A Woman in Arabia
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intelligence work of (see Arab Intelligence Bureau)
interests of, 26, 63
legacy of, xix
nation building of (see Faisal I; Iraq)
romantic relationships (see Cadogan, Henry; Doughty-Wylie, Charles Hotham Montagu “Dick”)
undervalued status of, 18
will of, xlii
Bell, Hugh (father)
in Baghdad, xl
and baronetcy, xxxii
and Bell companies, xxxi
and Bell’s failing health, 241–42
and Bell’s final trip to Iraq, 244
and Bell’s romance, 110–11
birth of, xxv
bond with Bell, xi
and Cadogan’s relationship with Bell, 11, 19
capitalist perspectives of, 19
and correspondence, xxiii, 67, 105
death of, xliv
and death of father, xxxii
and death of first wife, ix–x
and Doughty-Wylie’s death, 146
and family vacations, 27
financial difficulties of, 239, 241, 247
and Forth Bridge Railway Company, xxvii
health issues of, xxxiii
in Italy, xxix
Lord Lieutenant appointment of, xxxii
marriage of, xxvi
move to Mount Grace Priory, xliii, 247
and Parliament elections, xxix, xxxiv
and Rounton Grange, xxxii
and Sydney Harbour Bridge, xliii
travels with Bell, xxx, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxix, xl, xli
and women’s suffrage, 18, 19
Bell, Hugo (brother), xxvii
death of, xliii, 246–47
marriage of, xli
ordained as priest, xxxiii
travels with Bell, xi, xxxi, xxxiii, 8
Bell, John, xxviii
Bell, Lizzie (great-aunt), xxix
Bell, Margaret (grandmother), xxviii
Bell, Maria (Mary Shield; mother), ix, xxv, xxvi, xxvii
Bell, Mary (Molly; sister), xi, xxvii, xxxii, 146, 236
Bell, Maurice Hugh Lowthian (brother), xxvii, xxviii, xxix
and baronetcy, xliv
and the Boer War, xxx, xxxi
and death of mother, ix
move to Mount Grace Priory, xliii
travels with Bell, xi, xxx
and World War I, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxviii, 137–38
Bell, Sir Isaac Lowthian, xxv–xxvii
and Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts, xxix
and Bell companies, xxxi
death of, xxxii
and family fortunes, xix
monetary gifts to grandchildren, xxxii
and Mount Grace Priory, xxx
Bell, Thomas (great-grandfather), xxv
Bell Brothers, xxv, xxx
Beni Hassan tribe, 76
Beni Sakhr tribe, 65, 66, 77–78
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 41, 44
Binbirkilise, 42, 46–50, 70, 71, 82
Bin Bir Kilisse site, 47
Boer War, xxx, xxxi
Bolshevik army of Russia, xvi, xxxviii, 196
Bonar Law’s Conservatives, xxxv–xxxvi, xli
books published by Bell, xi. See also publications of Bell
and Arab leadership, xv
and Bell’s expertise in state affairs, 63
Bell’s honorary rank in military, 151, 157
and Constantinople, 97
fame of Bell in, 71
and France, xxxii
Mandate of (see under Iraq)
and Mosul district borders, xliv
and parliamentary elections, xxxiv
Poor Laws of, 19
and post World War I decision making, xv–xvi
property laws of, 19
and suffrage for women, xxxiii, xxxviii, 18–20, 22
British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq, xlv
British Museum, xlii
British School of Archaeology in Iraq, xliv, xlv
Browne, Edward G., 12
Burma, 8
Byzantine archaeological sites, xii, 41, 81
Cadogan, Henry, xxix, 11–12, 19, 111
Cairo, Arab Bureau in. See Arab Intelligence Bureau
Cairo Conference, xl, 164–65, 207
camels, 68, 85–86, 89, 119
caravans, 75
Carlyan, L. A., 148
castle of Ukhaidir. See palace of Ukhaidir
Cecil, Sir Robert, 139, 145–46, 153–57
Chalabi, Musa, 179
Chirol, Sir Ignatius Valentine, xx, xxviii, xxxiii, 70
Bell’s correspondence with, 107n
on Bell’s personal qualities, xix
and Bell’s romance, 106, 110, 112–14, 140, 146
and death of Bell, 251
and Hayyil expedition, 132
and Iraq’s nationhood, 192
relationship with Bell, 106–7n
and World War I, 139, 140–42
Churches and Monasteries of the Tur Abdin, The (Bell), xii, 84
Churchill, Winston, xxxi, xxxv, xl
advocacy for evacuation of Iraq, xiv, xv
and Cairo Conference, 164–65
and Faisal as king of Iraq, 207–8, 210
Middle East role of, xli
sightseeing with, 40
and Treaty of Alliance, 223
and World War I, xxxvi
Cilician plain, 69
Clarence steelworks, ix–x
Clayton, Gilbert, xxxvi
Clemenceau, Georges, 159
climbing of Bell. See mountaineering of Bell
clothing of Bell
in Baghdad, 189, 190
for desert expeditions, 66–67, 79
for dress occassions, 27, 67
and feminine refinement, xix
for mountaineering, 27, 31–32
tiara given to Bell, 224–25
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), xxxviii, 159, 189
Conference of Lausanne, xlii
Constantinople, 97, 204–5
Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan, 165, 212, 219, 230, 231, 245, 250
correspondence of Bell, xx
and the Cairo Bureau, 153
dating of, 67
and desert expeditions, 67, 71, 87
diary entries made in lieu of, 67, 105
and Hayyil expedition, 116–17
and intelligence work of Bell, xii–xiii
Lawrence on, 251–52
and mountaineering of Bell, 29
preservation of, 67
recipients of, xxiii
Cossacks, atrocities committed by, xxxvii
Courtney, Janet Hogarth, xx, 147–48, 241, 242
Cox, Sir Percy, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxvii
amnesty granted by, 210
and Arab leadership, xv
and Bagdad, xl, 176, 177, 187
and Bell’s competence, 158
civil commissioner role of, xxxviii, 164, 179–80, 194, 195
departure of, 227–28
and Faisal as king of Iraq, 219–20
and Florence’s dinner for Faisal, xliv
on Hayyil expedition, 116
and insurrection in Iraq, 192, 194
and Iraq’s nationhood, 166
naqib on leadership of, 199–200
retirement of, xlii
and Tehran assignment, xxxviii, 191
and Treaty of Alliance, xli, 218–19, 222, 225–27
and treaty with Ibn Saud, xlii
critics of Bell, xiv
br /> Ctesiphon, 82
Daja Tribe, 68
Damascus, xxxiv
and Druze, 21
and expedition of 1911, 84–85
and expedition of 1913–14, 86
French occupation of, xl
and Hayyil expedition, 116, 117
interactions with local government, 21
Islamic population of, 80–81
lawless element countered in, 86–87
Darius, 92
Darwin, Charles, ix
Davidson, Sir Nigel, 218
Dead Sea, 64
Delaire, Marie, xxxi, xxxix, 189, 240, 250
Denison Ross, Sir Edward, xxx, 12, 13–14
depression of Bell, 248
and Hayyil expedition, 120, 132–33
and World War I, 138
dervish, Bell’s violent encounter with, xiii
Desert and the Sown, The (Bell), xi, xxxii, xxxiii, 63, 94, 98–99
desert expeditions of Bell, xiii, xxx, 58, 59–104
1900 expedition, 62, 72–76
1905 expedition, 62, 63, 76–81
1907 expedition, 60–61, 81–82
1909 expedition, 60–61, 82–84, 99
1911 expedition, 58, 84–85
1913–1914 expedition, 58, 85–90 (see also Hayyil expedition)
and age of Bell, 59
and archaeological work of Bell, 71, 102–3
and astronomy, 89
Bell’s love of, xiii, 76
and caravans, 75
challenges associated with, 68–69, 81
clothing for, 66–67, 79
correspondence of Bell from, 67, 71, 87
and dangerous encounters, 86–87, 99–100
dressing for, 66–67
enthusiasm of Bell for, 53
and etiquette of the desert, 65–66, 67–68
and expertise developed by Bell, 71–72
and fame of Bell, 71
fatigue experienced due to, 89, 90
and guns, 77, 99–100
and historical reflections, 83–84
and horses, 71, 76, 79
and hotels, 63–64
and language acquisition, 8
lawless element countered in, 86–87
learning curve associated with, 65–67
maps for, 66
and Noah’s Ark, 102–3
and palace of Ukhaidir, xxxiii, xxxiv, 41–42, 50–52, 82, 84, 99–100
provisions for, 89
rafiq’s role in, 65, 123
and recruitment of Fattuh, xxxii
and servants, 69 (see also Fattuh)
and Shakespeare’s works, 14
and tents, 68, 79–80, 98–99
through Syrian Desert to Asia Minor (1905), 45–47
and tribal call-to-arms, 77–78
and Turkish officials, 72–73, 76, 87, 117
watchmen assigned to Bell, 81
and water, 85
weather conditions during, 79, 84, 90
diaries of Bell, xx
in Bell archive, xi
and fatigue of travel, 90
and Hayyil expedition, 116
in lieu of correspondence, 67, 105
publication of, xii
Dickens, Charles, ix, xliv
Dobbs, Sir Henry, xlii, xliv, 182, 229, 252, 253–54
Dorman Long & Co., xxx, xxxi, xliii, 239
Doughty, Charles M., 106, 115, 121
Doughty-Wylie, Charles “Dick,” xxxiii, xxxvi, 86
background of, 106
Bell’s correspondence with, 109, 117
death of, xxxv, 146, 148
diaries written for, xii
and Hayyil expedition, 115, 116–17, 132
mourning of Bell for, 146–47
romantic relationship with Bell, 105–14, 133, 135, 142–46
and Turkish officials, 87
visit to grave of, 148–49, 152
and World War I, 145
and Young Turks’ nationalist rebellion, 108–9
Doughty-Wylie, Judith, 105, 109, 113, 133, 142–43, 145, 148
Druze, 21, 72–74, 76–78, 79, 94
Dughan, Khalil, 5
Edward VII, king of Great Britain, xxxi, xxxiv
Egypt, 156
Elizabeth, queen of Romania, xxviii
epigraphy, 41
Euphrates River, xii, xxxiii, 41, 83, 99. See also Amurath to Amurath (Bell)
expeditions. See desert expeditions of Bell
Faisal I, King of Iraq, xxxvii, xli, 165–66
appendicitis attack of, 225–27
and Arab Revolt, 159–60, 206, 207
and archaeological work of Bell, xlii, 42, 229
background of, 204–7
on Bell’s committment, xiii
and Bell’s final trip to Iraq, 244–45
and Bell’s fluency in Arabic, 9
Bell’s relationship with, 160, 212, 217–18, 230–32
and British Mandate, 218–19, 222–23, 225–27, 231
and the Cairo Bureau, 159
and Cairo Conference, 164–65
and constitution of Iraq, xlii
and coronation ceremonies, 214–17, 218, 219–20
death of, xliv
and death of Bell, 252–53
deposed, xl
as descendant of the Prophet, 204, 210
and end of the Ottoman Empire, 159
European dress of, 233
and extremists and nationalists, 162, 205–6, 218, 223, 225, 226, 229, 230
family of, 25, 232–37
Florence’s dinner for, xliv
and insurrection in Iraq, 227
and Iraq Museum, xliv
and Iraq National Assembly, xliii
as king of Iraq, xli, 207–27
as king of Syria, xl, 162, 207
and Paris Peace Conference, 160, 162, 207
and self-determination for Arabs, 162
and Treaty of Alliance, xli, xliii, 218–19, 222–23, 225–27, 231
Faisal II, King of Iraq, xlv
Fallujah, 89, 215
fame of Bell
in Britain, 71
and death of Bell, 250–51
and desert expeditions, 71
and Lawrence, 166
for mountaineering, 28, 29
and publications of Bell, 94
in Syria, 76
family life desired by Bell, xx, 63
Fattuh (servant), xxxiii
Bell’s appreciation for, 70–71
and dangerous confrontations, 51, 85, 99–100
and donkey, 103
and expedition of 1909, 82
and expedition of 1911, 84, 85
and expedition of 1913–14, 87, 88, 116, 117, 127
health issues of, 108
and Lloyd George, 70
recruitment of, xxxii, 69–70
feminine refinement of Bell, xix
Ferdinand, Franz, xxxv
finances of Bell, xli, 41, 190, 247, 248
Finsteraarhorn ascent of Bell, 26, 28, 29–30, 34–38
FitzGerald, Edward, 12
fleas, 80, 102
and Britain, xxxii
Damascus occupied by, xl
and Syrian mandate, xiv, 78n, 162, 208
and travels of Bell, xxx, xxxix
and World War I, xxxvii, 134–35
French Alps, 28
French language, 10
Fuhrer, Heinrich, 28, 30, 32–33, 36–38
Fuhrer, Ulrich, 26, 28–30, 32–34, 35–38
Georges-Picot, Françoi
s, 78n
George V, king of England, xxxiv, xliii, 251
German language, 3, 10
travels of Bell to, xxxiv
and World War I, xxxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix
Gertrude’s Law of Excavations, 229
Gertrudspitze (Gertrude’s Peak), xxxi, 29
Ghazi, king of Iraq, xliv, xlv, 233–37
Gill Memorial Award, xxxiv
Green Howards Battalion, xxxv
Hafiz, poetry of, 4, 11–17
Haifa, 21
Haldane, Sir Aylmer, 24
Hall, Captain, 149, 152
Hamid, Abdul, 204–5
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 14, 122
Hardinge, Charles, xxviii, 156, 157, 158
Hayyil expedition, xxxiv, xli, 71, 87
artifact acquisitions, 53
Bell detained in, xii, xxxiv, 89, 128–30
and Bell’s correspondence, 116–17
Bell’s understanding of Arab tribes following, 152
dangers associated with, 115–16
and depression of Bell, 120, 132–33
difficulties of travel to, 115–16, 117–24
and expedition logistics, 116
and financial concerns, 126–27, 128, 129
and Founder’s Medal of the Royal, xxxviii, 189–90
Muslim women of, 20–21
and photography of Bell, 130
and regional tensions, 115–16, 117, 127
return from, 130–31
health issues of Bell
from heat in Iraq, 188–89
in later life, 237–39, 240, 245–46
mountaineering injuries, 30
heat in Iraq, 188–89
Hebrew language, 3, 10
Henley, Sylvia, xliii
Herbert, Aubrey, xiii, 152, 158–59
Herodotus, 44
hillsides, structures built into, 48
Hindustani, 3, 8, 10
Hirtzel, Sir Arthur, 161
Hittite archaeological sites, xii, 49, 81
Hogarth, David, xxx, 40, 43, 72, 147–48
and Bell’s travels, xxxvi
and the Cairo Bureau, 149
and death of Bell, 252
and grave of Doughty-Wylie, 152
on Hayyil expedition, 116
and Lawrence, 151
honors awarded to Bell
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), xxxviii, 159, 189
Founder’s Medal of the Royal Geographical Society, xxxviii, 189–90
Gill Memorial Award of the Royal Geographical Society, xxxiv
Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society, xxxv, 132
Prolegomena entry, 42
horseback riding, 64, 68, 71, 76, 79
House of Rashid, 72
Howeitat, 77
humanitarian aid, 185
Hussein, Saddam, xv
Hussein ibn Ali, King of Hejaz, xxxvii, xliii, 160, 204–6, 232, 234