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Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1)

Page 5

by Jack Kelly

  She fell silent as her crying slowed down, " there's a shower" Craig said poking his head out of the door away he just walked through, "are you okay" he asked out of concern "I was just thinking about my sister" she Blatantly answered, "I'm so sorry" Craig said sitting back down, "I think I'll have a shower now" Lauren said jumping up from her set and running to the door.

  She ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind, she went over to the shower to find out it was an electric shower which meant hot water "thank god she whispered to herself. She press the on button of the shower making all the water flow out on to the shower floor. Lauren took her shoes off then her top and bottoms, she quickly hopped in.

  The feel of hot water was over whelming, it brought back the memories of before when her life was easier. She ran the water through her hair, getting out all of the dirt, she poured the water over her body getting rid of the blood, being clean made her feel like a stranger in a world covered in dirt.

  She turned the water off and grabbed the nearest towel and started to dry herself off, once she was dry she walked in to the bedroom beside the bathroom, she look in the drawers to find clothes that would fit her so she took out an outfit and quickly slipped into it.

  Lauren walked back into the sitting room to find Craig lying on the couch, drifting off into a sleep. "The showers free" Lauren said trying to walk him up "wait what?" Craig said jumping up from his lying position "the showers free" Lauren repeated, "Oh I'm okay, I'm just gonna go to bed" Craig said as he sat up from the couch, he grabbed a stool and walked over to the door and placed it at the door to stop anyone or anything from getting through it, the windows were quite small so he didn't worry to much about it.

  "Well, I'll talk to you in the morning" Craig as he walked through the door leading to the bedrooms.

  Lauren sat back down on the couch and continued to dry her hair with a towel, she rubbed the towel against her hair soaking up the water that left her hair looking like a wet rat.

  She through the wet towel on the flower and placed her head on the arm of the couch, her mind was racing, though after though, thinking of the people she talked to or what she would be doing at this moment if she was at home. Lauren and Shannon watch Netflix with there two dogs beside them.

  Her eyelids began to grow heavy on her, taken more effort to keep them open. She slowly drifted off into a sleep.

  "Lauren!" Lauren jumped up from the ground once she heard her name echo through the house "Lauren!" it came again. She followed the voice, leading her through the house, she walked out to the landing and stud at the top of the stairs, staring down into the darkness at the bottom of the stairs.

  She could make out the silhouette of a woman "Hello" she called out try to get her attention. The woman turned around revealing her long blonde hair and blood red lips. "Shannon" Lauren called out as the face of her sister ran through her head "it's all your fault Lauren it's your fault I'm dead" she cried out as blood ran down her face, "I'm so sorry Shannon, I'm so sorry" Lauren cried as she fell on to her knees in tears.

  The sounds of shattering glass shock Lauren out of her sleep, "what the hell was that" she quietly said to herself. She went over to the window beside the door that had been smashed, she paired out of it only to see darkness, she grabbed a torch from a table beside the door. She pointed it outside, flicking the on switch revealed a massive horde of the undead awaiting at the front door.

  Lauren fell back in fright, she was frozen in fear. She quickly jumped up from the floor and ran to Craig's room. "Get up now!!" she shouted at him, he jumped up in a fright "What the hell is going on?" he demanded to know as he ran to the entrance of the bedroom. "we need to get out of here!!" Lauren shouted at him.

  Craig jumped from the bed nearly tripping on the bed sheets, in a panic he ran to the front door. He grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, craig fell backwards at the horror of the undead at the door.

  Arms of the creatures reached through the door way, Lauren ran and slammed the door shut, she pushed her back on the cold hard splintery wood.

  The door began to shake violently against Lauren's back. "Craig get the fuck up now" She screamed at him as the sound glass shattering filled the room.

  Craig jumped up from the floor and began looking around the room for something that could help, "What the hell is that?" he said as he ran over to the corner of the room, he bent down to the ground a pulled a pin from the ground which lifted a small seller door.

  "Lauren we can hide in the seller" he suggested to Lauren. Lauren let her back off the door and ran over to the seller door and jumped in after Craig, she reached back up to closed the door back down, the sound of wood breaking and corpses running into the room filled her ears.

  I can't see anything" Craig said as he felt his way through the darkness. Lauren pulled out the torch she took from up stairs, she switched it on illuminating the pitch black room.

  Lauren ran through the room the seller trying to find a way out but Craig just sat the steps, "Lauren can you stop" he asked her "we have to find a way out" she said searching the seller "we don't, we're safe down here just come and sit" "Fine" Lauren gave in and walked over to the steps, she planted herself down on the floor. "What do we do?" she asked Craig, "We, we" He didn't know what to do

  We find them, we find Jack, Rebecca and Ethan, we can't leave them" Craig said as he stood up and grabbed the torch, he walked around the dimly lit room looking for an idea.

  He walked back and fort looking for something until the light shown on a yellow canister. Craig walked over to it, he shown the light on making it more visible now, it was a gas canister. he had an idea.

  "Lauren take this" he said rolling the can over to the steps, I know what to do. He walked over to the other end of the room to find work bench, it was filled with stiff they need right now. Craig grabbed a bottle of whiskey of the shelf along with an old rag, he ran back to Lauren.

  "What are you doing?" Lauren asked as Craig lifted the canister up on to the steps, " I have a plan, it's not a good plan but its a plan" He said as he opened the bottle and poured a bit of it on the top, "go look for a way out" he said as he stuffed the opening of the bottle with the rag "quickly!!" he shouted at her.

  Lauren ran through the seller looking for a way out, "Craig!! there's a door, it's our best chance" she shouted as she ran back to him.

  "Okay help me with this" Craig said lifting the canister up "open the door" Lauren lifted the lid door up revealing a room full of the dead, Craig rolled the canister out on to the floor, the corpses just looked at it wondering what it was. Craig took a lighter out of his pocket, with the bottle in his other had he lit the rag on fire.

  The flames grow in his hands, he lifted the lid once more and through the bottle into the room. A flash of light and heat filled the room as Craig jumped off the steps, "RUN!!" he shouted at Lauren.

  They ran to the door and pushed it open but it wouldn't move, they both pushed the door with all their strength but still nothing. The room started to fill up with smoke, they pushed it once more and the door swung open, it took them a second to get there balance back.

  They couldn't see far ahead but they didn't care and ran as fast as they could away from the house. Running faster and faster in the dark but suddenly the darkness was lit up by a giant flame of fire which engulfed the cabin.

  They ran through the trees, branches hitting them, they ran faster and faster. Lauren looked back to see the house in flames and corpses walking while they were burning, She turned back and kept running.

  They ran out onto a road, they stopped for a second to look around them but suddenly an RV going at full speed appears from the darkness, the torch shining on it as it got closer and closer. Craig and Lauren froze in fear....

  Chapter 9


  Darkness was all Rebecca could see when she opened her eyes, "Ethan!!" She called out in a panic "Ethan are you there!!" She was terrified, the last thing she remembers was a gun shot, i
s he dead she thought. She began to panic. she jumped up from the ground and began to run in the pitch black room.

  "Ethan!!" she screams out at the top of her lungs, she began to cry for fear of the worst. "Rebecca is that you" Ethan called out, "OH my god Ethan I thought something happened to you" Rebecca reasoned.

  "I need to find a light switch, " Rebecca said as she ran her hand along to wall in the dark, "I think I found it" she announced to Ethan. She flicked the switch on and when the light filled the room Rebecca jumped back in fear as a corpses appeared in front of her face.

  "OH shit!!" she screamed as she fell to the ground, her ass hit the ground first, then her back. She closed her eyes but when she opened them she was greeted with the sight of another corpse, she looked around the room, it was covered in them. She began to scream in fear when Ethan rushed over to calm her down "it's okay, there dead don't worry" Ethan said as he rapped his arms around her.

  Rebecca began to cry in Ethan's arms "It's okay your safe" he said trying to comfort her but he knew for a fact they weren't safe.

  Rebecca pushed Ethan's arm away from her body and stood up, she wiped the tears from her eyes away. "We need to find away out of here," Rebecca said as she began to run through the room minding not to stand on the bodies that littered the room.

  Rebecca walked through an archway which leads into another room similar to the one they were just in except for on aspect, there was a set of stairs leading to a door.

  Ethan ran over to the stairs which Rebecca already started to clime, "Rebecca wait" Ethan called out to her but she ignored him and kept walk up. Ethan began to walk up the steps to follow her until she stopped halfway on the stairs "What’s wrong?" Ethan asked "Footsteps, hide!" Rebecca said as she ran down the stairs and jumped onto the floor. "Under the stairs now, " Ethan said as he ran under the stairs, Rebecca followed which left them huddled in a corner.

  The door opened, shining light into the dull room. The woman descended the stairs, each step heavier than the last.

  when she reached the bottom of the stairs she walked through the archway into the room they were in before. She looked around and a seconded later she ran back to the stairs in a mixture of emotions anger and panic were the biggest once.

  The woman ran back up the stairs and slammed the door behind her, Rebecca and Ethan could her screaming upstairs. They both looked at each other and ran from under the stairs, "find a weapon" Ethan said as he turned away from Rebecca.

  Rebecca ran back into the other room and looked around for a weapon, she walked over to the walk and grabbed a rusted pipe from the wall but it wouldn't move, she pulled it again with all her strength and it broke free from the wall, she stumbled back but quickly got back to her feet and ran back over to Ethan.

  Oka, lets go" Rebecca said as she began to clime the stairs, Rebecca and Ethan reached the top of the stairs and they were ready to leave the dark basement which was covered in the smell of death.

  "Okay on 3" Ethan said readying himself to break down the door "3" Rebecca was scared to find what was lying on the other side of the door "2" Ethan readied himself with a metal poll he found on the floor "1" Rebecca and Ethan through them selves against the door with all there strength causing in to swing open revealing a long empty hall covered in red carpet, doors scattered the walls.

  They slowly walked down the hall, looking at each door. They came to the end of the hall and seen two more halls identical to the last, they started to walk down one of the halls and reached the end of that one. There was only one door at the end of it, "Camera room, STAFF ONLY" written on the door, Rebecca slowly twisted the door knob hoping for it to open. She pushed it and it swung open revealing a dark room covered with computer screens.

  They slowly walked in, hesitant at first but they pressed on. They walked up to the face the monitors, Ethan pulled out the chair at the desk and jumped down on it. He began to type on the keyboard "we need to find the others" he said flicking through different screens.

  He turned on a screen labeled Craig and Lauren "Where are they?" Rebecca asked as Ethan continued to flick through screens "they might have got out" Ethan replied with hope in his voice.

  Ethan turned to a screen to see a video of the woman running through the halls "she's gonna find us" Rebecca said sounding scared. Ethan flicked through the screens as fast as he could until he seen a screen labeled Jack "Oh my god Jack" Rebecca said with sadness "He looks like he's in pain" Ethan said as he pulled up an information menu "Floor 3 room 99" Ethan said jumping up from the chair, he grabbed Rebecca's hand and pulled her out the door.

  They ran as fast as they could through the halls turn after turn running into the same identical hallway.

  They reach a hallway that had a stairwell at the end of it "Floor 1" was written on the wall. Rebecca ran ahead of Ethan through the door and up the stairs, a second later a sign saying floor two appeared Rebecca ran faster up the stairs. Another second a sign saying floor three appeared in her vision, she charged for the door and pushed it open causing it to slam against the wall.

  Rebecca stop at the doorway hesitated to go any further. "Come on," Ethan said as he ran past her, Rebecca followed him running as fast as she could reading each number on each door carefully as not to miss Jack's room.

  They turned a corner which brought them to an identical hallway and at the end of it was the room 99.

  Rebecca charged full speed ahead, nearly tripping. She ran to the door and tried to push it open, "move" Ethan said as he ran full speed into the door causing it to swing open and splinter into pieces.

  Rebecca ran into the room and the sight made her sick, Jack strapped to a chair, bloody and bruised.

  "Is he?" Rebecca couldn't finish the sentence, Ethan crouched down to the chair and put his ear to his chest, "he's just unconscious" Ethan said standing back up to the ground. A wave of relief washed over Rebecca.

  "We need to get out of here," Ethan said as he ripped the tape bounding Jack to the chair.

  Jack started to move his head, "he's waking up" Ethan said, "Ethan is Rebecca" Jack said trying to get the words. "I'm here, I'm okay," Rebecca said running up to him.

  Jack lifted his head and opened his eyes fully "we need to get out of here" Jack tried to stand up but fell back down to the chair.

  Ethan and Rebecca both grabbed his arms and lifted him up, they walked as fast as they could going back through the maze of hallways.

  They reached the stairwell door and they were about to run down the stairs until a spine chilling voice echoed throughout the building " your not leaving... ever!!."

  "It's her" Jack started to panic "I'm fine to walk," Jack said taking his off of Rebecca and Ethan's shoulders, "There's no way out" the voice echoed throughout the building again. "The roof, we can climb down from there" Ethan began to climb the stairs, followed by Rebecca and Jack.

  They burst through the door to the roof, "what now" Rebecca asked "there should be a fire escape" Ethan began searching the roof top.

  The three of them searched each part of the roof but there was nothing, only a high drop.

  "What the hell are we gonna do," Jack said as he looked around for an idea, "it's getting dark we need to get out now" Rebecca stated.

  "Found you's" a sinister voice came from behind them, they were all frozen in fear. Rebecca turned around first "Oh the fear in you, you'll taste so so good," the woman said licking her lips.

  Your not gonna do anything" Ethan turned around followed by Jack, "Oh will I not, I put so much effort into Jack making him soft and juicy, I like it when they drip with blood" the woman's voice so sinister it could scare anyone.

  "Please just let us go" Rebecca begged "can't let that happen," the woman said as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at Rebecca. "You know I really don't wanna have a fight this time so goodbye" Rebecca was frozen in fear she tried desperately to run but her feet were stuck to the ground.

  "Please don't" she started to cry "sorry but I don't like beggars", Rebecca clo
sed her eyes. The air grew silent and time seemed to freeze until BANG!!, "noooo!! Ethan screamed and ran in front of Rebecca. Rebecca opened her eyes to find Ethan in front of her, he turned around revealing and blood soaked T-shirt with hole in it, a bullet hole.

  "No!" Rebecca screamed as Ethan fell to the floor, Rebecca came out of her shock and charged at the woman who was laughing at what she had just done. Rebecca took her by surprise knocking her down to the ground, the gun slid out of her hand.

  Rebecca raised her fist into the air and punched her repeatedly. The woman got the strength to kick Rebecca off of her.

  She stud up and ran to the gun but Jack dove for it, he grabbed it and pointed it at the women, "go on, do it!!" She said "you don't have it in you."

  Jack hesitated for a moment, the sound of laughter rang from the roof and then BANG!! The sound of a gun then silence, BANG!! The gun rang again, and one final time sending a third bullet into the woman's chest.

  Blood began to come through her clothes, she smiled revealing her blood stained teeth.

  "You did it" she laughed, she stepped back on to the edge of the roof. "There's more monsters in this world" she raised her arm up "and I'm just one of them" with one final laugh she fell backwards, Jack ran to the edge of the roof and looked down to see the woman's bloody body on the pavement, a horde of corpses began to walk up to her body.

  Jack turned around to see Rebecca holding Ethan in her arms. Jack ran to him and jumped on the ground, "you have to help him" Rebecca cried out "okay we need to get him to a hospital, or somewhere I can help him" Jack picked up Ethan with all his strength and began to run towards to the stair well, they ran down the stairs as fast as they could and with the exit door in front of them they pushed through it running into the darkness.


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