A Woman in Arabia
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Ibn Hadhdhal, Sheikh Fahd Beg, 22
Ibn Rashid, Muhammad, 116, 125, 128
Ibn Saud, xxxi, xxxiv, xliii, 132, 232
and Hayyil, xli
and Mecca, xliii, 234
power of, xviii
and regional tensions, 115–16, 128
treaty with, xlii
and World War I, xxxvii
incarceration of Bell, xii, xxxiv, 89, 128–30. See also Hayyil expedition
and Egypt, 156
and English women, 23
and language acquisition, 8
and Queen Victoria, xxvii
Industrial Revolution, 18
influenza pandemic, xxxix
intelligence work of Bell, xii–xiii, xxxvi. See also Arab Intelligence Bureau
Intrusives, 153, 159. See also Arab Intelligence Bureau
Bell on political future of, 191
Bell’s diminished role in, 229
Bell’s role in founding of, ix, xiii–xiv, 254–55
British administration of, 155–56, 162–66, 176–97, 218–19, 222–23, 225–27, 229
and British School of Archaeology in Iraq, xlii, xliv, xlv
Cabinet of, 214, 221, 222, 225, 226, 229
constitution of, xlii, 229
Cox’s civil commissioner role in, xxxviii, xl, 164, 179–80, 194, 195
declared a republic, xlv
elections in, xlii, 208–9, 214, 229
enemies of, xvi
extremists and nationalists of, xiv, 162, 194, 196, 218, 225, 226, 229, 230, 231
Faisal as king of, xli, 207–27
friends of Bell in, 20
heat in, 188–89
independence of, xiv, 179
insurrection in, 190–94, 201–2, 208
in League of Nations, xliv
and Mosul district borders, xliv
provisional government in, 208
stability in, xv, 207
and Treaty of Alliance, xli, xliii, 218–19, 222–23, 225–27
and treaty with Ibn Saud, xxxvii
tribal population of, xv, 210
women’s emancipation in, 24
See also Baghdad; Mesopotamia; self-determination of Arab people
Iraq Museum, xlii, 52–57
artifact acquisitions for, 42–43, 54–56, 247
Babylonian Stone Room of, 43, 57
Bell’s devotion to, 57, 229, 248–49
as Bell’s legacy, xix
building for, 56
closure of, in wartime, xlv
and death of Bell, 252–53
first room opened, xliii
and Gertrude Bell Principal Wing, xliv, 248, 252
looting of, xlv
and plaque, xliv, 252–53
reopening of, xlv
Iraq National Assembly, xliii
Iraq Petroleum Company, xliv
Ironside, Sir Edmund, 165
Islam and Islamic societies
and Bell’s Hayyil expedition, 125–26
in Damascus, 80–81
and death of Bell, 253
and education, 184
and the Hijaz, 202–3
and King Hussein, xliii
and Koran, 4
and political relations, 97
and self-determination for Arabs, 180
and Sharia law, 180
Shia, 180, 184, 196, 209–10
Sufis, 11–12, 13
Sunnis, 180, 184, 196, 209–10
Wahhabis, xliii, 115–16, 196, 232
women of, 20–21, 22, 23–24, 25
Italy, travels in, xxix, xxx, xxxiv, 3, 7
Japan, 3, 9
Jebel Druze, 72–74, 78, 86–87
Jerusalem, xviii, xxx, xxxviii, 3, 64
Jews and Judaism
and Balfour Declaration, xvi, xxxviii
and death of Bell, 253
and Faisal as king of Iraq, 214
in Palestine, xvii–xviii
and Rages, 91
in Syria, xvii–xviii
and Zionism, xvii
Jordan, xlii, 64
Kadhimain, 54
Kaimmakam, 88
Kara Dagh, 70
Karbala, xii
Kiosk, Yildiz, 97
Kirkuk, 56
Kish (archaeological site), 43, 55, 56
Kitchener, Lord, 136, 205
Koran, 4
Kuntze (climber), 29
Kurds and Kurdistan, xvi, 185, 220–21
Kut, siege of, xiii, xxxvi–xxxvii, 158
Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, x, xxviii
Lake, Sir Percy, 157
Langdon, S. H., 55
languages spoken by Bell, xxix, xxx, 3–10
and Asia Minor, 96
and Bagdad Public Library (Salam Library), 10
and desert expeditions, 63
difficulties experienced in acquisition of, 5
effort devoted to, 63
and range of Bell’s abilities, 21
and translations by Bell, xi
See also Arabic language
Lascelles, Florence (cousin), xxviii
Lascelles, Gerald, xxix
Lascelles, Lady Mary (aunt), xxviii, xxix, xxx, 11
Lascelles, Sir Frank (uncle), xxviii, xxix, xxxix, 11
Laurence, Alec, 22
Lawrence, T. E., xxxiv, xxxvii, xlii
and archaeological work, 52
background of, 152
and Bell’s travels, xxxvi
and the Cairo Bureau, 149, 152, 158–59
and Cairo Conference, 165
compared to Bell, 151–52
criticism of British administration in Iraq, 162–64, 165
and death of Bell, 251–52
on Faisal, 206
fame of, 166
on giftedness of Bell, xviii–xix
and Iraq’s nationhood, 166
mapmaking of, 156
and Paris Peace Conference, 159–61
relationship with Bell, 166
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, xlii, 206
on Turkish massacres, 206–7
and Turkish siege of Kut, xiii, 158
upon meeting Bell, 150–51
and World War I, xxxvi–xxxvii, xxxviii
Leachman, Gerald, 121
League of Nations, xxxix, xl, xlii, xliii
annual report for, 247
and British Mandate, 218, 222
Iraq’s membership in, xliv
and “The Political Future of Iraq” (Bell), 191
and Turkish Boundary Commission, 239
Lebanon, 7
legacy of Bell, xix
Letters of Gertrude Bell, The (Bell), xliv, 250
Lloyd George, David, xxxvii, xli
and Fattuh, 70
and Paris Peace Conference, 159
and suffrage for women, 20
London, 22, 82
MacDonald, Ramsay, xlii
Macmillan Company, xli
MacMunn, Sir George, 157
Mallet, Sir Louis, 87, 116, 117–18
Malta, 7
Mandæans, 172–75
maps and mapmaking, xxxiii, 66, 82, 156
Marius (mountain guide), 27, 30–31
Marshall, Horace, 3–4
Mâr Yâ’kûb at Salâh, 103–4
Massignon, M., 50
Mathon (mountain guide), 27, 30–31, 32
Matterhorn ascent, 30, 32
Mecca, xliii, 65, 211, 233
Medina, 127, 206
Meije ridge ascent of Bell, 26�
��28, 30–31
agriculture in, 186–87
artifacts from, xix
Bell’s political paper on, 180–87
education in, 183–84
famine in, 185
humanitarian aid, 185
and independence of Iraq, 179
law in, 184–85
public health in, 182–83
as racial melting pot, xv
reconstruction of, 181
revenue options in, 181–82
status of, 179
Syria compared to, 155
travels of Bell to, xxxiii, xxxv
tribal population of, xv, 210
See also Iraq; self-determination of Arab people
military service of Bell, xiv
Mill, John Stuart, 18, 21
misogyny, 157
Montagu, Sir Edwin, xvi
Mont Blanc, 28
Morkill, Frances, xli
Morris, William, ix
mountaineering of Bell, xxx, xxxi, 26–39
Barre des Écrins ascent, 28
clothes for, 27, 31–32
and fame of Bell, 28, 29
on family holidays, 26–27
Finsteraarhorn ascent, 26, 28, 29–30, 34–38
Gertrudspitze (Gertrude’s Peak), 29
and guides, 27, 28, 29, 30–31, 32
injuries sustained in, 30
Lauteraarhorn-Schreckhorn ascent, 29
Matterhorn ascent, xxxii, 30, 32, 38–39
Meije ridge ascent, 26–28, 30–31
Mont Blanc ascent, 32
and reputation of Bell, 28
Schreckhorn traverse, 26, 28, 32
training in, 28–29
Urbachthaler Engelhorn ascent, 29, 32–34
and women mountaineers, 27
Munich, Germany, xxxiv
Musée de Cluny, 41
Nabataean ruins of Petra, 65–66
Naji, Haji, xiii, 20, 251
Namrüd, 98
naqib of Baghdad, 197–203, 208, 213, 222, 225, 227
National Portrait Gallery, London, 18
Nestorians, 102
Newcastle University, xi
Nightingale, Florence, 19
Nimrud, Abu, 7
Noah’s Ark, 102–3
O’Brien, Rosemary, xii, 94
office work of Bell, xiii
Oriental secretary assignment, xiv, xl, xlii, 53, 159, 191, 247, 249
Ottoman Empire, xxxiii, 88–89, 115–16, 159
Oxford University, xxviii
Palace and Mosque at Ukhaidir, The (Bell), xii, xxxiv, xxxv
palace of Ukhaidir, xxxiii, xxxiv, 41–42, 50–52, 77, 82, 84, 99–100
Palestine, xvi, xvii–xviii, xxxviii, 7
Pankhurst, Christabel, 20
Paris Peace Conference, xxxix, 159–62, 195–96, 207
Parliament, British, xliv, 18–19, 180, 242
Pasha, Jemal, 206
Persia, xxviii, 59, 91–94
Persian language, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12
Persian Pictures (Bell), xi, 90
“Personhood,” 18
Petra, Nabatean ruins at, 65–66
photographic memory of Bell, 68
photography of Bell
and archaeological work of Bell, xi, 41
and desert expeditions, 67, 120, 130
equipment for, xi, 67
and etiquette of the desert, xxxi
Poems from the Divan of Hafiz (Bell), xi, xxix, xxx, 11–17
poetry of Bell, 11–17
“The Political Future of Iraq” (Bell), 191
politicians, Bell’s perspective on, xiv
Poor Laws of Britain, 19
Princeton Expedition, 96
Principles of the Manufacture of Iron and Steel (Bell), xxviii
Prolegomena, 42
property laws of Britain, 19
publications of Bell, xi–xii, xx
Amurath to Amurath, xii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 99–100
Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia, The, xii, 166–75
Churches and Monasteries of the Tur Abdin, The, xii, 84
Desert and the Sown, The, xi, xxxii, xxxiii, 63, 94, 98–99
Letters of Gertrude Bell, The, xliv, 250
Palace and Mosque at Ukhaidir, The, xii, xxxiv, xxxv
Persian Pictures, xi, 90
Poems from the Divan of Hafiz, xi, xxix, xxx, 11–17
“The Political Future of Iraq,” 191
Principles of the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, xxviii
Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia, xii, xxxix, xl, 180–87
Safar Nameh: Persian Pictures, xxix
“Self-Determination in Mesopotamia,” 196–97
Thousand and One Churches, The, xi–xii, xxxiii, 42, 46, 47, 81, 105
Vaulting System at Ukhaidir, The, xii
Visits of Gertrude Bell to Tur Abdin, 102
public health, 182
Qadir, ’Abdul, 54
Qallat Semaan, 59
Queen’s College, x
Rages, 91–92
Ramadi, 85, 215
Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell, xxxiii, 42, 48–49, 81–82
absentmindedness of, 106, 107
archaeological work of, xii
and ruins of Binbirkilise, 47
writing partnership with Bell, 105
See also Thousand and One Churches, The
Rashid dynasty, xli
Red Cross, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxix, 134–42, 145–46, 147
Reform Bill of 1832, 18
Reinach, Salomon, xxxii, 40–41, 44–45, 96, 252
Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia (Bell), xii, xxxix, xl, 180–87
Revue Archéologique, 40
Richmond, Admiral Sir Herbert, xxxiii, 238
Richmond, Elsa (nee Bell), xi, xxi, xxvii, xxxiii, 146, 236, 238
Robinson Library at Newcastle on Tyne University, 67
romantic relationships of Bell, 11–12. See also Cadogan, Henry; Doughty-Wylie, Charles “Dick”
Rosen, Friedrich, 3, 59, 63
Rosen, Nina, 3, 59, 63
Rounton Grange, xxxii
Bell’s departure from, xliii, 247
and Bell’s romance, 110
demolished, xlv
gardens of, xxxiv
and World War I, 134
and World War II, xlv
Royal Geographical Society, xxxiii
Bell elected to, xii, xxxiv
and death of Bell, xliv
Founder’s Medal of the Royal awarded to Bell, xxxviii, 189–90
Gill Memorial Award awarded to Bell, xxxiv
Gold Medal awarded to Bell, xxxv, 132
time spent working at, 82
Royal Photographic Society, xi, 41
Russell, Diana, 135
Russell, Flora, 135
Russia, xvi, xxxviii, 196
Sabeans, 172–75
Sackville-West, Vita, xliii
Safar Nameh: Persian Pictures (Bell), xxix
safety, Bell’s attitude toward, xiii
Saint-Germain Museum of National Antiquities, 40
Salam Library (formerly Bagdad Public Library), 9–10
Salkhad, 72, 77
Salmond, Sir John, xlii
Samarra, 82
Samuel, Sir Herbert, xlii
San Remo Conference, xl
San Remo Pact of 1920, 78n
Sardis, 44
Sargent, John Singer, xlii, 241
Sauds, 72
Schreckhorn traverse, 26, 28, 32
Self-Determination in Mesopotamia” (Bell), 196–97
self-determination of Arab people
and Arab Intelligence Bureau, 166
Bell’s advocacy for, xiv, 159, 208, 215, 232, 255
and conflict common to region, xv
and France, 162
interpretations of, among Arab groups, 180
Lawrence’s advocacy for, 159
and Lloyd George, 162
opponents of, 155, 191, 232
W. Wilson’s advocacy of, 196
self-fulfillment of Bell, 63
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence), xlii, 206
Shakespeare, William, 14, 122
Shammar tribesmen, xli
Sharia law, 180
Shatt al Arab, xxxv
sheikhs, 98–99
Bell’s influence on, 22
and British mandate in Mesopotamia, 180
dining with, 79–80
and etiquette of the desert, 65–66, 67–68
and Lawrence, 152
tents of, 79–80
warnings about, 98
Shetateh, 99–100
Shia, 180, 184, 196, 209–10
Simon, Saint, 59
skins, inflated, 83
South Africa, xxviii
steel industry, xliii
Stevenson, Robert Louis, ix
St. Lawrence’s Church, East Rounton, xliv
Storrs, Sir Ronald, 152
Strutt, E. L., 30
Strzygowski, Josef, xxxiii
suffrage rights for women, xxxiii, xxxviii, 18–20, 22
Sufis and Sufism, 11–12, 13
Sunnis, 180, 184, 196, 209–10
surveying of Bell, xxxiii
Swiss Alps, 28–29
Sydney Harbour Bridge, xliii
Sykes, Sir Mark, 78, 78n, 196
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 78n
Syria, 58
and Amurath to Amurath, xii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 99–100
bazaars of, 81
Bell’s fame in, 76
Bell’s identification with, 21
and The Desert and the Sown, xi, xxxii, xxxiii, 63, 94, 98–99
and desert expeditions, xxxiii, 63
exploration to be performed in, 96
and French mandate, xiv, 78n, 162, 208
Jewish population in, xvii
language of, 10
Mesopotamia compared to, 155
and nationalism, 163
statecraft of, 94–95
and support from government official, 80
and Turks, 97
Syrian Desert, xi, 76–81, 89
Talbot, Mary, xxix
tea parties of Bell, 21
Temple of Baal, 74
tents in desert expeditions, 68, 98–99
Thomas, Lowell, 166
Thompson, Campbell, 158
Thousand and One Churches, The (Bell and Ramsay), xi–xii, xxxiii, 42, 46, 47, 81, 105
tiara given to Bell, 224–25
Tigris, 100–101
Tod, Aurelia, 23