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Page 21

by Wanda Boyd

  We all turned to the stands, unless the canoe. After a few minutes, I feel bad for the way I treated him and going after him.

  - Come on, Noah! I'm sorry, I should not have been rude to you. - He looks at me uncertainly.

  - I understood nothing. I just defended her sister.

  - I know, man! I know! - I give a pat on his shoulder and he shrugs.

  After return to the bleachers, I realize that the parade of candidates is over and that the winner would be announced.

  - And now, the result of princesses contest. Third, Rachel Cayman. Secondly, Nubian rock. And first, Barreto Alana.

  All we celebrate while Alana is crowned by the former princess. Neither gave much time to celebrate before the announcer announce the queen contest, and I catch myself looking forward to seeing the costumes that Cecilia would use. As if reading my mind, Cybele hugs me and says:

  - His sister deserved. She was beautiful.

  I agree, and then feel a bowl to end up in my lap.

  - I brought the remains of the cake and coffee that I have prepared for you. Come, boy, because you need enough energy for the race.

  I thank Luzi and open the bowl. All advance in my food, and Luzi is very upset about this.

  - Love and you could get a hot dog for me, right, sweetie? - Mari asks Diogo, and soon began to make fun.

  - Love? Sweetie? Xiii, already emasculated! - I play.

  - Are you overwhelmed, it's all dominadoooo! - Canoe sings, and Diogo blushes.

  - Ladies, gentlemen, cowboys and cowgirls, will start the race queen of our rodeo. These women are beautiful, but only one will have the majesty needed to win. The scheme is the same, will be eighteen candidates will qualify nine three will be awarded, but only one will be the queen. Irraaaaaaaaa! Parades, queens! To parade!

  I start to get anxious when the candidates appear. I try to hide, but I have the impression that Cybele see my discomfort.

  And then, here she comes. She enters a denim dress with a caramel belt, boots and a hat of the same color. The audience recognizes it and everyone starts yelling for his name. She smiles, but I know it's uncomfortable, it begins to move his fingers nervously.

  - She used to compete? - Cybele question and takes me to understand. - Cecilia, I mean. She has run many times the queen of the rodeo?

  - She was queen for three consecutive years - say, and this seems to leave her even more uncomfortable. - You could have contributed as well. Beauty not miss you for this - say, trying to raise their self esteem.

  - No! These contests are not for me. But it's good to know you think so. Thank you!

  She kisses my forehead and I find it cute.

  As we expected, Cecilia is classified. The second phase soon arrives, and the Cecilia is the second to perform.

  The sound of "Butterflies", Victor and Leo, resonates the arena and Cecilia enters jeans, tank top, plaid shirt and boots. Everyone is stunned by this choice of costumes, but Cecilia parade with all its natural charm.

  The announcer asks her about the reason of choosing his costume, and she replies:

  - I wore this outfit because it is the one that is me. I do not want to be anyone but myself, do not want to represent something I'm not. And if my style is not good enough to be queen of the rodeo, so to win the best.

  The audience goes crazy with this response and the noise, as you can see that she won the contest. Only then did I realize that I am standing, applauding. I look to the side and see Cybele staring at me, upset.

  - I got up because I go to the bathroom. I'll be back, okay?

  And so I do. I go to the bathroom and play water on my face. I make my needs, I wash my hands and only then back to the stands. The queen has already been announced, I heard the announcer crowning Cecilia.

  I sit next to Cybele and caught at her hand in mine. She looks at me, but did not say anything, probably still upset with my excitement. Do not delay until Alana Cecilia and join us.

  - Excuse me, guys. Princess and Rodeo Queen passing - Alana says, and everyone hugged her, happy.

  - Congratulations girls! You filled me with pride - my father says.

  In this, Canoe Alana looks up and down, unbuttons his own, getting the race only and offers blouse Alana.

  - Go, Alana! Use this shirt to cover. It's almost naked, with that skirt and top that.

  - Dream on, Canoe!

  In this, we all laughed and Alana and Cecilia are lost.

  - What happened? - Cecilia question.

  - The canoe is not very good ideas today. They are men here in the front row, talking indecencies on Alana and he, and punch several of them also kicked one out of the stands.

  Alana is agape, as well as Cecilia.

  - You did all this to defend myself? - she asks. He says nothing, just grumbles and leaves, embarrassed.

  Ceci and Alana look at each other and realize that Alana confided his feelings to Cecilia. Damn it! Apparently my mother was right even. It must be fate!

  Chapter 37 - Cecilia

  I do not expect to win the rodeo queen competition. Okay I was queen for three straight years, but did not imagine it would be again. Much time had passed.

  Sitting in the stands in front of Antonio, who is embraced Cybele, is bothering me, but while not end the proof lasso the calf could not get out, not have to justify the departure.

  Listen to our group talking, and Alana conversationally with the canoe.

  - He is angry because men are looking at me since I won. - She whispers. - Who looks at me, he take a chunk missing.

  - I think it must mean something - speak and look at him.

  - Kind?

  - Type, he is interested. The problem is age, I think if it were not so, he would have done something.

  - Bag, I still have to wait two years?

  - Unfortunately. - Hug Alana tight. - Maybe not worth it then?

  - I hope - speech and tidies the shirt you're wearing.

  - You will not return this shirt, is not it?

  - No -. She laughs. - As they say in the Capital: lost, cowboy - speech and released a high laugh, and everyone looks at me. - What's it?

  - You lost playboy, not cowboy - speak and wipe the tears of laughter. - In Capital has no cowboy.

  - No? - Asks incredulously.

  - No, only men's suits. - Mari speech and Alana looks at her. - Has boot men, tight trousers and hat. And those who wear suits, sometimes not are so so beautiful.

  - Credo. - The Alana twists the nose. - And women like?

  - They do not know a real cowboy - speak and feel the look of Antonio burning my back. - If you knew, the interior was full of women in the capital.

  - So do not come here - Alana talking and looks at the canoe.

  - Any day I'll take it in the city, to know - speak and she smiles.

  - She's too young to go - the Antonio complains.

  - But she goes with me - talk. - I'm sure your mother will not mind.

  - Of course not. After combining all - Fatima speaks.

  - Please, the test participants of teen and adult drum must go behind the scenes, behind the arena - the announcer and get up, dizzy hits me and I do not feel my legs, two arms grab me and I am pulled.

  - All right, Ceci? - Antônio question in my ear.

  - It was just dizzy. - Speak and Cybele stands up, grabbing my wrist.

  - Her blood pressure is normal.

  - I think it's just anxiety for proof. I am fine.

  - Are you sure? You almost fell from the stands, Ceci.

  - I'm fine, Antonio - speak and move away from him. - Canoe, you would be our helper? - I ask and he gets up quickly.

  - Of course.

  I see Anthony staring at me and I avoid looking at him.

  - Good luck, girls.

  - Thank you, Mom - thank Alana and starts down the bleachers with the canoe behind, watching every step.

  I grab my backpack and go after them. The Alana would participate first, then help the canoe to prepare the princess, wh
ile the Alana is sitting, looking the other participants.

  - Hei. Stare at the girls will not make you win. - The canoe called her attention, rising.

  - I know. But they seem far more prepared than me.

  - Do not think about it, Alana. Focuses on the way - talk.

  - And if I do not win?

  - If you do not win, no problem, next year is another rodeo and you can train quite up there - Canoe talks, caressing on her face and pull away.

  Despite the age difference, I know how much he likes her, it is clear for all to see. So leave them alone, who knows his support to calm her.

  Some participants in my class pass me by, until a to and is watching me.

  - Cecilia? - She asks and I agree.

  - Shit. My hopes of winning were down the drain now. - She sighs. - Good luck.

  - Thank you, for you too - I speak and give a smile.

  As the teen test begins, I go to the Alana is already on the Princess, the easternmost and pull away, since only one person could stay with her, and I was sure that she preferred the canoe.

  Despite the training and everything I said, she was nervous and unfortunately could not overcome the best time of the race, placing second. She descends from Princess and I see tears in your eyes.

  The canoe quickly embraces, and I see that says something to her and she agrees clinging to him. I let them have the time and I'll take the Thunder.

  - Let me put the saddle. - Says the canoe approaching.

  - How is she?

  - Sad, but I told her she would have other opportunities and was not the end of the world. And for those who are participating for the first time, staying in second place is amazing.

  - You is amazing, Canoa. And she is very lucky to have you.

  - Not so, Ceci.

  - Canoa I know we're friends, I remembered you - speak and he smiles. - So, take my advice. It is not wrong like Alana, even if age is a hindrance. Just take care not to hurt her.

  - I will not.

  Monto in Thunder and I hope my time comes. Pisco to Alana, who is sitting a bit away and I get to the gate.

  - And now, ladies and gentlemen, one participant known to all of you, it is not only our Queen, but five consecutive champion in the barrel race. So do a lot of noise, because it deserves, with you our Queen Cecilia Barreto.

  Listen my married name, sends a chill down my spine. The announcer and all participants were treating me by Cecilia Barreto, not Cecilia Avila can not deny that listen to my married name made me well, it was as if I belonged to Antonio again.

  My entry is released and give a touch of the Thunder, who immediately runs to the first drum. We have participated many times in this race, he knew exactly what to do. At the end of the course, I had already established the best time. The other participants make their second round and my time is approaching.

  - Go again? - The canoe question and look at the big screen with the times of the participants.

  - One more. - Speak and he guides me to the gate.

  I return to fly the route and this time try to bend down a little, almost paste me the Thunder, it helps to take a few seconds of my time. Do not go back to the third round, it would not be necessary. At the end of the race, I was first and had won.

  - Congratulations, Ceci. - Alana jumps on me, as the canoe takes the Thunder to surrounded him.

  - Thanks.

  - Too bad I did not win too.

  - Alana, I want to pay attention to what I say - speak holding her hands, and she looks at me intently. - Next year, I will not compete. Although it is good that test and be Queen, it is my last rodeo.

  - You're not coming anymore?

  - No darling. And you will be my replacement. I will train and next year you will be you who will win it all. - I give a smile and she hugs me.

  - I'll do my best, Ceci.

  - I know it will.

  After getting our trophies back to Alana for the stands, the arena was being prepared for proof of Antonio and my heart was tight with worry.

  The worst part of this rodeo would not participate in the barrel race. Would watch the Antonio compete in the bull race. The images of him falling and a bull attacking had returned this week, and I knew how much was dangerous.

  - You were wonderful, Alana - Antônio says, standing up and embracing.

  - I did not win, Toti.

  - But it was second. And I'm sure that next year, you will win.

  - Thanks.

  - Congratulations, Alana. - Cybele speech, and look at her. Unfortunately Cybele was there, glued to Anthony.

  I say unfortunately, because I do not like it, I mean, I do not like, it is what I most desire. If it were not for that little detail, I think we could be friends. Climb the bleachers and some people talk to me, congratulating me.

  - You were wonderful, Ceci. - Magno congratulates me.

  - Thank you - thank bland and sit between Alana and Mari. I look at the canoe, sitting practically glued to Alana and laugh.

  The Antonio down from the stands with Caetano and take a deep breath, trying to calm me.

  The announcer announces the start of the race of bulls and my heart tightens. I see pedestrians entering the arena for the blessing and the song "Blessing of the Cowboys" band West Rocky starts playing.

  I look at the sky and extend hands

  I make my prayer to God

  Bless these cowboys

  They are your children and are heroes

  Lord, you are the creator blesses

  Cowboys of Christ

  Maria, you are tú mother of our savior

  Pour over us your love

  Shanda there Iera-Canda, shanda-there Iera Canda

  Everyone takes his hat to the passage of the image of Our Lady. Busco the Antonio with the look and aftertaste my eyes on him.

  There comes the time of the draw and the hat with the names of the bulls begin to pass through the hands of the participants.

  - Not evil - speak crossing my fingers.

  - Wow, I'm shaking - listen to Cybele talking behind me, and not look at her. - Did not think it was so intense so, the evidence has not even started yet.

  The hat comes at the hands of Antonio, he takes the role, handing the speaker.

  - Antonio Barreto, nº 09, ride the evil bull - the announcer.

  - No! - I speak with a groan, and Alana and Mari embrace me.

  - Calm, Ceci, Antônio already set up the evil and won - the canoe talks, trying to calm me.

  - This was the bull that attacked you? - Cybele question and I agree. - Damn it.

  - Calm down, girls will be all right - the Great speech, and grab the hands of Alana.

  The race starts and Anthony would be the fifth to ride, the ten participants by lottery. As one by one go by, my nervousness increases. The Antonio begins to prepare with the help of Caetano, see when he looks into the stands, our eyes meet and he takes two fingers to the heart and then to his lips, and I smile.

  I remembered this gesture was his way of sending me a kiss and calm down before participating. His way of saying that everything would be fine.

  He rides the bull and I get up in the stands, could not sit so nervous. The gate opens and the evil is released, it jumps from one side to the other and pull Alana holding her, the latter were, which seem an eternity, without taking his eyes, the bell of the eight the 2nd rings and he jumps the Malignant. He gestures to the stands and runs, out of the arena.

  - He won. - The Alana vibrates.

  - Not yet, you have five more to participate, and we need to see the points - talk.

  - But it is the best of all, then he will win.

  - That he is the best, I have no doubt.

  The other pedestrians pass through the arena and, as I imagined, none was at the feet of Antonio, but the latter managed to get the eight seconds, and now depend on the points.

  I look at the screen and the final grade appears.

  - He won - speak softly, seeing the classification and Alana cr
ying beside me.

  I return to sit in the stands, as an image reaches me.

  I was in the stands cheering for him after the final grade I ran backstage and threw myself into his arms, who kissed me intensely.

  This time was not right to run up to him, could not hug him or kiss him. Now it was Cybele would do it, I was just one of thousands of his fans at the time.

  - Come, Ceci. - Alana calls me and stand behind her.

  The whole family was going to the meeting with Antonio. As soon as he came, as I expected, Cybele throws in his arms. I pull away from the group and go to where the animals are. I wanted to be alone, not bear to see the Antonio embraced by Cybele.

  - Hi, little horse! - I hear a girl talking and I see that she is reaching out for the Thunder and run to her. The Thunder is a skittish horse and few people can touch it.

  - Careful, honey, he's angry - talk, and she turns to me.

  - Ceci!

  - Hi, Victoria. - I give a smile and me down in front of her.

  - He is yours?

  - Yes it is. He is my comrade.

  - I wanted to have a companion as well. I had the Alvorada, but my father sold my bull.

  - You had a pet bull? - I ask laughing.

  - Yeah, he's a little angry, but I'm the one he likes - speaks with a shrug. - But I wanted a horse. But my father said that we will move in and can not have a horse.

  - Are you going to change?

  - My father got a job in a hospital in another city, so let's go.

  - Got it. - Eye for the Thunder, who approaches and starts to smell her head over the fence. - I think he likes you.

  - He knows I will not do harm.

  - Truth. Animals can sense danger, and he knows that you are not one for him.

  - Victory! - A woman screams and runs to where we are. - What I said to you?

  - Sorry, Daisy, but I wanted to see the horse - responds.

  - Who are you? - She asks me.

  - Cecilia. I met Victoria at a barbecue.

  - I'm babysitting her. This girl tormented both to come, her mother told me to bring.

  - I like animals. I wanted a puppy, a kitten, a horse, a turtle and a parrot.

  - Wow, how many pets.


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