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Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1)

Page 6

by Jack Kelly

  Jack and Rebecca looked around the car park trying to find the RV, in the darkness Rebecca could still see the out line of the RV and ran for it followed by Jack.

  They ran to the door to see a body that has been half eaten, Rebecca pushed the door open and kicked the body away from it.

  Jack ran inside and placed Ethan on the the bed. Jack and Rebecca ran to the front of the RV to find the keys still in it, Rebecca jumped into the seat and roared the engine to life.

  She put it into reverse and backed up and then into first gear and slammed her foot against the pedal.

  Jack ran back to Ethan's bed and grabbed a towel and placed it on his wound, putting pressure on it the towel began to turn a deep red colour "hold on Ethan" Jack said to him.

  "Jack! We're near Galway" Rebecca said turning around to him "what?" Jack said confused "the GPS says we're in the county beside Galway" Rebecca turned around to him again.

  She turned back to face the wheel but she slammed the break as two figures walked onto the road, the RV came to a slow stop.

  Rebecca looked out of the window in surprise, she jumped up from the chair and ran to the door. She swung the door open to reveal Lauren and Craig covered in dirt and out of breath "OH my god I thought I'd never see your again" Lauren said emotionally as she ran into Rebecca for a hug.

  They stepped inside and Rebecca quickly went back to the wheel and pressed her foot on the pedal.

  Jack stud up as Lauren ran to give him a hug, Craig sat down on the chair "what happened" he asked "He was shot" Jack replied "and what happened to you" Craig ask again "nothing" Jack answered.

  Ethan went in and out of conscious, Lauren was sitting at the table and Craig was asleep as usual.

  The RV was silent until the sound of Rebecca's voice broke the silence "hey guys" Craig jumped up from the bed and everyone stared at Rebecca "welcome to Galway" she said as they passed the welcome sign into their hopeful safe hold.

  Chapter 10

  The RV was silent, Jack fell asleep on the floor next to Ethan and Lauren and Craig passed out hours ago. They were on a route to Galway city and then to Rebecca's granddads, it was just a waiting game in the RV, they didn't know how long it would take to get there or if they would.

  Ethan stopped bleed so that's a good thing but who knows if he'll make it.

  The sun began to break on the horizon, a new day in hell Rebecca thought as she forced on the road. "Where are we?" Rebecca heard the voice of Craig crawling doing from the bed, "I have no idea, but we're in Galway so that's a good thing".

  "Can I ask you something?" Rebecca asked hesitatingly "sure" Craig replied.

  "Why does Jack hate you so much, like he doesn't hate anyone but you" "I done something horrible that I regret, I wish I could take it back" Craig tried to get the words out "I...I"

  "Where are we," Jack said as he got up from the floor "oh Mmm I don't know, somewhere in Galway" Rebecca and Craig went silent with Jacks presence, especially Craig.

  "Hey, what's that" Craig said pointing to a sign ahead. Rebecca read it with delight "Galway city 10 minutes away" Rebecca's Granddad'a farm was only 20 minutes from the city, so another half an hour until safety.

  Lauren!" Jack called to Lauren to wake her up, "what about Ethan" Rebecca asked turning around to look at him "let him sleep" Jack said as he walked over to him and pulled a blanket over him.

  The RV kept driving for another five minutes until it had to stop. "Why did you stop," Jack ask Rebecca as he walks to the front "cars are in the way" Rebecca stood up and walked to the door " we have to move these or we're not going anywhere" Jack, Lauren and Craig followed Rebecca out into the dark. The sun was rising slowly so it was still pretty dark out.

  Rebecca and Lauren went to one car which meant Jack was left with Craig, " let's just move the car" Jack walked to the driver door and pulled it open, he jumped onto the seat and pulled the hand break down "okay fuck face push" Jack said with his hands on the steering wheel "you know you don't have to be an asshole" Craig said as he began to push the car "I'll be what I like" Jack said as he steered the car off the road.

  Once the car was out of the way Jack jumped out of the car but not before he noticed a glock 19 on the passenger seat, "someone left me a present" he thought to himself as he grabbed it and walked over to Lauren and Rebecca.

  "You need help" Craig offered to Lauren as she pushed the car "sure" Craig started pushing with her, the car starting moving faster until it was off the road. Rebecca jumped out and they all started walking toward to RV.

  "Are you ever gonna forgive me Jack" Craig ask Jack as he tried to catch up with up "not until you die" Jack said as he walked faster " look I'm sorry and I wish I could take back what I did" Jack stopped "Craig!, do me a favour and shut up you can't take back what you did and because of that I'll never forgive you" Jack turned around "Craig!! get down" Jack shouted as he raised the gun up as fast as he could, Craig jumped to the ground and Jack pulled the trigger. As a corpse fell to the ground more came running onto the road.

  "Craig!! Run!" Jack said turning around and began to sprint towards the RV. About 10 corpses were on the road, Jack burst through the door to see Rebecca already at the wheel waiting for Jack and Craig. Craig was running as fast as he could and so we're the corpses.

  Craig ran to the RV and was about to jump in until a corpse grabbed his arm. Jack hesitated to help him but he grabbed him and pulled as hard as he could cause Craig to fall into the RV and fall onto of Jack, Rebecca practically put her foot through the pedal as the RV sped away, hitting a few corpses on the road.

  "Craig," Jack said as Craig was on top of him "yeah" "Get off of me" Jack pushed him off of him and stood up off of the floor.

  Where did you get a gun?" Lauren asked "that's a secret" Jack giggled.

  "Well we ain't got far to go," Rebecca said speeding up the RV.

  In five minutes they were seeing the sign for Galway city. They drove onto the mean street excepting to seen loads of people but it was empty.

  They kept driving, they didn't want to stay in the city long even though it was a small one. "Rebecca, stop here, " Jack said pointing to a petrol station.

  Rebecca pulled the RV into the station, they all jumped out and check carefully the surroundings as they don't want any surprises.

  Jack began to fill the RV, he wanted it to go faster as he didn't want to stay there long.

  Once the tank was full Jack to took the hose out and put back on the cap on the tank and followed Rebecca, Lauren and Craig back into the RV.

  "That was weird," Jack thought out load "what was," Rebecca asked, "Nothing happened out there".

  Rebecca turned onto an old dirt road that had a sign with "Oakwood Farm" printed on it. The moment Rebecca saw the sigh her face lite up with joy, actually all of their faces lite up because it meant safety.

  Rebecca quickly pulled up into the garden revealing and old farmhouse. Rebecca stopped the RV and jumped up as fast as she could and ran to the door. Jack opened the door and walked out followed by Craig and Lauren but they were met with the sight of Rebecca's granddad pointing a shotgun directly at Jacks' face.

  Rebecca jumped out of the RV "Stop!!" She shouting, her granddad lowered his weapon at her sight "Oh my god, Rebecca" Rebecca's mother can running from the porch. She ran into her daughter's arms, she didn't want to let her go as she thought the worst had happened.

  "Rebecca, I thought I would never see you again," she said as tears began to roll down her face "I'm okay, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" tears began to roll down Rebecca's face as well.

  Rebecca's mother pulled away, and Rebecca jumped up to hug her granddad who was twice her size. "I don't think I met you," she said to Craig "I'm Craig, I'm Jack's friend" Jack laughed at what he said' "Well I'm Erica."

  "Well, there's someone else you haven't met," Jack said "OH my god, Ethan!" Rebecca ran into the RV. Jack followed after her and picked up Ethan and brought him outside. "Oh my god what happened" Rebecca’s Gra
nddad quickly asked, "he was shot last night." "Okay get him inside and put him on the couch."

  Jack ran inside and quickly found the sitting room and through him on the coach, Rebecca's granddad ran into the sitting room with a medical bag, he jumped down beside him and started checking for his vitals.

  "He got shot last night right?" he asked as he checked his wound "Yeah." Rebecca fell onto a chair behind her, "I got him stable last night but he hasn't woken up in hours" "He's lost a lot of blood, I'm Michael by the way," he said as checked for his pulse.

  Michael stood up and walked outside the room, Rebecca and Jack followed him. "Can you save him," Rebecca asked "I can, but he lost a lot of blood and I can't help him if he can't get more" "and how do we get more," Rebecca asked as she began to cry "You care about him, don't you" "It's my fault this happened, he saved my life" Rebecca slid down the wall onto the floor "I'll save him," Michael said as lifted her back onto her feet "but someone needs to get him blood or else he'll die"

  Michael walked into the kitchen where Lauren, Craig and Rebecca's parents were sitting. "In order to save this boy's life I need someone to go to the university to get him blood," Michael said as he walked over to the counter table "I'll go" Jack volunteered "I'll go too" Craig volunteered. Jack huffed, but he knew someone else had to go as well, "Okay, get ready we're leaving 10 minutes"

  Jack walked out into the hall, followed by Michael and Craig "I think I have some clothes that will fit you's upstairs" Michael said as he pointed to the stairs "Okay, thanks" Jack said as he began to climb the steps "firsts door on the right."

  Jack pushed the door open and quickly walked into the room, he opened up the wardrobe to reveal a pair of black jeans and a leather jacket, Jack pulled them out and began to untie his shoes until Craig walked in. "So I guess this is where we change," Craig said as he looked in the wardrobe, Jack ignored him.

  "So this will be fun" Craig tried to start a conversation "Look if I need to push you into a horde just to save my life I will, Just because I saved you doesn't mean I forgive you" Jack continued untying his shoes.

  Jack walked down the stairs wear all black, "Jack, come here" Michael called him over "I've done a test and Ethan's blood is A positive so fine a few pints of it" "I'll get as much as I can," Jack said as Craig walked down the stairs

  "Are we ready to go," Craig asked walking over to Jack "well I think you's are but you'll need some weapons" Michael said as he gestured them outside to a small shed beside the house.

  Jack and Craig followed Michael into the small shed when the walked inside they were both shocked to see the amount of weapons hang from its walls. "Holy shit," Craig said with a smile "Well take what you want but you's should take something silent," Michael said backing out of Jack and Craig's way.

  Craig look around the shed and was amazed by what Michael had, he took a cross and a shotgun. He placed the shotgun on a strap and strapped it on his shoulders.

  Jack didn't know what to take, with the number of weapons he had no idea of what to take. He walked to a workbench at the back of the shed and was surprised with what he found, a katana samurai sword. Jazmine is an expert at katanas and she was teaching Jack how to use one.

  "I think I'll take this" Jack said as he strapped the sword on his back "I hope you know how to use it," Micheal said with a chuckle, Jack took a Glock 19 and two holders, one for the one he found.

  "I think we should get going," Jack said walking out of the shed, he started to walk towards an old black pickup truck. Jack went to the driver seat door and Craig went to the passenger seat door.

  "Okay, so Jack you know what to get" Michael closing the driver seat door for Jack "Yeah, a few pints of A positive" Jack said as he turned the key that was left in car " You'll find it in the medical area of the university" Michael backed away from the truck as to let them drive away"

  Jack pulled off of the dirt road and onto the main road and followed the signs back into the city, they would get to the university in less than 20 minutes.

  "Sooooo" Craig tried to start a conversation but Jack ignored him as usual, "Okay that's it!!" Craig said with an annoyed and angry tone "What" Jack asked trying to focus on the road "you'll help some guy who you don't even know but yet you won't talk to me." Jack wanted to ignore him but he knew this conversation had to happen someday.

  "You know why I won't talk to you, because of you I didn't want to live, I felt worthless and ashamed" Craig fell back in his seat from what Jack just said, he never knew he felt like that "I'm sorry" "What you did" Jack did want to say it but he had to "you raped me Craig, and I'll never forgive you for that."

  Craig had nothing to say, no words. That was the first time Jack ever said it out load and now he feels a little bit better.


  The rest of the journey was silent, Craig was thinking about what Jack said. He never knew that Jack thought that suicide was the only way to forgive himself. Craig bearly remembers what happened, he was too drunk that night and if he could he would change everything.

  Jack stop the car in front of the university entrance, the place looked empty. Jack opened the door and stepped out onto the pavement, he got his weapons and began to make his way to the door.

  Craig followed beside him but Jack purposely walked fast as not to be beside him. They walked through the sliding doors and were cautious in their approach.

  Jack quickly ran to a desk with maps on it, he picked one up and began to scan it carefully in order to find the medical centre and the quickest route. It took Jack a minute to find it and it was 5 minutes away, so they had to walk fast.

  "Okay, so we need to follow this hall and go down into the basement that's where the blood would be kept," Jack said pointing to the hall. Craig didn't feel safe going down into a basement but he knew that they had to.

  They walked quickly down the hall and watched their every footstep as to not make any noise and attract unwanted attention to themselves.

  When the finally got to the stairs Craig was hesitating to go down "do we really have to go down there" Craig ask wanting to turn back "yes we do but you can stay here if you want" Jack said as he began to descend the steps, Craig stayed at the top of the stairs.

  Jack slowly made his way down the steps, reaching the bottom he made his way to the medical centre which was only a few feet away. Jack reached a bug old door with a sign that had "Medical Labs" printed on it, Jack was scared to go in as he didn't know what awaited him, but he knew if he didn't Ethan would die.

  Jack pushed the heavy old door to reveal a metallic room with metal workbenches and glass freezers. He walked up to one of the workbenches to take small rest, he opened a file that was left on the table and him being a bit nosy he decided to take a peek.

  "The Y corporation" was printed in bold letters on the front, Jack began to think about the Y corporation, Y look now when you can look to the future, was their slogan. It was weird Jack thought that a file on a tech and weapons company would be in a medical lab.

  Jack placed the file back onto the table; he stood up and began to search for blood for Ethan. He quickly looked through every freezer in the entire lab, he began to lose hope that he would find it until he seen a sign in the corner of his eye, "Blood" printed on it and an arrow pointing to a door.

  Jack ran to the door and pushed it open but was stopped in his track as there was a body lying in between him and the fridge with blood.

  He grabbed onto the handle of his sword just in case it was a corpse and it jumped up for him. He slowly crept over the body as quietly as he could, too afraid to make a sound.

  Once he finally got both feet over the corpse he quietly ran to the freezer and pulled open the door. He scanned through the labels until he seen what he was looking for, A positive blood.

  He took two and stuffed them in his jacket pockets, he closed the freezer door and slowly backed away. He put one foot over the corpses and then another, he moved quietly as possible.

  Jack didn't take his eye
off the corpses as he was walking out of the room, he was walking backwards so he could watch the corpses, as he turned round he began to run but accidently ran into a small table causing a glass flask to fall and smash on the floor.

  Jack froze from shock as he heard the corpses begin to wake up, he turned around to see it jump up and charge at him, Jack grabbed the handle of his sword and pulled it out of its holder, the corpses ran up to him but Jack lifted the sword and swung it cutting off its head.

  Blood splattered onto Jack's face as the corpses fell to the ground. Jack was relieved as the corpse didn't cause to much trouble. BANG!!. The sound of a shotgun rang throughout the entire building.

  Jack ran as fast as he could up to the top of the stairs to see Craig firing into a horde of corpses, Jack put his sword back into its cover and pulled out his two Glocks.

  "We need to get out of here" Jack shouted at Craig, "this way" Craig said running down a hall. Jack and Craig were running as fast as they could, they were both searching for a way to safty but they couldn't find it.

  Nearing the end they saw a window and were prepared to jump through it, Craig lifted his shotgun up and fired at the window causing it to shatter, the kick back from the fire cause Craig to lose his grip and drop the gun.

  Craig kept run and they both leapt out of the window into the morning light, they kept running not looking back.

  They tried to run back to the truck but it was impossible, they ran for miles and miles not looking back at the dead.

  Jack saw an empty field with a truck in the middle of it "in here!" he shouted to Craig as he ran for the truck. Jack pulled the door to the truck open and frantically searched for a key but he couldn't find it or any way of getting it started.

  "What the fuck do we do!!" Jack shouted to Craig who was standing on the back of the truck. A horde of corpses ran to the truck and they were trying to take Jack and Craig.

  Jack jumped onto the back of the truck with Craig and tried to fend the off, Jack gave one of his guns to Craig so he could have a chance to survive. Jack pulled out his sword and started swinging at the corpses.


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