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Page 22

by Wanda Boyd

  - I want to be a veterinarian when she grows up. - She smile.

  - I'm zootécnica.

  - What is it?

  - I am enabled to take care of small animals, big, zoo animals and take care of food, food plantation for them, breeding these things.

  - How cool! - Victoria speaks with eyes shining.

  - I also think.

  - We have to go. - Margarida the handle by hand, and she reaches out to embrace me.

  - Bye, Ceci.

  - Bye honey. - The strongest hug and feel her perfume.

  I see Victoria get away with the nanny, pointing to all animals. Talk to her had been a balm to my heart sank. Lift off the ground and feel the earth turn again, cling to the fence and take a deep breath. Usually these dizziness only came with the memories, but I had not remembered anything, so it was very strange.

  - Ceci?

  - Hi Mari.

  - It's all right?

  - Yeah, yeah, it was just dizzy.

  - Do you want a ride? I'm going to the house of Diogo, but we can get you there if you want.

  - We took. - The Alana hastens to say and pull the canoe.

  - We? - He asks with a raised eyebrow.

  - Noah, Ceci need a ride and you lost the bet, you owe me an ice cream. So let Ceci at home and you take me in the ice cream parlor.

  - Bet? - I ask, and she laughs winking at me.

  - I was deceived by this brat. But I'm a man of my word, so I will take it in the ice cream parlor. I'll just take the saddles Princess and Thunder to put in the truck.

  He pulls away and pull Alana close.

  - Bet?

  - I made a bet with him and I won. - She shrugs.

  - Behave Alana. Very careful what you do, it can be arrested because of their age.

  - I know, Ceci, do not worry. And again, I know that if you do not behave, he may end up further away.

  - Have you got a ride, I'm going.

  - Bye, Mari.

  The canoe back and accompanied him to the car. The Antonio and other pedestrians take care to bring the animals back to the farm. Upon arriving at the car, push the Alana in front, so that it is between me and the canoe, and I'm at the door. He looks at me and justify it as going down first, better get in the door.

  During the drive to the house, I listen to the canoe and Alana talk. It was clear the tone of adoration she had for him. And I was afraid that she might get hurt.

  - Thanks for the ride - thanks so the canoe park in front of the house.

  - Sure you do not want ice cream with us? - he asks.

  - I just want a bath and bedtime. Thanks for the invite.

  Play a look of behave for Alana and go to the apartment. After a hot bath to relax the muscles, I put my pajamas and go to bed, just wanted to sleep until the next day.

  - I love you - talk to my lips practically glued to his.

  - I love you more, my queen - he pulls me to him and kisses me with desire.

  I hear the applause and shouts, but I ignore it. Had I married my best friend, my companion and the love of my life. It was hard to get there, especially with my parents against it, but now I was his and he was mine.

  We ran across the lawn of the farm where the wedding was being held, he picks me up and strides to the stable, he kicks the door to close it and put me on the floor.

  - I'll get dirty and then can not go back to the party.

  - And that would be bad why?

  - Because your daughter wants a piece of cake - talk and run my hand on my stomach five months, he smiles and kneels in front of me.

  - Hi, princess, dad promises that you will get your piece of cake, but it needs to kiss the first Mom. So close your eyes because you are too young yet to see these things. - He gets up and pulls me into his arms and finally kiss me like we wanted from the moment I put my feet on the site of the ceremony.

  - You are the love of my life, Ceci.

  - And you're mine.

  I hear the bell and I curse the being who came to wake me, even for such a good dream. The Antonio had pulled me to dance while we were alone in the stable. We were just us two, or rather three, since our daughter insisted on kicking my belly to remember who was also present.

  I open the room door and see Edgar holding a bottle of wine. I had completely forgotten that he was coming.

  - Hi.

  - Hi, come in. How was the hospital?

  - One of my patients had a cardiac arrest, so it could not get out to go to the rodeo, sorry.

  - Do not worry.

  - You won?

  - I'm the Rodeo Queen and drum proof champion - speak and he pulls me a kiss. He holds my waist, and I her arms around his neck. The kiss was good, but after the dream I had, I could not take advantage.

  I separate myself from him, I picked up two glasses and go with him to the room.

  - Ceci. I confess that I came here with ulterior motives - speech while opening the bottle.

  - Second thoughts?

  - I like you so much. And I wanted to make love to you, I tried twice and something happened. So I thought I'd try the best of three. - He smiled.

  Thousands of things go through my head right now. Every year I spent with Antonio, the way we made love the last time, what I feel when he touches me, when he looks at me. And even if at the moment he's probably rolling on our bed with Cybele, could not stay with Edgar.

  - Edgar, you're a great friend. But I can not fool you, I feel nothing but affection - talk, trying to be honest. - I fell in love again with my husband and even if it is with someone else, I can not take one more step with you. I do not want to deceive you.

  - Do you think if I had not fallen in love with him, I would have a chance? - Question.

  - I would not be with anyone else but you. But I can not and until we solve this whole mess of my mind and my life, do not think you can get involved with someone.

  Edgar gets up from the couch and lets out a sigh.

  - I'll always be your friend, Ceci, and if by chance one day you wake up determined to start your life, please ...

  - You will be the first to know - speak interrupting, and he smiles.

  - I hope you can solve this whole mystery. I will continue helping you. - He scratches his head and realize that tenses. - Since I saw the lack of the scar, I've been thinking about some things, but do not want to worry about. So I sure, I seek you.

  - What is thinking? - I ask worried.

  - Do not worry, my imagination can be only, so do not want to worry you. - He comes up to me and kisses my head. - In spite of everything and want you to me, I hope in my heart that he realizes what he's missing.

  - Thanks.

  Edgar accompany to the door and take my leave of him, back into the room and stare at the empty room, I was alone. Once lost sleep, I decide to turn on the television to watch something, but my phone starts ringing.

  - Cecilia. - I hear my father talk about the other side of the phone.

  - Father?

  - It is true that is in Bonita?

  - She told you?

  - Not only said it, but said it was destratada for you and even humiliated by that poor man without education.

  Wait, Antônio found my mother?

  - It is no pauper and much less education.

  - I do not care, Cecilia, I want you to come home right now.

  - I can not.

  - How can you not?

  - I'm remembering my past, is doing me good to be here. I have my business and I will not just go away because you want to.

  - You have the chance to start again, Cecilia.

  - Do not want to start! - Cry on the phone. - I wanted my life back, my husband and my daughter.

  - Do you remember her? - He asks low and hardly listen.

  - I remember being pregnant and her moving. I also remember being aborting the hospital.

  - Thank God.

  - As well, thank God, Dad? - I ask confused.

  - I have to go, Cecilia. Bye.

Hang up the phone and stare at the empty room, what my father meant?

  Chapter 38 - Ignatius

  Before cowboy pawn proof, happen proof of the drums. I was taken by a unique anxiety, both wait to see Cecilia disputing, for fear of failing and not win.

  Before Ceci, Alana competed in the same race, but in the Youth category. And is not that the damned have talent? She dismounts Princess and discover who finished with 19, 352/2. Unfortunately another girl reached 19.147 seconds to beat for very little. She lowers her head, upset, but it only lasts a few seconds. Soon to see if recomposing and out of the arena with the nose up, proud of its good brand.

  - You are our champions, daughter! - My father screams and Alana looking in our direction, opening a beautiful smile.

  The stamped pride in my father's face makes me think that one day I would be very happy with the opportunity that they are having, to see their children treading their lives in pursuit of the realization of their dreams.

  - Damn, I really thought she was going to win. Worse she'll be now obsessed with their workouts, and will not rest until victory, next year - Diogo says, me waking from my reverie. I agree, already imagining her riding day and night, nonstop.

  - Do not tell me that! I am even sorry for the princess - I say, unable to contain a smile to imagine my hurricane braids up on the podium.

  The announcer proof of Cecilia and does not take long until it appears. I'm hypnotized, seeing her compete. She rides at Thunder gracefully and goes around the drums so quickly that we see almost in a blur. They work in an enviable sync, and she rides so concentrated that I think that burst a bomb next to her, she did not hear her.

  Finally it concludes the third drum and dismounts. We soon discovered that she broke the record in that category with 15, 892/2. Thrilled, she goes up to the podium, and I want to run to her and kissing madly.

  - Wow! I did not know that my friend was so good at it - Mari says.

  - She's the best, completely unbeatable - says owner Fatima, exuding pride for her daughter. Noto Cybele watching her and fidgeting, somewhat uncomfortable.

  Caetano approaches and greets everyone. His gaze lost in the Cybele and when she greets him, he opens a silly smile. It takes a few seconds for him to realize that I'm facing.

  - Chief, you'd better go. The test will not take to start - he says and looks back at Cybele. Give a dirty look, he soon realizes and disguises.

  - I'm waiting for my sister to go back.

  It was just me talking, soon Alana and Ceci join us.

  - You were wonderful, Alana! - I say and get up to hug her.

  - I did not win, Toti! - She says, crestfallen.

  - But it was second. And I'm sure that next year will win. - She looks at me expectantly, and opens a slight smile.

  - Thanks!

  In this, the Cybele also rises and approaches.

  - Congratulations, Alana! - Eye corner Noto Ceci watching her and scowling.

  When I greet her, she climbs some steps and my father intercepts.

  - You were wonderful, Ceci!

  She blushes and thanks. The Cybele take my hand and disguise the look, pretending to be looking the other way.

  - I think I better go. - She nods.

  - Good luck my love! She says, and I feel a little uncomfortable with his words. I do not know if we were ready for us we call this way. Actually, I did know, and the answer was no, I was not. I gave a peck on her lips and thanked him.

  - Thanks, Linda!

  I realize that it is a little disappointed, so I hurry to the arena, because I'd rather face a bull than a hurt woman. Moreover, it would already take place the draw bull that each competitor would face.

  I was so nervous I did not even hear the anthem of cowboys, much less the presentation of the speaker. When I put my hand in the hat containing the name of my opponent, I close my eyes and twist to be the evil one. I would like to ride him again and beat him, for revenge by Ceci.

  I open my eyes and read the name drawn:


  Escancaro a smile and focus to the maximum until it's time to ride it.

  Caetano helps me to prepare myself and look at the stands in search of the face that always calm me and gives me security in those hours.

  She's looking at me, visibly apprehensive. Instinctively, I take two fingers heart and then to my lips. I know that the calm and that no one else realize that it is a gesture of ours, so that Cybele not hurt you. I open a smile, as I am now ready to start.

  The gate is open and hop over the evil one, mounting it as fast as I can. I can not hesitate or even a second because an error any could mean the end of my life.

  Evil jumps with all his strength and play to and fro. I can take, I know I can. My fingers start to hurt and I'm losing my strength. I focus again focused on scare that took with Cecilia. He could have taken his life right now that we met again. My fingers hurt. If I panic, I fall. Evil pushes its hind legs with all his strength and this time I know my hand will drop.

  Then the bell rings, warning that the time is up. When my fingers give way, I'm already qualified. I can only wait to see if anyone else rating so we can compare the times.

  I wait for the last competitors apprehensive. The latter also is classified, I raise my hands and say a prayer.

  My competitor loses by more than a second, and I run the arena, celebrating. But then again I look into the stands and discouragement hits me. I can not celebrate with the one person I really wanted to impress.

  The tests contain and the shows start. I am meeting my family and friends in front of the barbecue tent, as agreed. Cybele comes running up to me and kisses me, all excited with my victory. When she departs, I try to Cecilia at him. She's not there, but I could swear that even a minute ago she was.

  - Well, cowboy! You won and, as agreed, tonight will be ours. I always keep my promises. - She laughs and pulls me toward the car.

  I look around again to make sure that Cecilia is not even close, and when I realize that not meet, sigh, resigned, and follow the Cybele.

  Once we arrived in freight to her home, she pulls me to her and kisses me passionately. Reciprocate, then it says to enter. I get out of the car and open the door for her. Gratefully, she leaves, but expect me to lock to take my hand and walk to the door of your home. She takes the keys in your purse and opens the lock. After she goes, I follow her and close the door behind me.

  Your house is very cozy. More luxurious than imagined, but no frills excesses. She notices that I am evaluating the environment and asks:

  - Do you like my house?

  - Yes, a lot. Do you have a refined taste.

  She laughs.

  - This is a way of saying that he found my house too decorated?

  - No way. I found it very elegant, suits you - I say. I can not imagine living in a place like this, though.

  - Would you like a glass of wine? - she asks.

  - Of course!

  She goes to his cellar and back with a bottle, which I know does not cost anything cheap.

  - You sure you do not have a simple wine?

  - I have to, but I want to open this, for our celebration requires a full-bodied and tasty drink.

  It serves us and ask:

  - Sorry if I pass the limits to ask, but how could such a place with the nurse's salary?

  - I won that my parents' house. I've lived here since I turned eighteen. But it's not what I want to talk. In fact, I do not want to say anything. I just need it, Antonio. - And then she kisses me, pressing her body against mine.

  His tongue walks through the mine, provocative. I grip on me and fit my hips in her, wanting to relieve my sexual tension, but I know something is wrong.

  I pull her hair up, leaving them suspended so I can kiss her neck, her ear, her collarbone, her neck.

  Below the straps of her dress and see it slide down his body to the ground.

  She's wearing red lingerie as her hair, and I know that any man would be completely crazy to see he
r that way, and it makes me realize how much I'm being selfish. She is a beautiful, amazing, sensual, caring and friendly. The only problem is that it is not Cecilia.

  It reaches the back of your bra to open the lock when I take a step toward him and secure his elbows, looking into his eyes.

  - Do not do it! - I say. It paralyzes and stares at me intently, trying to understand what is happening.

  - I did something wrong? - She asked in a weak voice wire.

  - No way! You just do amazing things, so I'm feeling like the stupidest man in the world. I just can not do it with you when I know I will not be able to repay what you expect of me.

  She looks down, embarrassed, and then begins to wear his clothes.

  - You know, deep down I always knew that sooner or later this would happen. You still love her, right?

  I look at her and I can not even think of hiding the truth. She does not deserve to be cheated.

  - Yes, I still love her. Probably always will.

  She moves her head affirmatively and then realize that out tears from her eyes.

  - Please, do not cry! I swear if I did not know about Cecilia, I would be so in love with you you probably could a court restraining order against me, so boring that I would.

  She laughs and cries at the same time. I want to hold her and comfort her, but I know it only make things worse.

  - I know you're sincere and thank you not take advantage of me, especially when I was half naked in front of her. The problem is not this, Antonio. It's ... - she sniffs and wipes her tears - is that you broke my heart.

  I'm a garbage man, even! Magoo always people around me. How could I be able to hurt a girl like her?

  - I can not do anything else but to ask your forgiveness. Maybe one day you can understand me. I'm really sorry for having hurt you. It was never my intention.

  She nods, but without looking at me. Then I realize that this was the cue for me to go.

  - Goodbye, Cybele! - I say goodbye. She does not answer.

  I'm leaving with my heart in hand. The Cybele was my last attempt to forget Cecilia. If not she was able, no other will be. I realize it's time for me to retire my love life.

  So I'm entering the farm, meet my parents sitting in the entrance of the garden.

  - Son, I thought I would spend the night away - my mother says.


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