night away. What happened to your leg?” Luke asks.

  “I would rather not talk about it.” I fake a small tear welling up in the corner of my eye.

  “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” Luke says kind of panicked. Boys never know what to do when the tears start coming.

  “No, its fine. It’s just that I was in an accident while I was on my way to take my dog to the vet. She needed surgery to help fix her back leg so she could walk normal. She was born with a paw that curved in when she walked. She had a hard time getting around. Unfortunately she didn’t make it out of the car crash. Poor Bailey will never know what it is like to run or walk with ease,” I say as I break out into a fake sob.

  “That’s terrible!” Luke says not knowing how to respond to that story. “Can I get this girl a gin and tonic?” he asks the bartender.

  “Thank you, but you didn’t have to,” I say to him as I sniff my nose.

  “It sounds like you have been through quite the traumatic experience. You deserve it,” Luke says. “Do you want to join me over there at my table and maybe I can get to know you better, maybe talk about something else that is happier. Let me at least try and lift your mood. It was my fault to bring up such sad thoughts. I need to redeem myself.”

  “I am actually here with my friend.” I turn to face Sam who gives Luke a wave. “I wouldn’t want to leave her. It is supposed to be our girl’s night out tonight.”

  “I understand,” Luke says disappointed. “Can I get your number at least? Maybe we can hang out another night?”

  I hold out my hand and Luke passes me his phone that he already has opened up to a new contact page. Under first name I put Jazmine and I enter a random number that comes to my head.

  “I guess I will see around then,” Luke looks at the name I put in his phone, “Jazmine.” Then he turns and walks back to his table.

  “Riley Riley Riley!” Sam gasps in disbelief. “Or should I say Jazmine? You lost your dog in an accident? That is pathetic and brilliant at the same time!”

  “Was that too over the top?” I ask.

  “Um no!” Sam says. “Where has this Riley been hiding all this time? You are such a little actress. Does Aden know about your story telling ability? If this is what a little bit of drinking does to you then I can’t wait to see what you do when you get more!”

  “I kind of feel bad about lying to him. He seemed really genuine,” I say. “It was really exhilarating though! You’re up next.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know how I can top that one,” Sam says as she looks around.

  This game of ours went on for another three rounds. By the end of the night I was having a blast. The thought of Aden never came up once in my mind the entire night. Sam was right. I just needed to let loose and have fun for once.

  “Okay Riley I think you’ve had enough,” Sam says, giggling as she takes the last sip of her drink.

  “Me? I think you have had enough! What did you just say to that last guy? I need to go because my cat is waiting for me back at home!” I say trying not to slur my words.

  “Whatever, like your excuse that, my grandma is calling me, was any better!” Sam snorts.

  “I think I need some help walking to the door,” I say.

  “I’ve got you,” Sam says as she gets up from her chair and nearly falls because of twisting her ankle.

  “What have we done to ourselves?” I giggle. “I have a broken leg and can barely look straight ahead of me without feeling dizzy. And you can’t walk period!”

  “Let me see if Gus will help us,” Sam slurs as she gestures over to the security guard to come.

  “Can I help you ladies?” Gus asks.

  “Um, I think it would be safer if I don’t attempt to walk with a broken leg in the state I am in right now,” I say trying not to laugh. “And my friend here is not in the best situation either to help me.”

  Gus rolls his eyes at us. “Wait right here and I will call you a cab. I will help you ladies out to it when it arrives.”

  “Thank you Gus!” Sam yells out to him as he walks away to go call us a cab.

  “I like that guy don’t you?” I say. “He is very nice.”

  “Me too. Don’t you wish you could have a personal bodyguard around all the time?” Sam asks.

  “Didn’t you just feel like a siren tonight?” I ask changing the subject. “We hypnotize men with our charm and beauty, then dispose of them when we get what we want from them.”

  “You’re so right!” Sam laughs, then starts to sing what I think is supposed to be a song of the sirens.

  “Okay, maybe without the singing,” I say covering my ears.

  “Your cab is outside waiting ladies,” Gus says as he comes from behind us. Beside him is another big guy. “I’ve got this one and you can take that one.” He says to the other guy as he helps me up. “My name is Ed, by the way, not Gus.”

  “I think Gus suites you better,” Sam says, “Let’s just stick with that.”

  Security helps us out to the cab and both Sam and I just about fall asleep during our 2 minute ride back to the hotel. I never realized how exhausted I was until now. When we get to the hotel, the cab driver helps me to the front lobby where the guy that works the front desk helps me to our room. Having a broken leg is such an inconvenience!

  Sam and I both don’t bother taking off our makeup or getting into our pj’s when we get to our room. Both of us immediately crash on the bed. I have to admit, this was a pretty good start to our holidays. Tomorrow morning I might regret it after feeling the after effects of this night. For now, I will just enjoy every moment.

  “Let’s not tell the guys,” I say faintly, already half asleep.

  “What happens in San Francisco stays in San Francisco,” Sam whispers back.


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