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The Warlord Forever

Page 6

by Alyssa Morgan

  “Are you enjoying the food?” Kenna smiled knowingly at him as he finished the plate.

  Was it that obvious?

  He tried to refrain from making too many pleasurable noises as he finished off what remained of the food, but he couldn’t help himself. Each dish was like a work of art. The world had come a long way from the one he’d known.

  As much as he missed his Highland castle, he preferred the modern conveniences he found himself surrounded with. Imagine the things he could accomplish in a world like this. There was nothing a man couldn’t do. No place he couldn’t go. No knowledge he couldn’t obtain.

  “I can’t wait to see what happens when we get to the dessert,” Evan announced, sipping his whisky.

  Ian glanced over at Kenna. She could take the place of any sweet confection the restaurant had to offer. Her simple black dress had a modest neckline and the hem came all the way to her knees, but she’d be beautiful in anything she wore. He was getting used to the new styles of this world, and found he rather liked the way women dressed. He’d learned that Kenna dressed rather conservatively compared to the other women her age, and as much as he wanted to see more, he liked that about her.

  No woman of his would bare so much flesh in public.

  “Do you intend to order one of everything from that menu as well?” Kenna responded to her cousin. “At this rate, you’ll have your father’s bank account emptied in no time.”

  “You’ve got to learn to lighten up, little cousin.” Evan slurred his words, already feeling the effects of the bottle of whisky they’d had with dinner. “If you keep acting like an old maid, you’re going to become one.”

  She glared icily at him across the table. “Being sensible with money makes me an old maid now?” She folded her arms over her chest. “I suppose you’d rather I spent my inheritance without a care and ran around the city,” she said, “kicking my knickers up,” mimicking Ian’s Scottish brogue.

  “I should prefer you only do that with me, lass,” Ian informed her. “I doona like to share my women.” He held back a smile as he saw her face redden with embarrassment. Or maybe it was anger.

  “I think you should quit worrying so much,” Evan replied. “Don’t be afraid of life, live it.”

  “He’s right,” Ian agreed. “I don’t fear anything.”

  Her lips thinned with irritation. “Is that why you sealed yourself inside the tomb?”


  Seeing Ian tense at her harsh remark had Kenna stirring uneasily in the chair. She might have been more careful with her words, but having two men go on about what was wrong with her life, while they obviously had issues of their own, was not something she could take sitting down.

  “Be glad you have not suffered as I have,” Ian said, his voice lowering. “It is because of what I’ve been through that I fear nothing. I only wish to keep the pain of that curse to myself.”

  Kenna’s mouth went dry and she reached for her glass of wine. She had no idea how Ian had suffered. At first thought, being immortal seemed like something everyone would want, but thinking more about it, the loneliness of such an existence must be unbearable. Perhaps she’d been wrong to awaken the warlord at all. Would their lives be better off if she’d left him under the spell?

  “On a lighter note,” Evan said, leaning back in his chair so the front legs came off the floor. “I got a call from channel five news, asking if we had anything to say in response to David’s interview this morning.”

  “What?!” Fury almost choked her. Why hadn’t he told her sooner? David was becoming a problem, especially now that Ian was out in the real world. “Did you tell them we don’t owe that vulture a damn thing? That we have every right to the find, and he’s simply making a mockery of your good father’s name?”

  Evan rocked back and forth in his chair, smiling. “Something like that, though not as colorfully as you just put it.”

  Kenna had to figure out what it was going to take to get David to go away and leave them alone. Ian’s gleaming sword flashed through her mind. There had to be some other way.

  Her special insight wasn’t in agreement with her.

  She had a terrible feeling that things were about to get much worse.

  “If we can manage to get the tomb sealed again, we could give it to him,” she proposed the most obvious idea. “He doesn’t know for a fact that anything is inside it, and no one would believe us about Ian if we told them. That should get rid of him,” she concluded.

  Suddenly it all seemed so easy.

  “I’m afraid he does know about what’s to be found in the tomb,” Ian said. “This man wants immortality, and he’s willing to kill for it.”

  “But that’s just a legend, isn’t it?” Evan sat forward in his chair. “Immortality can’t be found in the tomb.”

  “Not in the tomb,” Ian said, patting the jacket pocket of his suit. “But somewhere else.”

  As much as Kenna wanted to know if it was possible to gain immortality, she was afraid to find out. It would make all of this too overwhelming. She was already having a hard time separating the dream from reality.

  “If the tomb is harmless, I don’t see why we can’t give it to him,” she argued. “It’s what he wants.”

  Ian studied her, his jaw clenched, his eyes slightly narrowed. “When he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, he’ll come back, thinking you’ve taken it from him.”

  “We didn’t take anything!” Her anger bristled. “All I did was read some stupid words, and now here you are. I don’t know anything about finding immortality, and I’m not sure I want to.”

  “What’s the deal with all that?” Evan sipped his scotch. “Doesn’t the legend say the person who opens the tomb will receive immortality?”

  Ian pinned him with a harsh stare. “It says the secret to immortality was buried in the tomb.”

  “What’s the secret?” Evan leaned his elbows on the table, his eyes filled with excitement.

  Kenna could sense Ian didn’t want to discuss it any further, and her curiosity was not going to get the better of her tonight. “Would you leave him alone?” she scolded. “What would you do with immortality anyway? Drink yourself stupid? Have sex with every woman on the planet?”

  “I’d start there,” Evan said. “But then maybe I’d invent something the world has never seen. Something that will change humanity for the better.”

  “The young lad is a dreamer.” Ian’s green eyes flashed as he smiled. “Immortality might not be wasted on you.”

  “Are we really discussing this?” She was appalled.

  She didn’t want to think about what it would mean if Ian could gift a person with immortality. What if he didn’t want to give it to her? Why did it matter?

  “Haven’t you thought about what you would do?” Evan wondered.

  Kenna shook her head. “I wouldn’t want it. People aren’t supposed to live forever.” She thought of the sadness she’d seen in Ian’s eyes. The loneliness he must have felt to make him hide away in a tomb. “I think it would be a fate far worse than death.”


  I think it would be a fate far worse than death.

  Ian couldn’t get those words out of his head. The one thing he wanted in his endless life was a woman to share it with, a woman he could love and who would love him. The first woman he’d offered immortality to had refused it, had refused him, and eventually Kenna would do the same.

  He couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t any easy choice to make. He’d been given no choice, and didn’t know how he’d have chosen if he had.

  Kenna had done more than awaken him from Illora’s spell. She’d awakened his soul. He wanted to live. He liked the world he’d ended up in and he wanted to stay in it. Kenna would be the perfect companion for him; a woman with the right blend of independence and femininity. Her beauty was something that should live on forever.

  But how would he convince her to stay with him? If he made love to her in an attempt to change her mind, there wa
s a possibility he would fail. He’d be left to wander the Earth alone while she died, never to be held in his arms again.

  Gads, the Fates were a bitch.

  But it was the only way. If he could make her love him, she might never want to let him go. She’d beg him to make her immortal, to keep her with him, and so he would.

  Was it selfish to do this to her?

  To keep her forever?

  Only if she didn’t truly love him.

  It was time to find out if she felt anything for him at all.

  He made his way upstairs, passed the room he’d been given, and came to a stop outside Kenna’s closed door. She’d left he and Evan in the study a short time ago to retire for the evening. He knew she must be preparing herself for bed. What sheer scrap of silk would she be wearing tonight?

  He was instantly hard at the thought of her womanly body, all those curves, soft skin and long hair. Every time he touched her, he got closer to having her. She’d been trying to keep him at a distance from the moment she found him in her kitchen, but he intended to keep closing that distance until there was nothing left to keep them apart.

  Ian politely knocked on her door, rather than throwing it wide like he wanted to. He heard her mumbling something as she opened the door.

  “Evan, I seriously think you should—” She stopped short as she saw him standing there, confusion and hesitation flickering in her eyes. “Ian” She breathed. “Do you need something?”

  He let his gaze roam over the black silk nightdress hugging every curve of her body. The front dipped low, exposing the V between her breasts. His mouth watered, wanting to fully taste every part of this amazing woman.

  “I need you, lass,” he stated. “Will you no’ let me in?”

  What would he do if she refused him? He was in need of a woman’s comfort. Of her comfort.

  “You need me for what?” A taunting smile curved her lips.

  The woman dared to toy with him at a time like this? He stalked up to her, forcing her into the room, and slammed the door closed behind him.

  She staggered back, until she ran into the bed and collapsed down on it. It was the first time he’d seen her room, and he only noticed what he could see from his peripheral vision. The large canopied bed, dark, heavy furniture, a sitting area and patio doors, but his focus was on Kenna.

  He came to his knees at the foot of her bed and rested his hands on her hips. Nothing would stop him from claiming this woman at last. He took her mouth, sweeping his tongue inside and twirling it with hers. She put her arms around his neck, wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning into his mouth as he kissed her.

  He gripped her hips tightly, grinding her against his hard shaft, showing her where he wanted to be. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt before she yanked it open, and her gentle hands traced over his chest. He rose up and pushed her back on the bed, lowering himself on her, bringing their bodies flush with each other.

  He’d waited centuries to be with a woman like this.

  He slipped his hand under the black silk of her gown and slid it up her thigh, revealing more of her smooth flesh. The soft sigh she gave told him she had no intentions of stopping him this time.


  Kenna was about to lose her head and make love to Ian. And she was all right with that. She wanted him. Had never wanted a man like she wanted this warlord. It didn’t matter that he was immortal. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t. All that mattered was the way he held her.

  He kissed her until she was delirious from the pleasure; his firm, moist lips sliding over hers, his tongue darting into her mouth. His hand slid under her gown, moving up her thigh until he brushed his fingers over the delicate flesh between her legs, then delved inside.

  Kenna tried to stifle her cry of delight as his fingers moved in and out of her, pushing deeper. His touch was forceful, yet tender, and her body responded, blooming with heat and want. With need. He kept the steady rhythm of his fingers, and pleasure radiated outward, flooding her entire body.

  She let her eyes fall closed, and gasped in surprise when she felt his mouth on her, his tongue circling her clit as his fingers moved, the beautiful pleasure overwhelming her. Never had she experienced a man like this.

  She reached down and took his head in her hands, arching her body into him to receive more of the pleasure he was giving her. He groaned as he pressed his mouth to her, taking her harder, his touch sending shocks of pleasure rippling through her. The passion continued to rise, like the hottest fire, about to reach its divine peak, until her phone rang.

  What the hell?

  She held her eyes closed, ignoring the sound, but the rings were impatient. She felt strangely compelled to answer.

  What time was it?

  She sat up, trying to squirm away from Ian, and he looked at her, shocked, confused. “What is it, lass?”

  “I have to answer that.”

  His look darkened, showing his displeasure. “I’m beginning to think these cell phones are no’ a convenience at all.”

  “Don’t go anywhere,” she told him. “Let me answer this, and then we can do some more of what you were doing to me.” Like a whole lot more. She could stay in bed with Ian for weeks the way he touched her.

  That made him smile. “I may have to start all over.”

  “I don’t mind.” Kenna reached for her cell phone on the nightstand. Unknown number. She didn’t normally answer those, but it was after eleven. It could be important. “Hello?”

  “Is this MacKenna Douglas?”

  She didn’t recognize the indistinct male voice. Unsure of how to answer, she asked, “Who is this?”

  “Connor Flemming,” he said. “I was in Scotland with your uncle.”

  Her heart thundered in her chest and she struggled to sit up further on the bed. Ian tried to keep her under him, but she pushed him away. The one man who might have information about what had happened to her uncle was calling her. She thought he’d disappeared. “Mr. Flemming, I thought you took another expedition to South America.”

  “I could not leave in good conscience without telling you what I know,” he said, “about what happened to your uncle.”

  She knew it! Something had gone wrong in Scotland, and her uncle was dead because of it. “What happened?”

  Ian watched her, a puzzled look on his face. “What’s wrong?” He seemed to sense her excitement.

  “What do you know about my uncle’s death?” she demanded.

  “We can’t talk about it over the phone.” Connor Flemming sounded panicked. “Can you meet me in an hour?”


  “The subway at Union Station.” There was noise in the background as he paused. “I’ll find you.”

  The call ended.

  Kenna couldn’t believe this was happening.

  What was she walking into?

  “That was Connor Flemming,” she said absently. “He wants to meet me in an hour. He knows something about what happened to my uncle.”

  Ian narrowed his eyes, his face even more stern looking than before. “This is too dangerous,” he growled. “You can’t go.”

  Anger flushed her cheeks. He had no right to order her around. Nothing would keep her from finding the truth. Especially him. She didn’t care how good he kissed.

  “I’m going.” She scrambled off the bed and pulled a pair of jeans and a sweater from her dresser drawers.

  “I’m going with you.” Ian rose up from the bed.

  Kenna smiled, but kept her back facing him, not wanting to let him see how much his gallantry pleased her.

  The last thing she wanted was to go downtown on the subway, alone, to meet a total stranger. A man who very well may have killed her uncle. And wanted to kill her, too.


  “Are you certain this is where he said to be?” Ian scanned the crowded platform where they had exited the subway train over an hour ago.

  There was no sign of Connor Flemming. Not that he knew what
to look for. He’d never laid eyes on the man.


  Ian needed to find out if he knew what happened between David Wilkes and Duncan Douglas. If he had witnessed the scene, he could be in grave danger. David would want him dead.

  “He said Union Station,” Kenna replied. “Do you think we should go outside and look for him? Maybe he’s waiting on the surface.”

  “It couldna hurt.” Ian headed for the stairs leading up to the street above them.

  Kenna followed.

  They waited several more minutes, but no one approached them, and no one called Kenna’s cell phone with a change of plan or location.

  Had this all been a trick?

  Or had someone gotten to Connor Flemming before he could get to them?

  “I doona think he’s coming.” Ian watched the crowd. No one appeared to be watching them or trying to make eye contact.

  “Neither do I.” Kenna strained to look at all the people moving around them. “I hope nothing happened.”

  “Do you wish to wait a while longer?” He knew the man wasn’t coming, but Kenna might need more time to realize that.

  She checked her watch. “The last train home leaves in half an hour. We’ll stay until then.”

  Half an hour later and they were back on the train, headed to the Santa Monica station.

  “Perhaps he’ll call you again.” Ian tried to ease her disappointment.

  “I really wanted to speak with him,” she said. “He disappeared so suddenly after my uncle’s death, and I always wondered why, when David wouldn’t leave us alone for a second.”

  “What do you know of your uncle’s death?” He desperately wanted to tell her the truth, but if his suspicions were correct, it would put her in harm’s way. She’d only be safe when David was out of the picture.

  “His body washed ashore the morning after he discovered your tomb.” She looked up at him, sadness lingering in her green eyes. “Some say it was an accident, others a curse.”


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